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5085 Buno Matatalaib, Tarlac City

(045) 982-7251
A workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
(II Timothy 2:15)

Psychological effects
of skin shaming

Samuel Cedrick P. Abalos


Leo Nicko Adalem

Research Instructor
Chapter One


1.1 Background of the study

“God created our skin tones with beautiful variety, but all of our souls are the same color.”- Dave
Willis. Okay since skin is like a major part of our body, it would really take toll if one would say
something negative about it. So, that huge part of us would have a surmount effects on our
psyche. Here are some example of psychological effects in skin shaming.

Major depression is one of the main results of chronic skin disorders.

• Suicidal thoughts are another consequence. Consider some statistics on psoriasis. About 5% of the 4.5
American adults with psoriasis have suicidal thoughts - three times the rate of the general population.
• Other psychosocial side effects of skin conditions are social withdrawal, anger, frustration, and lack
of confidence.
• 26% of people with moderate to severe psoriasis have been forced to change or discontinue their normal
daily activities.

What's surprising is that the severity of this psychosocial toll is only weakly related to the
severity of the skin disorder. Someone with mild symptoms may suffer worse psychologically
than someone with severe symptoms. It all depends on an individual's perception. That's why
clinical improvement in a skin disorder does not necessarily make you feel better inside. I see
patients who suffer from a kind of skin post-traumatic stress disorder - their skin looks better, but
they don't feel better. The dermatological scars are gone, but the psychological ones remain. We
treat the psychological scars

1.2 Statement of the problem

Finally, this study considered that in the present day, skin complexion has greater indication of poor
social capital if woman's self-esteem is also significantly low. Several research questions were used as the
guidelines for this study:

1. Is skin tone predictive factor for Filipino men/women's social outcomes?

2. To what extent do Filipino men/women distinguish between light and dark complexions?

3. Is there significant relationship between men/women’s skin complexion and her self-esteem?
4. Is the issue of colorism still relevant in the 21st Century?

1.3 Scope and Definition

In this study it focus about skin If you had acne as a teenager, you'll likely know that skin
problems aren't just a cosmetic issue, they can also massivel y affect your self-esteem. And
chronic dermatological conditions, from psoriasis to eczema can have a huge impact on
psychological health.

Definition of Terms

Colorism: "system" that grants privileges and opportunities to those that possess

lighter complexions within the African-American community.6 Colorism is function of

skin color stratification, along with the function of intra-racial discrimination.

Racism: An ideology that supposes specific positive characteristics to race and upholds

that these characteristics infer superiority over other races.

Self-Esteem: The individual perceptions (positive or negative) that are held about

oneself. Positive self-esteem "consists of feeling good, liking [oneself], and perceiving

that [one is] like[d] and treated well."7

Skin Color Stratification: Distinguishing person by the lightness or darkness of skintone. This
phenomenon has the ability to operate because of racism and historical
ideologies that favor those with light complexions (whites) over those with dark

complexions (people of color).8

Skin Complexion (Tone, or Color): "The shade of skin with which an individual has

been genetically endowed."9

Social Capital: "A form of prestige related to things such as social status, reputation and

social networks."10 In reference to the present study, social capital is related to skin

complexion as skin complexion affects how person is viewed by society.

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