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Impacting One Life at a Time

Peter and Donna Pitman (Delp), serving with Commission to Every Nation
Summer 2019
What’s been happening:
BIG NEWS!! We officially have a mission house again for teams! Last year, as many of you know, we felt God
telling us to close the previous mission house beside Peter’s mom’s house and wait for something better
ahead. Peter found an amazing property with a house with numerous bedrooms and bathrooms, an
apartment, and large yard area. It was all God how it all happened: finding it, being approved for it, and being
able to sign the contract right away. We have been enjoying painting, cleaning, making some minor changes,
and making it feel like a home for our teams! And a bonus: it’s right around the corner from our home, and
neighbors with our friend, Yelsi, who loves to help with teams. It’s the perfect place for teams and interns and
we are so excited as we take this next step of our growing ministry!

We started our summer with an amazing visitor, followed by

family friends visiting for an evening before heading to the
airport, and ended our summer with a team blessing our
community and us! This was the 3rd time for Brittany to come
visit us and each time, the relationship grows stronger and
stronger with us and with several of the youth and people in
the community. We had an amazing week as a family, holding
clinic, teaching her some assessment skills, and explaining more
in depth the situations many of these patients endure day in and day out, had a sleepover
at our friend Yelsi’s house with the youth girls, and talked hours upon hours about the future and how hard it
is to leave more and more of your heart in another country, while you return home.
A few weeks ago, Yelsi hosted a team from
Pennsylvania, who helped with a diabetic
clinic day, youth group, kids’ club, and
painting our hallway of the mission house.
They were such a huge blessing to us and
the community! The patients were so
excited to have activities to do while waiting
to be seen. The kids and youth loved the
new games, projects, and learning about
God. After kids’ club, we also had the joy of
feeding the kids and youth lunch, thanks to a
donation we received to
provide these awesome
kids and youth with a

Our pastoral care couple from CTEN came to visit for a

day and blessed so many kids and youth with brand new
shoes that were donated from Payless Shoes as they are
going out of business. Mayra received the first pair!
Meet Augustin. What he's been through the last 20 months has just been
downright horrible. Here's the abbreviated version of the last 20 months for this
17 year old boy: Augustin was working in the fields and shot in the leg. He was
taken to a public hospital and was left to die since the staff assumed he was part
of a gang. Finally, after a lot of pushing, he was "treated," but not really. He
needed a surgery to place a rod and screws, had said surgery, but they never
put in the rod or screws. They just did the surgery for the sake of saying they did
one. They kept pushing for the parents to pay, which they can't afford anything!
They live up in the village and try to survive off of not much of anything.

Augustin kept getting sicker and sicker.

Infection not clearing up. Anita, the
missionary running the clinic in their village,
pushed to have an x-ray done, which showed the surgery was never truly
done, no rod, no screws. It's been a bunch of back and forth with this poor
kid. Surgeries trying to clean out the infection that just won't budge, trying
to stop the osteomyelitis that is just eating away his femur. He was told by a
bunch of trusted doctors that he needs an amputation. They went back to
the hospital where he originally was "cared" for since the surgery needed to
happen there, and they said, "Oh, let's wait 6 more months. It's improving."
This is all while not even examining the leg or looking at the x-rays, clearly
showing that he keeps having less and less bone from the infection just
eating it and all the nasty drainage that is only getting worse, all while still
on antibiotics. The hospital clearly doesn't want to deal with him and appears to be hoping that he will die
before the next appointment with them.

Meanwhile, the mother doesn't want him to have the amputation. Says that her son was born with 2 legs, he's
going to heaven with 2 legs. And she's said this right in front of the boy. And it's the parents’ decision since
Augustin is a minor. Recently, Augustin was able to have another surgery to try to clean out the infection and
place cement to stabilize what little bone he has left. It's a miracle he's lived this long so far! In June, Peter,
Brittany, and I had the honor of meeting Augustin. Yelsi and Anita have been visiting him regularly. He has to
sit all day in his bed, while his family works, and says he's bored and gets really discouraged. He likes to play
guitar and is working on teaching himself that and English. We asked what kinds of things he would like to do
besides that and he mentioned drawing.
So, we went out and bought him some things that he can do while
in his bed: coloring books, sketchpad, markers, colored pencils and
pens, Spanish-English dictionary, word searches (one in Spanish
and one in English), Jenga, dominoes. We took our 2 kids along to
play with him, meet him, and spend some time with him. We have
also taken the some of the soccer youth to spend time with him as
well. Recently, it was his 17th birthday. Yelsi threw a surprise party
for him and his mom shared how Augustin was sad that morning
that his family couldn’t afford a cake for him and couldn’t
celebrate. But thanks to Yelsi, he was able to celebrate with a cake,
his family, and people from the clinic who have been helping to care for him.
Please, continue to pray for him, his family, and Yelsi, Anita and her amazing staff as they try to continue to
care for him.
Our clinic has really been growing! We keep seeing more and more patients. A lot of
these patients live in tin shacks with mud floors. Water gets in because of holes in
the roofs, poor construction. Children are sleeping on the floors because the family
can’t afford enough beds. Since right now is rainy season, a lot of patients have
been coughing, having fevers, bronchitis, pneumonia,
colds, fever, body aches. In addition, more and more
pregnant women have been coming for me to be in charge
of their OB care. It’s a blessing and miracle to see them
through their pregnancy and to see their healthy babies
after they are born! We recently met a little 5 lb baby who
isn’t gaining weight. Her symptoms point to the baby
having severe acid reflux. We started her on medications
for it and we’ll continue to follow up with her to see if they are working.

Soccer team has been playing in a tournament on Sundays, and just finished their last game recently. Youth
group and kids’ club are still going strong as well, learning more about God and being able to be kids and take
a break from all of their responsibility they have daily. Between the sleepover and a special youth time where
we split the girls and guys and talked about very real, awful situations most of these kids go through, they
have really been more open, talking about their pain, and starting to allow healing. These kids have come such
a long way in the last few years!

How to Help:
We are partnered with Commission to Every Nation, which is a highly accredited organization. Peter and I,
with the help of his mother, Estella, run medical clinics and continue working with children. If you feel led to
donate and assist with our living expenses, activities for children, caring for 2 kids in our house, supporting 7
children in school, and medications and supplies for the patients that we care for, please donate through this
site: (which is also found on our website: and then just click
on the donate button) or send a check to the address at the bottom of this page. Make your check payable to
CTEN and include a note with my name on it. All donations are tax deductible. If you would like to come for a
medical trip, help with the children, or assist in some other way, please feel free to contact us through
Facebook, Whatsapp (011 502 5470 4197), or email:

Prayer requests: continued financial support, and for funds for all of the medications, blood work, and tests
needed for patients, as well as funds for the children we continue to support, for spiritual protection, health,
and safety, and for wisdom and direction as our ministry continues to grow and expand.

Commission to Every Nation

*PO Box 291307* Kerrville, TX 78029-1307* 1-800-872-5404
Donate online at

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