Riječi Za Suvremeni

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climb/jump/get on the bandwagon - to start doing or saying something that a lot of people
are already doing or saying – used to show disapproval

form a coalition government – form a government containing members of two or more

political parties, usually because no party has an absolute majority

canvass the voters- to try to get political support or votes, especially by visiting all the
houses in an area

receive an ovation – an expression or demonstration of popular acclaim especially by

enthusiastic applause

concede defeat - to admit one has been defeated

renege on something- to go back on one's promise or commitment.

amend the constitution - the process of altering or amending a law or document (such as a
constitution) by parliamentary or constitutional procedure

convens a security council meeting- bring together for a meeting

vote along party lines- to vote in a manner that is consistent with the official policy or
opinion of one's political party

heckle the speaker- if people in an audience heckle public speakers or performers, they
interrupt them, for example by making rude remarks.

landslied victory- overwhelming majority of votes

front runner- contestant leading in a competititon

exit poll- assesment of public opinion (how they voted?)

political donation- donation by political party

dark horse – candidate abour whoms little knownt but wins

hung parliament- parlament in which no party has enough seats

diplomatic immunity- examption from certain laws and taxes

cabinet reshuffle- reorganizating position

trade surplus- the amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its

free trade - international trade left to its natural course without tariffs, quotas, or other

nationa debt- the total amount of money which a country's government has borrowed.

civil service- the permanent professional branches of a state's administration, excluding

military and judicial branches and elected politicians

attorney general - the principal legal officer who represents the Crown or a state in legal
proceedings and gives legal advice to the government.

excise duty - A percentage levied on manufacture, sale, or use of locally produced goods

tertiary sector- the sector of an economy concerned with or relating to tertiary industry

public-private partnership (PPP)- partnership between an agency of the government and the
private sector in the delivery of goods or services to the public.


glass ceiling- the attitudes and traditions in a society that prevent women from rising to the
top jobs
shop steward- a trade union member who is elected by the other member in a factory or
office to speak for them at official meetings
performance apprisal- the assessment of an employee's performance at work
career prospects- the probability or chance for future success in a profession
pay slip- a piece of paper given to an employee at the end of each week or month, shich states
how much money he or she has earned and how much tax has been taken off
job specification- a detailed description of the qualification, skills, and experience required
for a particular post of employment
pay dispute- a disafreement between workers and employers concerning salary
employment tribunal- a special type of court that decides legal problems between employees
and their emloyers
salary freeze- a situation in which a company stops increasing employees' pay because of
financial difficulties
blue-collar worker- people who do physical work
constuctive dismissal- action taken by an employer that intentionally make working
conditions for an employee difficult or unfair so that the employee feels forced to leave their
unemployment benefit- money that the government pays to unemployed people who are
looking for a job
social insurance- money that employers and employees pay to the government so that people
receive money when they are not able to work because of age, illness
office politics- the way that power is shared in an organization or workplace
matenity leave- a period of paid absence from work to which woman is legally entitled durin
the months immediately before and after childbirth
benefit in kind- something, such as a car. free meals, or a mobile phone, taht an employer
gives to an employee in addition to their salary
ply your trade- to do your job
hand in one's notice- you intend to leave your job soon
tender resignation- to formally offer something
hold down a job- to manage to keep a job for a period of time
breach of contract- the act of breaking the conditions of a contract


