Welcome Letter 2019-2020 VW

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Welcome back Students and Parents

Hello parents/ guardians,

Welcome back for the 2019-2020 school year at École Van Walleghem! Third
grade is an exciting year where your child is becoming an independent student.
Your child is going to be working towards their independence, and assuming
responsibility for his/her own learning. I am here to guide your child, make
learning fun and exciting, and to instill a lasting love of learning.

Some ways you, as a parent, can help:

• Celebrate your child’s success, no matter how big or small.
• Ensure your child gets enough rest, and a balanced diet.
• Read with your child and encourage them to read on their own.

I have put together this handbook to provide you with general information
regarding routines. I hope that this document provides you with some answers
and a glimpse into our class.

The best way to contact me is by sending me an email, or by writing a note in

your child’s agenda. Please feel free to contact me should you have any further
questions or concern. Thank you in advance for your support, and I look
forward to our partnership this year to ensure your child’s success in third

Online information
• My email address is mprocyshyn@pembinatrails.ca

• I run a private classroom Instagram account called @chezmmemya

If you wish to follow it, please email me your Instagram handle, so I can
cross-reference who I am allowing on the account. Only our class
parents will be able to view the account. This is an excellent way for you
to see what we are getting up to in the classroom!

• I have a website called mmemya.weebly.com

On this website I will post monthly newsletters, our class schedule, our
respect agreement, and other items.
Classroom expectations:
As a class, we will come up with a classroom respect agreement. I will display
this in the classroom all year, and will post it to the website for reference.

I teach all subject areas with the exception of gym, music, and library.
We have gym on days 1, 2, 4 and 6. We have music on days 2, 3 and 5. And we
have library and book exchange on day 5.

I recommend that students work on homework every night. Homework in grade
3 consists of French Home Reading, English Home Reading, and Home Math.
This will start later in September and more information will follow. Once in a
while I will assign other homework, such as requests to bring items to school,
or work that needs to be completed at home. This could be in any of the subject

“Petit Sac” Communication Bag:

Children will receive a green communication bag that will house everything they
need to take to and from school. In this bag is your child’s agenda book.
Everyday your child will write the phrase “Ask me about…” and include one thing
that he or she did at school that day. This is a prompt for you to ask your child
about that specific activity of the day. Please check and sign your child agenda
everyday. In the communication book, we will also keep math games, and home

We will have snack time twice a day, so please send a nutritious snack for your
child. Please send snacks that do not contain nuts, as we have allergies in the

Birthdays are celebrated informally in the class. We will sing the birthday song
in French and I have a card and small gift for each student. Children are
welcome to bring a treat for their birthday, but please make it easy to
distribute and nut free. If your child is having a party, you may send invitations
to school if you are inviting the entire class. Otherwise invites must be
distributed outside of school. We don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings.
Scholastics Book Order:
I will send out a monthly scholastic book order. Due to my change of schools, I
may not receive the September order flyer. However, we will start up in
October at the latest. Orders may be submitted by cheque or online only.
Instructions are indicated on the order form, but please let me know if you
need assistance.

Taking vacation during the school year:

If your child is going to be away on a vacation during school days, please refer
to our Student Handbook. We ask that you notify the homeroom teacher and
the office of the dates and circumstances of any absence as far in advance
as possible by phone (204)4890995 or by emailing vw@pembinatrails.ca

Does your child have an appointment?

If you are picking your child up for an appointment mid-way through the day,
please write a note in the agenda. When you arrive at school, please report to
the office and then the admin assistant will call your child down.

If someone else is picking up your child from school:

Please let us know if someone unknown is going to be picking up your child from
school. We would like to know that person’s full name, date, and time that they
will be picking up your child. This is essential for the safety of your child.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I will also
be reviewing some of this information at Meet the Teacher Night.


Mme Mya

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