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Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials

Some organic and inorganic compounds as inhibitors for carbon steel corrosion in 3.5 percent NaCl solution
M. Abdallah, A.Y. El‐Etre, M.G. Soliman, E.M. Mabrouk,
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M. Abdallah, A.Y. El‐Etre, M.G. Soliman, E.M. Mabrouk, (2006) "Some organic and inorganic compounds as inhibitors for
carbon steel corrosion in 3.5 percent NaCl solution", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 53 Issue: 2, pp.118-123, doi:
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Some organic and inorganic compounds as
inhibitors for carbon steel corrosion in
3.5 percent NaCl solution
M. Abdallah, A.Y. El-Etre, M.G. Soliman and E.M. Mabrouk
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Benha University, Benha, Egypt

Purpose – To study the effects of the sodium salts of molybdate, tungstate and monovanadate as well as some derivatives of Neville-Winter acid azo
dyes on the corrosion of carbon steel in 3.5 percent NaCl solution.
Design/methodology/approach – Open circuit potential measurement and potentiostatic polarization techniques have been used.
Findings – It was found that all the compounds had inhibition effects on carbon steel dissolution. Inhibition efficiency (IE) increased with increase in
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inhibitor concentration. The process of inhibition was attributed to the formation of an adsorbed film on the metal surface, which protects the metal
against the corrosive medium. The adsorption of these compounds on the steel/chloride interface was found to follow Freundlich adsorption isotherm
Originality/value – Proves the effectiveness of the sodium salts of molybdate, tungstate and monovanadate as well as some derivatives of Neville-
Winter acid azo dyes on the corrosion of carbon steel in 3.5 percent NaCl solution.

Keywords Carbon, Steel, Inorganic chemistry, Acids, Dyes

Paper type Research paper

Introduction Inorganic compounds of the MeO22 4 type are well known as

inhibitors of the corrosion of steel in various neutral media.
The study of carbon steel corrosion has received a The mechanism of their action has received the attention of a
considerable interest (Sastri, 1998; Uhlig and Revie, 1985) number of workers (Bairamov and Verdiev, 1992; Gireesh and
in industrial applications such as the manufacture of Shibli, 2001; Virtanen et al., 2001). The interaction of the
petroleum pipelines, because of their remarkable economic MeO224 ion with the metal surface cations and, in particular,
importance. The presence of chloride anions may result in a the condition of the adsorbed ion, are important
risk of corrosion attack on carbon steel. The use of inhibitors considerations.
is one of the most practical methods for corrosion protection The aim of the present study was to investigate the
(Trabanelli, 1994; Schmitt, 1994). Many organic compounds corrosion behavior of carbon steel (L-52) in varying
have been used as corrosion inhibitors for corrosion of carbon concentrations of sodium chloride solution. The effects of
some inorganic compounds, namely, sodium salts of
steel in different corrosive media (Abd El-Rehim et al., 1999;
molybdate, tungstate and monovanadate, as well as some
Bentiss et al., 2001; Awad and Turgoose, 2002; Ali et al., derivatives of Neville-Winter acid azo dyes, as corrosion
2003; Abdallah and El-Naggar, 2001). The initial step of the inhibitors for carbon steel dissolution in chloride media, were
inhibition process is due to adsorption of the compound onto investigated. Open circuit potential logging and potentiostatic
the metal surface. Usually, organic compounds that serve as polarization techniques were used.
effective corrosion inhibitors have at least one functional
group, which acts as the reaction centre for the adsorption Experimental procedure
process. The presence of hetero atoms such as nitrogen, sulfur
and phosphorous in the organic compound, and also the The chemical composition of the carbon steel (L-52) used
presence of an aromatic ring in the molecular structure, are in the experiment was (in wt percent) 0.26 C, 1.35 Mn,
0.04 P, 0.05 S, 0.005 Nb, 0.02 V and 0.03 Ti. The bottom
found to have a significant influence on the extent of
end of the rod specimens, which had a mean surface area of
adsorption of the organic compound on the metal surface and 0.52 cm2, was successively abraded with finer grades of
thereby on the extent of corrosion inhibition emery paper, degreased with acetone, and washed with bi-
(Manichavasagam et al., 2002). distilled water, before being immersed in 50 ml of the test
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at All chemicals used were of analytical grade quality and were used without further purification. For open circuit
measurements, the potential time curve record commenced

Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials

53/2 (2006) 118– 123 The authors wish to express their thanks to Professor Ghoneim, M.M.
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 0003-5599] and Professor Issa, Y.M. for providing them with the prepared Neville-
[DOI 10.1108/00035590610650820] Winter acid azo dyes derivatives.

