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Tutorial 2

Quality Control
EDPT 905
Prepared By
Eng. Mostafa Abdel rahman Moussa
Measures of Central Tendency

Several measures of central tendency can be defined, the most common

being the mean , the median and the mode

Each has advantages and disadvantages depending on the data and the
intended purpose.

Ungrouped Data

The mean of a set of N number X1, X2, X3,……,XN is

denoted by X is defined as:

X 1  X 2  X 3  ......  X N X J
X  J 1

The mean of 8,3,5,12,10 is

8  3  5  12  10 38
X   7.6
5 5
Grouped Data

If the numbers X1, X2, X3,……,XK occur with frequencies f1, f2, f3,……,fK
the mean is

f1 X 1  f 2 X 2  f 3 X 3  ......  f k X k f J XJ
X  J 1
f1  f 2  f 3  ......  f k k

f J 1

Class limits Class Mark (X) Frequency (f) fX

60-62 61 5 305

63-65 64 18 1152

66-68 67 42 2814

69-71 70 27 1890

72-74 73 8 584

Total 100 6745

f J XJ
X J 1
  67.45
f J 1

Ungrouped Data
The median of a set of numbers arranged in order of
magnitude (i.e. in an array) is the middle value or the mean
of the two middle values.

Example 1:
To get the median of the set of numbers
4, 8, 6,5, 10, 3,8, 4, 8

The median is 6
Example 2:
To get the median of the set of numbers
9, 18, 12, 5,11, 7,15, 5

The median is (9+11)/2=10
Grouped Data

The median is obtained from:

N 
   f 1
Median  L1   2 c
 f median 
 
 
L1 : Lower class boundary of the median class (i.e. the class containing the median)
N: number of items in the data (i.e. total frequency)
(∑f)1 : Sum of frequencies of all classes lower than the median class.
fmedian : frequency of median class
c : size of the median class.

Class limits Class boundaries Frequency

60-62 59.5- 62.5 5

63-65 62.5-65.5 18

66-68 65.5-68.5 42

69-71 68.5-71.5 27

72-74 71.5-74.5 8

Total Frequency 100

 100 
  5  18 
Median  65.5   2 3  67.43
 42 
 
 
Determining the Median Graphically

We shall use the second method of locating the Median by drawing two o
gives (one 'less than’ and the other 'more than’). From the point of
intersection of the two o gives we will draw a perpendicular on the x-axis
and the point where it touches the x-axis would be the value of the Median.
Locating Median Graphically

Wages in dollar
The value of the median comes to 91.25

Ungrouped Data
The mode of a set of numbers is that value which occurs
with the greatest frequency , i.e. it is the most common
The mode may not exist, and even if it does exist it may not
be unique

Example 1:
Get the mode of the set of numbers
The mode is 9 (unimodal)
Example 2:
Get the mode of the set of numbers

There is no mode

Example 3:
Get the mode of the set of numbers

There are two modes 4 and 7 (bimodal)

Grouped Data

The mode is obtained from:

 1 
Mode  L1   c
 1   2 

L1 : Lower class boundary of the modal class (i.e. the class containing the mode)
Δ1: excess of modal frequency over frequency of the preceding class
Δ2: excess of modal frequency over frequency of the succeeding class
c : size of the modal class.

Class limits Class boundaries Frequency

60-62 59.5- 62.5 5

63-65 62.5-65.5 18

66-68 65.5-68.5 42

69-71 68.5-71.5 27

72-74 71.5-74.5 8

Total Frequency 100

 42  18 
Mode  65.5   3  67.35
 (42  18)  (42  27) 
Locating Mode Graphically

The value of Mode can be graphically determined in a frequency distribution.

For this the series has to be first represented by a histogram. After this two
lines are drawn diagonally inside the modal class in such a way that they
touch the upper corner of the modal bar and the upper corner of the adjacent
bar. Then a perpendicular is drawn from the intersection of these lines to the
x-axis. The point at which the perpendicular touches the x-axis gives the
modal value.
Measures of Dispersion

It is the degree to which the numerical data tend to spread about an average

The range of a set of numbers is the difference between the largest and
smallest numbers in the set.

Range = XL – XS = 74 – 60 = 14
Mean Deviation

Ungrouped Data

For a set of N number X1, X2, X3,……,XN is defined as:

X J X
Mean Deviation  M .D.  J 1
Grouped Data

If the numbers X1, X2, X3,……,XK occur with frequencies f1, f2, f3,……,fK
the mean deviation is

 fJ XJ  X
M .D.  J 1

J 1

flX- 67.45l
Class limits Class Mark (X) Frequency (f) lX- 67.45l

60-62 61 5 6.45 32.25

63-65 64 18 3.45 62.10

66-68 67 42 0.45 18.90

69-71 70 27 2.55 68.85

72-74 73 8 5.55 44.40

Total 100 226.5

 fJ XJ  X
M .D.  J 1
  2.265
f J
Standard Deviation

Ungrouped Data

For a set of N number X1, X2, X3,……,XN is defined as:

 X X
 J 1
Grouped Data

If the numbers X1, X2, X3,……,XK occur with frequencies f1, f2, f3,……,fK
the mean deviation is

  
fJ X J  X
 J 1


Class Mark
Class limits Frequency (f) X- 67.45 (X- 67.45)2 f(X- 67.45)2

60-62 61 5 -6.45 41.6025 208.012

63-65 64 18 -3.45 11.9025 214.245

66-68 67 42 -0.45 0.2025 8.505

69-71 70 27 2.55 6.5025 175.567

72-74 73 8 5.55 30.8025 246.42

Total 100 852.75

 f X 
J J X
 J 1
  2.92
N 100

The variance of a set of data is defined as the square of

the standard deviation

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