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Ebbing of Maoist ascendancy

THE TRIBUNE established in 1881
The turnout is a warning to fascist movements that they don’t reflect popular will
or Marxist-Leninist power has been
established; nor does it flow from a
long experience of seeking, and fail-

Act of terror in Amritsar ing to address, problems through con-

stitutional democratic processes; it is,
rather, an ideological given, an end
Policing failure costs innocent lives and a good in itself. Apart from a tiny

core of the top leadership, it is not the
HE attack on the Nirankari Bhawan in Adliwala village, near AJAI SAHNI
Maoist ideology that inspires or pro-
Amritsar, has cost three innocent lives. It has again highlighted EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INSTITUTE FOR vokes people to join the movement. It
the failure of the police in the state and at the Centre to gather CONFLICT MANAGEMENT
is, rather, frustration with the demo-
and provide actionable intelligence. Memory of the decade of terrorism cratic state’s inability to meet the

and attacks on religious places is fresh in Punjab, and recent incidents RRESPECTIVE of who wins the least of their aspirations; or it is the
prove, if any proof was needed, that vigilance must be eternal. current elections in Chhattis- complete absence of choice in areas
The unguarded target, a Sunday congregation, was attacked by garh, the Maoists have already where the state has abdicated or failed
two motorcycle riders, who apparently threw a grenade and escaped lost, particularly in Bastar divi- to fulfil its duties, and where the
after that. This is the fact that is known. Beyond that, all is conjec- sion, one of their last strongholds. In a Maoists have established their tran-
ture, although inevitably the ISI, Khalistani, extremist hands, are resounding vote for democracy, and A PALE SHADOW: Violent formations are quickly de-legitimised by defeat and the sient dominance. When the move-
all being noticed ex post facto. The task before the administration an explicit and courageous rejection Maoists, having taken a beating, have lost their capacity for disruption in most areas. ment begins to lose ground, much of
is to calm the nerves of the people and to apprehend the perpetra- of the CPI-Maoist’s call for a boycott the Maoist recruitment becomes pro-
of what they described as a farzi elec- gressively coercive, even as large
tors of the attack, and improve security at other public places that
tion process, the voter turnout in eight
Once guns enter the equation, claims to popular support (on numbers abandon rebel camps to
could be targeted. Capt Amarinder Singh and the administrative
top brass have taken the preliminary steps.
districts across 18 Assembly seats both sides) are unverifiable. People simply go along with the side return home or to surrender.
averaged as much as 76.28 per cent. Another reality is that such violent
Even as Punjab has largely been at peace, there has been a series of Crucially, the first phase of elections that threatens greater violence or offers the greatest protection. formations are quickly de-legitimised
intermittent incidents over the past couple of years. As everyone in Chhattisgarh was intended to by defeat. The Maoists have been tak-
knows, peace is always fragile in the state. A section of politicians, how- address some of the country’s worst ing a beating over at least the past six
ever, seem to have forgotten this hard lesson of the past decades. left wing extremist (LWE) affected year, saw its Konta constituency regis- For decades now, poorly informed years and have lost their capacities
Opportunistic and inflammatory statements feed chaos. The police will districts. Bastar has long been domi- ter an astonishing 55.3 per cent voter commentators have projected move- for disruption and violence in most
take the time to find out more. Kite-flying with comments about who nated by Maoist activities and has turnout — higher than what would be ments of armed violence in India — areas of past dominance. Small pock-
could have done this dastardly deed will further muddy the waters and been the principal haven for its lead- the average for most urban constituen- particularly Maoist rebellion — as ets in poorly connected regions, most-
vitiate the atmosphere in the state. It is time for the state police to rise ership since the progressive loss of cies in peaceful states. some sort of inchoate expression of ly dense forest, remain a challenge,
to the occasion. The Punjab Police is riven with rift at the top. This areas of dominance in the Telangana As in the past, the Maoists had called the popular will of the people, an but the time when the Maoists would
would have had implications on its intelligence parsing abilities. The region of then Andhra Pradesh for a boycott and violent incidents, incipient version of the ‘people’s put up improvised checkpoints along
through the early 2000s. intended to intimidate the population democracy’ the Maoists promise, many principal roads and extort ‘tax-
intelligence failure should not be compounded by a failure in policing
Since the last Assembly elections in and to disrupt security arrangements against the ‘fake democracy’ of the es’ from travellers are long gone.
and the investigation. The people of Punjab have lived in communal
2013, Bastar has accounted for 929 for the electoral exercise, continued parliamentary system. The truth is, The Maoists have openly
harmony even in the face of terrorist threats. They deserve to live with- LWE-linked fatalities — 98.41 per cent through the 38 days from the once guns enter the equation, claims declared themselves the enemies
out the shadow of terrorism constantly staining their lives. recorded in Chhattisgarh, and 43.95 announcement of the schedule on to popular support (on both sides) of democracy, and are not alone in
per cent of the 2,114 fatalities record- October 6 and the vote on November become unverifiable. People go along this hostility. While armed LWE
ed across the country in this period 12. At least seven civilians and nine with the side that threatens greater constitutes a significant threat to
(South Asia Terrorism Portal data, till SF personnel were killed in 15 lethal violence or offers the greatest protec- the stability of the system in

