Should Pregnant Student Be Allowed To Perform Prac

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Filipinos are indeed a combination of different cultures which make them bolder and
modernized citizens of the Philippines. The system of Filipina (Filipino women) is no
longer just nurturing the family and managing the chores. They are now given an equal
opportunity with men to do alike things. This proves that what man can do, woman can
do too. Same way when it comes to education, women nowadays are encouraged to get a
degree to have a good career in the future or hold positions in the government just like
the two presidents who hold their names in Philippine history. Considering those
evolving days of the country, there are inevitable questions about teenage pregnancies
that involves the students under the college of education. If you were to be asked, would
you agree that pregnant education students be allowed to continue education and perform
practice teaching?

Well there’s no doubt that in every move awaits consequences and it can either be
beneficial or the other way around. Allowing pregnant students continue schooling to
perform practice teaching is one way of giving them an equal right and privilege in
education. Giving them the freedom to prepare themselves in their chosen field and in the
world of motherhood at the same time is somewhat fulfilling. Helping the student to have
a good future means also preparing a good life for her baby and making a way for their
parents to be proud as well. Undeniably that most people are still engaged in
humanitarian acts. Believing that it’s her right to continue schooling until ready to give
birth is no selfish but selfless! On the contrary, not allowing the pregnant students to
continue schooling would be a big help to lessen the said issue. There’s this Filipino
mentality that when you allow one, many will surely follow. Little do they know that
being tough on them is a great way to control the student pregnancy cases. In addition,
school is a good source of stress and discrimination that pregnant woman might not
handle. Therefore, it is advisable that after birth is the perfect time to go back to school.

Being able to look at the powerful arguments or the pros and cons of the issue regarding
pregnant practice teaching students, I chose to agree on allowing the pregnant education
students to continue education and perform practice teaching. Why? Yes, it may be a
mistake and a neglect on the side of the student to treasure and maintain her purity until
marriage. It may be a big loss on her part to enjoy teenage life. It may affect the standing
of the school as how others see it. It may be the biggest mistake she made. Yes you may
be right! but we don’t have the right to deprived her from the happiness she deserves.
Making wrong decisions at the early age doesn’t mean staying in the hell until you aged.
Mistakes are inevitable, no matter how careful we are and eager to do what is right, we
cannot! Because nobody is perfect. We are all humans and I believe that there should be
an equal dissemination of rights. Whether you are young or old, man or woman, person
with disability or not, we deserve an equal rights. Mistakes were made to let us grow and
so do you. Being able to figure things out and see the bigger picture means accepting
what is stated in the law. Keep in mind that the Equality Act of 2010 legally protects
everyone from discrimination. Section 17 of this act supports the rights of students in
education despite their condition (pregnant).

The pregnancy cases is such a big issue nowadays, however it can be eliminated if people
will accept and reveal their support in favor of the law. After all law is law, at the end of
the day, no matter what your stand is, we still need to obey what is written in the law.

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