abduction- the action of forcibly taking someone away against their will. (n. abductor)
affray- fight in a public place (n. affrayor)
assault- a threat or attempt to strike someone, whether or not successful (n. assaulter)
battery- the strike of a person with intent to do them harm (n. batteror)
blackmail- forcing a person into a particular action by use of threats (n. blackmailor)
embeyylement – theft of money or property a person has pun in your care (n. embezzlor)
extortion- obtaining money or something else by abusing your power (n. extortionist/
forgery- falsely making or altering a piece of writing that has legal standing (forger)
freud- general acts of deceit or trickery (fraud/ fraudster)
gerrymandering – dividin a votin area so as to give one party an unfair advantage (n.
harassment- repeatedly troubling to tortmenting another person (n. harasser)
hooliganism – act of general lawlessness
hijacking- seizing a vehicle by force or threat of force (n. hijacker)
manslaughter- the unlawful killing of a person without forethought or malice
money laundering- hiding the source of money gained illegally (n. money launderor)
mugging- robbing someone under threat of violence in a public place (n. mugger)
perjury- lying under oath in court (n. perjuror)
petty crime- nnot very serious crime (n. petty criminal)
racketeering- involment in a dishonest scheme to trivk people (n. racketeer)
smuggling- importing or exporting goods in a way that breaks the law (n. smuggler)
plead guilty- to admit responsibility; confess
acquit of all charges- to decide officially in a law court that someone is not guilty of a
particular crime
pass sentence- to say officially, as a judge, what a criminal's office punishment will be
be remanded on bail- to be allowed to leave a law court after you have been accused of
committing a crime to go to a particular place to wait until the trial begins


affable- someone who is very friendly, warm and polite

aloof- one who appears distant or disinterested
belligerent- someone looking for a fight or argument
benevolent- someone who desire to help others
capricious- one whose behaviour you can never predict
dogmatic- they believe they are right and are not willing to consider other ideas
eccentric- one who has a very odd or peculiar personality
erudite- someone who is scholarly
gregarious- someone who is very sociable
impetuous- likely to act suddenly without thinking
indolent- someone who tries to do as little as possible
connoisseur- someone who is very knowledgeable in a particular field
charlatan- a person who claims to be something they do not possess the qualities or skills to
degenerate- someone who has degraded themselves from the normal moral standard
maverick- someone who is rebellious and stands apart from the rest
pragmatist- someone who is very practical in their approach to things
hermit- someone who hides away from the rest of the world
extrovert- someone who is very outgoing and lively
introvert- someone who is very shy and reserved
sycophant- a „yes man“ who flatters others to get what they want
zealot- a fanatic
visionary- someone who sees the way foward before everyone else
mediator- a person who tries to end a disagreement by helping the two sides to talk about and
agree on a solution
proponent- a person who speaks publicly in support of a particular idea or plan of action
aristocrat- a person of high social rank who belong to the aristocracy
mercenary- only interested in the money that they can get from a particular person or
protagonist- an important supporter of an idea or political system
denizen- an animal, plant, or person that lives in or is often in particular place
luminary- a person who is famous and important in a particular area of activity
mentor- a person who gives a younger or less experienced person help and advice over a
period of time
villain- a bad person who harms other people or breaks the law
patriarch- a powerful and usually older man in charge of a family, or the male leader of a
society in which men hold power
subordinate- a person who has a less important position
partisan- someone who supports a person, principle, or political party
audacious- behaving in a wild and risky way
meddlesome- likely to interfere in other people's affairs
clingy- needing to be around your loved ones all the time
remorseless- lacking any sense of guilt for wrongdoing
vindictive- detemined to get revenge on people who wrong you
brazen- unlikely to feel ashaked of your poor behaviour or begave humbly
quarrelsome- very argumentative
truculent- cruel
self- righteous- thinking a lot of yourself


chequered history- varied past with both good and bad periods

kerb crawling- the activity of driving slowly along the side of a road in order to find and hire
a prositute

illicit drugs- illegal

soup kitchen- a place where homeless people or very poor people are provided with free food

sleeping rough- to spend the night in the open

people trafficking- the crime of buying and selling people, or making money from work the
are forced to do, such as sex work

substance abuse- the regular use of illegal or harmful drugs

humanitarian aid- food and suppplies to help people

debt relief- a reduction in the amount of debt that a country had to pay

culture clash- a conflict arising from the interaction of people with different cultural values


