INTP Profile

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INTP Personality Profile

The Architect

Compiled & Edited by

Personality Trait Test

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This document contains detailed information about the Personality
Profile. The content References concepts already mentioned in the Detail
Personality Results in App. If you are reading this and do not understand
some of the content, please refer to the Android App

This personality profile comes with the following analysis:

 Trait Profiles (summaries)

 Strengths and Weaknesses
 Relationships (Romantic , Parents, Friends)
 Personal growth (Career path , & Work Place Habits)

The analyses here combine work done by Carl Jung, Katharine Cook
Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers, and David Keirsey. Myers
& Briggs built their work on Jung’s, and Keirsey expanded and revised
some of their work. At times, the outcomes conflict in small ways, and they
are noted. However, all their works are presented for you to embrace
whichever appeals to you.

Words of Caution in Interpreting This Material

A 75% score on Thinking, for example, means you rely on Thinking &
about 75% of the time to make decisions rather than Feelings. But it also
means you use or value Feelings 25% of the time, rather than that you are
a Thinking decision-maker all of the time. You have to keep these
percentages in mind when interpreting this content as it may apply to you
or someone else.

The biggest mistake that we often see with the presentation of personality
test results is that they are spoken of in absolute terms, when they should
be discussed as majority tendencies. You got a percentage score with each
of your Jung type preferences (letter) if you took the test I supplied. That
score is an indication of how strong you have those tendencies.

Do NOT compare your percentage scores with someone else’s as if they

were absolute. That is, if you had a 75% Thinking score that does not mean
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you are more logical than someone with a 65% Thinking score. The best
way I can think to illustrate this is with an analogy. Your percentage is
like how you break up your “pie”, where the whole is both Preferences
(Thinking and Feeling here).

Someone could have a 55% Thinking score & be more logical in their
decision making than you. That’s because their “pie” might be bigger than
yours. They may put more of, both, Thinking and Feeling, into their
decision-making, or may be capable of more complex logical decision-
making than you. They just don’t rely on Thinking 75% of the time like

That’s all those percentages mean, so keep your % scores only for your
own comparison. While it may be more convenient, less convoluted and
more convincing to discuss your results in absolute terms, it is not true.
People are complex and there’s no way of “dumbing them down” to
understand them. All that does is either create misunderstandings or
skepticism in the results.

INTP Characteristics
INTP in a Nutshell

INTPs are philosophical innovators, fascinated by logical analysis,

systems, and design. They are preoccupied with theory, and search for the
universal law behind everything they see. They want to understand the
unifying themes of life, in all their complexity.

They are detached, analytical observers who can seem oblivious to the
world around them because they are so deeply absorbed in thought. They
spend much of their time focused internally: exploring concepts, making
connections, and seeking understanding. To the INTPs, life is an ongoing
inquiry into the mysteries of the universe.

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What Makes the INTP Tick

INTPs present a cool exterior but are privately passionate about reason,
analysis, and innovation. They seek to create complex systems of
understanding to unify the principles they've observed in their
environments. Their minds are complicated and active, and they will go to
great mental lengths trying to devise ingenious solutions to interesting

The INTP is typically non-traditional, and more likely to reason out their
own individual way of doing things than to follow the crowd. The INTP is
suspicious of assumptions and conventions, and eager to break apart
ideas that others take for granted. INTPs are merciless when analyzing
concepts and beliefs, and hold little sacred. They are often baffled by other
people who remain loyal to ideology that doesn't make logical sense.

Recognizing an INTP

INTPs are often thoroughly engaged in their own thoughts, and usually
appear to others to be offbeat and unconventional. The INTP’s mind is a
most active place, and their inward orientation can mean that they
neglect superficial things like home décor or appropriate clothing.

They don’t tend to bother with small talk but can become downright
passionate when talking about science, mathematics, computers, or the
larger theoretical problems of the universe. Reality is often of only passing
interest to the INTPs, as they are more interested in the theory behind it

INTPs are typically precise in their speech, and communicate complex

ideas with carefully chosen words. They insist on intellectual rigor in even
the most casual of conversations, and will readily point out inconsistencies
of thought or reasoning. Social niceties may fall by the wayside for an
INTP who is more interested in analyzing logic, and they may offend
others by submitting their dearly held values and beliefs to logical

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INTP in the Population

INTP is one of the less common types in the population, especially for
women. Among women, INTP is the fourth rarest type (after INFP, INFP,
and INFJ):

 3% of the general population

 2% of women
 5% of men

Popular Hobbies

Popular leisure activities for an INTP include reading, art and cultural
events, chess and other strategy games, writing, taking classes, working
with computers, backpacking, hiking, and meditation.

