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Dialogue about “Things to stay healthy”.

K- Hello Belén I haven’t seen you for a long time!

B- Hello Karla, wow you look great. Are you on a diet?

K- Something like that. I actually changed my eating habits when I got gastritis, I
eliminated sugar and now I eat more fruits and vegetables. I feel healthier, and
what about you?

B- Uhm… Well, I have actually gained some weight. I love snacks, especially when I
watch movies late.

K- Oh that’s a shame, but do you do something to be healthy? Do you practice any


B- Not really, I don’t have much time and I’m always working so I usually eat junk
food and smoke to calm my nerves.

K- Oh I see… but are you sleeping well? You look tired.

B- I sleep between five and six hours daily and in the morning I only take a cup of
coffee before going to work.

K- That’s too bad. You should sleep at least eight hours and eat a breakfast that
gives you enough energy for your daily routine.

B- You’re right. What do you usually eat for breakfast?

K- I usually eat a big bowl of oatmeal and fruits and if i’m going to jog, I also drink
a lot of water or natural juice.

B- That sound good. I think I should change my habits too. We should jog
together, could we?

K- Of course, it’s a good idea! Well… tell me where are you going now?

B- I’m going to the doctor.

K- What’s the matter? Are you ok?

B- No I’m not. I don’t feel very well, my stomach hurts and I have a headache, it
must be something I ate.

K- Oh, surely that must be it, let me accompany you.

B- Ok, thank you.

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