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20. What is the text about? General pichre

A. The instruction ofusing CBT for Ujiaa Nasionat
I. lrrlegal notifica{on for using CBT iii U.ii* Nasionat.
C. The CBTtraining invitation foirteacne,f,s il Wilrk;.
P. thr imporrance of using cBT for ujiair NasioJ to ,ruo"nt .
E. The announcement ofniw regulatioi cgif". *i, iii*w*ionot.
2l ' A teacher should bring .. .beside a laptop, pable roll, a flask disc and modem in the
A. the CBTtraining invitation
B. the legal letter of invitation
C. the softoopy ofthe test ,

D. an identity card
E. CBT software
This text is for questions22

To: Kim Gun *>

Cc: All SAff
{r9m: Jack Inng <jtmg@kc,€.c(m>
Subjcc* Yelcome to orr-Tem!
Welcm to ourTcm!
It is a pleasre to webmc ,qt b ftc srafidKc Elcrtuhr E.ld b kE piir
vc re r
*.]f;].}!ry tu f*
ylill @y worting *m o* oq-y.
(m me [rst Mmdsy of each momtr we ho-td1
Please be sure to come next week to meet ail
ryecht *an'td:t to wehome amy ffry
joined us this month. Alice peters will
of our *ri*,tuff;;r1;ffi;.f*trmeni,bers who
lave email yoo *iit
iiutrrer details.
If y9u have any queltio-n-s during your training. p.riod, pi.*
a" not hesitate to contact me. you can
reach me at my email address o, o, my omce
lin e atyaaZnZ.
Warm regards,

Jack Long
Sales Managef

22. What is Long,s intention in writingthe lcttsr?

A- To ask Peters to write a wercome letter for Kim d Jack,s compony.
Jo register Kim Gun to be a new emproyee in Jack,s cmpany.
To grve welcome information for fim ,r! u o"*.-pfoy"".
To join aninformal meeting with Jack in u.".t"i" pi*".
To invite all KC electronici employee to have tuncn.

This text is for uestions 23 to2G.

l' stay out of the sun during peak hours. while these
times uary slightly depending
g4p"r,riuil-u"ioo,n r o,oo

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