Department of Veterinary &: A.H. Extension Education

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Department of Veterinary & A.H.

Extension Education
1. History:
Department of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension Education established in the
year 1989-1990 as part of veterinary education to fulfill minimum requirement of
B.V.Sc.& A.H. Main objective of the department is to strengthen and popularize animal
husbandry sector through organization of trainings, exhibition, rallies, radio-T.V. talks,
farmers meet, mahila melawa etc. In collaboration with department of Animal
Husbandry Govt. of Maharashtra, the Department of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry
Extension Education of this college provides veterinary extension services to almost all
districts of western part of Maharashtra.

2. Services offered:
 Technical Advocacy in the field of animal husbandry.
 Organization of need based, problem solving and skill based trainings for self
employment to the farmers, rural women & rural youth in the field of animal
3. Future Plans:
 Establishment of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Information Centre
 Development of different farmers friendly modules through ICT in the field of
animal husbandry.
4. Faculty:

Name of faculty member: Dr. Smita Rahul Kolhe

Designation: Assistant Professor & I/C Department of
Veterinary & A. H. Extension Education
Qualification: M.V.Sc., NET
Email :
Phone : 02169-244214(O),
Mobile : 09970425389
Research area of Interest:
Adoption & diffusion of animal husbandry technologies through ICT.

1. Research paper : 08
2. Popular Articles : 35
3. Abstracts : 25
3. Training Manuals : 04
4. Radio Talks : 40
5. TV Shows : 01
6. Extension Material : 07
Contact Information

Office: Department of Veterinary & A. H. Extension

KNP College of Veterinary Science,
Shirwal, Dist- Satara. 412 801
Phone: 02169-244214

Mobile: 09970425389

2. Faculty:

Name of faculty member Dr.M.P.Nande

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.V.Sc
Email :
Phone : 02169-244214(O),
Mobile : 09423407985

Research area of Interest: Communication Technology in Livestock sector

1. Research paper : 06
2. Technical Article : 10
3. Popular Articles : 16
4. Radio Talks : 03

Contact Information
1. Office: Department of Veterinary & A. H. Extension
KNP College of Veterinary Science,
Shirwal, Dist- Satara. 412 801
Phone: 02169-244214

Mobile: 09423407985
A. FOR B. V. Sc. & A.H. DEGREE

Course No. & Credit

Course title Hrs. Syllabus (please provide the teaching schedule)
Principles and Techniques of 2+1=3 Theory
Veterinary & Animal
Husbandry Extension
VAE-311 Practicals
Livestock Economics, 2+1 = 3 Theory
Marketing and Business
VAE-321 Practicals
Livestock Entrepreneurship 1+0 = 1 Theory

Teaching Schedule
VAE-311 Credit Hours 2+1= 3
Lecture Schedule:
Sr. Topics
1 Concept of Sociology (According to different authors) Society, Community,
Association, Institutions. Man-animal relationship.
2 Differences in livestock production practices of rural, urban and tribal communities
including rearing patterns and other social characteristics. Social change and factors of
3 Social groups, its types and functions. Social transformation in relation to animal
rearing. Evolution of veterinary and animal husbandry extension in India.
4 Extension education: definition, philosophy and principles.
5 Concept of Community Development.
6 Teaching learning process
7 Principles of Learning & their implications in teaching, Steps in Extension Teaching
with examples
8 Extension teaching methods, its role. Classification of Extension Teaching Methods
and use. Selection and appropriate combination of extension methods.
9 Information delivery system in Veterinary and Animal Husbandry
extension. Information communication technology: concept and meaning.
10 Role of animals in economy, health and socio-psychology of rural, semi urban and
urban society.
11 Client and stakeholder dealings - Techniques and procedures including tools for data
collection, analysis.
12 History taking, follow up and appraisal on prognosis.
13 Adoption and diffusion of livestock innovations.
14 Adoption categories, process
15 Leadership and role of leaders in animal husbandry extension

16 Farming in rural India- large and small scale farming, mixed farming, cooperative and
collective farming, contractual farming
17 Cooperative Farming for Live Stock Production, advantages and limitations of
18 Economic principles underlying co-operative societies, co-operative milk unions in
19 Social survey and its types. Social sampling. Identification of Key-communicators and
operating through them.
20 Identifying organizational difficulties in the way of organizing animal husbandry
extension programmes. Identification of constraints in adoption of improved animal
husbandry practices.
21 Animal Husbandry programme planning and evaluation. Feedback evaluation of
extension programmes and their impact analysis.
22 Panchayati Raj Institutions: organized structure and its functions.
23 Animal Husbandry Development Programmes in Cattle & Buffalo.
24 Animal Husbandry Development Programmes in Sheep, Goat, Poultry, Rabbit &
25 Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Key village schemes, Gosadan / Goshala,
26 Integrated Cattle Development Programme (ICDP), Integrated Rural Development
Programme (IRDP),
27 Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) - Initiation, Objectives &
28 Gender considerations in Veterinary practice, role of women in different livestock
entrepreneurship and their limitation. Policies & Programmes.
29 Changing expectations from new recruits to the profession and employers of
veterinarians. Growing changes in corporate, client influence and changes in work
30 Information Communication Technologies. Virtual class room and self learning. E-
learning, Information kiosks.
31 Agriculture portals. E-commerce- scope and local application. Computer aided
teaching / learning.
32 Websites dedicated to veterinary and animal sciences education, web directories and
virtual learning institutions (e- institutions).

