Operations-Course Theoretical

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Faculty of Design and Production Engineering

Course specification

Production and Operations Management (EDPT 904)

A-Basic Information
Semester number Ninth
Semester type Winter Semester
Study year Fifth
Department offering the course Design and Production Engineering
Specialization Production and Operations Management
Type of course Compulsory
Number of sessions/ week 1 Lecture/week, 1 Tutorial/week
Student workload 121 hrs
Credit points (ECTS) 4 CP

B- Professional Information
Theoretical Part of Production and Operations Management (EDPT 904)
Course Aim

Production and operation management course is offered to design and production engineering
students in their 5th year of study. This course gives an introduction to the functional area of production
and operations management as practiced in manufacturing and services industries. It includes basic
definitions of production, operations and operations management. It introduces the students to topics such
as Productivity Analysis, Forecasting Techniques, Regression and correlation analysis, Inventory,
management, aggregate planning, materials requirements planning (MRP), and scheduling. It also allows
more emphasis on computer solutions with excel spreadsheets.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the theoretical part, the student will be able to:

Knowledge & Understanding

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Faculty of Design and Production Engineering
Course specification

1. Define Productivity Analysis and its applications.

2. Describe different Forecasting Techniques.
3. Describe Regression Techniques.
4. Describe Inventory Techniques.
5. Explain Aggregate Planning.
6. Define Project scheduling.

Intellectual skills

7. Develop an understanding of the strategic importance of manufacturing systems, production and

operations systems.
8. Recognize the relationship between manufacturing and related service providers and other
business functions, such as human resources, purchasing, marketing, finance, etc

9. Calculate forecasts using different techniques.

10. Apply qualitative and quantitative methods of inventory models.

11. Apply proactive and reactive planning strategies.

12. Calculating the timing of the use of different resources in an organization.

Professional & Practical skills

13. Predict new demands of the globally competitive business environment Emphasize the
importance of change, facilitation of learning, cross-functional teamwork, knowledge capture,
and analysis in manufacturing organizations.

14. Submit a Course project, in which the project process of initiating, planning, executing,
controlling and closing the project is applied through case studies.

General and Transferrable skills

15. Work in teams for their project.

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Faculty of Design and Production Engineering
Course specification

Topics Covered in the Theoretical Part of the Course (theoretical course content):
No. of Teaching
Topic Lecture Tutorial
1 Introduction to production and operations management 2 2
2 Productivity analysis 2 2
3 Forecasting techniques 2 2
4 Forecasting techniques (Continued) 2 2
5 Introduction to inventory management 2 2
6 Inventory Models 2 2
7 Aggregate Planning 2 2
8 Aggregate Planning (Continued) 2 2
9 MRP and scheduling 2 2
10 MRP and scheduling (Continued) 2 2

Learning and Teaching Methods

Lectures, assignments and tutorials.

Recommended Textbook
R.Dan Reid and Nada R. Sanders (2009).Operations Management (4th edition). Wiley.
ISBN-10: 0849309247. ISBN-13: 978-0849309243
Recommended Further Reading
Jay Heizer and Barry Render (2010). Principles of Operations Management (8th edition).
Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 0849309247. ISBN-13: 978-0849309243

Student Assessment Methods Assessment Weighing
3 quizzes (best 2 of 3) 10%
Assignments and course project 20%
Midterm 25%
Final 45%

Facilities Required for Teaching & Learning:

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Faculty of Design and Production Engineering
Course specification

• Lecture hall equipped with microphone, computer, beamer and white board.
• Availability of lecture presentations on the GUC intranet that are used for data show and
explanation to students during lecture sessions

C- Administrative Information
Head of the Department
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Kamal Shoukry

Course Coordinator Contact Information

Course Coordinator Dr. Lamia Ahmed Shihata
E- Mail Lamia.shihata@guc.edu.eg
Fax +20-2-7581041
Telephone +20-2-7589990-8
Ext 1168
Room number C7.110

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