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100% Working repair for Gateway XHD3000 30"
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06-22-10, 05:07 PM #1 | Link

100% Working repair for Gateway XHD3000 30" LCD monitor

New Member Hi
Join Date: Jun 2010
I'm from Sri Lanka and this is for the benefit of every owner of the
Posts: 8 Gateway XHD3000 who have been having the dreaded green lines. This
a collection of all the usefull information and methods described by other
owners to repair the problems 100%. It's in sections for easier reading.

The 3 types of problems this monitor develops are the following;

1) Green haze, lines, shades, distortions, banding.

2) Flickering, strobe and grid sectioning (10cm x 10cm) nightmare (this
is the worst one to tolerate)
3) Vertical band of changing rainbow lines (mine was a ~30cm wide
vertical band to the left) going from top to bottom.

I would like to confirm that the resouldering method described by

"Pawstar" WORKS 100% and it fixed all 3 problems in my

There are 2 ways to fix this monitor (Don't even bother with GATEWAY
support; it doesn't exist).
1) Resoulder the ALTERA BGA chip on the "LTM300M1C8LV3.2" "Logic
board" situated at the top of the monitor within a aluminum box.
2) Replace the "LTM300M1C8LV3.2" Logic board with a new one.
Some people are offering to "reapair for $170. Not worth it.

Just to elaborate on the 2 methods;



First dismantle the montior so that you can remove the logic board at
the top. Refer to the picture I made with labels. These were
screenshots off a youtube video. Make sure to view the pics at original
size to see the labels.

Then you have to heat the ALTERA BGA chip (big black chip in the
middle).Here is the link to the Aletra company website;
and here is the link to 2 pdf files that describes the resouldering
procedure for the chip. It has a nice temp vs time graph!
AN081.pdf (
AN353.pdf (

RESOULDERING means you heat the chip until the lead contacts, at the
bottom of the chip, between the board and chip, melt, so that they can
reform proper contacts with the circuit board again (I think "REFLOW"
means the same). The tech guy that did it for me, said he had to
acctually heat it to 340 celsius (manufacturer recomends heating to a
max of 220 Celcius) before he got the smell of melting lead; that's how
he figured out the optimum temperature; he didn't have a thermal
camera. But it worked! He did it in steps though (meaning first he tried
at 220 C, then 250 C, then 300 C and finally 350 C).
There is something called "flux" which is like a wax like paste that you
are supposed to apply somewhere to prevent short circuits (I guess you
apply it around the edges of the chip). My tech guy applied it too.

"In soldering of metals, flux serves a threefold purpose: it removes

oxidation from the surfaces to be soldered, it seals out air thus
preventing further oxidation, and by fac ilitating amalgamation improves
wetting characteristics of the liquid solder. Flux is corrosive, so the
parts have to be cleaned with a damp sponge or other absorbent
material after soldering to prevent damage."
Here are Youtube videos on resouldering!v=Ek-F...eature=related

Here is a forum link by User "vblh1976"

In addition to the manufacture's method, there are other ways to heat

this chip.
a) Place a metal "candle cup" on top of the chip and light a candle. This
should generate enough heat to melt the lead. As for how long you keep
it, that depends observation and "smell". Here are some links. Try a
search for "resoulder bga"

b) Someone used a butane flame torch . One user discourages this

method though.


2) Replace the "LTM300M1C8LV3.2" Logic board with a new one.

There are many ways to buy a replacement logic board
1) Search for "LTM300M1C8LV3.2" on ebay. ~$300 - $400 ( rip off , not
worth it ).
2) Search for "LTM300M1C8LV3.2" on google. Lots of links
3) Try the chineese auction site provided by user "vblh1976". ~ $40
(worth it I would say).
4) Another chineese comapny;

Remeber its "version 3.2" in "LTM300M1C8LV3.2".

If chineese charatcers are not showing properly, use this method;

If you want to translate try;


Steps for PROLONGING the life of the repaired monitor.

1) Fix a small fan on top of the Altera chip (can be placed on the
outside of the metal cage). I did this, and now the top, back and the
front screen doesn't heat up as much!
2) Go to your video card settings and select "Enable GPU scalling".
This will make your video card do all the scalling work instead of the
monitor's built in video processing chip (and I think the Altera is the
video chip). Obviously run the monitor at 2560 x 1600 resolution (again
no scalling needed then). This way when a game runs at say 1920 x
1200 resolution or lower, your GPU will scale it up to 2560 x 1600 and
send that to the monitor.
3) Put heat sinks on the other chips.
4) Say a few prayers to whatever god you beleive in.

Remember this wont solve the mysterious 1 second screen blanking that
happens once or twice a day.

As for future choices, I'm never buying anything from gateway as there
support is terrible. There should be class action law suit. I used to laugh
at people suing for "emotional distress" thinking they were simply ripping
off somebody. But now I understand what it is (not to mention the 6
months I used it with the green problems). Even though the monitor is
fixed 100%, I still have this terrible feeling that the monitor might go
anytime and the problems will start again. Everytime I start the PC I
wait to see if it is going to be normal. This sucks. Hopefully it will go
away with time. I will only buy DELL and SAMSUNG (amazing
engineering) and Asus from now on.

Well hope this helps. Feel free to add to or correct this information and
spread it.
Lets make this a sticky!

Keywords tags: Repair Gateway XHD3000 30" LCD Green lines banding
flicker strobe Altera BGA resoulder reflow flux TM300M1C8LV3.2 Logic

06-27-10, 07:51 AM #2 | Link

Well did it work?

New Member Hi just wondering if any other owners had any luck. Leave some
Thread Starter feedback.
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 8

07-24-10, 04:30 PM #3 | Link

T72MKIV Thank you Revtech, I'm glad I stumbled upon your thread. My monitor
has been sitting in the corner ever since the banding issues. I always
New Member
knew it was a heat issue with a chip, Just didn't know which one. Gonna
Join Date: Jul 2010 try to reseat the chip with heat. If that doesn't work I'll buy another
Posts: 1 board for 50.00. Thanks for all the info.

07-24-10, 04:46 PM #4 | Link

Extreme_Boky Nice post revtech2010.

Advanced Member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Sydney
Posts: 691

08-05-10, 01:15 AM #5 | Link

Wanted: LTM300M1C8LV3.2
New Member I'm looking for a source for a new board. I am also interested in
purchasing a broken board (still flickers video lines). Any help or
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 5
information would be appreciated.. thanks

Yesterday, 03:29 PM #6 | Link

Consumer affairs
Member I complained about Gateway's 'support' for this monitor to the NYS
Dept. of Consumer Affairs and they sent a nastygram to Texas... seems
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: NYC
the fact that I purchased it in NYC puts it in their jurisdiction.
Posts: 34
Maybe everybody else should contact their local Consumer people...
maybe if enough people complain they'll have to cooperate.

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