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ENEE 3800L

AC Circuit Review

Review Appendix B in the course textbook, Principles of Electric Machines and Power
Electronics by P.C. Sen. Using the figure shown below answer questions 1 – 5.

20830 V

1) Convert the delta connected load to a wye (Y) connected load. Find,
a) VLN
b) IL
c) Three phase complex S3ф
d) Three phase apparent power |𝑆3ф |,
e) The single phase real and reactive power, and the power factor

2) Without converting the delta connected load to a wye connected load, find:
a) I AB
b) IL
c) Three phase complex power S3ф,
d) Apparent power |𝑆3ф |,
e) Power factor.
f) Calculate P3ф and Q3ф using IL, VLL and the power factor.

3) Draw the phasor diagram that relates VAB , I AB, and IL

Note: VAB , is the line to line voltage, I AB (I delta) is the load current, and IL is the
line current

4) Draw the phasor diagram that relates VLN , IL, and VLL

5) Show the proper connection of a two-wattmeter method to measure real power

into the load. Show the proper polarity with + and – signs. Use phase B as your
common point. Assume the power measured is P A and P C. Express the reactive
power and the power factor in terms of these values.

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