September Patchogian 2019-2

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September, 2019 —- Celebrating 116 Years of Faithful Service — 1903 - 2019


Officers From the Grand Knight’s Desk

Chaplain If there be any truer measure of a man than by what he does, it
S/K Fr. William Winters, must be by what he gives." ―Robert South
OFM, Cap.
I can hardly believe that the summer is going by so fast. I hope everyone is enjoying the
Grand Knight
warm weather while it lasts. Before we know it, Fall will be here and we will have frost on the
S/K Michael Boehm
We had our Annual Picnic on August 24th over at Fireman's Park down in the Village. I want
Deputy Grand Knight to thank everyone who came down, Brother Knights, Sister Columbiettes, friends and family all
S/K James Kaan came out to enjoy what turned out to be a beautiful day on the bay. We had plenty of food and
drinks, games for the adults and kids, and I know all the kids enjoyed the bounce house. Thanks
S/K Kevin Drawbridge to Frank Bosco and Kevin Drawbridge for Chairing the event, and to all of the Brothers and
Sisters who helped out.
Financial Secretary
We are still out there selling C & B books. Our Motto this year is "Sell a book, Buy a book". If
S/K Robert Elliott PGK FDD
every member would sell one C & B book and buy one C & B book, we would be close to our
Warden goal of 1,000 books sold already. Please do what you can to help support not only a
S/K Richard Costa
worthy cause, but a very important fundraiser for our Council!
Treasurer On September 7th we will once again be Leading the way at the St. Liberata Procession. We
Bill Gonzalez will meet at the Courthouse at 11:30 am. Afterwards we will be selling C & B books and doing
Recorder our best to recruit new members. So come down and plan on spending some time there!
S/K Joe Fontana We will be helping out over at St. Francis Church on Sunday, Sep. 8th at their annual Picnic on
the Lawn. Anyone who can come down a lend a hand please see or call me at 774-2605 and let
me know. We will be down at the Council at 9 a.m. loading up and getting ready to cook up
S/K Vincent Lettieri
PGK FDD PFN FM hamburgers and hotdogs for the Parishioners following the 11am outdoor Mass. We will need
help manning the grills and cleaning up afterwards, so whatever you can do will be greatly
Inside Guard
Bill Mones
Now that the Summer is almost gone, we will be starting to organize membership drives at
Outside Guard all of the Churches that we serve, beginning September 15th at St. Francis. I will be asking those
S/K Frank Bosco
of you who attend the different Churches to help at these membership drives when we have
First Year Trustee them. It is very important that perspective members see a familiar face when we conduct our
S/K Pat Molluso membership drives.
Second Year Trustee
May God Bless you, and may God Continue to Bless America,
Rich Basak
Fraternally yours,
Third Year Trustee
SK Michael Boehm, Grand Knight
S/K John Terlecki PGK
All material in this document was approved by GK Michael Boehm for publication. Copyright 2019, Patchogue Council

Council Roster as of Dates To Remember Upcoming Events

August 1, 2019 Information on page 11
September 9th——–Monseigneur Corp.
Associate: 253
Meeting, 7:30pm
Insurance: 120
Inactive: 25 September 12th——Officers Meeting, 7:30pm Saint Liberata Feast, September, 7th
Total: 398
Honorary: 16 September 16th——Business Meeting, 8pm St. Francis DeSales Church Picnic,
Honorary Life: 103 September 30th——October’s Officers
14 September, 8th
Disability: Meeting, 7:30pm

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Family Director
SK James Ryan / 631-278-9429 /

May our Council Prayers be on behalf of the following:

Pray for Brothers Sammy Garafola, Rudy Carrabus and his wife Vicki, Jim Craig’s daughter Airen, Bill Mones’ wife
Virginia, PGK Willie Marciano and his wife Jean, Eddie O’Reilly, Gerry Restifo, Ernie Mailer, Andrew Carollo, Ralph
DePinto, Frank Cooper’s wife Virginia, Phil Sgro, Keith Mandart, Robert Naurek, Rich Basak, Rich Costa’s Mother, Tony
Russo, Santo Liguori, Tony Baffo, Robert Rizzo, Roy Schiebel’s wife and Joe Fontana and his girlfriend Grace Bessieres
and Jim Bermel.
Below are our recent notifications:
· May we pray for children returning to school. May the school year be full of learning, friendship, acceptance and spirit.
· Besides teachers, let us give our prayers for school staff and bus drivers who are giving of themselves during the school
· May we give our thoughts and prayers for those that work a lot of over-time, two and three jobs to take care of their
families for the necessities.
· May we pray for those that are considering religious vocations and for those that have made their life’s work as priests,
nuns and deacons.
We ask also that you pray for all our Brother Knights who are in need and for their families; those we know about, and the
many that we do not know about.