Sr.No. Topics
1 Audio-visual equipments. Principles and use of overhead projectors.
2 Principles and use of slide and multimedia projectors.
3 Principles and use of digital video / still camera.
4 Preparation and use of visual aids like posters, charts, flash cards, flipcharts, etc.
Use of literature and media in Extension.
5 Identifications of key elements in social sampling of data. Collection and analysis
of data.
6 Identification of key communicators and operation programme.
7 Enumeration of organizational difficulties in animal husbandry extension
8 Identification of constraints in the adoption of improved animal husbandry
practices. Constraint analysis.
9 Steps of organization of Group Discussion.
10 Techniques and procedure for awareness campaign on different veterinary and
animal husbandry practices – signs of diseases, preservation of eggs, clean milk
production, controlling of ectoparasites, pail feeding of calves, sexing and culling
of birds, first aid for minor wounds, disinfection of byres, branding, etc.
11 To prepare message for campaigns regarding Gynecological practices in veterinary
and animal husbandry i.e. Use of horn cauterization, timely A. I. choice of good
progeny, care in pregnancy, infertility, etc.
12 To prepare information for awareness campaigns regarding Environmental
practices in veterinary and animal husbandry i.e. Environmental hygiene,
preparation of feeds and feeding schedules, deworming, preventive hygiene,
vaccination etc.
13 To study the procedures for organization of animal welfare camps, exhibition,
livestock shows etc.
14 Hands on training in the use of computers for teaching and information
15 To study Rapid Rural Appraisal in identifying livestock production / health care
16 To study Participatory Rural Appraisal in identifying livestock production / health
care practices.

Livestock Economics, Marketing and Business Management

Lecture Schedule
VAE-321 Credit Hours 2+1=3
Sr.No. Topic
1. Introduction, definition and scope of economic principles as applied to livestock
2. Common terms- Goods, utility, value, prize
3. Common terms- wealth, real and money income, wants
4. Important features of land, labour
5. Important features of capital and organisation
6. Livestock produce & products, Livestock contributions to national economy
7. Theory of consumer behavior: Law of diminishing marginal utility and indifference
curve analysis
8. Theory of demand: meaning, types of demand, demand curve
9. Law of demand, Individual & market demand,
10. Elasticity of demand and factors affecting demand.
11. Laws & types of supply, elasticity of supply.
12. Cost concepts and principle of fixed and variable costs
13. Theory of production: law of diminishing returns,
14. Laws of returns to scale and concept of short & long run periods.
15. Economics of animal diseases and disease losses
16. Livestock business: Concepts, nature and scope
17. Components, characteristics of small business, marketable livestock commodities.
18. Concept of market, meaning and classification of markets
19. Market price and normal price, price determination under perfect competition in
short and long run.
20. Marketing of livestock perishable and non-perishable livestock products.
21. Merchandising- product creation, physical functions-grading,
22. Transportation, storage and warehousing. Facilitative functions- standardization,
risk bearing
23. Market information and market intelligence
24. Market opportunities- marketing channels of livestock and livestock products,
organized/unorganized markets and cattle fairs.
25. Import & export of animal & animal products, International agreements/regulations
(WTO and General Agreement on Trade and Tariff-GATT) for marketing/trade of
live animals and products
26. Resource management-Organizational aspects of livestock farms,
27. Sources and procurement of inputs and financial resources Break even analysis,.
28. Personnel (Labour) management-Identification of work and work (job)
analysis/division of labour.
29. Definition, objectives, common terms in accounting
30. Different systems of book keeping-single and double entry system
31. Various types of account books including books of original entry, classification of
accounts and rules of debit and credit
32. Recording of business transactions, Analysis of financial accounts- income and
expenditure accounts, trading account, profit & loss accounts

Livestock Economics, Marketing and Business Management

Practical Schedule
VAE-321 Credit Hours 2+1=3
Sr. No. Topic
1. Book Keeping
2. Writing of journal
3. Writing of Ledger
4. Cash book (two and three column)
5. Purchase sale & purchase sale return register
6. Trading account, profit & loss accounts
7. Income and expenditure accounts, Balance sheet
8. Bills of exchange(bill of receivable and bill of payable)
9. Bank reconciliation statement
10. Economics of dairy unit
11. Economics of poultry unit
12. Economics of piggery unit
13. Economics of sheep & goat units
14. Visit to farms, poultry units
15. Visit to local markets and cattle fairs, backyard units
16. Preparation of reports


VAE-511 Credit Hours 1+0= 1

Lecture Schedule:
Sr. No. Topics
1 Livestock Entrepreneurship Avenues of entrepreneurship / employment in
private and public sectors.
2 Concepts and Theories of self employment & entrepreneurship
3 Essential Criteria for development of entrepreneurship in livestock sector
4 Entrepreneurial training/ development programmes at the state and national
5 Animal insurance. Bank support for entrepreneurship.
6 Aspects of projects preparation & Analysis
7 National Level Entrepreneurship developmental Institutes
8 Financial credit and financial management – general principles and
practices, analyzing project appraisals and reports, capital expenditure
decisions, re-investment and payback.
9 Preparing projects for bank appraisal, banking requirements.
10 Assessing project profits
11 Procurement management, quality issues, standardization,
grading and packaging
12 Marketing channels
13 Retail marketing, sales operations and management, advertising, marketing
of services
14 Eco-jobs and sustainable development through livestock
15 Approach to preparation of Entrepreneurial Project on livestock
16 Expectations from a Veterinary professional


Course No. & Credit

Course title Hrs. Syllabus (please provide the teaching schedule)
Technical Writing and 0+1 = 1 Practical
Communication Skills
Intellectual Property Rights 1+0 = 1 Theory
and its Management
PGS-503 e-course

2. PUBLICATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT (including the publications by the

precedent faculty)

A. Research papers: 14
B. Extension Material: 10

Extension Activities of the Department:

Lead function:
 Organisation of need based, problem solving, skill based vocational trainings for self
employment to the farmers, rural women & rural youth.
 Refresher training programmes for veterinarians and para veterinarians.
 On Farm demonstrations for animal husbandry practices.
 Organisation of Animal Health Camps, production camps, special vaccination camps,
special draught camps etc
 Organization of women rally, workshops, campaigns, seminars.
 Publications & distribution of Leaflet/Pamphlet/Folders for promoting the animal
husbandry activities.
 Radio talk, TV talks and technical expertise
 Organisation & participation in state / national level Agricultural Exhibition and Livestock
 Arranging farmers -scientist meet under lab to land program
 Rendering animal health services in Adopted and Model Villages by regular visits and
special programs.
 “Pashu seva vahini” provides on- call information.
 Adopted Village Activity
 Agrowon Pashusalla
 Consultancy services
In addition to these activities, Livestock Information Centre has been attached to this
department. In this information about Veterinary & Animal Science, photographs of important
events, various publications of college, leaflets etc are exhibited to provide information to the
farmers and the visitors of the college. This centre provides information and suggests the
solutions for the queries of the farmers.