What the Experts Say

"INTPs are perhaps the most intellectually profound of all the types."

- Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing

"What is important is that the underlying structures of the universe be

uncovered and articulated, and that whatever is stated about the universe
be stated correctly, with coherence and without redundancy."

- David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II

"INTPs are free-spirited idea mills and absentminded professors, which

makes them fun to be around, easily diverted, and a plethora of unending

- Otto Kroeger, Type Talk at Work

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INTP’s Strengths
1. Great analysts and abstract thinkers

INTP personalities are great at noticing patterns and seeing the big
picture. They also possess an impressive ability to jump from one idea to
another, linking them in ways that usually bewilder most other
personality types.

2. Honest and Straightforward

INTPs do not play social games and see no point in sugarcoating their
words. They will clearly state their opinion and expect others to return the

3. Imaginative and original

An INTP’s mind is always working, always producing ideas regardless of

whether those ideas are likely to see the light of day. Not surprisingly,
INTPs have no difficulties coming up with innovative, original solutions.

4. Objective

People with the INTP personality are very logical and rational individuals
who see no point in involving emotions in the decision-making process.
Consequently, they tend to pride themselves in being fair and impartial.

5. Open-Minded

INTPs tend to be open-minded and willing to accept ideas different from

their own, provided that they are supported by facts and logic.

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Furthermore, INTPs are usually fairly liberal when it comes to social

norms and traditions, judging people solely on the basis of their ideas.

6. Enthusiastic

INTP personalities can spend an enormous amount of time trying to

figure out something they are interested in. They will also be very
enthusiastic when it comes to discussing that topic with other people.

INTP’s Weakness
1. Absent-minded

INTPs are able to focus all their efforts on analyzing a specific idea, but
this usually comes at a cost of ignoring everything else. They may be
forgetful or simply miss things that have nothing to do with the object of
their interest.

2. Second-guess themselves

INTP personalities may be excellent analysts, but they often lack the
decisiveness of Judging (J) types. An INTP may find it quite difficult to
decide which idea is the best one, always looking for more information
and doubting their own conclusions.

3. Insensitive

INTPs are likely to find it difficult to include emotions in their decision-

making process, focusing all their efforts on getting the rational basis
right. Consequently, they may often come across as insensitive or be
puzzled when it comes to dealing with an emotionally-charged situation.

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4. Very private and withdrawn

INTPs are often reluctant to let anyone inside their minds, let alone their
hearts. They may often come across as shy in social settings and even the
INTP’s friends are likely to have a difficult time getting to know them well.

5. May be condescending

INTP personalities are usually proud of their extensive knowledge and

reasoning abilities, but they may get easily frustrated trying to describe
their thoughts other people. INTPs enjoy presenting their ideas to other
people, but explaining how they got from A to Z is another matter.

6. Loathe rules and guidelines

INTPs need a lot of freedom and have little respect for rules and traditions
that put artificial limits on their imagination. People with this personality
type would rather have less security and more autonomy.

Romantic Relationships

INTPs can be insightful communicators, when the subject inspires them.

Thoughtful and independent, they may not have a great need for
conversation, but when discussing complex concepts or innovative ideas
they can become quite intense and display a wealth of information and

Logical and analytical, they can weigh possibilities endlessly and are
great at playing devil’s advocate. They love to pick apart ideas but are not

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convinced by anything but the most rational of analyses; they can spot a
flaw in logic a mile away, and rarely hesitate to point it out.


INTPs are independent and clever partners. They enjoy engaging

intellectually and want an intelligent partner who can match their ability
to think critically.

INTPs have little appetite for the mundane aspects of life, and may
disregard the usual rituals of a relationship. They are rarely interested in
tradition, preferring instead to design a lifestyle that makes sense for the
parties involved—even if it looks highly unconventional to other people.
They are tolerant of individual preferences but will rarely do something
because they are told they "should".

INTPs people take romantic relationships very seriously

Even though romantic relationships are inherently difficult for INTPs, but
they take them very seriously.
The main problem that INTPs are likely to face in this area is that they are
not naturally sensitive or emotional individuals. Consequently,
understanding another person’s feelings or expressing their own is not
something that an INTP is well equipped to do.

Furthermore, INTPs strongly dislike being at the centre of emotionally

charged situations, As interpersonal conflicts are virtually inevitable even
in the happiest romantic relationships, INTPs may find those situations
quite frustrating and consequently try to avoid or ignore emotional
conflicts in their relationship, especially during the dating phase.

