MET1 Objectives Trainees

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(Trainee’s Copy)

The list below will help you follow up on your achievement. Please put a check () in the box that shows your progress in this
course. Make sure you demonstrate you can do the following when finishing the respective chapter.

Methodology for EFL Teachers One (MET1)

Self-progress Ranking
Chapter Teaching Performance Objectives
1 2 3

 To relate past educational experiences with different types of teaching

 To discuss the role of a teacher

 To devise ways to create/maintain rapport and a positive learning environment

 To recognize and compare the three major types of teacher (based on Underhill’s classification:
explainer, involver, and enabler)
 To recognize the difference between teaching and learning (the experiential learning cycle)
Starting Out

 To examine the “usefulness” of explanations in class

 To identify language teaching items related to language systems and skills (phonology, lexis,
1 grammar, functions, discourse, skills, sub-skills)
 To examine and discuss the communicative purpose of language teaching

 To review and make the most of useful features of major language teaching methods and
approaches (grammar-translation, ALM, CA, TPR, CLL, NA, TBL, Silent Way, person-centered,
lexical, Dogme, principled eclecticism)

 To employ strategies and discuss considerations about their use for first lessons
Ultimate goals:
 To examine the implications regarding the role of the teacher in class
 To relate elements relevant to the language teaching subject matter

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 To discuss and employ a set of procedures for planning an activity

 To discuss and interpret a lesson description

2 activities
 To discuss the importance of “information gap” in group / pair work

 To predict the aims of an activity and employ the “activity route map”

Ultimate goal: To discuss considerations for running a class activity

 To discuss different elements of classroom management (grouping and seating, activities, authority,
critical moments, tools and techniques)

 To discuss “classroom management options”

 To make effective use of student groupings and class dynamics to maximize class interaction (whole
class, pairs, individual work, standing, fixed and moveable seating, etc.)

 To discuss and make rational use of TTT and STT

Classroom management

 To employ different standing / seating arrangements to make the most of the class (enemy corners,
opposing teams, panel, buzz groups, wheels, face-to-face, etc.)

 To issue instructions effectively

 To discuss and use ways to get the learner’s attention

 To choose the most appropriate teacher’s role during an activity (monitor discreetly, vanish, monitor
actively, participate)
 To make effective use of the board

 To use gestures to support instruction

 To make effective use of basic board drawing to support instruction

 To elicit language, information, and ideas from students effectively

 To discuss and reflect on the use of “intuition” in class

 To avoid “preventing learning” when using “popular techniques”

Ultimate goal: To make effective use of “classroom management”

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 To identify differences / similarities in individuals and groups based on character, multiple
intelligences and sensory preferences

Who are the learners?

 To discuss the importance of motivation in class

 To discuss the importance of organizing students according to common level structures in schools
(language proficiency levels, age, etc.)
4  To identify learners’ needs (needs analysis)

 To examine ways to obtain useful “feedback” and make the most of it

 To identify ways to implement “learner training”

Ultimate goal: To foster learner-centered instruction

Self-assessment scoring scale:

During the course, it is natural to gradually move from 1 to 3. Remember to go over your ranking regularly. Make sure you move from
1 to 3 as soon as you can.

1 = I know little / something about the topic / skill

2 = I know the topic well
3 = I can think of ways the topic can be applied in class

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