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Ramon Santos St., Brgy. Penaranda, Legazpi City


Earth and Life Science 12

Name: Grade & Section:

A. Multiple Choice. Read each question carefully and select the best answer from the given
choices. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Which of the following is not part of the layer of the Earth 1.
a. crust b. asthenosphere c. troposphere d. core
2. The layer of earth which consists of solid nickel and iron 2.
a. a.crust b. mantle c. inner core d. outer core
3. Which of the following is the reason why inner core is solid while outer core is liquid given 3.
that both parts have the same chemical composition?
a. Inner core experiences higher pressure which raises the melting point of iron and nickel
b. Inner core experiences lower pressure which raises the melting point of iron and nickel
c. Inner core experiences higher temperature than the outer core
4. Knowing about the effect of higher altitude to air temperature in troposphere, what would 4.
you do when climbing mountains?
a. bring umbrella c. bring enough food
b. bring/wear jackets d. bring flashlight
5. What is the most abundant element in the Earth’s atmosphere? 5.
a.argon b. carbon dioxide c. nitrogen d. oxygen
6. What is the correct order of Earth’s atmospheric layer from bottom to top? 6.
a.. Stratosphere, mesosphere, troposphere, thermosphere, exosphere
b. mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere, thermosphere, exosphere
c. troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere
d. stratosphere, troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere
7. Why is the presence of ozone layer in the stratosphere important for survival of living 7.
things on Earth?
a. It warms Earth’s surface c. it helps in cloud formation
b. it makes jet flying more comfortable d. offer protection from sun’s harmful UV rays
8. In which of the following layers of atmosphere does temperature decrease as altitude 8.
a. mesosphere and stratosphere c. troposphere and stratosphere
b. troposphere and mesosphere d. thermosphere and stratosphere
9. The solid outer section of Earth is referred to as the ________________. 9.
a. atmosphere b. biosphere c. hydrosphere d. lithosphere
10. Which is not a type of tectonic plate boundary? 10.
a. convergent b. divergent c. insurgent d. transform
11. Which process is not involved in the formation of sediments? 11.
a. cooling b. deposition c. transportation d. weathering
12. When heat and pressure are applied to a sedimentary rock, it changes into __________. 12.
a. intrusive igneous rock c. extrusive igneous rock
b. metamorphic rock d. magma
13. Which of the following best describes a mineral? 13.
a. a solid natural material with a crystal structure
b. a material that was once living but as decayed
c. a liquid chemical used to make soil more fertile
d. a nutrient produced by plants that other organisms need
14. A student sorted mineral samples into two groups: dull and shiny. Which of the following 14.
properties did the student use to sort mineral samples into group?
a. cleavage b. hardness c. luster d. streak
15. Planet A is 149.6 million km from its own star (Sun’s size) with a 100 mile thick 15.
atmosphere made up of 77%N, 21%O2 and 1%Ar, while Planet B is 227 million km from
its sun with a 1 mile thick atmosphere made up of 50%N, 15%O2 and 35% CO2. Which of
the two is habitable?
a. Planet A b. Planet B c. Both A&B d. None of the above
16. Which process releases nitrogen gas (N2) back into the atmosphere? 16.
a. denitrification b. nitrogen fixation c. decay d. nitrification
17. When water droplets get large enough to fall from the clouds, it's called: 17.
a. condensation. b. transpiration. c. sublimation. d. precipitation.
18. Josaphat tested a physical property of a mineral. He rubbed a mineral sample on a piece 18.
of white tile. The mineral left a red mark on the tile. Which of the following properties of
the mineral was Josaphat most likely testing?
a. cleavage b. hardness c. luster d. streak
19. Juan is scratching an unknown mineral to a gypsum, apatite, quartz and a diamond. 19.
What property of mineral could he possibly testing?
a. cleavage b. hardness c. Luster d. streak
20. Which of the following is a mineral? 20.
a. glass b. Steel c. sugar d. salt
21. All of the following are causes of physical weathering except 21.
a. Acid rain b. Running water c. Wind d. Plant growth
22. Which of the following would probably cause the most damage to a abandoned building 22.
found in a jungle?
a. Wind and water b. Solar heat and acid rain c. Storms d. Plant growth and earthquakes
23. The process by which small pieces of rocks and soil are carried away to new locations 23.
a. faults b. weathering c. erosion d. deposition
24. What process creates new sand in a desert? 24.
a. erosion of neighbouring streams b. Droughts
c. Fossils of animals and plants constantly decaying d. Wind erosion of rocks
25. What is the major cause of weathering and erosion? 25.
a. glaciers b. Wind c. Ice d. Moving water

B. True or False. Write T if the statement is correct on the space provided and write F
if the statement is incorrect

26. The descent of the dense iron material into the core produces heat in Earth’s interior 26.
27. If water is present, rocks will melt at higher temperatures than normal. 27.
28. Under high pressure, rocks melt at lower temperatures. 28.
29. When a rock melts, different minerals melt at the same temperature. 29.
30. Magma that crystallizes forms igneous rocks 30.

C. Provide what is being asked.

1. Give at least three major biomes (3 pts.)
2. Illustrate the ocean vertical zones (5 pts.)
3. Create a diagram to show how metamorphic rock becomes a sedimentary rock. (3 pts)
4. What are the necessary factors that affect planet’s habitability? (4 pts.)
5. Cite the evidences that support continental drift theory. (5 pts.)

“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough” – Albert Einstein
Good luck!

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