baste- to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking

munch- to eat something with a loud chewing sound, or to snack

simmer- to cook something liquid, or something with liquid in it, at a temperature slightly
below boiling

whisk- to beat eggs, cream, or other liquid with a utensil that addaair to the food, making it

salivate- to produce the natural, watery liquid in the mouth that keeps it wet and helps prepare
foor for digestion

mince- to cut food, especially meat, into very small pieces, often using a special machine

drizzle- to pur liquid slowly over something, especially in a thin line or in small drops

gorge- to eat until you are unable to eat anymore

devour- to eateagerly and in larger amounts, so that nothing is left

braise- to cook food slowly in a covered dish in a little fat and liquid

scrumptious- tasting extremely good

delectable- looking or tasting extremely good, and giving great pleasure

curdle- gets thicker and develops lumps

bountiful- large in amount

putrid- having an unpleasant smell

tangy- pleasantly strong and sharp flavor

soggy- unpleasantly wet and soft

haute cuisine- cooking od a very high standard

condiment- a substance like salt whiich you add to food to make it taste better

platter- a large plate on which a variety of foods are served together

buffet- a self-service meal where diners choose from a variety of foods on display

a la carte- when you can combine any selection of dishes- not a fixed menu

brew- an informal term for a beer

larder- a small rook used fot storing food

hors d'oeuvres- the appertizer of firts course of a meal

inedible- not suitable as food

fare- the type of food that is served in a restaurant

nibbles- small pieces of food that are eaten between or before meals, ofter with alcoholic

toilet bag- a bag in which you put things for keeping yourself in clean and tidy

gap year- a year between leaving school and starting university that is usually spent travelling
or working

carry-on luggage- luggage that is taken inside an aircraft by hand personally by a passenger

air miles- points that you collect when you buy certain goods or services and which you can
use to pay for air travel

travel sickness

ski lodge- a hotel at a ski resort

cab fare- the fare charged for riding in a cab

double occupancy- a type of travel accommodation, as in a hotel, for two persons sharing the
same room

retreat- to go to quiet safe place in order to avoid a difficult situation

hectic- busy, fast, and full of activity

amenity- things considered to be necessary to live comfortably, such as hot water

promenade- a path for walking on, especially one built next to the seajaunt- a short journey
for pleasure

junket- an unnecessary trip by a government official which is paid for with public money

itinerary- a detailed plan or route of a journey


priced out of the market- to change so much for a product or service that nobody wanst or is
able to buy it

vetting candidates- to examine candidates carefully to make certain that they are acceptable
or suitable

spiralling out of control- if a situation spirals, it quickly gets worse in a way that becomes
more and more difficult to control
burn midnight oil- to stay up very late in order to study or do some other work

commuter belt- the area surrounding a large city, where many people who work in the city

brrownie point- if someone does someting to score brownie points, they do it because they
think they will be praised for it

prudence- care and good sense that someone shows when making a decision or taking action

foreclosure- when someone who has lent money to a person or organization so that they can
buy property takes possession of the property because the money has not been repaid


bipolar disorder- a mental condition characterized by extremes of happiness and sadness

terminal illnes- a condition that will result in death no matter what

critical condition- an extremely serious state of health that is immediately life threatening

surgical procedure- a medical operation that involves makin incisions into the body

cardiac arrest- a condition whereby the heart stops functioning

digestive system- a part of the body that processes the food we eat

general anesthetic- a drug administered to a patient which put them to sleep

biological clock- the progression of time in woman from puberty to menopause

infectious disease- an illness which can be passed from one person to another

malignant tumor- an aggresive form of cancer that will spread around the body

clinical trial- a way of testing a new form of medicine or treatment on human subject

congenital disorder- a health problem present at and from birth

postoperative consultation- a meeting with a doctor after having undergone surgery

sedate the patient- to cause a person to be very calm or go to sleep by giving them a drug

administer the drug- if a doctor or a nurse administers a drug, they give it to a patient