Happy Birthday to All

Faith Reflection
By SK James Ryan, Family Director

“Come to the Garden Alone, While the Dew is Still On the Roses”

For the Garden of Your Daily Living Plant Three Rows of Peas:
1. Peace of mind. 2. Peace of heart. 3. Peace of soul.

Plant Four Rows of Squash:

1. Squash gossip. 2. Squash indifference 3. Squash grumbling. 4. Squash selfishness.

Plant Four Rows of Lettuce:

1. Lettuce be faithful 2. Lettuce be kind. 3. Lettuce be patient. 4. Lettuce really love one another.

No Garden Is Complete Without Turnips:

1. Turnip for meetings. 2 Turnip for services. 3. Turnip to help one another.

To Complete Our Garden We Need Some Thyme:

1. Thyme for each other. 2. Thyme for family. 3. Thyme for friends.

Water freely with patience and cultivate with love.

There will be so much fruit in your garden because you reap what you sow.

Page 2
Our September Officers Meeting will be Thursday, September 12th at
7:30 pm
Our September Business Meeting is Monday, September 16th at 8 pm.
Remember, September is the LAST MONTH for casual attire and the
last Month for only one Meeting per Month!
For October, our Officers Meeting is Monday, September 30th at 7:30
pm (all Officers Meetings will be the Last Monday of the Month for the
rest of the Year) and our Business Meetings are on Monday, October 7th and Monday, October 21st
at 8 pm. Jackets and ties are required for the Officers for the rest of the Columbian Year!!

It’s C & B time again!!!!

Our Council will be out selling C & B raffles once
again and we need YOUR help. All we are asking
is a few hours of your time once a week or so.
Patchogue Council was # 2 in sales last year and
we want to regain that TOP SPOT!!! So please
call Chairman PGK John Praino at 631 399-4420
and let him know when you can help. We will
also be selling books all summer at most of the
Street Fairs and Festivals and at the Band shell
throughout the Village. We will be reaching out to you to recruit some help with this as well. And you are more then
welcome to ask for some books to sell on your own to your family, co-workers and friends. Just think about all those Girl
Scout Cookies that you buy! Now it’s your turn to sell. Books will be available at all meetings. Thank you.

Want to get up to the minute News,

Happenings and goings-on at the
Patchogue Knights of Columbus?
Like and Follow our Councils
Facebook Page: Patchogue Knights
of Columbus # 725

All Articles for the October Patchogian

must be submitted by
September 20th
Our Website—

Page 3
The September Fourth Degree Meeting will be held on September 25th. As of
this printing the location is unknown.
On October 26th at 7pm the Assembly is holding a Night at the Races at the
Mt. Carmel Parish Center. Contact Bob Elliott for ticket information.

The September Chapter Meeting will be held on Friday, September 13th at the
Farmingdale Council.
Eye Glasses and Hearing Aids are needed. Please bring them to the Chapter Meeting.
Brother Bob Murray is collecting them.

The Chapter is working on rebuilding and reworking the Chapter Web Site, stay tuned
for more information.

Financial Secretary
I am happy to report that our records and forms are currently all up to date. Please update your
information as needed. If you have changed your mailing address and have not been receiving the
Columbia magazine and membership bills, please contact me. Membership cards are mailed as
dues come in.

As of August 1, 2019 we have 253 associate; 120 insurance; 25 inactive members for a total of
398 members. This is the first time in many years we have dropped below 400 members, recruit
a new member today. The council is in good standing with Supreme and New York State.

Knight Alert third Notices are being prepared to be mailed out, send your membership dues in right away.
Please make payment promptly to Patchogue K of C 725.

Robert W. Elliott, FS
151 Springdale Drive,
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

District Deputy Report


Hope everyone enjoyed their summer. As always it went too fast.

Congratulations to Patchogue Council for earning the Columbian Award
and to Queen of all Hearts and St. Jude (2nd year in a row) on earning Star Council for the
Columbian year of 18-19. What a great accomplishment to earn these awards with the new Faith in
Action and safe environment requirements that you had to complete.

We will be having a 1st and 2nd Degree on September 10 at St. Jude in Rocky Point and a 3rd Degree at
St. Thomas Moore Council on September 27.
Thank you for being a Knight and God Bless,

Page 4
On Monday August 26th our Council held its Annual Golf Outing at Rock Hill Country Club. Once again we were Blessed by wonderful
weather and good company! We want to thank everyone who worked hard on this event, especially Frank Cooper and John Terlecki.
We also want to thank all those Brother Knights and Sister Columbiettes who came out on the day of the Outing to help and made it
such a success!

