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July 27, 2016

How much should be collected from the partners?

Navarro, if your name appears in the partnership name, what are Singh: Upon the commencement of the partnership, C only
the effects? advanced P25,000. C still has a liability of P25,000 to the
Navarro: If I am indeed a partner, I would be bound by the partnership. So, the creditor can go to C for the 25,000
liabilities of the partnership. Even if I am not a partner, I will pesos. The remaining P50,000 will be pro-rated between A,
still be bound, but I will not be entitled to the profits. B, and C. If P75,000 will be divided equally between A, B,
and C, that will be unfair since C promised to contribute
This falls under the principle of estoppel. If I am not a P50,000.
partner, but I allowed the partnership to use my name,
then there is a presumption, under that firm name, that I Situation (exhaust all the assets first; pro rata)
am part of the partnership, when in fact, I am not. A, B, and C agreed to contribute P50,000 each to the partnership
for a total of P150,000. A and B delivered P50,000 each as
Do not allow your name to be included in the firm name; otherwise promised but C delivered P25,000 only. Later on the partnership
you will be estopped in denying the liability. You will be liable as a incurred a liability of P200,000. How much will each partner be
partner. liable?
 C will be liable for P25,000 because he owed the
What may be included in the partnership name? partnership P25,000 and the remaining P50,000 will be
Navarro: The partnership may or may not use the names of answered by A, B, and C equally.
the partners. The general rule in choosing a firm name is  The joint or the pro rata liability applies only after all the
anything that the partners desire. They could use all their assets (partnership) had been exhausted.
names, their surnames, one or more of the partners’
surnames, even a fanciful or fictitious surname. Liability v. Losses
When we talk of liabilities, these are liabilities due to third persons.
Three partners agreed to contribute P50,000 each, for a total of So what we discussed before is the concept of loss. To reconcile,
P150,000. A and B fully contributed their P50,000 each. C although we said that industrial partners are not liable for losses,
advanced half of his contribution, P25,000. There is now P125,000. they are liable for liabilities due to third persons. So the industrial
The partnership incurred an obligation of P200,000. They can partner are allowed to pay for liabilities due to third persons, they
expect a loss because capital was only P125,000, and the can seek re-imbursement from capitalist partners.
obligation, P200,000. The creditor is now demanding for the
payment of the P200,000 debt. How much can the creditor Can the creditor not collect from anyone of the partners the entire
collect? obligation?
Honoridez: P125,000.  The creditor cannot collect from only one partner the entire
obligation because pro rata means equally and jointly.
The creditor can get P125,000 pesos, short by P75,000. Where will
the creditor collect the P75,000? When we say jointly, the creditor can only collect the part of the
Honoridez: The creditor can demand payment from the liability due to that partner.

Caballero· Daileg· Gocuan· Honoridez· Lim· Pungos· Vergara

July 27, 2016

Whatever purpose… How about go to the karaoke and drink all

Situation (Joint liability and Solidary liability) day?
Padao: Yes, sir, because when he gave it to me there was
A. Joint debtors and joint creditors no condition.
 The joint creditor may collect only his share of the entire
obligation and the joint debtor is liable only up to the But if he gave the check to you, “Hoy, Monika, 2,000 ray gastuha
extent of his share in the obligation. ana. Ang ocho hipusa.” What will you do?
 So X can only demand up to P3,000, which is his share in Padao: So I will only spend the 2,000 pesos because of the
the entire obligation. However, he can only collect P1,000 condition.
each from A, B, and C since they are only liable for their
respective share in their obligation against X. Alright, in other words, you were authorized. Since you were
authorized, what are you supposed to do?
Joint debtors and solidary creditors Padao: I can only use the money within the authority given.
 The solidary creditor can collect the entire amount while
the joint debtor is liable only up to the extent of his share in Within the authority given! I like that term. Therefore, if you are
the entire obligation. given the instruction to do something or power to do something,
 So X can demand the entire P9,000. However, A, B, and C what are the two things that you should remember?
will only be liable to pay up to P3,000 each, which is their Padao: 1) I have the authority and 2) I am obliged to
respective share in the entire obligation. exercise that authority within the limits of the authority.