 Animal Health Camp Organised/participated:

Sr.No. Place Date

1. Equine Health Camp organized at Pachgani, Mahabaleshwar. 25.02.09
2. Animal Health Camp organized at Village Hatnoshi 10.06.09
3. Animal Health Camp Garade Tal. Purandar, Dist.pune 22.07.09
4. Animal Health Camp Jawala Arjun Tal.Purandar, Dist.Pune 23.07.09
5. Animal Health Camp organized at village bajarwadi, Tal.Bhor, 22.03.11
6. Residential Animal Health Campaign in drought affected area, 26 – 28 February
19 chawnis of Atpadi, Dist.Sangli 2013
7. Residential clinical Infertility camp at Tal.Islampur, Dist. Sangli 21-22 May 2014

 Organization of training programmes:

Sr.No. Title/Subject Place Duration No. of participants
1. Three days residential training for KNP College of 22.08.08 50 livestock
the 50 Livestock Development Veterinary To Development
Officer on Bird Flu Under ASCAD Science, Shirval 24.08.08 officers, Dept of
jointly organized by KNP College of Animal husbandry,
Veterinary Science, Shirval & Govt. of Maharashtra
Department of Animal Husbandry,
Maharashtra State at KNP College of
Veterinary Science, Shirval.
2. Three days residential training for KNP College of 29.08.08 50 L.S.S.
the LSS on Bird Flu Under ASCAD Veterinary To participated & get
jointly organized by KNP College of Science, Shirval 31.08.08 benefited
Veterinary Science, Shirval &
Department of Animal Husbandry,
Maharashtra State at KNP College of
Veterinary Science, Shirval.

3. Three days residential training for KNP College of 19.09.08. 50 L.D.O & L.S.S
the Livestock Development Officer Veterinary To participated in the
& LSS on Bird Flu Under ASCAD Science, Shirval 21.09.08 training.
jointly organized by KNP College of
Veterinary Science, Shirval &
Department of Animal Husbandry,
Maharashtra State at KNP College of
Veterinary Science, Shirval.
4. Training On “Shelipalan” at Nayakwadi 11.10.08 Twenty Trainees
Nayakwadi Complex, Shirval for Complex, Shirval
“Sankalp Mahila Bachat Gat”,with
Maan Vikas Samajik Sanstha
Maswad,Tal Khandala.
5. Training On “Swacha Dugdha Nayakwadi 15.10.08 Sixteen Trainees
Utpadan” at Nayakwadi Complex, Complex, Shirval
Shirval for “Saibai Mahila Krushi
Bachat Gat”,with Maan Vikas
Samajik Sanstha Maswad,Tal
6. Training On “Dugdh Vayvasay”at Nayakwadi 16.10.08 Nineteen Trainees
Nayakwadi Complex, Shirval for Complex, Shirval
“Satyajyot Mahila Krushi Bachat
Gat”,with Maan Vikas Samajik
Sanstha Maswad,Tal Khandala
7. Training On “Traditinal Milk Nayakwadi 21.11.08 Sixteen Trainees
Products”at Nayakwadi Complex, Complex, Shirval
Shirval for “Satyajyot Mahila Krushi
Bachat Gat”,with Maan Vikas
Samajik Sanstha Maswad,Tal
8. Training on “Shelipalan” “Clean Nayakwadi 29.11.08 Thirty Trainees
Milk Production” & “Milk Complex, Shirval
Adultration” at Nayakwadi Complex
for women self help
9. Training on “Clean Milk Production” Nayakwadi 23.12.08 Twelve Trainees
at Nayakwadi Complex for women Complex, Shirval
self help group, Shirval,
10. One day Training on “Pig KNP College of 22.09.08
Reproduction & Management” Veterinary
KNPVC,Shirval. Science, Shirval
11. Three days residential training KNP College of 16.02.09 A total no of 15
programme organized at KNPVC, Veterinary to beneficiaries
Shirval for the beneficiaries of Science, Shirval 18.02.09 attended the training
special scheme jointly organized by programme.
KNP College of Veterinary Science,
Shirval, Department of Animal
Husbandry, Maharashtra State, Jillha
Parishad Pune and Panchayat
Samithi, Bhor.
12. Three days residential training KNP College of 03.03.09 A total no of 16
programme organized at KNPVC, Veterinary to beneficiaries
Shirval for the beneficiaries of Science, Shirval 05.03.09 attended the training
special scheme jointly organized by programme.
KNP College of Veterinary Science,
Shirval, Department of Animal
Husbandry, Maharashtra State, Jillha
Parishad Satara and Panchayat
Samithi, Khandala.
13 Three days Non-residential training KNP College of 17.03.09 A total no of 20
programme organized at KNPVC, Veterinary to beneficiaries
Shirval for the beneficiaries of Science, Shirval 19.03.09 attended the training
special scheme jointly organized by programme.
KNP College of Veterinary Science,
Shirval, Department of Animal
Husbandry, Maharashtra State, Jillha
Parishad Pune and Panchayat
Samithi, purandar.
14. “Cattle & Buffalo Management” at Adopted Village 12.05.10 25
Adopted Village Jawale on dt. jawale,Dist.satara to
15. Three days residential training KNP College of 22.12.10 A total no of 32
programme organized at KNPVC, Veterinary To beneficiaries
Shirval for the beneficiaries of Science, Shirval 24.12.10 attended the training
special scheme jointly organized by programme.
Deptt. Of Vety.& A.H. Extension
Education,KNP College of
Veterinary Science, Shirval,
Department of Animal Husbandry,
Maharashtra State, Jillha Parishad
Satara and Panchayat Samithi wai,
koregaon, karad

