My Teaching Philosophy of Teaching

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My Teaching Philosophy Of Teaching

My decision to pursue a career in teaching is due to my desire to give

quality of education and make a positive impact on the life of my future student.

Teaching is very challenging task. As a teacher I will perform my duty with the

highest degree of excellent, be professional, devoted and dedicated to ensure

that I can give quality of education to my student. I also believe that a teacher

carries many responsibilities. My task is not just simply delivering my lesson

inside the four corners of the class but rather be second parents to my student

who cares and love them like my own. I could also be a guidance counselor, who

will listen and correct the mistakes that my student will commit, to make them

realize their wrongdoing. As a an educator, I should encourage my student to

give their best all the time and achieve their goals and dreams.

As an educator, I believe that all children are unique and have something

special that they can bring. I strongly believe that developing my student is must

be my utmost concern. It is my desire as a educator to help my student to meet

their fullest potential by believing in them as capable individuals and providing an

environment that is safe, supports risk-taking, and make my students to express

themselves by encouraging them to speak their mind and make them accept

themselves for whom they are, as well as embrace their difference to other.

When the voice of each student is heard, and environment evolves where

students feel free to express themselves for example when a teacher assign her

student to do reporting about their lesson, the teacher doesn’t just do it for

grading them but to let his student express their idea and for them to able to be
confident in talking in the front and be able to be prepare when they have their

own job someday where expressing and sharing is needed to their job.

I believe also that having a good environment of learning will make the

student give greater respect for their teachers, their peers, and the lessons

presented when they feel safe and sure of what is expected of them. In setting

fair and consistent rules initially and stating the importance of every activity,

students are shown respect for their presence and time.

I believe student learn best when they are involved in the learning process

and that an engaging classroom best facilities this. There must no student left

behind. I believe that student can learn in hands on and minds on learning

because giving them variety of activity for them to use their cognitive skills, they

will be able to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate the activity. For example

grouping them and instruct them to make output about what they have learn will

make them engaged to the activity. When they achieve academic success and

they can build self-confident to continue taking risks during learning process.

Learning occurs when a student is fully engaged in the process and when

engaged already they can make a personal connection with the information

taught, and applies the knowledge to variety of experience. When this occurs, the

child is inspired to become engaged over and over again. They will be confident

to face more challenges in their life and learn more.

I believe also that student become engaged in the classroom when they

see the relevant of their learning to their lives. One way to make a relevant to the

lesson, teacher will share some of their experiences during their early age to the
lesson that they teach and also to make their student learn from their experience.

As a teacher making my lesson relevant to the life of my student is very important

because they can used it to understand something about themselves, explain a

situation they are in, describe why something happened the way it did, or predict

what behavior might happen in the their future. One way to take learning in a

direction relevant to student interest is to invite student dialogue about the

lessons and unit. Given the opportunity for input, students generate ideas and set

goals that make for much richer activities than I could have created or imagined

myself. When students have ownership in the curriculum, they are motivated to

work hard and master the skills necessary to reach their goals and be prepared

to response to the challenges that they will face

To conclude, as a teacher we must know our role and have a goal that

can make our student grow and learn from us. We must think always for our

students well being. We must not think that we are teacher and they are just

student who will just agree on the things that we want for them. We must also

admit that we also a learner who learn from our student and to others.

My goal as a teacher is to instill a passion for learning with my student an

education that is encouraging and positive. I hope to provide the skills and tools

necessary for success of my student, giving them the confident to embrace their

dreams and achieve it. I want to be part of their success and one who mold their

good characteristic. I want my student to remember me as a teacher who dream

with them and genuinely care for their well being.

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