Solidary debtors and joint creditors If you are a partner, what did we learn?
 The joint creditor can only demand his share of the entire Padao: A partner is an agent of the partnership and
obligation from any of the solidary debtors. whatever he does shall bind the partnership.
 So X can only demand for P3,000 but he can demand the
entire P3,000 from either A, B, or C. Exactly! However, if your partnership was engaged in a grocery
store, and you were a partner, somebody wanted to buy 5 kilos of
Solidary debtors and solidary creditors rice. Will your buyer ask, “Padao, do you have authority to sell 5
 The solidary creditor may collect the entire obligation from kilos of rice?”
any of the solidary debtors. The solidary debtor who paid Padao: No, the authority is presumed.
for the entire obligation may demand reimbursement from
his co-debtors. Exactly, I like that again! Presumed authority. Why is it presumed?
 So X can collect the entire P9,000 from either A, B, or C. If A Padao: Because it is usual to the business.
paid for the entire obligation, He can demand
reimbursement of P3,000 each from B and C. Usual! But the moment you sell the motorcycle used for the
delivery of the groceries, do you have the presumed authority?
If your father, Padao, gave to you 10,000 pesos in a check and he Padao: No, because it is not usual.
told you, “Monika, this is your 10,000 pesos.” What will you do with
it? Alright, it’s either actual/express authority or presumed authority.
Padao: I can spend it on whatever purpose. Either of this will be enough. And again, presumed authority arises

Caballero· Daileg· Gocuan· Honoridez· Lim· Pungos· Vergara

July 27, 2016

cannot also enter into a compromise agreement with

when? Tig-inum ka’g kape? Nerbyoson man ka. Nerbyoson ka regard to affairs of the partnership.
para muduol pako nimo?
Padao: Presumed authority arises when it is usual to the Alright, in other words, Davad, even an express authority might not
business. Either of the two (authorities) shall bind the be sufficient to perform all these acts, much less a presumed
partnership. authority, rather, what is necessary?
Davad: What is necessary here is that there should be
However, express authority or presumed authority will not be consent of all the partners.
enough in certain instances. And these instances are?
Padao: Acts of strict ownership such as selling property in This requires unanimity because the law says,
the partnership which would render the business operations Davad: The law says with regard to disposal of properties or
impossible. acts of ownership, it needs the consent of all the partners
to make the act valid.
For example: A partnership is engaged in a transportation
business and one of the partners sells all the buses that the Alright! Unanimity is required to be able to perform the acts.
partnership own. Unanimity- one or more but less than all… one or more but not less
than all nganung dili “ALL” na lang! So here unanimity is required
In other words, Caballero, what are we trying to drive at? We are and one of which is the confession of judgment. What is this?
looking for instances which require… Davad: Confession of a judgment means there would be
Caballero: In cases provided for under the law, a partner admission of liabilities, but without presentation of any
cannot assign the property of the partnership in trust. He defenses which is actually done in the court.
also cannot enter into a compromise agreement in matters
concerning claims and liabilities. Also, a partner cannot So confession of judgment meaning, no contest, we will not
enter into a confession of judgment. A partner cannot present any evidence in defense. We immediately admit liability.
enter into a contract to dispose the goodwill of the Compromise agreements? Why is this not allowed?
partnership. (see Article 1818) Davad: It’s not allowed because the partners are acting in
a fiduciary relationship, so there is trust and confidence
In other words, Gocuan, even if there’s express authority or even if among the partners.
we apply the presumed authority, this will not be sufficient to (bind
the partnership). What could these acts be? So why is a compromise agreement not allowed unless all will
Gocuan: Acts of strict dominion, sir. consent? What happens in a compromise agreement? It might
involve an assumption of liability or it might involve waiver of rights
Acts referring to strict dominion, as for instance? which is done in usual compromise agreements, so not just any
Davad: The law provides that the authority is not presumed party. Not just any party.
when we say that there is disposal of properties, it means
that the partnership property cannot be assigned to Alright! Submission of the partnership claim to an arbitration, why is
anyone, also that there will be no confession of judgment. it not allowed? What happens in an arbitration?
It means that it doesn’t allow admissions as to liability
without presentation of defenses. It also doesn’t allow for An arbitrator is not necessarily a court of law and therefore, the
renunciation of claims with regard to the partnership. It degree of evidence required might be different and the act of the

