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A completed truck must exit the premises of Harbour Centre Port Terminal, Inc. soon after
loading of cargoes for delivery is done to avoid jamming of delivery trucks inside the port.
On the matter of hauling space constraints, this is also to give way for the trucks on stand
by waiting to be served.

As with truck entry, HCPTI also has implemented standard procedures for the exit of
cargo loaded trucks to ensure smooth flow of the Delivery Operations or Release of
cargoes. In the long run, this shall help improve the system depending on the growing
need of HCPTI.

This procedure summarizes the governing policies and procedures in acquiring Gate
Pass for truck exit at HCPTI.


2.1 Policies

2.1.1 The Admin Gate Pass Office shall issue the Check Pass (CP) to the Truck
Driver (TD) upon completion of loading of cargoes for delivery. The issuance of Check
Pass shall be on a per loaded truck basis. The pertinent documents for the issuance of
the Check Pass are as follows:

3. Loading Permit
4. Broker’s Delivery Receipt

4.1.1 The Delivery Checker (DC) and the Security Guard (SG) on duty shall check
and verify the type and quantity indicated on the Check Pass against actual inspection
and count of cargoes loaded to truck. Should any dispute arises, this must be coordinated
with the Duty Manager/Operations.
4.1.2 The Delivery Checker (DC), Security Guard (SG), and Truck Driver (TD)
must all sign on the Check Pass before it shall be forwarded back to the Admin Gate Pass
Office for the issuance of the Gate Pass. Morever, the Security Guard (SG) shall record
the Truck Plate Number, Truck Control Number (TCN), type and quantity count of delivery
cargoes (per CP) on the log book.

4.1.3 Upon verification of the Check Pass and all pertinent documents, Admin
Gate Pass Office shall finally issue the Gate Pass (GP) subject for approval of the Officer-

4.1.4 The Bureau of Customs (BOC Wharfinger) shall then validate and approve
the issued Gate Pass for clearance. The Truck Driver shall leave a copy of the BOC-
approved Gate Pass (pink duplicate) with the Customs Police Office before turning it over
to the Security Guard on duty upon exit at the Manila Harbour Centre main gate.

4.1.5 The Duty Manager shall conduct daily monitoring of the Standard Operating
Procedures to ensure its proper implementation and to develop management of systems
for Trucking/Delivery Operations.

4.2 Procedure

4.2.1 Truck enters the Harbour Centre Port Terminal, Inc. compound. [Refer
to (CC-001) Truck Entry Procedure].

4.2.2 Commencement of loading of cargoes to truck for delivery [Refer to (CY-

002) Foreign Cargo Delivery Procedure and (CY-003) Domestic Cargo Delivery
Procedure]. If delivery cargoes need to be subject to magna scale, truck

proceeds to weighing scale after which weigher issues cargo Weight
Receipt. Otherwise, Truck Driver (TD) parks loaded cargo truck at the
Loaded Truck Holding Area.

4.2.3 Truck Driver then proceeds to the Admin Gate Pass (ADGP) Office where he
must secure the HCPTI Check Pass (CP).

4.2.4 Truck Driver submits pertinent documents such as the Loading Permit and
the Delivery Receipt to the Documentation Assistant (DA) at the ADGP Office. If submitted documents are inaccurate and/or incomplete, DA

advises Truck Driver to complete pertinent documents or to settle
discrepancies with Broker. Otherwise, DA issues the HCPTI Check Pass
(one Check Pass per loaded truck) and forwards it to the Delivery Checker
4.2.5 The Delivery Checker then verifies actual content of truck and compares it
with the details/figures indicated on the Check Pass. If there is any dispute on the type and/or count of cargoes loaded to
truck, the Security Guard (SG) on duty puts truck on hold and coordinates
with Duty Manager to sort out dispute. Otherwise, the SG records Truck
Plate Number, Truck Control Number (TCN), type and quantity count of
delivery cargoes (per CP) on the log book; and the Delivery Checker
forwards back to ADGP Office the accomplished original copy of the Check
At the ADGP office, DA verifies all accomplished Check Pass and counterchecks it with
the documents submitted by the Truck Driver. DA then issues the HCPTI Gate Pass upon
proof of authenticity of the pertinent documents.

4.2.6 DA signs the issued Gate Pass and subjects for approval of the Officer-in-

4.2.7 Truck Driver proceeds to Bureau of Customs (Wharfinger) and have the
issued Gate Pass approved. Truck Driver must leave the Customs Police Office a
duplicate (pink) copy of the Gate Pass.

4.2.8 Truck Driver then proceeds to HCPTI Gate 1 and must show Gate Pass
upon truck exit from HCPTI premises.

4.2.9 Finally, the Truck Driver must submit the HCPTI Gate Pass to the Security
Guard on duty upon exit at the Manila Harbour Centre main gate.

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