Page 5
On Monday July 29th our Council held its Installation of Officers Dinner and Ceremony. I am very happy to say the event
was very well attended by our membership. Everyone enjoyed a nice evening and the food that followed the ceremony. I
would like to thank DD Bill Fontaine and his staff of Wardens Bill Wallace, Andrew Delligatti and Shawn Sexton for doing an
outstanding job, and to our State Advocate Norm Wagner and FN Tom Fawcett for joining us that night.

Also that evening several Major Council Awards were given out by our outgoing GK John Terlecki. Special thanks to PGK
John and Awards Committee Chairman James Kaan and everyone who worked on the Awards Committee for making two
outstanding selections! Congratulations to Bill Wallace on being named Patchogue Council’s 2018-2019 “Knight of the
Year”. Bill’s willingness to always step up and volunteer his time and hard work for whatever is happening in and around
the Council has not gone unnoticed, even though he never seeks out any recognition for himself. He is a true
representation of what a Brother Knight should be. Congratulations also are in order for GK Mike Boehm and his wife Jes-
sica on being named 2018-2019 “Family of the Year”. Mike and Jessica together always work so hard to make sure that
everything that they do at the Council goes smoothly and is an enjoyable time for everyone. Their efforts every year
working on the Christmas Party and dances always ensures a fun time for all. Not to mention all of the other things they
are involved with throughout the rest of the year, like movie nights and distributing hot chocolate and cookies every year
at the Christmas Parade, and so many other things that always seem to just happen. Again, Congratulations to both of
these Award recipients.

Page 6
On Saturday August 24th we held our Annual Council
BBQ down at Fireman’s Field. The first thing is, it was
an absolutely glorious day! We couldn’t have asked for
better day weather wise! I’d like to thank Co-Chairs
Frank Bosco and Kevin Drawbridge for all of their work
in putting this event together. We had a very nice
crowd on hand and everyone who attended had a great
time. I would also like to thank all of the Brother
Knights who came down to help out and lend a hand,
when the time comes we know that we can always de-
pend on you guys for chipping in and getting the job
done, and to have some fun doing it as well. Once again
thanks for helping and thanks for coming!!


It is with great pleasure that we inform you that Council #725 has been awarded the Columbian Award
for the 2018-2019 fraternal year.

All awards are currently in production and will be shipped to State and District leaders to be presented
to your council.
We wish you much success this fraternal year and encourage you to strive for Star Council
status in 2020.

Fraternal Mission Department

Page 7
Keller’s Korner September, 2019
Raising Awareness about Life Insurance
Each September since 2003 has been designated as Life Insurance Awareness Month. Like most awareness-
raising campaigns, Life Insurance Awareness Month was created because there is an overwhelming lack of
understanding of life insurance, its uses, its benefits, and its variations among the general public.

A recent survey found that more than 75 percent of people polled did not have a personal financial advisor,
even though 68 percent of them said their opinion of their current economic condition was somewhat
unfavorable or very unfavorable.

In other words, a majority of those surveyed were uncomfortable with their finances, yet they did not seek professional assistance.

If you fall into this category, please remember that as a member of the Knights of Columbus, you have a full-time, professional agent
you can call your own. My primary responsibility is the care and service of your family’s life insurance, retirement and long-term care
needs. I’ll answer your questions because I want your decisions to be informed ones. I want to help.

Forty three percent of people did not buy life insurance because they worry about “making the wrong decision.” Talk with me, your
agent, and, afterwards, you’ll understand that the only wrong decision was not purchasing sooner to protect your family’s future.

Alex Keller FICF


Order Now!!
If you are in need of Council Apparel, now is a good time to order them. See
Brother Knight Keith Mandart or call him at 516-480-2076 for tee-shirts, polo
shirts and hats!! We have jackets available too. Order them now for Marching in
the Parades and Council Events!!

Page 8

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — Supreme Knight Carl Anderson spoke to fellow members of

the Knights of Columbus at the Order’s 137th Supreme Convention. In his speech
during the business session, Supreme Knight Anderson highlighted the achievements
from the past fraternal year and announced new initiatives for the Order.
The theme of his speech was “Knights of Unity.”

