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John Ray Grisham was born in February 8th 1955 in Jonesboro. He

married a woman named Renee Jones in 1981 and have two children named

Shea Grisham and Ty Grisham and they live in . At beginning of his life as

child, he dreamed of being professional baseball player. But the reality was

not same with his dream. John Grisham started his career in accounting at

Mississippi State University and then law at the University of Mississippi and

graduated in 1981. After starting his law career as a tax attorney, John

Grisham set up a practice doing personal work in Southaven and in 1983 he

earned a set in the state legislature on the Democratic ticket, serving through

the rest of the decade. So it is not surprised if John Grisham has ability,

experience, and knowledge about law.

During a trial in 1984, Grisham heard the horrifying details of young

girl recounting her experience of surviving rape. This catalyzed the attorney to

start writing a novel that examined the issue, focusing on the actions of a

fictional father and an attorney. Finally John Grisham finished his first novel

in 1989 under title A Time To Kill. This novel is his first novel in his career as

a writer and would initially get a five thousand copy printing from Wynwood

Press. This novel tells and describes the father (Carl Lee Hailey) of ten years

girl who killed two young boys because just raped her. And only Jake as
white lawyer who wanted to standing and defense Carl Lee Hailey and also

racial discrimination just be born and that’s make this novel is more

interesting. And this novel was filmed in 1996 with Joel Schumacher as


After leaving politics in 1990 and closing his law practice as a lawyer,

John Grisham moved to Oxford, Mississippi with his family and devoted

himself more completely to his new calling. The galley of his next novel, The

Firm (1991), ended up being circulated in Hollywood, and the film rights to

the book were bought by Paramount for more than a half million dollars. The

novel was sold to Doubleday. The Firm was on The New York Times best

seller list for nearly fifty weeks, becoming the top selling book of the year and

the film version was released in 1993. And in the coming years, John Grisham

followed with an array of hit tittles, including The Client (1993), The

Runaway Jury (1996), Bleachers (2003), Playing for Pizza (2007), among

many others. John Grisham has continued to nurture his love for baseball,

overseeing the construction of multiple baseball fields around his home and

becoming a little league commissioner. He has also provided funding for the

Southern publication Oxford American.



A Time To Kill novel exist in 1989 that written by American writer

named John Grisham. This novel describes the racial discrimination between

white people and black people in Mississippi. The story began when two

young boys named Billy Ray Cobb and James Williard just raped and tortured

a little black girl, Tonya in the jungle on their truck. And they just threw

Tonya beside bridge in the jungle. And because their violence, they were

arrested by Sheriff Walls named Ozzie in the club. After Tonya’s father (Carl

Lee Hailey) heard this accident, he directly went to his house and saw his little

daughter after she has been raped. For this reason, Carl Lee is reckless to get

revenge for his daughter. And that plan was successful with Carl Lee shot

these two young boys with M16 gun and they died in the court while they

were walking to the jail, but those bullets also hit another person which is

Deputy Looney on his right knee. And of course as a Sheriff in Mississippi,

Ozzie pick up Carl Lee at his house and Carl Lee was brought to the jail for

trial. Then that is the beginning of racial discrimination. Carl Lee has prepared

this action carefully and he knows what exactly is going to happen with his

self and family. That’s why before he did this capital murder, he told Jake

Brigance to be ready as defender of Carl Lee Hailey.

Jake Brigance knew what Carl Lee is going to do. Jake imagined that

how about if Tonya was his daughter (Hanna), Jake thought that he will do the

same thing as Carl Lee did to these two young boys. Jake Brigance is chosen

as a defender of Carl Lee Hailey. Jake knows that this case is bet of his career

although his family whose Carla and Hanna are in threat. The Jake began to

prepare all things that he needs for trial. Jake started to think what is defense

for Carl Lee Hailey so Carl Lee Hailey can be spared from gas chamber. So

Jake Brigance took insanity of Carl Lee Hailey as his defense. And also Jake

wanted to move the trial to the more blacks territory but that suggestion was

denied by judge named Omar Noose

Freddie Cobb is brother of Billy Ray Cobb he wanted to revenge to all

black people and any people who standing for Carl Lee Hailey. That’s why he

called Ku Klux Klan to help him to do that revenge. Actually Ku Klux Klan

has disappeared for many years ago, but because this case is really big and

born racism, then Stump Sisson as leader of Ku Klux Klan is ready and spirit

to help Freddie Cobb to revenge his brother’s death. The racism symbol

started in that moment where black people defense and support Carl Lee

Hailey not come in gas chamber as death penalty but white people demand

Carl Lee Hailey to be punished in death penalty after did the cold blood to

Billy Ray Cobb and James Williard. The state of Mississippi gave the

responsibility to Rufus Buckley as a lawyer to prove that Carl Lee Hailey is

guilty in this case. And the lawyer fight began between Rufus Buckley and

Jake Brigance.

Jake Brigance has passed a lot of difficult moments in his career as

Carl Lee’s lawyer. Jake Brigance once replaced by another lawyer from

Memphis named Marsharfsky before he got call back from Carl Lee Hailey.

Jake Brigance also almost be replaced by Norman Reinfield. Jake Brigance

got help from Lucien Wilbanks, Harry Rex, and Row Ark or Ellen. Ellen is

young talented law student who working for Jake Brigance as assistance and

working for free. She helped Jake Brigance like a lot. While Jake Brigance

prepared his trial, Jake Brigance often get threat, dark call, and insult from

white people. Carla, Ethel, Bud also often get threat from Ku Klux Klan

because they standing for Carl Lee Hailey as a black. So for that reason, Jake

Brigance decided to send Carla and Hanna to Carle’s parents in North

Carolina so they can keep safety. Carla will be back if the case is done. Ku

Klux Klan once come to Ethel’s place and tortured Bud on the terrace until

Bud died view days later after got treatment in hospital.

The trial began on July 22th in Ford County in Clanton, Mississippi.

Actually Jake Brigance tried to move the trial to another place because he

thought if the trial be held in Mississippi, the voice of Jury will vote for white

people and Carl Lee Hailey will be guilty. But his request was denied by

Omar Noose as judge. In the first and second day, the trial focused on trial

jury selection where Jake didn’t have more choice than Rufus has. So the
selected juries are two white men and ten white women with two black people

as alternative jury. The third day of trial, Rufus and Jake began to fight for

Carl Lee Hailey case.

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