Organic and inorganic compounds as inhibitors Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
M. Abdallah, A.Y. El-Etre, M.G. Soliman, E.M. Mabrouk Volume 53 · Number 2 · 2006 · 118 –123

at the moment of immersion of working electrode in the test Figure 2 Potential-time curves of carbon steel electrode in different
solution and continued until a steady state potential was percentages of NaCl solutions
attained. An external current was applied to the cell in order
to record the polarization behavior. Potentiostatic polarization
studies were carried out using EG&G model 173 potentiostat/
galvanostat. A three-compartment cell was used with a
saturated calomel reference electrode and a platinum foil
auxiliary electrode.
The inhibition efficiency (IE) was calculated using the
following equation:
I addr
IE ¼ 1 2 £ 100 ð1Þ
I free

where Ifree and Iaddr are the corrosion current densities in free
and inhibited NaCl solution, respectively.
The Neville-Winter azo dye used as corrosion inhibitor was
Downloaded by Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Univ Negeri Surabaya At 04:51 12 May 2017 (PT)

prepared previously (Mabrouk et al., 1991), and had the

chemical structure shown in Figure 1.
where x is p-methoxy, m-methoxy, p-sulfonamide and o-
chloro for compound, I, II, III and IV, respectively.

Effect of NaCl concentration
The variation of the potential of carbon steel electrode with
time in deaerated NaCl solutions of varying concentrations is
shown in Figure 2. Inspection of Figure 2 shows that the
potential fell sharply to a more negative value from the
beginning of the monitoring period until a steady state value
was attained. This behavior indicated the destruction of the
pre-immersion oxide film that was present on the electrode
surface. An increase in the NaCl concentration shifted the
steady state potential towards more negative values.
Figure 3 shows the cathodic and anodic polarization curves Figure 3 Cathodic and anodic polarization curves of carbon steel in
of carbon steel electrode in deareated NaCl solution of different percentages of NaCl solutions
different concentrations. The corrosion current density (Icorr)
and corrosion potential (Ecorr) were determined from the
intersection of the extrapolated of cathodic and anodic Tafel
lines. The values of Icorr and Ecorr in free 3.5 percent NaCl are
given in Table I. It is evident that as the concentration of
NaCl increases, there was a shift in corrosion potential (Ecorr)
in the negative direction and the corrosion current density
(Icorr) increased. This indicated that the NaCl solution
accelerated the dissolution of carbon steel.

Effect of additives
The effect of additions of some inorganic compounds, namely
the sodium salts of molybdate, tungstate and monovanadate,
as well as of four derivatives of Neville-Winter acid azo dye
compounds on the dissolution of carbon steel in 3.5 percent
NaCl, was studied using potential-time curves. Similar curves
were obtained as are shown in Figure 2. The potential value
shifted directly in the negative direction and eventually
attained a steady value. The steady state potential became
Figure 1

Organic and inorganic compounds as inhibitors Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
M. Abdallah, A.Y. El-Etre, M.G. Soliman, E.M. Mabrouk Volume 53 · Number 2 · 2006 · 118 –123

Table I Electrochemical parameters for carbon steel in free NaCl For inorganic additives:
MoO22 22 2
4 . WO4 . VO3
NaCl concentration Ecorr Icorr
(percent) mV(SCE) (A cm2 2) and for dyes derivatives:
1 2 587 0.352 p 2 methoxy . m 2 methoxy . p 2 sulfonamide
2 2 594 0.371
3 2 609 0.406 . o 2 chloro
3.5 2 636 0.477
4 2 645 0.498 The inhibitive action of the inorganic anions could be
5 2 653 0.552 explained on the basis that all these anions were strongly
adsorbed onto the metal surface and the formation of highly
insoluble salts with dissolved metal ions prevented the
more positive as the concentration of the additive was penetration of Cl2 ions, thereby decreasing the rate of
increased. This indicated that the compounds inhibited the corrosion (Wilcox and Gabe, 1987).
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corrosion of carbon steel in 3.5 percent NaCl solution. It is clear from the above sequences that molybdate ions
The effect of the some additives (inorganic and azo dye had the best inhibitive efficiency. The protective effect of the

