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International Conference

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Bled / Slovenia / September 14-17

Advanced Methods in Teaching Reactor Physics

Luka Snoj, Marjan Kromar, Gašper Žerovnik, Igor Lengar, Matjaž Ravnik
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia,,,,


Modern computer codes allow detailed neutron transport calculations. In combination

with advanced 3D visualization software capable of treating large amounts of data in real time
they form a powerful tool that can be used as a convenient modern educational tool for
(nuclear power plant) operators, nuclear engineers, students and specialists involved in reactor
operation and design. Visualization is applicable not only in education and training, but also
as a tool for core and irradiation planning. The paper treats the visualization of neutron
transport in different moderators, neutron flux and power distributions in two nuclear reactors
(TRIGA type research reactor and typical PWR). The distributions are calculated with MCNP
and CORD-2 computer codes and presented using Amira software.


The development of fast and relatively cheap computer clusters enabled the
development and usage of powerful computer codes for neutron transport (such as Monte
Carlo transport codes) and 3D visualization of large amounts of data in real time. By
combining these codes and visualizing reactor physics data, such as neutron flux and power
distribution, we create a powerful tool for gaining rapid insight into the characteristics of a
reactor. With the use of advanced software for 3D visualization (e.g. Amira [1], Voxler [2],
etc.) one can create and present neutron flux and power distribution in a revolutionary way
never seen before. One can observe axial, radial or any other views of the neutron flux and
power distribution in a nuclear reactor and literally "walk" through the reactor core and
observe the changes in neutron flux and power throughout the different components of the
reactor core. In the paper, the visualization of neutron flux and power distributions, calculated
with CORD [3] and MCNP [4] computer codes, in TRIGA reactor at Jožef Stefan Institute
(JSI) [5]and a typical PWR core is presented using Amira and Voxler software.
Modern Monte Carlo computer codes (e.g. MCNP) enable the calculation of individual
particle tracks, scattering and absorption events. By visualizing the distribution of scattering
and absorption events and individual particle tracks one can see neutron transport parameters
(mean free path, diffusion length, macroscopic cross section, upscattering, thermalization,
etc.) from a completely different point of view. In the paper a visualization of neutron
transport in different materials is presented.
Most of the people remember things better if they can see them and visualize the
processes. Therefore the new representation of the reactor and neutron transport parameters is
certainly an outstanding educational tool for the future generation of nuclear power plant
operators, nuclear engineers and other experts involved in nuclear technology. Moreover, the
3D visualization of reactor core parameters can be used also in core management services and


in core monitoring as it aids the user in acquiring a rapid overview of the characteristics of the
core data.


2.1 Monte Carlo code MCNP

MCNP [4] Monte Carlo computer code was used in the calculations of particle tracks
and neutron flux distributions. MCNP is a general-purpose, continuous-energy, Monte Carlo
transport code, capable of treating very complex three-dimensional configurations. The
calculations reported in this paper were performed with version 5.1.40 of the code.

2.2 CORD-2 Package for PWR Core Design Calculations

The CORD-2 system [3], developed at “Jožef Stefan” Institute, is intended for core
design calculations of pressurized water reactors. It enables determination of the core
reactivity and power distribution. The package has been validated for the nuclear design
calculations of PWR cores and has been used for the verification of the NPP Krško reload
cores since 1990.


The detailed process of visualization (retrieving the data, processing the data and
visualizing them) is thoroughly described in [5] and [6]. Hence this paper will focus more on
the use of visualization methods, their application in teaching reactor physics and as an aid in
core management services and in core monitoring.

3.1 Neutron transport in different media

Basic quantities determining neutron transport in media are nuclear cross section and
mean free path. Neutron transport parameters in different media are usually presented in a
tabular form showing neutron microscopic and macroscopic cross sections, diffusion lengths
for different materials. Additional data such as average lethargy gain are also presented in
case of moderators. Such tables are very useful and clear, however they are not very intuitive.
By using modern Monte Carlo neutron transport codes we can calculate neutron tracks and
plot those using advanced visualization software. In this way we obtain an interactive tool for
neutron transport.
Neutron tracks (lines) and scattering events (points) from the monoenergetic 3 MeV
plane source in graphite and water are presented in Figure 1. The moderation process can be
presented by colouring the particles by their energy. When the neutrons slow down to the
thermal energies (~ 0.025 eV → blue colour) they scatter several times until they are
absorbed. The upscattering events at thermal energies can also be observed where blue lines
change the colour to turquoise. There are several features that are clearly seen:
− that range of neutrons in graphite is much larger (~ 1 m) than in water (~ 0.2 m),
the similar finding holds for the distance between collisions Î graphite has lower
total macroscopic cross section than water
− number of collisions needed for slowing down to thermal energies in graphite is
much larger than in water Î energy loss per collision is much larger in water than
in graphite

Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009

− thermal neutron diffusion length in graphite is much larger than in water, also the
number of collisions before being absorbed is larger in graphite Î graphite has
lower absorption cross section than water
− upscattering is clearly seen by colouring the neutron tracks by energy

Figure 1: Particle tracks (lines) and scattering events (points) from the plane source emitting 3
MeV neutrons perpendicular to the source plane into graphite (top) and water (bottom). The
tracks are coloured by the logarithm of energy (E/E0), where E0 = 3 MeV. The numbers on
the axis represent distance in cm.

Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009

3.2 Neutron flux and power distribution

Neutron flux and power distribution can be determined by the solution of neutron
transport equation with deterministic methods or codes based on the Monte Carlo approach.
In the deterministic approach complicated geometry is often treated in several steps using
some kind of homogenization procedures. In the final step transport equation is usually
simplified to the diffusion approximation, which is also covered in details by practically all
reactor physics textbooks. The diffusion approximation is relatively easy to understand by the
students and diffusion equations can be solved (numerically or analytically) very fast, that is
on the order of minutes. Examples of deterministic packages are: TRIGLAV [7] package for
TRIGA research reactor calculations and CORD-2 [3] package for PWR reactor calculations.
Monte Carlo approach is also relatively easy to understand, however it is computationally
expensive. For example, calculation of a detailed neutron flux distribution in a small TRIGA
like research reactor takes several days on a quad core processor. However, the big advantage
of the method is possibility of the very fine geometric modelling. One of the most widely
used Monte Carlo codes is MCNP [4].
It is important to note that visualization of the fluxes calculated with deterministic
methods can lack the educational aspect as some small scale flux distribution effects could be
smeared in the homogenization process, while they are clearly visible in the Monte Carlo

3.2.1 TRIGA reactor

The neutron flux distributions calculated with Monte Carlo code MCNP in a typical
TRIGA Mark II research reactor core are presented in the figures below together with
comments qualitatively explaining the figures.

Figure 2: Radial thermal flux distribution (rel. units) at the core midplane of the JSI
TRIGA Mark II core 189.

Thermal (E < 0.625 eV) flux radial distribution in TRIGA core is presented in Figure 2.
Large depressions of thermal flux inside the fuel elements are clearly seen. Local thermal flux
peakings inside the water gaps between the fuel elements are also visible. Increase of thermal
flux in the outermost ring (F) is observed, due to empty positions filled with water. The
Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009

regions with flat flux distribution correspond to the irradiation channels, i.e. aluminium tubes
filled with air. The purple region with zero flux value corresponds to the control rod inserted
into the reactor core.
The thermal flux distribution visualized in three dimensional isosurface (isoflux) mode
is presented in Figure 3. This figure clearly shows the effect of control rod insertion (red) on
the thermal flux distribution as it can be seen that the thermal neutron flux is strongly
depressed in the vicinity of the control rods.

Figure 3: Thermal flux distribution in TRIGA reactor presented in isosurface mode

(yellow) and control rods (red).

The radial fast (E > 100 keV) neutron flux distribution is presented in Figure 4. It can be
observed that the fast flux is the highest in the fuel elements, where fission neutrons are born.
It is interesting that one can observe even slight depressions of fast flux in the Zr rod in the
centre of a fuel rod, meaning the fission neutrons slow down on Zr. Results of the
deterministic package TRIGLAV for the same reactor are presented for comparison. It is
clearly seen that the neutron flux distribution calculated with Monte Carlo approach is more
detailed and contains far more information than the diffusion approximation. Hence it is more
appropriate to be used in educational purposes.

Figure 4: Radial fast flux distribution in JSI TRIGA Mark II core 189 calculated with
Monte Carlo code MCNP (left) and diffusion package TRIGLAV (right).

Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009

Radial power density distribution calculated with MCNP is presented in Figure 5. In-rod
power density gradients due to the heterogeneities in the core such as water gaps and control
rods can be clearly seen. Local fission density peakings at the edges of the fuel rods and the
depressions near the control rod are also noticeable. In the fuel rod centre the fission density
is zero as there is a Zr rod which contains no fissile material.

Figure 5: Radial power density distribution (rel. units) in JSI TRIGA Mark II core 189.

3.2.2 Typical PWR core

PWR reactor calculations are usually performed with deterministic codes such as
CORD-2. Such calculations are very demanding and presently they can not be handled by
Monte Carlo codes such as MCNP, mainly due to large temperature and material variations in
space and time. However Monte Carlo codes can be used to model the reactor core at certain
states, such as hot zero power at beginning of lifetime. As Monte Carlo is capable of treating
complex geometries, it is extremely useful for investigating detailed flux and power
distributions, especially in the area of strong gradients, e.g. near control rods, burnable
absorbers, at the system boundary, etc.

Figure 6: Radial power density distribution in a typical 16×16 PWR fuel element with
burnable poison rods.

Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009

Radial power density flux distribution in a typical 16×16 PWR fuel element with
integral fuel burnable poison rods (BPR) calculated with MCNP is presented in Figure 6.
Power density gradients within the fuel pin due to the heterogeneities in the fuel element such
as water gaps and BPRs can be clearly seen. Local fission density peakings at the edges of the
fuel pins and the depressions near the BPRs are also noticeable.
Power distribution in a typical PWR core containing 121 fuel elements calculated with
CORD-2 software package is presented in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Power distribution in a typical PWR core. The core conditions are: middle of
lifetime, beginning of cycle, hot zero power.

Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009


We have shown that modern computer codes allow for visualization of large amounts of
data in various modalities of presentation thus aiding the user in acquiring a rapid overview of
the characteristics of the data. Hence the visualization of reactor physics data can be
effectively used in the following application areas:
− training of reactor physicists, instructors and reactor operators to better understand
the neutron transport and reactor core behaviour
− core management, where reactor physicists discuss and optimise different core
loading patterns
− core monitoring, where reactor operators and reactor physicists can view the data
from core simulation codes as well as on-line measurements.
It is important to note that new visualization methods will certainly not replace existing
training, core management, or core monitoring methods; however they can supplement them,
assist them and perhaps accelerate their development.
In the paper we presented only static data that is neutron flux or power distribution at a
certain time. In the future we plan to implement also a time component in our visualization
methods to visualize four dimensional data (3 spatial coordinates + time). This will allow us
to visualize the neutron transport in space and time thus gaining a lot more educational
information. In case of neutron flux and power distribution we will be able to observe power
transients in great details. Moreover we will not visualize only neutron flux and power but
also xenon concentration, burnup, temperature etc.


[1] (September 2009)

[2] (September 2009)

[3] A. Trkov, M. Ravnik, CORD-2 Package for PWR Core Design Calculations, International
Conference on Reactor Physics and Reactor Computations, Tel-Aviv, January 23-26,
1994, Proceedings, Beer-Sheva, (1994), pp. 371-378.

[4] X-5 Monte Carlo Team, MCNP - A general Monte Carlo N-particle Transport code,
Version 5, LA-UR-03-1987, April 24, 2003 (revised June 30, 2004).

[5] Ravnik M. and Jeraj R., Research reactor benchmarks, Nuclear science and engineering,
vol. 145, 2003, pp. 145-152.L. Snoj, I. Lengar, G. Žerovnik, M. Ravnik, "MCNP and
visualization of neutron flux and power distributions", Proc. International Conference on
Advances in Mathematics, Computational Methods, and Reactor Physics, Saratoga
Springs, New York, USA, May 3-7, 2009, American Nuclear Society, 2009

[6] L. Gačnik, L. Snoj, G. Žerovnik, Vizualizacija reaktorskih parametrov s programom

Amira, IJS delovno poročilo, 10270, (IJS report 10270: Visualization of reactor
parameters with Amira computer code)

[7] A. Peršič, M. Ravnik, S. Slavič, T. Žagar, TRIGLAV - A Program Package for Research
Reactor Calculations, IAEA 1370/02, OECD, NEA Data Bank, Paris, France, 2001.

Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009

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