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Education and Technology


Education Teacher Technology


In today’s world advancements in technology rapidly developing, it is no

surprise that it is affecting schools and teaching methods in a big way. Education
is the path or way of our success. The world is transforming with lightning speed
since digital technology has really taken off. And as technology advances, so
does its use in education.

Education can be defined as the process of acquiring knowledge, belief,

values, skill and habits, which teaches us to be a true human being
( It is very important to the future
teacher to engage and adapt to the latest trend of technology for them to easily
provide education to the learners. For a teacher, there are two-method of
learning; (1) The traditional way, were the teacher uses a visual aid, lecture and
the notes, chalk and chalkboard and etc. (2) Modern way of doing things
involved or use’s with technology as way of teaching (e.g. video presentation,
powerpoint, smartphones and etc.). Both methods are very effective and useful.

The graph shown above represents the connection of education,

technology and teacher. In education, we often have the feeling that we are
finding it harder and harder to reach the students, especially the technology what
they have now. That is why teacher’s uses technology a way of teaching for them
to meet the ability of learners to learn. But the role of teacher cannot be replaced
because in most learning process, we need guidance and suggestion of an
expert to produce a progressive student.

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