Scramble for reservation November 12, 2018).

Significantly, of the 18 Assembly con-
stituencies in Bastar, nine registered a
attacks during this period. Signifi-
cantly, at least 14 Maoists were killed
in operations during this time.
tion. Despite the capacities of the
state and its agencies, and their many
aberrations, state violence is exer-
shrinking areas of the country, the
gravest threats come from extrem-
ist ideologies that seek to subvert
Limits to tackling aspirations by promises voter turnout of over 80 per cent (Don- It is clear that the Maoists have lost cised under significantly greater con- the system from within. The voter

gargaon constituency with 85.15 per credibility and that democracy, with all straints than the violence of rebel for- turnout in Bastar is a demonstra-
N what appears to be the rerun of an old movie, the BJP govern- cent, recorded the highest polling). Just its imperfections, is more in line with mations and their kangaroo courts. It tion and a warning to movements
ment in Maharashtra is enacting a charade that was unsuccess- three constituencies recorded a vote of the aspirations of the people in regions is not difficult to simulate the mani- of fascism, both Left and Right,
fully played out by its Congress-NCP predecessor exactly a less than 74 per cent. These, significant- where rebels have long claimed to rep- festation of ‘popular support’ that they do not reflect the will of
decade back. As is the case now, in 2008 a committee declared the ly, are the worst affected by Maoist vio- resent popular will — a myth that has through acts of demonstrative cruel- the people, in particular the most
Marathas to be a socially and educationally backward community lence. Of them, Bijapur constituency won great favour with elements within ty, an art the Maoists have mastered marginalised and impoverished
and just before the last Assembly polls, the state government decid- recorded the lowest turnout, at 47.35 per the intellectual classes and even well in their areas of dominance. (Bastar is among the poorest
ed to allocate 16 per cent reservation for Marathas in education and cent, and has seen 244 Maoist-linked among the ‘strategic community’ in The Maoist choice of violence does regions of the country, though this
employment. This was to be over and above the reservation under fatalities since 2013 and has already this country. Indeed, even during the not flow from any evident superiority profile is changing). India’s faith
the Mandal Commission quota. There have been similar attempts to recorded 57 killed this year (till Novem- last Assembly elections in 2013, when of their so-called ‘people’s democracy’ remains in its constitutional
placate the dominant agriculturist castes in Haryana and Rajasthan ber 12). Similarly, Sukma district, the Maoists had threatened to cut off — a notion that has been left entirely democracy; the powers that seek
(Jats), Andhra (Kapus) and Gujarat (Patels). which recorded 321 fatalities since 2013, fingers if people voted, the turnout in undefined, and that has collapsed into its subversion will be rejected,
and has already counted 67 killed this Bastar was a high 75.93 per cent. arbitrary tyrannies wherever Maoist again and again.
In each of these cases, there are commonalities as well as differ-
ences. All four are warrior-agriculturist castes caught in a complex
vortex of aspirations and resentment. On the one hand, they feel