compounds) on the anodic and cathodic polarization curves steel by MoO22 4 may be due to the reduction of the Mo to
was examined. Similar curves were obtained to those shown Mo4þ (of MoO2) during film formation
in Figure 3. The electrochemical parameters, Ecorr, Icorr, IE MoO22 2
4 ! MoO2 þ 2O ð2Þ
and surface coverage u were calculated and given in Tables II
and III for inorganic anions and azo dye compounds, The reduction of the molybdate anion could provide
respectively. additional oxygen anions that interfere with the ability of
Inspection of Tables (II and III) reveals that, Ecorr shifted to Cl2 anions to reach the metal/film interface. This process
less negative values, Icorr decreased, and consequently the blocks sites through which aggressive anions could
inhibitor efficiency (IE) increased. This behavior indicated preferentially penetrate the film. The formation of MoO2
that the compounds inhibited the dissolution of carbon steel in neutral medium is predicted by the Pourbaix diagram for
in 3.5 percent NaCl. Mo (Pourbaix, 1966). In addition, the inhibitive nature of
molybdate anions may be due to the formation of a thin
film of molybdate. The amount of Mo2þ in solution is
Discussion limited by its solubility. With increased molybdate solution
concentration, the fraction of Mo as Mo2þ decreased due to
At a given concentration of the inhibitors, the IE decreased in its decreasing solubility. In this case, MoO22
4 was able to be
the following order: adsorbed on the surface in sufficient amounts that it can
form a thin molybdate layer. The restriction of anion
Table II Effect of some inorganic anions on the electrochemical diffusion by the presence of the molybdate in the film leads
parameters of carbon steel electrode in 3.5 percent NaCl solution to higher IE.
The inhibitive action of tungstate and monovanadate anions
Ecorr Icorr can be attributed to:
Inhibitor Conc. (M) mV(SCE) (A cm2 2) IE u .
their competitive adsorption on the metal surface;
3.5 percent NaCl 1 Na2MoO4
the formation of an adsorbed layer on the oxide film;
0.00 M Na2MoO4 2636 0.477 – – and
1 3 102 4 M Na2MoO4 2620 0.380 20.33 0.20
the formation of a highly insoluble salt with dissolved
1 3 102 3 M Na2MoO4 2522 0.322 32.49 0.32
metal ions which prevents the penetration of Cl2 ions and
consequently decreases the rate of corrosion.
5 3 102 3 M Na2MoO4 2466 0.252 47.16 0.47
1 3 102 2 M Na2MoO4 2445 0.202 57.65 0.58 The inhibition of carbon steel in 3.5 percent NaCl solution
5 3 102 2 M Na2MoO4 2442 0.105 65.40 0.65 by some Neville-Winter azo dye derivatives depends on the
3.5 percent NaCl 1 Na2WO4 number of adsorption sites, the change density, molecular
1 3 102 4 M Na2WO4 2632 0.402 15.72 0.16 size, mode of interaction with the metal surface and ability
to form metallic complexes (Awad and Turgoose, 2002).
1 3 102 3 M Na2WO4 2630 0.385 19.28 0.19
The inhibitive effects of the studied compounds can be
5 3 102 3 M Na2WO4 2607 0.322 32.49 0.32
attributed to the formation of insoluble complexes
1 3 102 2 M Na2WO4 2605 0.290 39.20 0.39
by combination of the metal cation and Neville-Winter
5 3 102 2 M Na2WO4 2586 0.212 55.55 0.55
azo dye molecules on the metal surface, as shown in
3.5 percent NaCl 1 Na2VO2 Figure 4.
1 3 102 4 M Na2VO2 2630 0.429 10.06 0.10 The Neville-Winter acid azo dye derivatives have either
1 3 102 3 M Na2VO2 2612 0.413 13.42 0.13 electron-donating groups, such as the OCH3 group, or
5 3 102 3 M Na2VO2 2610 0.378 20.75 0.21 electron-withdrawing groups, such as Cl2 and SO2NH2
1 3 102 2 M Na2VO2 2605 0.350 26.62 0.27 groups. The above order of IE may originate from the
5 3 102 2 M Na2VO2 2598 0.312 34.59 0.35 changing nature of substituents in the ring. It is clear
from above sequence that compounds containing

Organic and inorganic compounds as inhibitors Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
M. Abdallah, A.Y. El-Etre, M.G. Soliman, E.M. Mabrouk Volume 53 · Number 2 · 2006 · 118 –123

Table III Effect of Neville-Winter acid azo dyes derivatives on the electrochemical parameters of carbon steel electrode in 3.5 percent NaCl solution
Inhibitor Conc. (M) Ecorr mV(SCE) Icorr (A cm2 2) IE u
3.5 percent NaCl 1 p-methoxy azo dye
0.00 M p-methoxy 2636 0.47 – –
1 3 102 4 M p-methoxy 2576 0.405 15.09 0.15
1 3 102 3 M p-methoxy 2568 0.358 24.94 0.25
5 3 102 3 M p-methoxy 2565 0.328 31.23 0.31
1 3 102 2 M p-methoxy 2560 0.188 60.58 0.61
5 3 102 2 M p-methoxy 2560 0.122 74.42 0.74
3.5 percent NaCl 1 m.methoxy azo dye
1 3 102 4 M m-methoxy 2563 0.415 12.99 0.13
1 3 102 3 M m-methoxy 2553 0.382 19.92 0.20
5 3 102 3 M m-methoxy 2551 0.342 28.30 0.28
1 3 102 2 M m-methoxy 2548 0.312 34.59 0.35
5 3 102 2 M m-methoxy
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2545 0.346 48.43 0.48