16. Three days Non-residential training KNP College of 21.03.11 A total no of 33

programme organized at KNPVC, Veterinary to beneficiaries
Shirval for the beneficiaries of Science, Shirval 23.03.11 attended the training
special scheme jointly organized by programme.
Deptt. Of Vety.& A.H. Extension
Education,KNP College of
Veterinary Science, Shirval,
Department of Animal Husbandry,
Maharashtra State, Jillha Parishad
Satara and Panchayat Samithi,
17. Three days Non-residential training KNP College of 24.03.11 A total no of 33
programme organized at KNPVC, Veterinary to beneficiaries
Shirwal for the beneficiaries of Science, Shirval 26.03.11 attended the training
special scheme jointly organized by programme.
Deptt. Of Vety.& A.H. Extension
Education,KNP College of
Veterinary Science, Shirval,
Department of Animal Husbandry,
Maharashtra State, Jillha Parishad
Pune and Panchayat Samithi, Bhor
18. Mahila Melawa KNP College of 8th March women of SHG
Veterinary 2011
Science, Shirval
19. Three days Non-residential training KNP College of 07.01.13 A total no of 35
programme organized at KNPVC, Veterinary to beneficiaries
Shirwal for the beneficiaries of Science, Shirwal 09.01.13 attended the training
special scheme jointly organized by programme.
Deptt. Of Vety.& A.H. Extension
Education, KNP College of
Veterinary Science, Shirwal,
Department of Animal Husbandry,
Maharashtra State, Jillha Parishad
Pune and Panchayat Samithi, velhe,
purandar & Bhor
20. Mahila Melawa Village Jawale, 8th March women of SHG
Tal.Khandala, 2013
21. On the occasion of “clean milk Jawale, Dist. 03.12.13 College Fund
production day” organized training Satara
on “Clean milk production” at
village Jawale, Dist. Satara
22. Training programme on “Dairy Fadtarwadi, 23.01.14 Department of A.H.
Farming” at Fadtarwadi, Tal.Wai. Tal.Wai. Satara
Dist.Satara Dist.Satara
23. Under ATMA organized one day KNP College of 15.03.14 50
“Sheti Shala” on scientific goat Veterinary
farming” for farmers of wai taluka Science, Shirwal
24. Three days residential training 120
KNP College of 27th – 29th
programme for farmers from Satara
Veterinary March,
district on “Livestock Production and
Science, Shirwal 2014
25. Celebration of “World Environment KNP College of 05.06.2014 87
Day” by organizing “Scientist Veterinary
Farmers Meet” at KNP College of Science, Shirwal
Veterinary Science, Shirwal.
26. Co-ordinated seven days training Padegaon, 17th – 22nd 35
programme organized by Jilha Dist.Satara Nov.2014
Gramin Vikas Yantrana, Satara &
IDBI, Bank, Satara under
Maharashtra Rajya Jivannyoti
Abhiyan on “Dairy Farming” for
women self help group.
27. Organized lecture on “Agriclinics & KNP College of 03.12.2014 70
agribusiness Management” and Veterinary
“Stress Management-Personality Science, Shirwal
development” for staff & students on
the occasion of university
Foundation Day.
28. Mahila Melawa on the occasion of Parinche, Tal. 08.03.2015 100
“World Women Day” at Parinche, saswad, Dist.
Tal. saswad, Dist. Pune Pune
29. Training on “Animal Husbandry” in KNP College of 25th – 27th 64
collaboration with Department of Veterinary March
Animal Husbandry, Satara Science, Shirwal 2015

On Farm Demonstration:

Sr. Subject Date Place No. of farmers/Students attended

1. On farm demonstration 17.02.09 KNPVC, A total Fifteen farmers from Kikvi,
of milking of animals Shirval Panchayat samiti, Bhor Under the
with the help of milking three days Non-residential training
machine programme organized at KNPVC,
2. Demonstration on 03.03.09 KNPVC, Sixteen farmers from, Panchayat
housing & management Shirval samiti, Khandala Under the three
on goat rearing days residential training programme
organized at KNPVC, Shirval.
3. On farm demonstration 18.03.09 KNPVC, Twenty farmers from, Panchayat
of milking of animals Shirval samiti, Bhor Under the three days
with the help of milking Non-residential training programme
machine organized at KNPVC, Shirval.

4. Demonstration of urea 26-28 19 chawnis 14 on farm demonstrations

treatment (14) Feb.2013 in drought organized.
prone area
atpadi, Dist

Organisation of Exhibition:

Sr.No. Subject Place Date

1. Organization of Exhibition on TVCC Building of KNP College of 15 Sept.2012
the occasion of Inaugural Veterinary Science, Shirwal.
function of new college
building of KNP College of
Veterinary Science Shirwal,
Dist Satara

Participation in Livestock Exhibitions: 30

Sr.No. Subject Place Date

st rd
1. Krishi & Pashu-Pakshi Gahininathnagar Kagal, 1 -3 Nov. 08
Pradashan Dist.Kolhapur
2. Yashwant Krishi & Pashu- Karad, Dist.Kolhapur. 24th -28th Nov.08
Pakshi Pradashan
3. Agri & Flower Exhibition Bhuinj, Dist.Satara 23rd -25th Jan. 09

4. MAFSU EXPO 2010 Nagpur 27th -28th March 2010

5. Haritkranti: Krishi & Pashu- Baramati 1-4 Nov.2010
Pakshi Pradashan,Baramati
6. Katraj Dairy Expo 2010 Katraj Pune 11-13 Dec.2010
7. Agri & Flower Exhibition Bhuinj,Dist.Satara 23rd -25th Jan. 2011