If there is no escape, the INTP will try to find a solution but will likely rely
on the analytical approach, which can be very different from what their
partner [especially if they belong to one of the Feeling (F) personality
types] might expect. INTP personalities should try to include this in their
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thought process, especially when it comes to dealing with conflicts in the

earlier stages of the relationship.

INTPs are loyal and faithful partners

INTPs are also unusually direct and honest, even if they have just started
dating someone. People with this personality type always stick to their
commitments and are actually quite easy to date and live with—they have
simple daily needs and do not demand much from their partners.

However, despite seeking simplicity in dating and romantic relationships,

INTPs do not lack passion or romantic feelings. On the contrary, people
with the INTP personality type tend to be extremely creative individuals
whose vivid imagination allows them to always remain very enthusiastic
and passionate in romantic relationships. Anyone dating an INTP may be
quite surprised by this sometimes. INTPs’ simple daily needs are
completely opposite their inner world, which is bound to be very complex
and colorful. However, there is certain logic behind this: INTPs
purposefully seek simplicity in the “real” life so that they can focus all their
mental power on the inner world.

INTPs should try to resolve their tendency to overlook their

partner’s emotional needs

As already mentioned above, INTPs are not naturally sensitive or

emotional, but their partner might have a very different personality. It is
important for an INTP to try to understand their feelings and
communicate on the emotional level, instead of simply relying on
commitment and dedication and believing that this is all that is needed.

Of course, their partner should also be aware of INTP personality traits

and quirks, and try not to demand a constant flow of emotions from the
INTP. INTPs want plenty of space in a relationship to explore their own
thoughts, ideas, and interests. They value a partner that appreciates their
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ingenuity and problem-solving ability, and one that understands their

need for autonomy.

Preferred partners:

ENTJ and ENFJ types as their Extraversion (E) and Judging (J) traits
counterbalance INTPs’ Introversion (I) and Prospecting (P) traits.


As parents, INTPs encourage competence and independent problem

solving. They often do not tune in easily to their children's feelings, but
will enthusiastically help them to reason out a complex dilemma.

INTPs are usually involved in their own projects or ideas and typically do
not take much pleasure in the mundane, day-to-day tasks of caring for
children. As a result, the INTPs parent may sometimes seem distant to
their children, but their true delight in parenting is in sharing exciting
ideas and concepts with young minds.

INTPs are relaxed, loyal, and tolerant parents

Their children will be encouraged to think and act independently, seek

knowledge, and not be afraid to voice and defend their opinions.

INTPs tend to be independent and open-minded individuals which

influences their approach to parenting as well. It is unlikely that an INTP
will try to discipline their children for minor offenses, control their lives,
or instill certain principles. They will, however, be very devoted parents,

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although maybe not in the traditional sense; this devotion is likely to be

more intellectual than emotional.

INTPs are not naturally sensitive

They may find it quite challenging to communicate with their children on

the emotional level. They will have no difficulties engaging them in
rational, intelligent discussions, but emotions are the INTPs’ Achilles’ heel,
and they may have to rely on their partner’s help in such circumstances or
learn how to step out of their comfort zone.

Generally, INTP parents simply want their children to grow up as smart,

independent, and tolerant adults. INTPs are very unlikely to be
demanding, strictly traditional, or obsessively caring, which will give
their children plenty of freedom. However, people with this personality
type also need to make sure that their children’s emotional needs are not

INTPs though knowledgeable, intelligent friends, but very difficult to
know. Few people have the patience and determination to get through
their shields. The INTP’s mind is always buzzing with ideas, riddles, and
solutions. In contrast, though, communicating with other people is often
more a nuisance than a pleasure for an INTP.

Consequently, INTPs tend to be very picky when it comes to choosing

friends. If the other person has significantly different interests or simply
cannot cope with the INTP’s endless stream of ideas, it is unlikely that the
INTP will see them as close friends.

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INTPs are likely to have a very small circle of good friends

Many personality types seek friends for chatting, emotional support,

social validation etc. INTPs tend to dismiss these things as trivial, and this
naturally restricts the pool of potential friends.

People with the INTP personality type are bound to gravitate toward
other Analyst (NT) types who share their passion for theoretical
discussions and intellectual riddles. That being said, INTPs will value and
respect their friends greatly and will work hard to keep these
relationships strong.

INTPs friends are emotionally supportive

If you are having some issues, the INTP will easily come up with several
rational solutions, but do not expect them to understand your feelings or
know how to explain something that is more emotional than logical.

