Date Class / Time Content Impact: Daily Lesson Plan

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Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 3

Date:06.02.201 DAY 1 REFLECTION:
MONDAY Focus: 1.0 Listening and Speaking Attendance:16/16
Theme: World of Knowledge
Unit: People Around Me
14 pupils were able to
Content Standard:
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will achieve the objectives.
be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with
Class/Time:3 the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. 9 pupils were able to
10.40-11.40A.M answer the questions
Learning Standard: correctly.
1.1.1 talk about a stimulus with
guidance. 6 pupils need extra
1.1.2 to participate in daily conversations:
(e)talk about oneself,
Objectives: 6 pupils were able to
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: master today’s lesson.
 Name the occupations
 Name the occupations they know. Teacher’s action:
 Get pupils to say why some people wear uniforms while others do not.
 Spell the words correctly. *Today’s lesson will be
carried forward due to -.
1. Teacher introduces pupils to a video clip of the song (people song) and gets
pupils to watch and listen.
2. Using the video clip and an audio clip, teacher gets pupils to sing and
enjoy the song with actions.
3. Teacher encourages pupils to name other occupations their known.
4. Pupils talk about the characters and actions made by the characters with
guidance from the teacher.
5. Teacher asks pupils to look in TB and response about the pictures.
6. Teacher encourages pupils to classify the people wear the uniform while
others do not.
7. Teacher distributes a worksheet.
8. Pupils complete a worksheet with guidance.

Teaching Aids: Video clip, audio clip, textbook, worksheet

Teaching and learning Strategies:
Kinaesthetic, Knowledge acquisition
Added Value: Courtesy, Love for oneself and others, Respect,
Assessment:Observation – pupils are able to know people around
them and name the occupation.
Daily Lesson Plan
English Language Year 3
Date:08.02.201 DAY 2 REFLECTION:
7 Focus: 2.0 Reading
WEDNESDAY Theme: World of Knowledge Attendance:15/16
Unit: Look At Me
Content Standard:
12 pupils were able to
2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of achieve the objectives.
Class/Time:3 linear and non-linear texts in a the form of print and
9.2010.20A.M non-print materials using a range of strategies to 10 pupils were able to
construct meaning. answer the questions
Learning Standard: correctly.
2.1.3 Able to blend two to four phonemes into recognizable
words and read them aloud. 6 pupils need extra
2.2.1 (a) Able to read and apply word recognition and word
attack skills by matching words with: graphics.
2.2.3 Able to read and understand simple and compound
sentences. 8 pupils were able to
Objectives: master today’s lesson.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
 Blend phonemes into words based on pictures, spell and pronounce Teacher’s action:
 Segment words into phonemes correctly based on pictures. *Today’s lesson will be
 Read and understand a sentences.
carried forward due to -.
1. Teacher asks pupils to recall the previous lesson.
2. Teacher shows a power point slide presentation of people work.
3. Teacher encourages pupils to watch and listen carefully.
4. Teacher drills on the name of occupations.
5. Teacher asks pupils to say aloud the words and continue with read simple
Eg: a. Teacher
I am a teacher. I teach pupils in school.
6. Class Activity
Pupils are divided 7 in 5 groups.
Pupils pass around the box while teacher plays a people work song. When
the music stopped, pupil who is the last person hold the box should
choose a one card and read the content loudly, and answer the card
The game continue until pupils complete it in group.

Teaching Aids: Textbook, song, ppt slide.

Teaching and learning Strategies: Knowledge acquisition
Added Value: Courtesy, Love for oneself and others, Respect,
Assessment:Observation – pupils are able to identify the pictures, segment the
words and blend the phonemes correctly.

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 3
Date:09.02.201 DAY 3 REFLECTION:
THURSDAY Focus: 3.0 Writing Attendance:15/16
Theme: World of Knowledge
Unit: People Around Me
12 pupils were able to
Content Standard:
3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will achieve the objectives.
Class/Time:3 be able to write using appropriate language, form and 10 pupils were able to
10.40-12.10P.M style for a range of purposes. answer the questions
Learning Standard:
1.2 (d) Able to copy and write in neat legible print with: 5 pupils need extra
a) Words guidance.
b) Phrases
7 pupils were able to
master today’s lesson.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a) Recognize the name of people work Teacher’s action:
b) Write in neat legible print with correct spelling.
Activities: *Today’s lesson will be
1. Teacher shows a picture cards, while pupils recall all the name of the jobs. carried forward due to -.
2. Teacher chooses a card randomly and asks pupil name it.
3. Teacher repeats the activity for five times.
4. Teacher distributes a worksheet
5. Teacher guides pupils to match correctly.
6. Enrichment activity: (WORDS GAME)
Teacher asks pupils to create a new words from the word OCCUPATIONS.

Teaching Aids: Flash cards, worksheet,

Teaching and learning Strategies: Knowledge acquisition
Added Value: Courtesy, Love for oneself and others, Respect,
Assessment: Observation – pupils are able to match pictures to sentence correctly
and write a sentence neatly.
Daily Lesson Plan
English Language Year 3
Date:10.02.201 DAY 4 REFLECTION:
7 Focus: 4.0 Grammar
FRIDAY Theme: World of Knowledge Attendance:__/__
Unit: People Around Me
Content Standard:
14 pupils were able to
4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to use different word classes correctly and achieve the objectives.
Class/Time:3 appropriately. 13 pupils were able to
10.40-11.40A.M Learning Standard: answer the questions
by the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to; correctly.
1.1.1 Use a demonstrative pronouns for
a) Singular 6 pupils need extra
b) Plural
Objectives:By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
 Use a demonstrative pronouns in daily life.
 Know the job and what they do. 7 pupils were able to
Activities: master today’s lesson.
1. Teacher introduces the lesson base on the real situation in class and uses
the real things. Eg: teacher can use pupil’s book, pencil, bags and ect. To Teacher’s action:
explains a simple sentence about demonstrative pronouns.
2. Teacher plays a demonstrative pronouns song.
3. Pupils are listening carefully. After that, teacher asks pupils to sing a song *Today’s lesson will be
together. carried forward due to -.
4. Teacher re explain about a demonstrative pronouns according to the song.
 Pupils are divided 7 in 5 groups.
 Each pupil in each group should hold a thing.
 Pupils in group altogether in circle.
 Teacher asks pupils to count in 1st to 7 th.
 Teacher explains the rules and pupil give their fully attention.
 Teacher says “number 1 to number 3”.
 Pupils in number 1 point he’s / she’s finger to pupils in number
3 and say “that is number a pencil. The game will continue until
all pupils complete to each other.
6. Enrichment activity:
 Teacher asks pupils in group randomly to talk about lesson today.
Encourages them to response it and guides pupils to write in
exercise book.
 Teacher distributes a worksheet and asks pupils to complete it.
Teaching Aids: Song and lyrics., things in class, worksheet.
Teaching and learning Strategies: Kinaesthetic, Knowledge acquisition
Added Value: Courtesy, Love for oneself and others, Respect
Assessment: Observation – pupils are able to perform the action and understand to
use demonstrative pronouns in daily life.

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