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: u ENGINEERING SOFTWARE Vessel and Exchanger Analysis Extensive Content + ASME/ANS!B16.5 and B16.47 standards for pipe flanges and PUEIte includes a wealth of lecazed —_fanged tings, nluding equiva Content to address mos ary vessel en pressure due to apie loads Brojct Most obvious i is appeation ius pressure ratings for anges of te design ues and etara ofthe from the DW standard world major pressure vessel sally « ASME Secton UHX, PD 500 and ces. Tables of foal wind and seis- Tar Exchanger Manufacturers mic load data are ready for use in Association (TEMA) standards for these analyses. And, detailed material designing and analyzing and structural tee spectcation is tubesteets and expansion joints simplified though database selection. in heat exchangers. Unis of measur, nominal pipe sizes,» ASME 831.3 rules for replacing flange asses and even alt sve can” area around fabeatod tes be customized osu your needs. is» ASME STS code for tack analysis easy to tum this commercial package Welding Research Council (WRC) into a customized tol for your own” Bein 107, 297,368 and PD eplcaon 5500 Annex 6 rule for calling incl stresses in an around vessel easel and Component Design Codes tachment (ugs and nozzles) Pre keeps pace with waite vessel design codes and standards, goal Wind and Selsmie Standards incorporating code changes as they ‘Many regional building codes define become mardatory. All of he major the magnitude and appetion ot ‘codes and standerds are included. ind and eartnquake loa for their + European Norm EN) 13445 rules juris. These lad tables can be forthe analysis of unred pressure entered expo, 25a convenience, vessels they can be selected fom a standards + ASME BPV Code Section Vil, database. Wind andor semi data Divisions 1 & 2 forte design can be seiectd for: and analysis of vessels and heat © uta & New Zealand exchanger components * Canada (NBC) + Betis Standard PO 5500 quide- + Europe lines fr the analysis of united Inga fusion welded pressure vessels, Mexico heat exchanger components and» United States (ASCE 7 , UBC, 180) tubestets. + UK 5 6399) Suen scene} =| ay (lear, Concise Output “he uu frm Peis as ovad ei and vera Its so color coded showing problem areas ata glance, eat Exchanger Analysis kee Rola PESte can model an analyze a varety of neat exchanges, wert horizontal Extensive Material Databases Proper specification of material data— ‘such as allowable strss versus temperature, yield stress versus ‘temperature, extemal pressure chats, LUNS number and product form—s a cial stop in pressure vessel design, PVElte features material ibraies from around the world and offers easy selection of over 3600 materials PVEite lists these properties just as ‘they appear in thelr respective codes, al sorted alpnebeticaly for quick ‘search and selection, You can view all properties fora selected material at the click ofa button database ‘editor allows you to permanently add ‘special materials or materials from ‘other codes tothe standard database {or future use in mode creation, ‘Structural Steet Databases Log supports and stiffening rings for pressure vessels are made of struc- ‘ral steel, and proper defition of the ‘te! size and shape is important in ‘designing the vessel. As structural ste shapes and sizes vary around ‘the world, PV Elite includes the details {or the national standards o: = Australia * Germany India Japan + Korea North America + South africa UK Defauit and Carry-forward Data PVEite eliminates erors and data ‘search by offering a selection of stan- ‘dard valves from common datasets. PVE offers input for units of measure (US. Customary, Sand User-defined, pipe size and schedule and flanges by class. The program will aio cary-foward entered data trom ‘no element fo the next inciing shel diameter, nish thickness, corrosion allowance, temperatures, pressures and vessel material. Structured Data Collection PVE’ input processor is organized to colt data to design, analyze ‘and evaluat a wide range of pressure vessels and individual pressure ‘components. As construction proceeds, PVElte displays a:30 model to ‘confi the model layout. tthe touch ofa button, onine help is