3.5 percent NaCl 1 p-sulfonamide azo dye
1 3 102 4 M p-sulfonamide 2594 0.430 9.85 0.10
1 3 102 3 M p-sulfonamide 2529 0.420 11.94 0.12
5 3 102 3 M p-sulfonamide 2585 0.380 20.33 0.20
1 3 102 2 M p-sulfonamide 2575 0.336 29.55 0.30
5 3 102 2 M p-sulfonamide 2550 0.310 35.01 0.35
3.5 percent NaCl 1 o-chloro azo dye
1 3 102 4 M o-chloro 2591 0.435 8.80 0.08
1 3 102 3 M o-chloro 2974 0.415 12.99 0.13
5 3 102 3 M o-chloro 2573 0.396 16.98 0.17
1 3 102 2 M o-chloro 2560 0.378 20.75 0.21
5 3 102 2 M o-chloro 2555 0.350 26.62 0.27

Figure 4 The degree of surface converge (u), which represents the

fraction of the metal surface covered by inhibitor molecules,
was calculated using the following equation:

I addr
u¼12 ð3Þ
I free

The values of u are shown in Tables II and III. The degree of

coverage was found to increase with increasing concentration
of the additives. Attempts were made to fit u values to various
isotherms. By far the best fit was obtained with Freundlich
isotherm (Berg et al., 1976), according to the following

u ¼ KC n ð4Þ


electron-donating group are more efficient inhibitors than are log u ¼ log K þ n log C ð5Þ
those containing electron-withdrawing groups. The electron-
donating groups enhance adsorption with a consequent where K and C are the equilibrium constants for the
increase in IE. adsorption process and the additive concentration,
respectively. A plot of log u vs log C gives a straight line of
Adsorption isotherms intercept log K. The plots for all compounds are shown in
The adsorption behavior of inorganic and dyes compounds on Figures 5 and 6. Linear correlations were obtained for all of
the steel surfaces can be evaluated by comparison with the compounds, suggesting that the Freundlich adsorption
suitable isotherms. These describe the variation of isotherm was obeyed consistently. The calculated values for
experimentally-obtained values of the amount of adsorbed the equilibrium constant are listed in Table IV.
substance by unit area of the metal surface with its The equilibrium constant (K) is related to the standard free
concentration in the bulk solution at constant temperature. energy of adsorption (Kliskic et al., 2000) by the relationship:

Organic and inorganic compounds as inhibitors Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
M. Abdallah, A.Y. El-Etre, M.G. Soliman, E.M. Mabrouk Volume 53 · Number 2 · 2006 · 118 –123

Figure 5 Freundlich adsorption isotherm for inorganic compounds Table IV Equilibrium constant and free energy of adsorption of the
inhibitors adsorbed on the steel surface
Inhibitors DG0ads2 KJ mol2 1 K
Inorganic compounds
Na2MoO4 27.668 39.81 £ 102 2
Na2WO4 28.239 50.12 £ 102 2
Na2VO3 29.666 89.13 £ 102 2
Organic compounds
p-methoxy azo dye 25.957 19.95 £ 102 2
m-methoxy azo dye 27.098 31.62 £ 102 2
p-sulfonamide azo dye 27.980 44.67 £ 102 2
o-chloro azo dye 28.410 53.70 £ 102 2
Downloaded by Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Univ Negeri Surabaya At 04:51 12 May 2017 (PT)

water adsorption/desorption equilibrium, which forms an

important part in the overall free energy change of inhibitor
behavior. The negative values of DG0ads obtained here indicate
that the adsorption process of these compounds on the metal
surface was spontaneous.

The following conclusions were drawn from the study:
The sodium salts of molybdate, tungstate and
monovanadate as well as Neville-Winter acid azo dyes
derivatives act as inhibitors for corrosion of carbon steel
Figure 6 Freundlich adsorption isotherm for Neville-Winter azo dyes (L-52) in 3.5 percent NaCl solution.
The IE of inorganic compounds decreased in the order:

MoO22 22 2
4 . WO4 . VO3 :

The IE of organic compounds decreased in the order:

p 2 methoxy . m 2 methoxy . p 2 sulfonamide

. o 2 chloro:
The corrosion inhibition of both types of compounds
takes place via adsorption on the surface of carbon steel
following Freundlich adsorption isotherm.
The inorganic anions may form a highly insoluble salt with
dissolved metal ions which prevents the penetration of
Cl2 ions and increase the corrosion inhibition.
The formation of insoluble complexes, by combination of
the metal cation and Neville-Winter azo dye molecules on
the metal surface, may be another mechanism of

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