“Through our unity, we will continue to rise in charity and fraternity. And as we extend the hand of brotherhood, we will contin-
ue to transform the world around us — a world that needs more, not less, of the truth and witness that define all those who call
themselves Knights of Columbus.”
Other topics that the Supreme Knight touched on were:



For the full report and to read more about the Supreme Knights Report go to

PRO-LIFE PRAYERFUL PRESENCE. Scheduled times at local abortion provider/referral

sites are listed below. To volunteer, speak with the contact person before going to a
site. Never witness alone. Your presence, if even for 30 min. a month, is important!
Location Day/Time Contact Phone
450 Waverly Ave 2nd Saturday 10:30-11:30 AM (631) 472-4314


Sunday, October 6, 2019 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Join us at the following location: LIE, Exit 70S, County Road 111, Manorville
Please use signs distributed at the site. Sponsored by: Long Island Coalition for Life,
Inc., PO Box 223, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
For more information Call Jack O’Brien at 516-724-6821 or

Page 9
Consecration to the Holy Family Prayer:
On Sunday September 15th we invite all of our Brother Knights
and Sister Columbiettes to join us at the 10:30 am Mass at St.
Francis for the Consecration to the Holy Family Prayer. As a
way to help families live out the joy of Christ, Supreme
Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori has composed a prayer
through which families will come together to consecrate them-
selves under the protection of the Holy Family. In this prayer,
we ask for the aid or intercession of the perfect son Jesus
Christ, Mary the perfect mother, and Joseph who is a model
for every father. Together we will guide our council and
community to understand and offer this important and
impactful prayer. Through this consecration, each of us is
consciously choosing to be a beacon of God’s love through his
Church. We will be handing out Prayer Cards prior to the
Mass, and will be hosting a bagel breakfast at the Church
following the Mass.
O Lord Jesus,
you lived in the home of Mary and Joseph in Nazareth.
There you grew in age, wisdom and grace
as you prepared to fulfill your mission
as our Redeemer.
We entrust our family to you.
O Blessed Mary,
you are the Mother of our Savior.
At Nazareth you cared for Jesus
and nurtured him in the peace and joy of your home.
We entrust our family to you.
O Saint Joseph,
you provided a secure and loving home for Jesus and Mary,
and gave us a model of fatherhood
while showing us the dignity of work.
We entrust our family to you.
Holy Family,
we consecrate ourselves and our family to you.
May we be completely united
in a love that is lasting, faithful
and open to the gift of new life.
Help us to grow in virtue,
to forgive one another from our hearts,
and to live in peace all our days.
Keep us strong in faith, persevering in prayer,
diligent in our work, and generous toward those in need.
May our home, O Holy Family,
truly become a domestic church
where we reflect your example in our daily life. Amen.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!

Page 10
Upcoming Events

A Reminder that on Sunday, September 8th

our Council will be helping out at
St. Francis DeSales following the 11am
outdoor Mass.

Our Council will be cooking hot dog &

hamburgers at this event and we will need

We will be meeting at the Council at 9am to load up the Grills and whatever
we need and then heading over to the Church.
All are welcome to come on down and help out at this event. We hope to see you there!!!

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My Dear Sister Columbiettes and Brother Knights,

I can’t believe it’s September already, with the kids back to school and another Columbiette year beginning. As always we
are starting our year off with another successful St. Liberata festival. I wish to thank everyone who helped this year
manning the booth and a special thank you to Betty Leupp and her husband for going above and beyond getting gift
certificates for our basket raffle. We will continue selling raffle tickets for the baskets at our churches through the fall and pick the
winners at our Christmas party in November.

Our first meeting this month is the 18th at 7 pm, so please come to find out what will be going on for the rest of the year. One thing I can
tell you is that we will be hosting a Major Degree in October, so if you have any sister Columbiettes who made their first degree please
let them know.

Please keep all our sister Columbiettes and brother Knights in your prayers especially Elaine Addie, Terry Bobe, Tatiana Drawbridge who
will be preparing to work aboard aircraft carrier The USS Abraham Lincoln CVN72 , we are so proud of Tatiana and her service in the

Happy Birthday to the September babies.

May the peace of our Lord be with you always,

Betty Weeks, President

Nettie Knitters
We are still here!!!!!! We meet on Tuesday’s at 1pm. Why not come on down and see if you would be
interested. See ya there, The Netties

Knights of Columbus Senior Club

Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the K of C Hall.
1 pm to 3 pm

WE RE BACK !!!!!!!

September 18, 2019, Wednesday. Listen to The Capri’s in the new Entertainment arena. Bus, Credit for slots and Lunch with a plus,
listening to the Capri’s A blast from the past. $102.00.
Our Social Chairperson is back and will be working on plenty more trips and luncheons.
If interested Contact Ronny Pliszak, 631-289-5758
So for now we gave you a slight taste of the trips to come and we’re working on more.

God Bless
The Seniors of Patchogue Council, Chuck Gerlach (The Best president there is)

Chuck Gerlach, President,

VP, Pat Molluso——Treasurer, Theresa Baker——Secretary, Elaine Addie, (631) 475-5722
Communications Chairperson Dorothy Zeo, 475-8508——Entertainment Chairpersons, Ronny Pliszak 289-5758
and Elaine Addie 475-5722.

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