always avalable with code references, llus- ‘rations and input recommendations. Logical input Organization PVEilte segments the large amount of input ito logical group. each in its own section, Obviously, the section holding the vessel models primary to the input. The general contol of the ‘analysis—the vessel code to apply, ‘selecting new design versus erate (seting the wall thickness versus resetting the MAWP), setting the hhydeotest position —is set inthe Design Constraints tab, The compre- hensive list of vesset loads consisting of various combinations of pressure, weight and wind or seismic loads can bbe manipulated inthe Load Cases ‘tb. Other sections hold the speotica- ‘ton of wind loads, seismic loads and cater selections, Visual Model Display * Weight — new or corded As the vessels bul, a rendered 30» Horizontal ~ wind (including vortex presentation ofthe vessel model is shedding) and seismic ‘spayed as each major element is ‘added, The graphic incudes vessel Design, Evaluate and Re-rate Modes ‘etal throughout the model. 8y Fora new vessal, PVElte can identity licking onthe element ordeal the eca load coniton for each PV Elte wil display the input data for element and set its required shell that component. You can also drag thickness. To confirm an existing ‘and dop a deta to another location vessel design, the program can in the model andthe graphical display simply check all existing thicknesses updates instantly along withthe data and stresses. To re-ate a vessel in for that item. Other important geame- service, you need ony update the ‘ries such as base rng layout and measured corrosion allowance or nozzle orientation ae aio displayed change the temperature and pressure as ther mpatis collected. requirements, and PYEite will ‘e-calouate the vessels MAWP, PVElte's 30 graphic presentation including attached flanges. validates the integrty ofthe modet at ‘any time during the design, You can Wall Thickness for Pressure tum the 30 model in any direction. Establishing wall thickness is abasic (Choose a 3D cutaway o ee internal task ofthe pressare vessel designer, Components, al of which ae to scale. and PVElte determines required Vertical Vessel Analysis SE aca at lg Oa, “is presentations great elp in eement wall icknesses for internal ee ean es identifying potential mistakes Curing pressure. To adress externa resure, meres the input deta pase thus saving VES aso considers total usu time, money and potential problems ported shel engt and strength ot oneal Vessel atgores ewe apenas intl wen {ioe tos mtg nl tees. Pressure vessels al into two ‘erica vessels. Elements include: categoes—horontal and verical. 6 cynical shells ‘The 3D image canbe saved and Wall Thickness for Total Load Each vessel ype has sown special Etta, spherical, tipherical, distributed a HTML, proving ful esse! elements experience more than consieratons and PVEit adresses epricl and lt needs ‘apie manpulaton to the recipient. simple pressure loads, 90 PVE wil ther bt For earl sade «Cua stn neg ose also consider evra vessel wall sports wt knw) stesss det the many combinations vessels while lg and skit supports. Body fanges (standard and custom WeSS€l Analysis olgenn (riot exaral oe are found on vertical vessels. The skits wth basing deta PUEite performs athe calcuations ts, 2) deadweight (rected, operat PV Elite input processor identifies necessary forthe sress analysis of ing or hydrostatic test conditions), and ‘ese categories and collects te ompletng the Elements vercal cols, hororal vessels 3) wind or earthquake loads. PV Eite appropiate data, Vertical vessels ‘with Details and heat exchanges. sums the weights ofeach element ‘may also include intermediate heads —_Qetails are added to each of these and all its details to calculate the {to build stacked vessels) and hori-_glements to finish out the vessel Continuous, On-the-fly Analysis ‘compressive stresses inthe vessel Zonal vessels may ineude eoveric age. These det st the total PY Ete provides continuous, real-time wall. The program aso analyzes the reducers (to model kettles). ‘weight of each element and also ‘calculations during the input session. effects of bending due to wind and highigt oer design and