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How to Create a Zip file of your TWO Game files (.exe and .

mfa) to
attach to Assignment Link to Submit
You must submit your Games using a .zip file, like Ice that contain
both the .mfa and .exe files inside the folder that you made into a .zip file. The .mfa
will not be readable and the .exe could be corrupted as well if not submitted by
zipping them up in a folder into a .zip file that is then attached to the Assignment
link for that Game. If you have any questions about this process, please ask the

Step 1: Create folder for the Game files

For each game, create a folder on your computer, such as "Ice Breakers" for the Ice Breakers Game that
you created.

You will be using a storage drive on your computer or your school’s network (F:, G:, H:, S:, etc.) for
this; wherever your school has provided space for you to store your files on their computer system. On
your personal computer, it is probably your hard drive (C:, D:, E:, etc.) You can create folders on a
removable USB drive, if you are storing your .mfa and .exe game files on a removable USB drive.

To create a folder on your hard drive, school network drive or on a USB drive, Open Windows Explorer
or click on My Computer and then click on the storage Drive letter that you are using and then click on
Your Folder.

Click on File and then New and then select folder. A new folder will be created and you can then give it
the appropriate folder name for your game. Make sure you create the folder in a location that you will be
able to easily find later. (Mac users will have different directions).

Step 2: Create/add your .exe and .mfa files to the folder

As you complete your .mfa and .exe files in MMF2, save them to the folder you created in Step 1. Save
both the .mfa and .exe files to this same folder. Any images that are not from the Library of any game
and that you have not created in MMF2 must be contained within this folder. Put the actual image
filename with an image extension (.jpg .gif .bmp .png etc.) that you are using in this folder with your
.exe .mfa etc. I need your image files not from our class library or the MMF2 library. Do not specify a
drive letter. There is no way I can access your storage drive.
As you create your Essay for those games requiring an essay, those files (.doc .rtf .txt) can be included in
this folder as well or attached separately.

Step 3: When ready, create a ZIP file of your folder. (This is for each of your games)
This folder will contain the .mfa .exe and all files named above for each individual game submitted.
Create a zip file of that folder. (Mac users will have different directions).

Depending on your version of windows and any tools installed on your computer, you may be able to
create a zip file from Windows Explorer or My Computer by right clicking on the folder name and then
selecting Send to and then in the next menu selecting Compressed (zipped) Folder.

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