Caballero· Daileg· Gocuan· Honoridez· Lim· Pungos· Vergara

July 27, 2016

partnership and in what way? (partner conveys property under the

arbitrator in appreciating the evidence cannot be of the same partnership name)
quality as if it were presented in a court of law. So we cannot trust  Yes, it can be recovered if any of the following are present:
arbitration, therefore unless everybody, all the partners agreed to 1) That the conveyance is not done in course of the
submit the matter to arbitration, no partner by himself or with usual business of the partnership (no presumed
others, if not all of them, may submit this to an arbiter. Alright! authority or there is lack of authority)
2) The transferee has the knowledge that the person
Conveyance of Real Property conveying has no authority (knowledge of
Gocuan: There are four instances wherein the partnership transferee)
property may be named. It may be in the name of
a) the partnership; In other words, we go back to the basic rules, where we said that
b) one or more but not all the partners; the basic requirement is presumed authority if it was done in the
c) one or more or all the partners, or in a third person usual way of business.
in trust for the partnership; or
d) all the partners. If conveyed in the usual way of business and without the
transferee’s knowledge, you cannot take it back anymore.
A property may be registered in the name of the partnership, or
the name of some but not all the partners, or in the name of all the On the other hand, there are still instances where it could be
partners, or it may be in the name of a third party as trustee. recovered. What would these instances be?
 Partner A transferred the property, under the partnership
While B’s property is in the name of these parties we have name, not in the usual way of business to X, where
mentioned, it may also be conveyed, in whose name may it be transferee had knowledge that A had no authority to
conveyed? transfer such.
Caballero: It may be conveyed in the name of the
partnership, or one or more but not all partners, or one or Vergara:
more and all partners, and all the partners. 1) In the name of the partnership conveyed under the
partnership name
Alright! So that it may be conveyed, if it’s in the name of the a. Express or presumed authority (usual way of the
partnership, how may it be conveyed? It’s in the name of the business)
partnership, of course, it should be conveyed in whose name? In b. No knowledge on the part of the transferee
the name of the partnership because in the papers, in the title
perhaps, the name of the partnership is there, so the conveyance Recovered how? Only recovered if either no authority of the
may or the transfer must be in the name of the partnership. partner OR the transferee has knowledge of no authority.

In the name of the partnership, conveyed by the partnership. 2) Title in the name of the partnership conveyed by one of the
What is its effect? partners (under the name of the partner)
Caballero: It passes the title and ownership.
We said the partners are agents of the partnership, they could
Because it was in the name of the partnership, conveyed in the have done it. However the effect is?
name of the partnership, title is passed. Can it be recovered by the Vergara: It only passes the equitable title or interest.