analysis As you onstutor change anele~ seismic loads By basing these stress Vessel identied as neat exchangers cancems forthe vessel Inet, rial ests are immediately coleulatons on he total structural can include al ofthe major mectani- Detail ncude cemeae tne ot cal deta found in those unit. splayed. The status bar shows the load, PVEIte ensures sufcent wall Soa esa Siferingrinst ffemens required thickness or both thickness forthe vessel nis operat Toop stots in acco. * Nudes and Ranges” iferal ans extemal prossure, MANP ig environment and groper design Foe eC POC TEMA Able forces and moments and maximum allowable pressure in ofthe vessel supports. POSEON Fad foatng and Une —* POs the new and cold condtion MAP) arangemeni can be rude nthe Tavs and packing Thsaliws fr quckansceen "Fines for Sie Assessment tubeshet elation Components + Sails, les and as" "nat calculations at ary mele uses the P1979 appraach 0 See Gcetieng Fal during te design andhghlghts input determine ering operational te cee nee be outed The hese * ulation and ing trors. Similar nemesiae resus of pressure vessel, Tekin int Ceececar teas acted or ° Westeot™ ara dslayed cing the enry of account he curent carded canton aati of struct lads suchas * PVEIte wil alo analyo and «Mz nd stfening nas. ea ee Sa CE htc ace: = SEES Rigorous Structural oad Sets __ostnat the remaining fe ofthe uit, Standalone Vessel Components Ele evans te rsponse ot Where fas are excessive, VEE Defining the Vsset ‘esel omens and las rend nat vESSAL 10 @ comprehensive ist of wil So compute he deates MAME tisk Berets be essonbled io a complete vessel posse bad sets provided by the ofthe components curenty ext, tobe evista individual campenens roar. These lad are dened by InPVEite, al esse ic InP al esses can be Uy Cen bemodeled aoe orn gts ELSE’ ad ean av a presse Prene ees ase renoalBasiy@51h ago of flanges) for anasis. em, Weight em and haz Tide vaca stato These "Also, PVERte adresses special vessel load term: ‘elements hold data such as material components such as rectangular © Pressure — internal, external and teperaure, pressure and citer’ 830 a-ipe fecets and tyorostatic fabricated pipe intersections here. SS Interactive Calculations For many ems such a nozzle design, PVEXte performs cleus a ‘he datas ed in, aowing “wat i scenars o be xcared quick, ‘Spocial Analysis Vt performs a varity of other Important celoulations fr evaluating vessels, These include: + Zick analysis (horizontal drums ‘on saddle supports) “Natural frequency calculations ‘and modal seismic analysis * Citical wind speed calculations ‘Wind loads due to vortex shedding ‘Area and moment of inertia ‘cocks for cone reinforcement and stitening rings, + Local shell tresoes at nozzles and attachments ‘+ Fatigue analysis of openings (e.g. nozzies) per ASME, EN 13445, and PD 5500 “+ Rigging analysis when the vessel ‘is tobe erected + Thick wall (anged and fued) ‘expansion joints on heat exchangers “+ Influence of test position on hhydotest pressure “+ Evaluation of large openings in flat heads Ing | Component Calculations With PVEtte, you can easy analyze individual components without having to create a complete vessel model. (uick checks of individual vossl components address the folowing ~ Mes ii companat atti se ao oer stan owe phat InCAD Cote pan Shells and Heads [MAWP or the required thickness for 2 specified intemal or exteral working pressure, Appendix 9 fr jackets and vessels, and the API 579 capabity for calculating vessels that have an identited flaw. Conical Sections MAW, the thicknoss required for specified intemal or extemal working Dressures andthe discontinuity siesses af cone-to-linder junctures. Nozzles ‘ea of replacement, minimum design ‘metal temperature, minimum neck thickness, weld strength, minimum eld size, large nozle and hilside caleultions Flanges Requied thickness, MAWP and code- ‘efined stresses using ASME Section Vil - Appendices 2 and ¥ for stress and rig calculations. Nozzle Loads Local stresses due to external loads according to WRC Bulletins 107,297, ‘and 368 as well as PD 5500 Annex G. ‘Alowable stresses are als computed Base Rings Roquiod thickness ofthe gusset, skit and annular baseplates cu to Wind