8. Agri Exhibition Undale,Tal.karad,Dist.satara 16th -18th Feb.2011

9. Vision Career Fair 2011 Railway station ground Baramati 1st -3rd April 2011
10. Vision Career Fair 2011 Hingne ground Pune 8th -10th April 2011
11. Vision Career Fair 2011 Waghire pharmacy ground 27th & 28th April 2011
12. Katraj Dairy Expo 2011 Katraj, Pune 10-12th Dec.2011
13. KISAN Exhibition 2011 Mulashi,Pune 14th-18th Dec. 2011
14. Yashwant Krushi & Karad, Dist.Satara 24th -28th Nov.2012
Audhyogik Pashupakshi
15. Sakal Agrowon Exhibition Sinchannagar,Pune 1st -5th Dec.2012
16. Katraj Dairy Expo 2012 Katraj, Pune 12-14th Dec.2012
17. Pashudhan 2013 Pune 21st -23rd Oct.2013
18. Sakal Agrowon Exhibition Sinchannagar,Pune 22-23 Nov.2013
19. Yashwant Krushi & Karad, Dist.Satara 24th -28th Nov.2013
Audhyogik Pashupakshi
20. One Day Exhibition under Shirwal, Dsit.Satara 06.12.13
suvarna Jayanti
gramswarojgar yojna
21. Katraj Dairy Expo 2013 Katraj, Pune 07th -9th Dec.2013
22. KISAN 2013 Pimpri, Pune 11th -17th Dec.2013
23. Exhibition organized at KVK, Baramati 18-20 Jan.2014
KVK Baramati
24. Agri & Flower Exhibition Bhuinj,Dist.Satara 23rd -25th Jan. 2014
25. Krushi Vasant, Nagpur Central Institute for cotton research 9th – 13th Feb.2014

27. Agri cum Livestock Atpadi, Dist.Sangli 13-15 August 15

28. Sakal Agrowon Exhibition Pimpri Pune 23-27 Oct.15
29. Agri and Livestock KVK Baramati 6th -8th Nov.2015
30. Yashwant Krushi & Karad, Dist.Satara 24th -28th Nov.2015
Audhyogik Pashupakshi

Organization of Farmers Field Day cum Visit:

Sr. No. Date Farmers Place No. of

1. 21.04.10 Jawale, Tal. Khandala, Dist.Satara 35
2. 13.05.10 Bhongawali, Tal. Bhor, Dist.Pune 30
3. 14.05.10 Jawale, Tal. Khandala, Dist.Satara 35
4. 08.03.11 Naigaon, Tal. Khandala, Dist.Satara 35
5. 02.12.11 Visit cum group discussion organized for women of 75
S.H.G.from Khandala tal.Dist.Satara
6. 10.01.12 Chikhli Dist. Buldhana 15
7. 11.06.12 Tal.Bhor. Dist.Pune 55
8. 12.06.12 Tal.Bhor. Dist.Pune 50
9. 13.06.12 Tal.Bhor. Dist.Pune 60
10. 14.06.12 Tal.Bhor. Dist.Pune 50
11. 15.06.12 Tal.Bhor. Dist.Pune 45
12. 20th -21st Kashil, Dist.Satara 65
13. 28.12.12 jejuri, Tal.Purandar, Dist.Pune & 76
village yavali,Tal.Purandar, Dist.Pune
14. 05.01.13 Karanjawane, Tal.Welhe, Dist.Pune 55
15. 21.02.13 Tal.Wai,Dist.Satara 53
16. 12.03.13 Pasarani, Tal.Wai, Dist.Satara 50
17. 13.03.13 Vele,Kavathe,Tal.Wai,Dist.Satara 45
18. 15.03.13 Degloor, Dist.Nanded 65
19. 21.03.13 Mhaswe Mahabaleshwar,Tal.Wai, Dist.Satara 75
20. 28.03.13 raigaon,Tal.Jawali,Dist.Satara 50
21. 26.12.13 Six villages of Wai, & Faltan, Dist.Satara 120
22. 12.02.14 Koregaon, Dist. Satara 150
23. 25.02.14 Faltan, Dist. Satara 43
24. 26.02.14 Sinnar, Dist. Nashik 55
25. 26.02.14 Mahabaleshwar, Tal. Wai, Dist. Satara 45
26. 14.03.14 Chimangao & borjaiwadi Tal.Koregaon Dist. Satara 47
27. 24.03.14 Faltan Dist.Satara 50
28. 28.03.14 Sinnar, Dist Nashik 50
29. 12.06.14 Utrolli Tal. Bhor, Dist. Satara 50
30. 19.01.15 Panwhal,Tal.Bhor,Dist. Pune 82
31. 19.01.15 Sangamner,Tal.Bhor, Dist.Pune 28
32. 21.01.15 Kadhve, Tal.Velha, Dist.Pune 90
33. 05.02.15 Khed, Dist.Pune 100
34. 09.02.15 Mahabaleshwar, Tal. Wai, Dist. Satara 40
35. 20.02.15 Kikvi, Tal.Bhor,Dist. Pune 40
36. 25.02.15 Kikvi, Tal.Bhor,Dist. Pune 45
37. 26.02.15 Winzar, Tal.Velha, Dist.Satara 45
38. 02.03.15 Islampur, Dist. Sangli 41
39. 02.03.15 Islampur, Dist.Sangli 100
40. 10.03.15 Koriwale, bahule, Patan,Dist.Satara 14
41. 18.03.15 Menwali, Bhogaon,Pandewadi, Tal.Wai, Dist.Satara 23
42. 23.03.15 Wadwadi, wing, Tal. Khandala, Dist.Satara 25
43. 25.03.15 Sinnar, Dist. Nashik 60
44. 30.03.15 Hatnoshi, Tal. Bhor, Dist. Satara 115
45. 30.03.15 Palmoshi, Tal.Bhor, Dist.Satara 94

Organization of school children Visits:

Sr. No. Date Name of School

1. 25.08.10 Rajendra Mahavidhyalaya Khandala
2. 08.10.13 Zilla parishad school, Wathar, Dist. Satara
3. 04.12.13 Rajendra Vidhyalaya Tal.Khandala,Dist.Satara
4. 05.12.13 Savitribai School,Shirwal
5. 11.12.13 Rajendra Vidhyalaya Tal.Khandala,Dist.Satara
6. 19.03.14 College Veterinary Science, Parbhani
7. 28.08.14 Adarsh Vidhyalaya, Shirwal
8. 09.03.15 Dairy Diploma College, Talmavale, Tal.Patan, Dist.Pune
9. 16.07.15 Rajendra Vidhyalaya, Khandala
10. 12.08.15 Dhyansawardhini Vidhyalaya, Shirwal
11. 13.08.15 Dhyansawardhini Vidhyalaya, Shirwal