Caballero· Daileg· Gocuan· Honoridez· Lim· Pungos· Vergara

July 27, 2016

5) Title is in the name of the 3rd person in trust for the

What is that? partnership, conveyance is made by the trustee (Title in
 It is a title or right that is not generally recognized under the name of one or more or all partners or a third person in trust
law, but eventually it will ripen into an actual right or title. for partnership, conveyance executed in partnership name
or in name of partner). Only the equitable interest is
The transferee can compel the partnership to legitimize the title. He transferred.
has that right.
However, there is an exception, if it is done not in the usual
In other words, he has the right to demand from the partnership to course of business and without authority from the partners.
legitimize. Although there is a little defect, he can compel under
the principle that each partner can act in behalf of the In short, what have we learned today?
partnership. When can he not compel the partnership to cure the Vergara: If there is a defect in the conveyance in the real
defect? property, what is passed is only the equitable interest and
Sibay: The transferee cannot compel the partnership to the transferee can compel the partnership to legitimize his
legitimize the title if the partner who transacts with him has title. The exception is if the transaction is done not in the
no presumed authority and he has knowledge that the usual course of business and with the transferee’s
partner transacting with him has no authority. knowledge that there was no authority from the other
3) Title in name of one or more partners conveyed in the
name of partner/s in whose name title stands (Title in the What is the effect of an admission?
name of partners X and Y, conveyed by partners X and Y Lim: When you admit as true any statement involving the
also) partnership.

Sibay: Title is transferred on the principle that these partners There was a case in court. The partnership was sued for tax evasion
are the agents of the partnership, acting in behalf of the and accounting related evidence were presented and the
partnership. partner testified in court that indeed it was a correct accounting.
What are required for an admission to bind the partnership?
Can it be recovered by the partnership? Lim: The person must be a partner at the time he acquired
Sibay: Yes. If the partner who transacted has no authority or the information and must be acting within the scope of his
that it is not in the usual course of business and that the authority.
transferee has knowledge that the partner who transacted
with him has no authority. In our example, if that person is an accountant and he
admitted matters relating to the partnership books or the
Vergara: accounting of the partnership, then that would mean he is
4) Title in the name of all partners conveyed in the name of all in the scope of its authority with regard to those matters.
Alright, again, before an admission binds the partnership?
Any defect? Lim: First, he must be a partner. Next, he must be acting
Vergara: No defect. It’s a perfect transfer. within the scope of its authority.

Caballero· Daileg· Gocuan· Honoridez· Lim· Pungos· Vergara

July 27, 2016

If the father of the victim demands payment, from whom will the
partnership demand payment?
When we say acting within the scope of its authority, what do you Regalado: From any of the partners, because in this case
mean? the partners are solidarily liable to the acts or omissions
Lim: He acquired that information in the course of its duties. which are committed by the other partners in the ordinary
course of business.
That admission must be referring to something within his authority.
On the other hand, knowledge of the partner is knowledge of the But I thought we said pro rata? Joint?
partnership. What would that mean? Gamayon: I think that the victim should go to the
Lim: Because of the fiduciary relationship between partners partnership as with regard to the damages. And if the
and consistent with their duty to account and to render full partnership does not have the money, the victim could go
information to each other, anything that they admit would to any of the partners and collect solidarily. It would not be
be taken against the partnership. pro rata because this is a damage based on torts and so
we cannot apply the pro rata since it applies to
How did we define crime Regalado? contractual obligations.
Regalado: Crime is an act or omission punishable under the
law. Sources of obligations again?
Gamayon: Law, contracts, quasi-contracts, delicts, quasi-
As a matter of fact, it is just one source of an obligation. What are delicts.
the other sources of an obligation?
Regalado: The sources of obligation are law, contract, Pro rata applies to?
quasi-contracts, delicts, and quasi-delicts. Gamayon: Contractual obligations.

X is a partner in a partnership. Do you still remember in our This one? Medical expenses?
example? P150,000 versus P200,000? The loss of P50,000. In Gamayon: Quasi-delicts.
addition, one of the partners, while on a sales visit, he was running
along the carbon area with a speed of 200KPH. He hit a What are quasi-delict?
pedestrian for which the injury and medical expenses cost P15,000 Gamayon: An act or omission punishable by reason of
Again this was claimed against the partnership, what are now our negligence.
claims against the partnership?
Regalado: The claims are, P15,000 for medical expenses, Failure to observe due diligence. Alright! There is the distinction. If
and the P50,000 short of the credit due. the liability is that of contractual obligations rule is pro rata. On the
other hand, if it’s quasi-delict, then solidary liability.
So the claimant for the medical expenses is now demanding from
the partnership, who will be liable? Read until Article 1835.
Regalado: It is the partnership that will be liable since the
incident happened in the ordinary course of business of the