or seismic moments and the local stress and required thickness ofthe top plate. Saddles ‘Stresses at key points on the vessel and saddles for various conitons, including wind and seismic loads, using Zick Analysis. Vessel Attachments ‘Stresses on legs, supporting lugs, ‘runnons and iting lugs taking ito account their allowable mits and stresses on cap type and continuous top support rings (girder rings) Tubesheet and Flanged Extension Fequte thickness using TEMA, ASME or the PD 5500 method and allowable ‘ube stresses, tube-o-tubesheet joint loads and allowable fads. Floating Heads Required head thickness and resuting ‘ange bending moments per ASME Section Vil, Division 1, Appendix 1 for floating heads under internal or external pressure, Flanged and Flued Expansion Joints Stress, eye lif and spring rate in accordance with ASME Section Vil, Division 1 and TEMA Standards, ‘Metal Bellows Expansion Joints Stress and cyte Iie for both rin- forced and non-reinforce bellows er ASNE Section Vil, Division 1, Appendix 26, Fabricated Piping Intersections Required thickness due to intornal pressure, equied and avalable area of reinforcement and MAWP acoord- ing to ANSI 831-3 Rectangular and Non-circular Vessels MAWP and stress, including stayed oF reinforced geometry, per ASME Section Vl, Division 1, Appencix 14 Large Openings in Integral Flat Heads Stresses and allowable stresses based on ASME Section Vil, Division 1, Appendices 2 and 14. Halt-pipe Jackets on Cylindrical Shells Required thickness and MAWP based (on ASME Section Vl, Division 1, ‘Appendix EE. Results Presentation Continuous Design Mode Control PVE wl interrupt the analysis output when 2 thickness change is indicated and request the user's confirmation ofthe design change. ‘Upon continuation, previous analysis stops wil be rerun with the new cata (€.. vessel weigh) Reports wil ‘leary indicate program- generated {design mosifcations, ‘Complete Calculation Reports PVEite compiles output into a set of logical caleulation groups. Major ‘groups include an input echo and an accounting ofall weight followed by thickness/stessresuts {or the internal pressure, external pressure and structural lad calou- lations. Reports ae tabulated on an element-by-element basis and Clearly iden the intermediate steps that produced the end results. ‘Summaries gather overall resus such as vesse! MAWP (including atached flanges), nozzle schedule, ‘otal weight and a bil of materials. Golor-coding hight trouble spots. The level of report detail can be controle by the user, and ‘the output can be sent directly to Microsoft Word, Equations with Substitutions PVE wil not only quote the source of safety code equations (e.g, wal thickness calculation but aio pint out the equation used ‘and repiaoe parameters with actual ‘ata from the analysis, This is @ ‘reat source of fabrication docu ‘mentation forte inspector. Design Drawings Reports may be augmented with vessel plots ining PCX and DXF file formats Vessel and component ‘rawings direc from PVEIte provide a quick starting place for ‘he designer, saving both time and money Links to Design and Analysis Packages Pie provides inks that lw vessel designers and engineers to pas design and analysis data tetween these packages with 0 data ss: + Plant Design (CAD): (cADWorx Equipment + Fite Element Analysis: Noe Pro ‘+ Thermal & Process Design: Xist ‘+ Foundation Design: Foundetion30 “= Fabrication: ProFab + Inspection Maintenance: Visions Enterprise PVElite: Rigorous Pressure Vessel Design and Evaluation Made Simple PVElite is a complete solution for the quick and comprehensive design of new pressure vessels for the process industry. PV Elite also evaluates and re-rates existing vessels including Fitness for Service analysis. The program considers the whole vessel, addressing all of the wall thickness rules and stress analysis requirements for vertical towers, horizontal vessels and heat exchangers. Or, individual pressure vessel components may be modeled and evaluated according to current safety codes. PV Elite provides engineers, designers, estimators, fabricators and inspectors around the world with solutions that match their pressure vessel design requirements. Because