Time once, now pollution reading

bypassed by the post-globalisation boom in the services and knowl-
edge-based sectors. On the other, they face declining returns from
agriculture and fear the rise of the other backward castes after the
Mandal reservations came into effect. But in political ascendency,
Marathas and Jats also share the distress of being edged out from Rajiv Sharma genic air until everyone behind the Reduced visibility because of ber. Seeing young ones wearing masks
their previous stranglehold over the state’s political leadership. This smog screen is able to reach a consen- smoke emanating from burning to school, restricting the elderly indoors
recent deprivation of power has provoked a series of violent out-
bursts over small symbolic issues by the frustrated Maratha youth.
The Devendra Fadnavis government will cite an extraordinary
and exceptional situation to convince the courts to permit a breach
O NCE 2.5 PM and 10 PM were
times on a clock, now they
have become a measure of
deadly particulate matter of smoke
and dust we inhale to challenge
sus and give oxygen a fair chance to
flow in our lungs once again. Until
then, our health is at the mercy of poi-
sonous fumes being generated in mon-
strous proportions day in and day out.
fields leads to many accidents every
year. But nothing is done because no
one is answerable and life goes on.
Issuing pollution check certificate
is a farce. Not a single vehicle under-
and cricketers of a neighbouring coun-
try staging a walkout in the Capital of
my country because of air pollution
pains me. The day is not far, we all will
in the 50 per cent ceiling for reservation. That will only open the have to carry oxygen canisters.
organs meant for a gust of fresh air. We don’t spare a thought when dry goes the mandatory check before Some problems don’t have a concise
floodgates for the socially dominant castes in other states to clamour
Things were never so bad. There are leaves are burnt in a park, asphyxi- issuing the certificate. Adulterated solution, but a firm resolution by every-
for the same, thus upending the entire reservation arrangement,
thick clouds of smoke all around and ating hapless morning walkers. Fre- fuel used by commercial vehicles to one — people, authorities and NGOs —
which is neither an employment generation scheme nor a poverty everyone appears to be clueless. quent forest fires don’t shock us reduce input costs is also a big source to bring about a change in the vitiated
alleviation programme. And even if it was approved, the benefits will Authorities are in a fix. Judiciary does- anymore. Heritage buildings are of venomous spew. atmosphere. Sooner or later, said Evo
accrue to a microscopic section of the caste in question. These inter- n’t know how to get its umpteen rul- gutted. No festive occasion is com- We ourselves are responsible for the Morales, we will have to recognise that
mediate castes are deluding themselves by reposing faith in reserva- ings executed by an indolent adminis- plete without crackers. Nothing situation we are in. Gross insensitivity the earth has rights too, to live without
tion to extricate them from poor returns from agriculture, lack of tration. Leaders are wary of losing their scares us. The depleting ozone layer, towards the environment and the cal- pollution. What mankind must know is
quality education and the absence of decent, formal jobs. precious vote-banks. Farmers are citing coughing kids, itchy eyes, panting lous attitude of the authorities have that human beings cannot live without
the ‘cost factor’ to get rid of the stubble. elderly, increasing carbon footprint worked in tandem to ensure that we Mother Earth, but the planet can live
We are forced to breathe in carcino- — nothing stirs our soul. have landed ourselves in a gas cham- without humans.