Caballero· Daileg· Gocuan· Honoridez· Lim· Pungos· Vergara

July 27, 2016

a. Assign the partnership property in trust for creditors

IMPORTANT POINTS: or on the assignee’s promise to pay the debts of the
 Partner or not, if name is included in the partnership name, b. Dispose of the goodwill of the business
he will be held liable for partnership liabilities – Principle of c. Do any other act which would make it impossible to
Estoppel carry on the ordinary business of a partnership
d. Confess a judgment
 Partnership may choose any firm name the partners may - Without presentation of evidence
desire. It may be any of their names or surnames or a e. Enter into a compromise concerning a partnership
fanciful or fictitious name. claim or liability
- Admission of liability or waiver of rights
 All partners are liable pro rata with all their property for f. Submit a partnership claim or liability to arbitration
contracts entered into in the name and for the account of - Arbitration is not done according the rule of
the partnership, provided that all the partnership assets law. The arbiter is not a court of law. Hence,
have been exhausted. the appreciation of evidence is difference
o This applies to industrial partners. Although they are from that done in ordinary judicial
generally exempt from losses, they are not exempt proceedings.
from liabilities to third persons. g. Renounce a claim of the partnership
o The exemption from losses – as between the
partners  Conveyance of Real Property
o Liabilities – as to third persons
o Subject to the right of the industrial partner to claim Real properties may be registered owned in the name of
reimbursement from the capitalist partners, unless a) the partnership;
there is stipulation to the contrary b) one or more but not all the partners;
o Pro-rata – equally and jointly c) one or more or all the partners, or in a third person
The creditor cannot collect from only one partner in trust for the partnership; or
the entire obligation because pro rata means d) all the partners.
equally and jointly.
o See examples on joint and solidary debts and 1. TITLE: Partnership name
credits. CONVEYANCE: Partnership name
 Title is passed
 A partner is an agent of the partnership. His acts bind the
partnership. 2. TITLE: Partnership name
o Express or Actual Authority CONVEYANCE: Partner in his own name
o Presumed Authority – in the usual course of the  Equitable interest is passed
partnership business  Equitable interest is one not recognized under
law, but is based on equity. The transferee has
 Acts which require unanimity (consent of all partners the right to compel the partnership to legitimize
necessary to bind the partnership, express authority or his claim or title.
presumed authority, not sufficient) – acts of strict dominion

Caballero· Daileg· Gocuan· Honoridez· Lim· Pungos· Vergara

July 27, 2016

exercise due diligence; they are liable pro-rata if based on

3. TITLE: One or more but not all partners contractual obligations.
CONVEYANCE: Partners in whose name the title stands
 Title is passed.

4. TITLE: One or more or all the partners, or in a third person

in trust for the partnership
CONVEYANCE: By partner in the partnership name or in
his own name
 Equitable interest is passed.

5. TITLE: All the partners

CONVEYANCE: All the partners
 Title is passed.

 When there is no defect in the transfer of the real property,

title is passed. Otherwise, only the equitable interest is
transferred. The transferee has the right to compel the
partnership to legitimize his title.

 Partnership may recover the property

UNLESS the act binds the partnership (express or
presumed authority, in the usual way of the
business), OR
UNLESS the transferee has NO knowledge that the
partner exceeded his authority

Conversely, the partnership can no longer recover the

property if the partner had express or presumed authority,
the act having made in the usual way of the business and if
the transferee has no knowledge that the partner
exceeded his authority.

 Admission - admit as true any statement involving the

partnership affairs. To bind the partnership, the partner
making the admission must be acting within the scope of
his authority.

 Partners are solidarily liable if the source of the obligation is

a quasi-delict or acts or omissions punished for failure to

Caballero· Daileg· Gocuan· Honoridez· Lim· Pungos· Vergara

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