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DISTRITAL UNIVERSITY ~ LANGUAGES FACULTY PROGRAM — LENGUA 3 DIAGNOSIS ACTIVITY NAME: = __ DATE: 1. PAST SIMPLE : Fil the gaps withthe correct form of the verbs (in brackets). 1) When he (be) @boy he ___(lko) his job, i (be) fun. 2) They {ve in 2 small iat 7 years ago. 3) She’ (study) history last year. at (Gal) breakfast al 6.00 am this morning. Teycle) home from work. St (go) to the cinema lastnight. (40) their homework. 8) We 7) They (be) very good students, they always 8) Wher he (be) the boss he never TTWialk) to work, he always {teacn) lor a language school, (arive) ____ (speak) a litle English. S}Whent (begin) teaching | 10) When they started this course the stdanis only WH QUESTIONS: Complete the following questions with WH words do you live? -| live in London. 12 's that gir? - She's my sister. 13 do you go to school? - By bus, 14, do banks open? - At eight O'clock, 15 are you wearing that coat? - Becaus= 1 s het! Write question about the words in bold. Example: He drank juice. - What di he drink? 46. They went to Spain. 17. He writes novels, 48. Lacy likes soccer 19. The girls watched @ serial 20. He discovered the truth. MUST / SHOULD / HAVE TO . Take into account the grammar tenses 24. You. speak to your brother and try to solve that problem 22. You ‘come with Us to the cinema; the film we are goin3 to see is marvellous 23. You are practice sport (consejo) 24, Please, we are in the church; you stop making that unpleasant noise 25. Fyou want fo watch TY, first you __ finish your homework 26. If | want to buy a new house | get a mortgage (A mother to her caughter) 27. You cannot go out with your friends. You stay at home because you have fever 28. In internal fights you go to the bank to check in one hour before the departure 28 |__ visit Paris. What @ beautiful city! very fat. You get some money 30, You_ WILL : Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences. Use will-future. in the north-west. (to rain) 32. My friend 12 next Monday. {te be} 33. Hey John! Wait a minute. 1 avwore with you. (to have) 34, She her boss nex week. (to contact) 31. Tomorrow it i _thisjob (0 et) ee Tabout 6 pm. (to arrive) 9 i 37 The eater eS Pr ones. (oe) 38. He the bottle of water. (to drop) in that weather. (to happen) iri 38. Lots of accidents ver the spider. (to scream) 40, She COMPLETE. USE THE CORRECT FORM OF THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS _ to Australfa tonight? (travel ) ports centre after school (90) 41, Alba u 42. My classmates Tt r 4 Francisco Fit Fiaycle this afternoon ( not ride) 44, Pedro his English test tomorrow afternaon (study) 48. Chistian “Rik brother to the shops soon? (take) ihe plants this evening (water) 46. Delia TV this afternoon (not watch) 47, Pablo, 48, Jose Angel and Elihu breakfast tomorrow morning? (make) 48, Veronica The dishes after lunch ( wash) . 80. Borja "_ a book next weekend? (read) THE STUDENTS ARE THINKING ABOUT THEIR PLANS FOR THE DAY, WRITE A NEGATIVE SENTENCE FIRST AND THEN , POSITIVE ONE. SHORT FORMS.Use be going to and the words in brackets: FUTURE with BE GOING TO ____.(go sailing ride a bke) 51. Rafa 52. David (seo dinner / eat in a restaurant) 53. Moisés = canes "play the guar) 54, Kiko. "Tao gymrestics / do homework) 55. José Antonio "_____( draw pictures / play computer games) 56. Andrea ~~ The table / feed her pels) 57. Johnny “foover the floor / read comics) (be sad be happy) 58, Sara and WM Luz 59, The students 60. __ (have a bath / have a shower) (have an English breakfast! have a continental breakfast.) WRITE QUESTIONS WITH THE INORDS BELOW. USE BE GOING TO 61. The girls play /tennis /tomoriow?___ 62. You / meet / your friends/ at the airport Tater? 63. John and Paula / have lunch at we c'clock? 66. Lucas / start /the project /today? ____ 65. Camila / buy /an iPod / soon? __ PRESENT SIMPLE / FREQUENCY ACVERBS: Organize the following sentences 66. Sundays.- bed — | -late - on - iometimes - yo -t0 67. Have - don't - We - eggs - usually - oreak‘ast. - for 68. morning. -a- in- the - They - always - have - shower 69. never - at - does - housework - She - weekend - the 70. to - bus. — usually - goes - Dariel- work - by 71, lunch, - You - the - to - gym - (lo ~ before - never 72. eatly - Fridays. ~ sometimes - - werk - finish - on 73. watch - sport - TV! - always -on - You

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