the program is easy to learn and use, it is perfect for both full-time vessel designers and for those occasional users who require quick start up and confidence in their safety code calculations. Whether it's a simple component check or a complete vessel design, PV Elite’s input, analysis and output have been designed to be clear, accurate and concise. PVElite has the answer: COMPLETE Vite provides the most comprehen sive mechanical design methods for the widest range of pressure vessel applications throughout the world EASY TO USE Developing & model for evaluation fs easy in PVE, Substantial intractive help available throughout the process. Each step ofthe analysis is displayed as it occurs and output is clear and complete. Even forthe ‘occasional user, the process is easy ACCURATE ‘The program's 30 graphical represen- tation of the vessel builds confidence inthe accuracy of the model. inter ‘mediate calculations clearly show the steps taken to derive the tna resus. GLOBAL PVEte is popular around the world because it incorporates international standards and includes a great (quantity of localized data RELIABLE The program has boen proven reliable by many years of real world use and through constant updates and enhancements. Users everywhere have confidence in the program and the results it provides, UP-TO-DATE PVElteis updated annually to include ‘he latest ls in vessel cades and standards and to offer the latest technologies avaiable. You know you ‘ate always up-to-date with PVE PVElite provides the following capabilities— right out of the box! Extensive Content * esse an Component Design Ces Loca Wd and Sele Sardis, ete teil Databases + Sruttil Set Databases + Detautan Caryorace Oats Structured Data Collection Iegut Organization oneal Vessel Catgoies Defring he Ves traugh are Caplin beeen ith Dea Salone Vessel Compares ace! Ds Vessel Analysis Cantrcus On ney Ais Firs Sct Lad Seis sign, kat nt Rate Mates nal Teens or Pes * i Tensor Ts Lond 1 ns tor Sere Acsament Spec Aca Individual Component Evaluation St nd Hone 5 Caneal Sections woeoes + Fhe nove Lone Sas igs * Seagee * Veo Ataements * Tueateet an Farge Eeerson ‘+ oatng Heads {Faget and ued Exanson Jars {Metal Seow Egansion Jon ‘+ Faneate Ping rersecioes Rectang an n-reua Vessels 4 Lige Openings in Fat Heads Hate nce on Cylndest Shas Results Presentation * Design Mae contrat * Garp Caton pons * Equations wh Sustutoas * Des Dans Links to Design and Analysis Packages. ‘Clear Reports Output incles cade formu eterences with numbers inserted othe equations. Support ‘Comprehensive Online Support: Get quick and accurate answers to technical support questions atthe touch of a button. Dedicated Technical Support from COADE: Technical support at COADE is provided by trained and experienced product developers and rogrammers who are employees of COADE. This ensures the most complete and personalized software support, exacty when you need it and by @ person who understands your specific needs Constant Development: Like all COADE product, PVE is contnully updated as codes and stan dards change. Other enhancements are made with each release to ensure PY Elte continues to be the best solution for vessel design and evaluation System Requirements: * Microsoft Windows (2000, XP Pro or late Operating System * Microsoft intoret Explorer (6.0 or later) PVElite License: Al software licenses provide the folowing as staat * Complete program ‘+ One complete set of program manuals + Online technica newseter + Phone fox, web st and e-mail access for technical support Full License provides: Perpetual singe teense with no limit ‘on the amount er duration of use (One ful year of automatic upgrades from date of purchase iit for annual extension of automatic upgrades Egy for discounts on addtional Full License purchases ‘Monthly Lease provides: * Full Liconse copy on a monthly rental basis * Option to apply ist month lease when converting oa Fll License purchase ‘rapes powered by: HOOPS (ech Sot 30) @TECHSOFT3D Po Ty Aa Ts Dee TT) DUCE Conese) ca rec) ed Esmait _sales@coade.com rr Cees Cee eed Creer ey Ce eee ements) eet ee eee ae Pe eee eaten’ cro ee Centr

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