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ROV Egypt Regional Competition | Local Competition

Local ROV Egypt Competition-2013

First Call
Prepared by ROV Egypt Competition Technical

Copyrights @ Hadath, Egypt, 2012

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ROV Egypt Regional Competition | Local Competition

Table of Contents
1.Introduction: ........................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 MATE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Hadath .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Arab Academy For Science, Technology And Maritime Transport ............................................... 4
2. First Call Scenario ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Start .................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 The Scenario of events: .................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 The Missions: ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1 The First Mission: Photographing the damage location ( 60 Points ) ..................................... 6
2.3.2 Mission 2: leakage Stoppage (110 points) ................................................................................ 6
2.3.3 Mission 3: Identifying leakage along the pipe (10 Points) ....................................................... 6
2.4 The Total Points 200 point:............................................................................................................. 6
2.4.1 Important Note: ........................................................................................................................ 7
3. Guidelines and Rules:............................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Electrical Design Guidelines: ........................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Mechanical Guidelines: ................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 The Nature of the Playground: ........................................................................................................ 9
3.4 Safety Rules: .................................................................................................................................... 9
4. Competition Rules: .............................................................................................................................. 10
4.1 General Rules: ................................................................................................................................ 10
4.2 The Competition Day Rules: .......................................................................................................... 11
5. Appendix: ............................................................................................................................................. 12
6. ROV Committee word: ........................................................................................................................ 16
7. Contact Us:........................................................................................................................................... 16
8. Credits: ................................................................................................................................................ 16
9. References: .......................................................................................................................................... 16

Copyrights @ Hadath, Egypt, 2012

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ROV Egypt Regional Competition | Local Competition

An ROV, or Remotely Operated Vehicle, is a tethered underwater robot used for many purposes
across many industries that operate underwater. ROVs can perform many specialized tasks in
industries such as oil and gas, commercial shipping, salvage, ship husbandry, potable water, ocean
engineering, video production, scientific research and others. The MATE Center coordinates an
international student underwater robotics ROV competition and a network of 21 regional ROV
contests that take place across U.S. and in Canada, Hong Kong, Scotland, Russia, Japan and Egypt.
Student teams from upper elementary, middle schools, high schools, home schools, community
colleges, universities, and community organizations can participate. The competition consists of three
different "classes" that vary depending on the sophistication of the ROVs and the mission
requirements. The competition in brief is to design and build underwater robots to tackle mission
tasks based on the real world missions.

We started ROV Egypt Regional Competition since 2011 as a team at Hadath Company for Innovation
and Entrepreneurship, we were partnered by AASTMT. For the first competition ever in Egypt we
were joined by more than 500 student eager to discover this new technology. we had 40 team
participating in the competition making us the largest ROV Regional competition all over the world.

Now, we find ourselves responsible to our original mission which is to create a new business market
and spread new technological industry that can change the track of the Egyptian work careers.
Therefore this year competition was based on the event of a fictional scenario of a petroleum sector
problem taking place in the Suez Canal.

We aspire that the competition be on a level that honors Egypt in front of all.

1.1 MATE
The Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center is a national partnership of
educational institutions and organizations working to improve marine technical education and to
meet the workplace needs of marine-related workforce and employers. Headquartered at
Monterey Peninsula College in USA, the MATE Center is one of eleven Advanced Technological
Education (ATE) Centers established with funding from the National Science Foundation's ATE
Program. The MATE Center's mission is to help prepare future workforce for ocean-related
occupations. The MATE Center utilizes information from employers to improve and develop
educational programs with a focus on marine technology. The Center focuses on community
college education and the creation of strong links between community colleges and high schools,
technical schools, research institutions, and industry, government, military, and labor

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1.2 Hadath
Hadath is an event management company that focus on innovation and entrepreneurship, at
Hadath we strive to be the most reliable and creative event company in the region , that always
deliver a high standard and quality events &programs that help developing innovation, creativity
and entrepreneurship.

For more kindly visit:

1.3 Arab Academy For Science, Technology And Maritime Transport

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) Established as a
regional institute for maritime transport started as a notion in the Arab League Transport
Committee's meetings on 11th of March, 1970. The AASTMT is promoting the Arab countries
capability building by enhancing the development of administrative skills in areas that serve
development issues and transferring and localizing advanced technology. The maritime transport
– that is deemed the AASTMT’s major activity – as one of the tasks carried out by the AASTMT
through qualifying and training those working in the Arab maritime transport sector as well as
areas related to maritime safety, maritime environment protection and promoting maritime and
river navigation in the Arab region.

