HUM 3610 APA Template Short Essay

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Running head: SHORT ESSAY 1

Short Essay

Your Name

Baker College


Short Essay

Your short essay should be approximately one page long. When including citation to our

text, a single page citation would look like (Getlein, 2016, p. 50) and a citation to content that

covers more than one page looks like (Getlein, 2016, pp. 122-123) and depending on the pages

cited. Citations to our text book should include page numbers for specificity. Be aware that the

spacing and punctuation of the in-text citations are part of the APA formatting.

Your writing should be double spaced and the beginning of each paragraph should be

indented half an inch. Do not copy in the original question as part of your answer, but be sure

that your reader is clear on what question you are addressing in how you compose your ideas.

Your reader should be able to fully understand the question you are addressing by how you

phrase your response.

Be sure to cite and analyze substantive information from our text in all of your

paragraphs to support your ideas. Additionally, you can include other academic sources (such as

the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the New York Times, the Khan Academy, etc.) to support your

ideas. If you are unsure whether your source is strong according to academic standards, you

should apply the CARRDS method to evaluate it. The Baker Library has information on the

CARRDSS method which assesses the credibility, accuracy, reliability, relevance, date, sources,

and scope of your source (Baker College, 2015) and the library provides a helpful explanation of

each of these traits. A link is provided to the CARRDSS source in the reference list.

Be sure to provide an introduction at the beginning of your short essay and conclusion at

the end.


Baker College. (2015, May 27). What is the CARRDSS method? Retrieved from the Baker

College Library:

Getlein, M. (2016). Living with art (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

The Khan Academy. (2012). First things first: The skill of describing [Video file]. Video posted

to Youtube:

The Metropolitan Museum of Art. (2016a). Head of an Oba. Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History.

Retrieved from

The Metropolitan Museum of Art. (2016b). Saint Anthony the Abbot in the

Wilderness. Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. Retrieved from

Vogel, C. (2013, May 27). A Pollock restored, a mystery revealed. New York Times. Retrieved



[The references shown above are for illustrative purposes. This bracketed information should be

deleted for your draft and only the references appropriate for your work included.]

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