dress the wound- clean and cover the wound

burp the baby- if you burp a baby, you help it to het rid of air in its stomach by gently
rubbing or gently hitting its back

hairline fracture- lomljenje kostiju

probe- sonda

forceps- hvataljka

syringe- špric

outpatient- a patient who is not hospitalized overnight but who visits a hospital, clinic, or
associated facility for diagnosis or treatment

inpatient- a hospital patient who receives lodging and food as well as treatment


plug a product- to advertise a product

target a niche – target a small group of people who buy a particular product that most people
do not buy, especially a good quality product that makes a lot of profit

corner the market - if a company corners the market in a particular type of product, it is
more successful than any other company at selling the product

cold calling- ringing someone on the telephone without invitation to

mass marketing- targeting the whole market in your advertising campaign

subliminal messages- information delivered to your subconscious

negative publicity- public exposure of your brand or company that is harmful

generic advertising- promoting not a single brand but a category or class of product

prime time- the period of the day when the most viewers are turning in

brand recognition- how well your brand is known in the target market and beyond

the classifieds- the specific pages of the newspaper or magazine arranged in categories that
feature adverstisments and jobs

the watershed- the point in the time in the day after which adults-content programmes can be
billboard- a large outdoor advertising sign

jingle- a short catchhy tune or song used in commercial

logo- a symbol or design that identifies a product

slogan- a well-known phrase associated with an ad/person

focus group- a selection of people brought together whose response to certain things are
studied in the hope that this will give an insight into general market feeling

cash cow- zlatna koka

circulation- the number of people that a newspaper or magazine is regularly sold to

pitch- a speech or act that attempts to persuade someone to buy or do something

soundbite- a short sentence or phrase that is easy to remember, often included in a speech
made by a politician and repeated in newspaper and on TV or radio

maket share- the number of things that a company sells compared with the number of things
of the same type tat other companies sell

buzzword- a word or expression from a particular subject area that has become fashionable
by being used a lot, especially on television and radio

interweave- to twist together or combine two or more things so that they cannot be separated

consensus- a generallly accepted opinion or decision amoung a group of people

compelling- if a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or accept it

because it is so strong

hype- information that makes something seen very importanto ot exciting

acclaim- public approval and praise

amplify- to increase the size of effect of something

abysmal-vary bad

frenetic- involving a lot of movement or activity; extremely active, excited, or uncontrollable

independent media - refers to any form of media, such as radio, television, newspapers or the
Internet, that is free of influence by government or corporate interests

rolling-news- a 24-hour, continuously updated news service on radio or television

broadsheet newspapers- a newspaper that is printed on large sheets of paper. Broadsheets

are generally considered to be more serious than other newspapers
terrestrial television- a type of television broadcasting in which the television signal is
transmitted by radio waves from the terrestrial (Earth-based) transmitter of a television station
to a TV receiver having an antenna.

editorial bias- to favour one position or range of positions over others in an article.

journalistic privilege - a publisher's protection against defamation lawsuits when the

publication makes fair comment on the actions of public officials in matters of public concern


blood diamond- a diamond sold to help finance a military campaign

carbon footprint- a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by
your activities over a particular period

precioust metal

paddy field- a field planted with rice growing in water

damping ground- somewhere where people send large quantities of something unwanted

industrial waste- waste materials lefto over from a manufacturing process in industrial
buildings such as dactories and mines

bush fire- a fire birning in the bush (=a wide area of land) that is difficult to control and
sometimes spreads quickly

factory farming- a system of farming in which a lot fo animals are kept in a small closed
area, in order to produce a large amount of meat, eggs, or mild as cheapy as possible

endangered species- an animal species that is danger of becoming extinct

animal walfare- the protection of the health and well-being of animals

landfill site- a place where rubbish is buried

compost heap- an outdoor pile of compostable material that degrades into compost

oil slick- a layer of oil that is floating over a large area of the surface of the sea

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