Organization of State Animal Husbandry Department Officers Visits:

Sr. Particulars
1. Visit cum training & demonstration at KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal to
the trainees undergoing foundation training at SLTC, Pune.dt.06.08.2015. (No.of
trainees =28)
2. Visit cum training & demonstration at KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal to
the trainees undergoing foundation training at SLTC, Pune on dt.20.08.2015.
(No.of trainees = 29)
3. Visit cum training & demonstration at KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal to
the trainees undergoing foundation training at SLTC, Pune on dt.03.09.2015. (No. of
trainees =29)
Visit cum training & demonstration at KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal to
the trainees undergoing foundation training at SLTC, Pune on dt.23.09.2015. (No.of
trainees =12)
4. Visit cum training & demonstration at KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal to
the trainees undergoing foundation training at SLTC, Pune on dt.01.10.2015. (No.of
trainees =25)

5. Visit cum training & demonstration at KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal to
the trainees undergoing foundation training at SLTC, Pune on dt.29.10.2015. (No.of
trainees =28)

6. Visit cum training & demonstration at KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal to
the trainees undergoing foundation training at SLTC, Pune on dt.29.11.2015. (No.of
trainees =29)

Guidance at Farmers Meet/Scientist Farmer Meet:

Sr.No. Title Place Date

1. Organized Farmers meet Villagers of Shekhmirewadi 16.09.08
At Shekhmiewadi village, Dist- village
2. Organized Farmers meet & give Villagers of Bhadvade 18.09.08
Guidance to farmers At Bhadvade village
3. Organized Farmers meet & give Villagers of Shekhmirewadi 20.08.09
Guidance to farmers also attending village
Palak sabha At shekhmirewadi
4. Guidance in training on “Milk & Mahila Bachat Gat, 08.01.09
Milk Products” at Nayakwadi Naikwadi Shirval
Complex for women self help
group, Shirval, Tal.Khandala
5. Guidance to the S.H.G. women of Jawale, Tal. Khandala, 01.08.09
village Jawale, Naigaon Dist.Satara
6. Organized Farmers exposure visit village Jawale, Tal. 21.04.10
& give Guidance to farmers Khandala, Dist.Satara
7. Organized Farmers exposure visit Bhongawali, Tal. Bhor, 13.05.10
& give Guidance to farmers Dist.Pune
8. Guidance to the S.H.G. women of Shirwal, Tal. Khandala, 17.05.10
village Shirwal Dist.Satara
9. Guidance to the S.H.G. women of Shirwal, Tal. Khandala, 16.06.10
village Shirwal Dist.Satara
10. Guidance to the S.H.G. women of Shirwal, Tal. Khandala, 15.07.10
village Shirwal Dist.Satara
11. Guidance to the S.H.G. women of Shirwal, Tal. Khandala, 10.08.10
village Shirwal Dist.Satara
12. Group Discussion with the S.H.G. Jawale, Tal. Khandala, 07.03.11
women of village Jawale on Dist.Satara
Banking schemes for S.H.G.
13. Guidance in Mahila Melawa for Naigaon,Jawale, 08.03.11
women self help groups Tal.Khandala, Dist.Satara
14. Guidance to S.H.G. women from Tal. Khandala, Dist.Satara 02.12.11
Tal.Khandala, Dist Satara on A.H.
15. Guidance on Self employment for Village jawale 14.05.11
rural women at training on “Cattle Tal.Khandala,
& Buffalo Management” Dist.satara
16. Guidance on Clean milk Katraj dairy,Pune 18.05.11
Production at Mahila Melawa.
17. Organized Farmers exposure visit Chikhli Dist. Buldhana 10.01.12
& give Guidance to farmers

18. Organized Farmers exposure visit Tal.Bhor. Dist.Pune 11.06.12

& give Guidance to farmers
19. Organized Farmers exposure visit Tal.Bhor. Dist.Pune 12.06.12
& give Guidance to farmers
20. Organized Farmers exposure visit Tal.Bhor. Dist.Pune 13.06.12
& give Guidance to farmers
21. Organized Farmers exposure visit Tal.Bhor. Dist.Pune 14.06.12
& give Guidance to farmers
22. Organized Farmers exposure visit Tal.Bhor. Dist.Pune 15.06.12
& give Guidance to farmers
23. Organized Farmers exposure visit Kashil, Dist.Satara 20th -21st
& give Guidance to farmers May12
24. Organized Farmers exposure visit Jejuri, Tal.Purandar, Dist. 28.12.12
& give Guidance to farmers Pune & village yavali,
Tal.Purandar, Dist.Pune
25. Organized Farmers exposure visit Karanjawane, Tal.Welhe, 05.01.13
& give Guidance to farmers Dist.Pune
26. Organized Farmers exposure visit Tal.Wai,Dist.Satara 21.02.13
& give Guidance to farmers
27. Organized Farmers exposure visit Pasarani, Tal.Wai, 12.03.13
& give Guidance to farmers Dist.Satara
28. Organized Farmers exposure visit Vele,Kavathe,Tal.Wai,Dist.S 13.03.13
& give Guidance to farmers atara
29. Organized Farmers exposure visit Degloor, Dist.Nanded 15.03.13
& give Guidance to farmers
30. Organized Farmers exposure visit MhasweMahabaleshwar,Tal 21.03.13
& give Guidance to farmers Wai, Dist.Satara
31. Organized Farmers exposure visit raigaon,Tal.Jawali,Dist.Sata 28.03.13
& give Guidance to farmers ra
32. Guidance on quality milk Jawale,Dist.Satara 03.12.13
production in farmers meet
organized on the occasion of clean
milk production Day.
33. Organized Farmers exposure visit Six villages of Wai, & 26.12.13
& give Guidance to farmers Faltan, Dist.Satara
34. Provide guidance at village palshi Sangawi,Tal.Khandala,Dist. 26.05.13
under Krushi Mahotsav 2013 Satara
35. Organised & delivered lecture in Fadtarwadi,Tal.Wai. 23.01.14
Training programme on Dairy Dist.Satara
36. Organized Farmers exposure visit Koregaon, Dist. Satara 12.02.14
& give Guidance to farmers
37. Organized Farmers exposure visit Faltan, Dist. Satara 25.02.14
& give Guidance to farmers
38. Organized Farmers exposure visit Sinnar, Dist. Nashik 26.02.14
& give Guidance to farmers
39. Organized Farmers exposure visit Mahabaleshwar, Tal. Wai, 26.02.14
& give Guidance to farmers Dist. Satara
40. Organized Farmers exposure visit Chimangao & borjaiwadi 14.03.14
& give Guidance to farmers Tal.Koregaon Dist. Satara
41. Organized Farmers exposure visit Faltan Dist.Satara 24.03.14
& give Guidance to farmers