❝ ❞
thought for the day letters to the editor
If you can find ways without obstacles, it probably Panth at the crossroads How do I run my home?
like the allegations in the earlier Maur new culture has developed: that of
leads to nowhere. — Che Guevara The murder of two devotees at Kotka- blast case in Punjab, this attack may hatred, malice, mud-slinging and I am working with the Punjab
pura and Bargari, protesting peaceful- have local political affiliation. As political expediency. Will it not perco- school board and wish to draw atten-
ly against desecration is reminiscent regards insurgency, it can’t thrive late to the masses? It is, that is why we tion to the working of the education
of the massacre of devotees at without the support of a larger local see violent hartals and bandhs on triv- department. I work on contract
on this day...100 years ago Nankana Sahib in the early 20th cen- populace. People of Punjab have, long ial matters. She was a tall leader and a under the Centrally sponsored
tury, an incident which has been ago, parted ways from extremists. great administrator. She did not buck- RMSA. The Punjab Government
canonised in Sikh prayer. Gone are JASHANDEEP S KANG, CHANDIGARH le under US pressure in 1971 and has not paid salary to teachers
the days of panthic leaders like Baba walked away with one of the most employed under SSA and RMSA for
Kharak Singh, Giani Gurmukh Singh decisive war victories in history. She is long. In the case of RMSA teachers,
Musaffir, Giani Kartar Singh and Mas- Full autonomy for CBI criticised for the Emergency, but it salary has not been paid since May.
lahore,wednesday, november 20, 1918
ter Tara Singh, who were devoted to Apropos the editorial ‘AP, Bengal bar will remain unclear how the pantheon This has been a regular practice.
the panth, which is now passing on CBI’ (Nov 19), it is disturbing that of leaders of those times would have When we enquire about it at the Dis-
Are Indian Merchants to Blame? through a phase of decadence. Situa- the CBI stands accused of being used acted had they been at the helm dur- trict Education Office, we are told
UNFORTUNATELY the Englishman’s correspondent, in suggesting a boycott of tions, formerly inconceivable, are by the Centre to implicate opponents ing those turbulent times. that the headquarters at Mohali
enemy goods, brings an unjustifiable charge against Indian merchants who coming up daily. The rulers of yester- to scuttle dissenting voices. Over- NEERAJ KISHORE SHARMA, SUNDERNAGAR have not released salaries. Over the
purchase cheap goods, no matter what their origin may be. It is not the fault of day are being questioned by the rulers politicisation of institutions is bound past three years, I have written sev-
Indian merchants if they go in for such goods as are in popular demand, and the of today. That is the ubiquitious sce- to deal a blow to the federal structure. en times to the DGSE, Mohali,
real difficulty is the intense poverty of the masses and their inability to patronise nario in the India of today. Such developments can be prevented Clean chit opposed explaining the problems we face in
superior goods at higher prices. It is for the manufacturing and exporting TAJINDAR SINGH, JALANDHAR when a policy envisaging absolute Apropos ‘Top court to hear plea the absence of money, but only once
countries to study the tastes of the people and supply such materials as are autonomy to the CBI is put in place. against clean chit to Modi in Gujarat got a response, and even then, salary
within the purchasing power of the people. The one thing that the correspondent Its impartiality would be manifested riots case’ (Nov 14), though the delay was not given. Twice I have lodged
forgets about India is that her people are not at present to be compared Look for real reason only when it carries out raids also in the Gulbarg massacre case did complaint at the grievance redress
economically with those of Canada and Australia, though their claim for political There are many possibilities with against leaders associated with the show lacunae in our justice system, cell, but in vain. It is very difficult to
equality with the latter is perfectly justifiable. India must be given freedom to regard to the attack on Nirankari con- ruling party since it can’t be pre- we still have our apex court, which can meet family requirements. Often, I
solve her economic problems in the same way as the Dominions have been. gregation. It may be an independent sumed that they are all incorruptible. be approached for challenging the have to take loans and pay interest
action of some Khalistani sleeper cell ROSHAN LAL GOEL, LADWA clean chit given to the mighty. As if to meet the daily expenditure, and
Boycott of German Goods. activated by some foreign, non-Pak- the 14-year wait was not traumatic for also pay income tax. Such an irre-
The Englishman supports a suggestion made by a correspondent that for the istan, extremist elements. Or given Zakia Jafri, the clean chit to then CM sponsible approach has disturbed
next five years the citizens of India should enter into a compact not to buy enemy the upper hand of our armed forces in Indira stands forgotten Modi was a shock. There are bleak my personal and professional life. I
goods. He says that Great Britain, the Dominions and the Allies can provide J&K, the ISI in collaboration with It is sad to observe that there were few chances of any relief coming her way, go my workplace every day and do
everything necessary for India. The problem is not an easy one, and it is too early Khalistani rebels is trying to open a remembrances on Indira Gandhi’s because a battery of legal advisers will my duty sincerely, still I am denied
yet to say what the future trade policy of the Empire will be. Mr. Lloyd George has second front in Punjab. It could also birth anniversay on November 19. be presented by the defence, but the my legal right to get wages. Are we
declared that there is to be no trade war and one of Mr. Wilson’s 14 conditions has be because of polarisation and dirty The Union government failed to slain MP’s widow deserves apprecia- living in a democracy, where the wel-
made that clear enough. It will, we believe, be possible to encourage a policy of politics. Given the fact that Lok Sabha insert even a perfunctory advertise- tion for fighting against all odds. fare of citizens is paramount?
Imperial preference as far as it suits the economic conditions of each unit of the elections are round the corner, just ment in newspapers. It seems that a MONA SINGH, AMRITSAR ANKUSH SABHERWAL, KAPURTHALA
Empire. In case of India the question deserves careful consideration from the
standpoint of people whose requirements are different in many matters. Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to:

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