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First Call
The scenario of this competition is based on Fiction Events but built on accidents that
happened in the past and may reoccur in the future.

As an engineer you will become familiar with the word scenario. There is “Crisis Scenario” in which
a problem or accident is visualized and different solutions are made with the impact of each one
studied. The reason for such scenarios is to reach the optimum approach for solving the problem.

We in the ROV Egypt Regional Competition Committee have chosen to put the details of the local
competition in the form of a scenario for an accident delivered to your team that is an Egyptian
company working in petroleum services for Sea Operations.

2. First Call Scenario

Place: the following events take place in the Arab Republic of Egypt in the Suez Canal Bay Area G3

2.1 Start
A petroleum company found on of its major pipelines leaking petroleum in the waters of Suez bay.
The company contacted all the Egyptian petroleum services companies for a fast response to the
incident. A detailed report containing all the information known to the petroleum company was
prepared and sent to the services companies.

The following scenario is the detailed report which your company received and a
staff meeting was made to discuss the mission requirements and how to approach
the accident.

A team was sent from each company to get pictures and initial data on the field of operation “the
playground”, attended a meeting with the company staff. The problem will be illustrated using a
sketch drawing made by company staff to illustrate the operation requirements and the challenges
you will be facing. Also, you received info that underwater wielding divers were requested but
unfortunately will take a while for them to arrive which is somehow good for your business 

The company finished the report with the sentence “we require a temporary solution as soon as
possible until the arrival of maintenance companies to repair the pipeline”

2.2 The Scenario of events:

A large oil stain appeared in area G3 which contains a major oil pipeline for a petroleum company.
Suspicion of oil leakage was quickly realized and since the line in this area is a major one a team of
the company engineers was dispatched to evaluate the situation. The team was able to confirm the
suspicion and they concluded that there will be a great environmental crisis unless the leakage
stopped immediately. An executive decision to stop the streaming for repair was refused from the

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management. They agreed on requesting help from Egyptian ROV companies and the report was
sent to them along the request.

2.3 The Missions:

The following is the required missions by the petroleum company.

2.3.1 The First Mission: Photographing the damage location ( 60 Points )

The Engineering staff is interested in having detailed photos for the leakage area to learn of the
incident origins whether its old damage, environmental or bad design.

 You are required to take 3 photos for the pipe sector using ROV Camera. The sector will be
approximately 1 meter length.
 There will be 2 side-view photos of the pipe and one top-view photo of the pipe.
 The photos will be saved on the computer to be inspected by the judges in the playground.
 You will be instructed by the judge to go to the mission to start.
 The points will be divided 20 point for each photo.
2.3.2 Mission 2: leakage Stoppage (110 points)
The company management closed the pipeline for the duration of few minutes to allow the service
companies to go down and stop the leakage. Usually this is done by commercial diver as they wield
the pipes but for this accident ROV will be used to make a temporary repair. This will be
accomplished using Magnetic Patches and applying them to the holes along the pipe.

 There are 5 holes to be covered.

 4 patches are magnetic and 1 is Velcro, each one weighing 3 newton under water.
 The patches will be provided by the petroleum company “the competition committee”
 Points will be divided 20 point per magnetic patch and 30 point for the Velcro.

2.3.3 Mission 3: Identifying leakage along the pipe (10 Points)

All the leakage holes will be marked to ease the divers’ mission. For this task colored Buoys in the
shape of balls will be used. They will be fixed to the ground of the pool using weights. The ROV
team will have to release it from down below. The Buoy will be submerged completely and chained
to the bottom of the pool. The idea is simply to pull the nail between the buoy and the
weight. Once done the buoy will rise to the surface and will be mark the spot since it is chained
to the bottom.

The 10 points will be given for removing the nail.