42. Organized Farmers exposure visit Sinnar, Dist Nashik 28.03.14

& give Guidance to farmers
43. Guidance on goat farming in one wai taluka Dist.satara by 15.03.14
day “Sheti Shala” organized under Dept.of Vety.&
ATMA on “scientific goat A.H.Extension.
44. Organized Farmers exposure visit Utrolli Tal. Bhor, Dist. 12.06.14
& give Guidance to farmers Satara
45. Organized Farmers exposure visit Panwhal,Tal.Bhor,Dist. 19.01.15
& give Guidance to farmers Pune
46. Organized Farmers exposure visit Sangamner,Tal.Bhor, 19.01.15
& give Guidance to farmers Dist.Pune
47. Organized Farmers exposure visit Kadhve, Tal.Velha, 21.01.15
& give Guidance to farmers Dist.Pune
48. Organized Farmers exposure visit Khed, Dist.Pune 05.02.15
& give Guidance to farmers
49. Organized Farmers exposure visit Mahabaleshwar, Tal. Wai, 09.02.15
& give Guidance to farmers Dist. Satara
50. Organized Farmers exposure visit Kikvi, Tal.Bhor,Dist. Pune 20.02.15
& give Guidance to farmers
51. Organized Farmers exposure visit Kikvi, Tal.Bhor,Dist. Pune 25.02.15
& give Guidance to farmers
52. Organized Farmers exposure visit Winzar, Tal.Velha, 26.02.15
& give Guidance to farmers Dist.Satara
53. Organized Farmers exposure visit Islampur, Dist. Sangli 02.03.15
& give Guidance to farmers
54. Organized Farmers exposure visit Islampur, Dist.Sangli 02.03.15
& give Guidance to farmers
55. Organized Farmers exposure visit Koriwale, bahule, 10.03.15
& give Guidance to farmers Patan,Dist.Satara
56. Organized Farmers exposure visit Menwali, 18.03.15
& give Guidance to farmers Bhogaon,Pandewadi,
Tal.Wai, Dist.Satara
57. Organized Farmers exposure visit Wadwadi, wing, Tal. 23.03.15
& give Guidance to farmers Khandala, Dist.Satara
58. Organized Farmers exposure visit Sinnar, Dist. Nashik 25.03.15
& give Guidance to farmers
59. Organized Farmers exposure visit Hatnoshi, Tal. Bhor, Dist. 30.03.15
& give Guidance to farmers Satara
60. Organized Farmers exposure visit Palmoshi, Tal.Bhor, 30.03.15
& give Guidance to farmers Dist.Satara

Lectures delivered in training programmes:

Sr. No. Date Subject Impact/Feedback or any other information

1. 15.12.08 Clean Milk Mahila Bachat Gat,Naikwadi complex,Shirval.