This does not mean that INTP friends have no feelings and should be seen
only as walking encyclopedias—quite the contrary. INTP personalities
may have very strong sentiments, but they are likely to be hidden from
plain sight. Still waters run deep.

INTP friendships are unambiguous, strong, and straightforward

They are free from power games and emotional baggage. INTPs reward
their friends’ loyalty and understanding with thought-stimulating ideas,
sound advice, and reliability.

It is not easy to become an INTP’s friend, but if you are inclined to try, you
will find that such a relationship is worth the effort.

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Career Path

At work, the INTP is motivated to solve complex problems in an original,

innovative way. INTPs want to analyze systems and ideas thoroughly to
create deep understanding, and enjoy designing creative solutions to
highly abstract problems.

INTPs rarely have much interest in organizational traditions, preferring

to forge their own path to innovation. They hate being limited by
bureaucracy and rules, and are often more in tune with the theoretical
soundness of their ideas than they are with the practical applications.
They typically prefer to focus on creating the idea, and to leave the tedious
details of implementation to someone else.

INTPs work best independently or with a small team of colleagues that

they perceive as smart, competent, and logical. They quickly tire of
colleagues who are aggressive or overbearing, and can be dismissive of
people who aren't as clever as themselves.

An ideal organization for an INTP is flexible and non-traditional, and

values ingenuity over conformity. An ideal job for an INTP allows them to
address complex theoretical or technical problems with creative, novel

INTP Career Facts

More likely than average to be self-employed

Less likely than average to be a stay-at-home parent
Showed one of the smallest gender wage gaps, with female INTPs earning
88% of male INTPs’ salary.

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Career to Consider

INTPs tend to be very independent hold themselves to very high

They dislike managing other people or being managed, especially later in
their career. These traits are rarely seen as attractive in the modern
corporate world, and INTPs should avoid mentioning them in a job
interview. However, if their manager proves to be insightful and open-
minded enough, the INTP will be a never-tiring generator of brilliant and
unique ideas.

Some of the best INTP careers making good use of these traits may focus
on legal, freelance consulting or forensic or laboratory research routes.

Finally, INTPs are typical “lone wolves” and typical INTP careers revolve
around this trait.

Popular Careers for the INTP

INTPs are first and foremost thinkers, and this quality can be seen in their
choice of careers. Although INTPs can be found in a wide variety of fields,
a happy and satisfied INTP is invariably found in a career that allows
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them to use their intellect, analyze concepts, and think deeply.

INTPs have an innovative nature and are often drawn to cutting-edge

fields such as technology, engineering, and the sciences. Although INTPs
overall are a rare breed, visit an area like California's Silicon Valley or a
tech company like Google or Apple and you'll find that nearly every other
person seems to be an INTP. This type naturally thrives in the challenging,
unpredictable world of tech.

Many INTPs are creative and seek an artistic bent to their career. INTPs
are particularly drawn to artistic fields with a touch of science or
technology, for instance architecture or graphic design.

Although INTPs typically prefer careers that have them working with
ideas more than people, a contingent of INTPs consider human problems
the ultimate frontier of intellectual inquiry. Thus, you find some INTPs in
careers that allow them to study the human experience, including
psychology and other social sciences..

Workplace Habits
INTP Colleagues

Insightful and unbiased — INTPs stay out of gossip but are able to
decipher the underlying motives quite easily Reluctant to mingle and chat
but enjoy discussing new theoretical ideas with co-workers they consider
equal to themselves

Cautious and suspicious of other people’s motives. Prefer working alone

and dislike sharing ideas with “untested” colleagues. Very uncomfortable
with expressing emotions or being around people who are expressing
them—INTPs do not really know what they are supposed to do in such
situations. Enjoy solving riddles and noticing patterns
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INTP Managers

Have very high standards, especially for themselves. Dislike explaining

their ideas and expect subordinates to be as insightful as they are.

Very tolerant and flexible. Open to suggestions, as long as they are logical.
Secretly dislike managing other people. Easily notice discrepancies.
Loathe schmoozing and strongly resist all forms of emotional
manipulation .

INTP Subordinates
Very innovative, original, and resourceful, but demand a lot of freedom in
return. Do not care much about being liked and are less concerned about
job security compared with other personality types—these notions do not
hold much value to INTPs.

Dislike routine work and implementation of ideas, would much rather

focus their energy on generating new ideas. Need to be accompanied by
an “implementer” [preferably someone with an Observant (S) personality
type] who could put their ideas into practice; this may take time and
clever management, however—such things cannot be forced on an INTP.
Resistant to criticism, but will not understand emotional arguments.
Typical “lone wolves”—INTPs function best when they are left alone.

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