For more Illustration see the Appendix for Graphs

2.4 The Total Points 200 point:
 Mission 1: Photographing the damage location ( 60 Points )
 Mission 2: leakage Stoppage (110 points)
 Mission 3: Identifying leakage along the pipe (10 Points)
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 10 points for Safety

 10 points for the quality of the design

2.4.1 Important Note:

All Participating teams must send the Team Portfolio which will be a single page having a photo of
the team and the ROV in the format of PDF to one week before the competition
date at max.

Figure 1 the pipe line as visualized by the engineers

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3. Guidelines and Rules:

3.1 Electrical Design Guidelines:

 All participants can use Electrical and Non Electrical power sources. Electrical power sources
will be different for College teams and School Teams.
 The appropriate power source will be provided by the competition committee for Explorer and
Ranger Classes, It is a must that all the electrical power used in the ROV from this source and
only this source, this including the power required for the cameras provided that all the needed
electrical conversions must be done inside the ROV.
 All the power used for the ROV must pass through the competition’s power converters fuse
 Only 2 Laptops will be allowed for Control at max.
 ROVs that have electrical connections or Motors that are not properly insulated
will be disqualified.
 The power sources provided will be either 12v DC and 48v DC Electrical power supplies or
Batteries. Note that the Batteries will be fully charged so the 12v DC will reach 14v DC for
Ranger and the 48v DC will reach 56V DC for Ranger. As for the power supplies they will
be 12.7V± .03V for Ranger and 50.8V ±0.3V for Explorer.
 The Electrical power available for Explorer Class teams will be 48v DC with maximum 40A
DC current. The teams can use all the power or a fraction of it provided that all the
transformations are made inside the ROV and not outside it
 The Electrical power available for Explorer Class teams will be 12v DC with maximum 20A
DC current. The teams can use all the power or a fraction of it provided that all the
transformations are made inside the ROV and not outside it
 Batteries are not allowed inside or outside the ROV Body
 ROVs that will result in voltage dropdown on the transformer will not be allowed
to continue.
 ROVS that will burn the Transformer’s Fuse twice will be disqualified, while the
ROVs that will take more current without burning the fuse will be allowed to continue.
 Examples for Transforming the voltage from power supplies to your ROV operating voltage:
o DC to DC converters
o Voltage Dividers Circuits
o The usage of Voltage rising circuits so you can use motors with higher operating voltage
than the one provided from the competition power supply.
 All ROVs must have an appropriate fuse to the positive feeder or they will be
 The Maximum number of screens allowed is 3 screens. These screens can be Laptops
or Screens, the competition committee will provide 220V (50 Hz) AC current to operate the

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3.2 Mechanical Guidelines:

 There are no restrictions on the shape, size or weight of the ROV.
 The Usage of multiple is not allowed. Only one ROV is allowed to complete the required
 ROV Teams Will be the ones responsible for moving their ROV to and from the Playground in
the time defined by the competition committee.

3.3 The Nature of the Playground:

 The ROVs must be ready to operate in water purified using Chlor, also note that these water is
an electrical conductor.
 Explorer ROVs must be ready to operate in water depths of 5.2 meters at max and 1.85
meters at minimum.
 Ranger ROVs must be ready to operate in water depths of 3.7 meters at max and 1.5
meters at minimum.
 All missions will be 5 meters away from the pool’s wall at max, the Control station
will be within 2 meters range from the pool. This should be taken in consideration while
calculating the lengths of the ROV’s cable Feeders.
 The water of the pool are highly transparent although some missions will require working in
low lighting
 There won’t be any water currents inside the pool, however the pool water filtering systems
may produce an unexpected current.
 No personnel are allowed in the water other than the competition divers.
3.4 Safety Rules:
 Safety comes first. Any ROV that will not consider safety will be disqualified.
 All ROVs must pass the safety inspection performed by the competition committee.
 Each ROV will have 2 attempts to pass the safety inspection should the ROV fail to pass both
attempts, it will be disqualified.
 The ROV that fails the first safety inspection must pass the second one before its turn in the
competition. No delay or turn switching will be allowed.
 At any time the competition committee or judges can stop the mission should they discover a
threat to safety measures. They are to decide what do whether to cancel the mission or
disqualify the ROV based on their evaluation of the situation.
 ROV teams are the sole responsible for their equipment on the playground so that they don’t
cause any risk or accidents.
 Baggy Clothes, Jewelry and Long Hair are against safety measures and could prove safety
threatening. We advise to avoid them.
 All teams must wear Protective goggles and safety shoes (the entire foot must be covered
inside the shoes with no visible part of the foot) inside the workshop area; otherwise they won’t
be allowed to enter it.
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 No one will be allowed on the pool ground without wearing his/her shoes
(mentioned in the above point). Protective goggles must be worn for any repairs in the
pool area.
 A safety inspection will be performed on each person entering the workshop area.
 Lifesaving jackets must be worn during the launch and retrieval of the ROV to and from the
pool. They will be provided by the Competition committee.