2. November Milk & Milk Mahila Bachat Gat,Naikwadi complex,Shirval.
2008 Products
3. November Clean Milk Mahila Bachat Gat,Naikwadi complex,Shirval.
2008 Production
4. November Milk & Milk Mahila Bachat Gat,Naikwadi complex,Shirval.
2008 Products
5. November Clean Milk Mahila Bachat Gat, Naikwadi
2008 Production complex,Shirval.
6. 08.01.09 Milk & Milk Mahila Bachat Gat, Naikwadi Shirval
7. 17.02.09 Clean Milk Three days Non-residential training
Production programme organized at KNPVC, Shirval for
the beneficiaries of special scheme Under
Kikvi, Panchayat samiti, Bhor.
8. 04.03.09 Clean Milk Three days residential training programme
Production organized at KNPVC, Shirval for the
beneficiaries of special scheme jointly
organized by KNP College of Veterinary
Science, Shirval, Department of Animal
Husbandry, Maharashtra State, Jillha Parishad
Satara and Panchayat Samithi, Khandala.
9. 22.05.10 Parasbagetil Krushidindi 2010 at Naigaon, Tal.Khandala,
kukutpalan: Dist.Satara
upyukta joddhanda
10. 13.05.10 Gramin In Training on “Gai Ani Myashinche
Mahilansathi vyavasthapan” at Jawale Dist.Satara
11. 17.05.10 Shirwal, Tal. Gangukaka S.H.G. of women of village
Khandala, Shirwal
12. 16.06.10 Shirwal, Tal. Kedareshshwar S.H.G. of women of village
Khandala, Shirwal
13. 15.07.10 Shirwal, Tal. Adarsh S.H.G. of women of village Shirwal
14. 10.08.10 Shirwal, Tal. Shivshakti S.H.G. of women of village Shirwal
15. 22.12.10 Clean milk Ascad yojne antargat pashusavardhan vishyak
production charchasatra,at kurungwadi Dist.Pune
16. 24.12.10 Clean milk Ascad yojne antargat pashusavardhan vishyak
production charchasatra,at Gunand Dist.Pune
17. 23.12.10 Shelipalan Three days training programme organized at
KNPVC, Shirval for the beneficiaries of
special scheme jointly organized by KNP
College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal,
Department of Animal Husbandry,
Maharashtra State, Jillha Parishad Satara and
Panchayat Samithi wai, koregaon, karad.
18. 22.12.10 Sankarit gai palan Three days training programme organized at
KNPVC, Shirval for the beneficiaries of
special scheme jointly organized by KNP
College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal,
Department of Animal Husbandry,
Maharashtra State, Jillha Parishad Satara and
Panchayat Samithi wai, koregaon, karad.
19. 08.03.11 Dugdh Mahila Melawa at KNP College of Veterinary
vyavasayachya Science, Shirval
mahtwachya babi
20. 26.03.11 Clean Milk Three days training programme organized at
Production KNPVC, Shirval for the beneficiaries of
special scheme jointly organized by KNP
College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal,
Department of Animal Husbandry,
Maharashtra State, Jillha Parishad Pune and
Panchayat Samithi, bhor
21. 17.03.11 Yashwi Dugdh Training & Group Discussion under
vyavasayachya Shetkaryansathi pashumitra Yojana at
mahtwachya babi Kapurhole, Dist.Satara
22. 21.03.11 Dugdh Three days training programme organized at
vyavasayachya KNPVC, Shirval for the beneficiaries of
mahtwachya babi special scheme jointly organized by KNP
College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal,
Department of Animal Husbandry,
Maharashtra State, Jillha Parishad Satara and
Panchayat Samithi khandala
23. 22.03.11 Yashwi Dugdh Ascad yojne antargat pashusavardhan vishyak
vyavasayachya charchasatra, at Utrolli Dist.Pune
mahtwachya babi
24. 14.05.11 Self employment Training on “Cattle & Buffalo Management” at
for rural women Village jawale Tal.Khandala, Dist.satara.
25. 18.05.11 Clean milk Mahila Melawa at Katraj dairy, Pune.
26. 08.10.11 Rabies For School children at High school Loham &
Naigaon on the occasion of “World Rabies
27. 07.01.13 Dugdh Three days training programme organized at
vyavasayachya KNPVC, Shirval for the beneficiaries of
mahtwachya babi special scheme jointly organized by KNP
College of Veterinary Science, Shirval,
Department of Animal Husbandry,
Maharashtra State, Jillha Parishad Pune and
Panchayat Samithi, velhe, purandar, bhor.
28. 07.03.13 Dugdh Mahila Melawa,Jawale, Dist.satara
mahtwachya babi
29. 03.12.13 Clean milk “Clean Milk Production Day” at Jawale, Dist
Production Satara
30. 29.03.14 Pashupalanatil Vishesh ghatak yojneantargat anusuchit jati va
mahilanche navboudha labharthina pashusawardhan
mahatwa vishyak tin divsanche prashikshan
31. 23.01.14 Dairy Farming Fadtarwadi, Tal.Wai. Dist.Satara
32. 15.03.14 Goat Farming Under ATMA organized one day “Sheti Shala”
on scientific goat farming” for farmers of wai
taluka Dist.Satara
33. 08.03.15 Mahilansathi Mahila Melawa on the occasion of ‘World
Pashupalnatil Women Day at Parinche, Tal.saswad,
Rojgarachya Sandhi Dist.Pune
34. 26.03.15 Mahilansathi Training on “Animal Husbandry” at KNPVC
Pashupalnatil Shirwal
Rojgarachya Sandhi
35. 16.04.15 Clean Milk Training programme entitled “NDP antargat
Production- Role of shetkari prerna Prashikshan” organized in
women collaboration with Katraj Dairy Pune at Bhor,

Adopted/model village activities:

Activities carried out at adopted villages:

1. Guidance through technical lectures
2. Animal Health Camps
3. Ambulatory clinical services once in a week
4. Deworming and Ecto-parasite eradication camp
5. Screening of animals for subclinical mastitis
6. Study tour of farmers to KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal
7. Mahila Melawa
8. Group discussions
9. Technical advocacy
Co-ordination of other Extension programmes:
 World Veterinary Day 2010
 Seminar on the occasion “World Rabies Day” on dt.30.09.10
 Seminar on Road safety in collaboration with IVRCL on the occasion of “Road safety
week” on dt. 07.01.2011
 Clean Milk production Day 2013
 World Environment Day 2014
 World Zoonoses Day 2014
 World Rabies Day 2015
Days/ Rallies Organized/Participated:
1. Provide guidance to school children on the occasion of World zoonoses Day on dt. 6th
July 2009
2. Organisation of Students Rally on the occasion of “World Veterinary Day” at Village
Jawale on 24.04.2010
3. Participated in “Krishi Dindi 2010” in the month of May 2010
4. Participated in Rally organised on the occasion of world Zoonoses Day at Satara city
5. Participated in awareness rally organized on the occasion of world Veterinary Day on
dt.30.04.11 by KNPVC Shirwal at Khandala, Dist.Satara
6. On the occasion of World Rabies Day organised Rabies Awareness Campaign for
school going children in Satara District 28.09.11
7. On the occasion of World Rabies Day organised Rabies Awareness Programme for
school going children at Dhyansawardhini School, Shirwal Dist Satara

Extension Survey Conducted:

Sr.No. Title Place Date

1. Socioeconomic survey of villagers of Village Jawale, 17.04.2010
Adopted Village Jawale Dist.Satara
2. Socioeconomic survey of villagers of Village bhongowali, 18.05.2010
Adopted Village Bhongawali Dist.Satara
3. Under NSS conducted survey of Village Bajarwadi, 22nd March
Socioeconomic Status of livestock Dist.Pune 2011
4. Under NSS conducted survey of Hatnoshi Village, Tal. 1st March,
Socioeconomic Status of livestock Bhor Dist. Pune 2012
5. Under NSS conducted survey of Dhavadi, Tal. Bhor Dist. 19th March,
Socioeconomic Status of livestock Pune 2013
6. For Departmental Project conducted Pune & Satara District January
survey of urban & rural women to 2013
study knowledge level of zoonotic
7. For Departmental Project conducted KNPCOVS, Shirwal September
survey of girl students of KNP College 2015
of Veterinary Science, Shirwal,


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