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English 9 2019-2020

Emily Welch - Room 55

Communication Class Website This year our class will be using a weebly site.
On the site you will be able to find
(403) 328-4723 assignments, deadlines, and classroom
policies. This site will be updated on a weekly
Email is the easiest way to get a hold of me with questions basis. If students are missing any worksheets
or concerns. I will do my best to reply within one to two etc. it is their responsibility to locate them on
school days. the site and print them out on the students
own time (lunch hour, I2, etc)

Class Materials Preparation

Come prepared to class with your binder,
notebooks, writing utensils, & resources.
Organization is essential to your
success in High School. This year Be on time for class. When you are late it
for English 9 you will need a disrupts the entire classroom. If you have to
binder with dividers and pencils. be late for whatever reason please knock
once on the door and I will come let you in at
Bring these supplies daily. All
a reasonable break in the lesson.
other supplies needed will be
available in the classroom for All students will be required to keep some kind
use. of planner to track assignments etc. This can
be done digitally or in a written agenda.

Assessment Responsibility
The transition from Middle School to High School is

45% 35% 5% 7.5% 7.5%

huge. There is a lot of new responsibilities for
students. I am here to support you. Please let me
know if you have any questions or concerns about
Part B PAT: Reading
Major Projects and

Part A PAT: Written

Minor Assignments

Midterm Exam

English 9 this year.

Unit Exams

If you are absent, you are responsible for

completing your make-up work. There is a folder by
my desk with work available if you missed it in class.

It is vital for your success in English 9 that you are on

Powerschool if you have any issues logging in please
see your advisor ASAP.

Winston Churchill High School

Food and Drink Learning Commons
Food is not allowed in room 55. If we have The Learning Commons can be a great space to
class after lunch I do not want to see lunch get extra help when completing assignments.
being brought into the classroom, that is what The Learning Commons is also a great tool and
lunch hour is for. Please use your breaks in the privilege we get at Churchill.We must learn to use
day to ensure that you are not hungry during it correctly in order to use it efficiently.
class time. Bottled water is acceptable during
class time. If you would like to use it during independent
work time please complete a Learning
Commons Planning sheet (located at my desk)
On this form you will need to plan out what you
would like to get done in the Learning Commons
Daily Reading that day.

This year in English 9 we will start each day with Upon your arrival at the Learning Commons you
10-15 minutes of reading. There are books in are to give this sheet to Sarah as you sign in.
the classroom for you to read, or you can bring Please get this sheet back from Sarah at the end
a book from home or the library. All students of the period when you come check back in
are expected to engage in daily reading. You with me.
can choose chapter books, graphic novels,
magazines - As long as you are reading! It is up to teacher discretion when and if students
are allowed to use the Learning Commons.
Students are not to be in the Learning Commons
when I am away and there is a substitute
Homework and I2 time teacher.

I2 time is the last period of the day. This last

half hour is a flex period for students to get Cell Phones
extra help or time to complete their work.
If students are missing assignments or behind Cellphones can be a major distraction to your
they will be expected to stay for I2 time. I2 learning and success in High School. Room 55
time is still school time, do not expect to leave has a cellphone policy in place to ensure that
each day before I2 time. we are all on the same page.
All work will be able to be completed in class
if students use their time wisely. Anything that 1) Cellphones are to be placed at the back of
is not completed in class will be done on your the room on silent in the cellphone hotel.
own time. Please Make use of I2 time for this 2) Cellphones are to remain in the hotel for the
reason! duration of the lesson.
3) If I see a phone during the lesson it will be
placed on my desk until the end of the
4) If this problem persists there will be a
meeting with parents, the student,
administration, and myself.

Quick tech breaks will be given periodically

during this course. Please respect this policy as
it is in place for your success!
English 9 Course Contract
The purpose of this contract is to hold you (the student) and myself (the teacher) responsible for
your learning success this year in English 9. By signing you are agreeing to all of the points below.

Please come see me if you have any concerns about any of the listed points. If students are
unable to sign and submit this contract a meeting will be put in place to ensure a suitable
learning plan is formed.

I, __________________, the student agree to the following points in order to

give myself the best opportunities for success this year in English 9:

• to be on time and prepared with my materials for each class.

• to use the class website as a tool when I am unsure about deadlines or
have misplaced assignments and or worksheets.
• to be respectful of my peers, myself, and any teachers in the room.
• to be respectful of classroom materials that I use.
• to adhere to the room 55 cellphone policy.
• to communicate with Emily when I am unsure about a task, procedure,
or expectation within the classroom.

_______________________ _____________________
Signature Date

Please sign your form and hand it in to Emily

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