4. Competition Rules:

4.1 General Rules:

 All team members and their assistants must follow the safety guidelines of the competition.
 All team members and their assistants must act in professional and responsible behavior
during the competition. Any disrespect towards Judges, competition officials,
organizers, public or other team members will force us to deduct points and may
result in disqualification.
 Any vandalism or sabotage for other teams’ equipment will result in immediate
 The team caught cheating will be immediately disqualified.
 ROV is an educational competition aims at making the students apply what they have learned
in physics, electronics, mechanics and Engineering therefore supervisors only teach and
guide them under no circumstances they are allowed to work directly on the
ROVs there help should only be supervising the team members.
 .ROV is educational competitions so all manufactured systems are not allowed since it removes
the competition educational spirit. For any confusion with systems like Plug and Play
systems the team is advised to check with the competition organizers at .
 Since this is an educational competition it will be taken into considerations the designs made
from scratch manually and those built on commercial parts sold at markets, provided that the
ROVs are well designed and can perform the required task.
 All the members of the team must be from the same university or the same school depending
on the competition class.
 The Mixed Teams will be allowed for this year only for both classes with the following rules:
o High School and Preparatory school students are allowed for Ranger
o University students are allowed for Explorer.

4.2 The Competition Day Rules:

 All teams must do the mission in the time slot defined to them by the competition committee.
This time slot cannot be switched with any other team.
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 There is no limit on the number of the team members but the mission done at pool is
limited to 6 members at max.
 Only Team members, Judges and competition organizers are allowed on the pool
area during the competition. Others can wait at the are designed for crowd
 The recorded competition video is used for educational and entertainment purposes only and
is not one of the bases for the judges’ decisions.
 Ranger and Explorer teams will compete in the same competition with the same missions and
judging points.
 Two attempts will be given for each team to finish the required mission and the
judging committee will award the higher score to the team. Trials before the
competition will be allowed in areas predefined by the competition committee.
 The time allowed for a single team is 20 minute divided as:
o 5 minutes to make pool setup and launch the ROV into water.
o 10 minutes to perform the required mission.
o 5 minutes to retrieve the ROV from water and clear the pool area and all setups made.
 If all missions are successfully completed before the 10 minutes are finished, Extra points will
be awarded. 1 point for each minute and 0.01 point for each second.
 Manipulating the power and control feeder cables to help ROV avoid obstacles is not permitted
and will result for 5 points deduction each time the cable is manipulated.
 Should ROV control is lost, the divers will help with the ROV underwater (e.g. removing cable
from the ROV body), the time will not be stopped and every intervention made by the
divers will result in 5 points deduction.
 One team member is allowed to be the Tether Man.
 The only allowed communication between team members and Tether Man is to request more
cable or pulling the cable.
 Communication using mobile phones, texting, Internet tools or any other communication
systems is not allowed during the competition whether it’s between team members themselves
or them and others.
 Any Gestures or signals interpreted as secret communication method will be considered illegal
and will result in 5 points deduction per time. The team must speak in clear Arabic or English
for general guiding between team leader, navigation crew and judges.
 During the competition the only accepted communication is between team members, judges
and competition organizers. Team members are not to communicate with anyone else.

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5. Appendix:

The top view photo should be

similar to this scene

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6. ROV Committee word:

We will not mention the effort put to get this work on this image which we aspire to honor Egypt in
front of the world. But we will always remember our happiness to make it for you.

7. Contact Us:


Facebook page:

The official Facebook group:

8. Credits:
This document was made by Egypt ROV Regional Competition Committee.

9. References:
1. The Mate Official Manual for ROV competition.

This (English version of manual) has been prepared by:

 Muhammed Hammad

Copyrights @ Hadath, Egypt, 2012

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