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G.R. No.

L-41182-3 April 16, 1988 solidarily liable with the party of the part for the prompt payment of
DR. CARLOS L. SEVILLA and LINA O. SEVILLA, petitioners- the monthly rental agreed on. When the branch office was opened,
appellants, the same was run by the herein appellant Una 0. Sevilla payable to
vs. Tourist World Service Inc. by any airline for any fare brought in on
THE COURT OF APPEALS, TOURIST WORLD SERVICE, INC., the efforts of Mrs. Lina Sevilla, 4% was to go to Lina Sevilla and 3%
ELISEO S.CANILAO, and SEGUNDINA NOGUERA, respondents- was to be withheld by the Tourist World Service, Inc.
appellees. On or about November 24, 1961 (Exhibit 16) the Tourist World
Service, Inc. appears to have been informed that Lina Sevilla was
Civil Law; Partnership; Lina Sevilla’s own argument that the par-ties connected with a rival firm, the Philippine Travel Bureau, and, since
had embarked on a joint venture or otherwise a partnership the branch office was anyhow losing, the Tourist World Service
rejected.—In rejecting Tourist World Service, Inc.'s arguments considered closing down its office. This was firmed up by two
however, we are not, as a consequence, accepting Lina Seviila’s resolutions of the board of directors of Tourist World Service, Inc.
own, that is, that the parties had embarked on a joint venture or dated Dec. 2, 1961 (Exhibits 12 and 13), the first abolishing the
otherwise, a partnership. And apparently, Sevilla herself did not office of the manager and vice-president of the Tourist World
recognize the existence of such a relation. In her letter of November Service, Inc., Ermita Branch, and the second,authorizing the
28, 1961, she expressly “concedes your [Tourist World Service, corporate secretary to receive the properties of the Tourist World
Inc.'s] right to stop the operation of your branch office,” in effect, Service then located at the said branch office. It further appears that
accepting Tourist World Service, Inc.'s control over the manner in on Jan. 3, 1962, the contract with the appellees for the use of the
which the business was run. A joint venture, including a partnership, Branch Office premises was terminated and while the effectivity
presupposes generally a parity of standing between the joint co- thereof was Jan. 31, 1962, the appellees no longer used it. As a
venturers or partners, in which each party has an equal proprietary matter of fact appellants used it since Nov. 1961. Because of this,
interest in the capital or property contributed and where each party and to comply with the mandate of the Tourist World Service, the
exercises equal rights in the conduct of the business. Furthermore, corporate secretary Gabino Canilao went over to the branch office,
the parties did not hold themselves out as partners, and the building and, finding the premises locked, and, being unable to contact Lina
itself was embellished with the electric sign “Toimst World Service, Sevilla, he padlocked the premises on June 4, 1962 to protect the
Inc.," in lieu of a distinct partnership name. interests of the Tourist World Service. When neither the appellant
Lina Sevilla nor any of her employees could enter the locked
Same;Agency; The parties had contemplated a principal-agent premises, a complaint wall filed by the herein appellants against the
relationship rather than a joint management or a partnership.—It is appellees with a prayer for the issuance of mandatory preliminary
the Court’s considered opinion, that when the petitioner, Lina injunction. Both appellees answered with counterclaims. For
Sevilla, agreed to (wo)man the private respondent, Tourist World apparent lack of interest of the parties therein, the trial court ordered
Service, Inc.'s Ermita office, she must have done so pursuant to a the dismissal of the case without prejudice.
contract of agency. It is the essence of this contract that the agent The appellee Segundina Noguera sought reconsideration of the
renders services “in representation or on behalf of another.” In the order dismissing her counterclaim which the court a quo, in an order
case at bar, Sevilla solicited airline fares, but she did so for and on dated June 8, 1963, granted permitting her to present evidence in
behalf of her principal, Touriat World Servioe, Inc. As compensation, support of her counterclaim.
she received 4% of the proceeds in the concept of commissions. On June 17,1963, appellant Lina Sevilla refiled her case against the
And as we said, Sevilla herself, based on her letter of November herein appellees and after the issues were joined, the reinstated
28,1961, presumed her printipaTs authority as owner of the counterclaim of Segundina Noguera and the new complaint of
business undertaking. We are convinced, considering the appellant Lina Sevilla were jointly heard following which the court a
circumstances and from the respondent Court’s recital of facts, that quo ordered both cases dismiss for lack of merit, on the basis of
the parties had contemplated a principalagent relationship, rather which was elevated the instant appeal on the following assignment
than a joint management or a partnership. of errors:
Same; Same; Same; The agency being one coupled with an interest NATURE OF PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT MRS. LINA O. SEVILLA'S
cannot be revoked at wilL—But unlike simple grants of a power of COMPLAINT.
attorney, the agency that we hereby declare to be compatible witJb II. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT APPELLANT
the intent of the parties, cannot be revoked at will. The reason is MRS. LINA 0. SEVILA'S ARRANGEMENT (WITH APPELLEE
that it is one coupled with an interest, the agency having been TOURIST WORLD SERVICE, INC.) WAS ONE MERELY OF
created for the mutual interest of the agent and the principal. It EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATION AND IN FAILING TO HOLD
appears that Lina Sevilla is a bona fide travel agent herself, and as THAT THE SAID ARRANGEMENT WAS ONE OF JOINT
such, she had acquired an interest in the business entrusted to her. BUSINESS VENTURE.
Moreover, she had assumed a personal obligation for the operation III. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN RULING THAT PLAINTIFF-
thereof, holding herself solidarily liable for the payment of rentals. APPELLANT MRS. LINA O. SEVILLA IS ESTOPPED FROM
She continued the business, using her own name, after Tourist D E N Y I N G T H AT S H E WA S A M E R E E M P L O Y E E O F
World had stopped further operations. Her interest, obviously, is not DEFENDANT-APPELLEE TOURIST WORLD SERVICE, INC.
limited to the commissions she earned as a result of her business EVEN AS AGAINST THE LATTER.
transactions. but one that extendB to the very subject matter of the IV. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN NOT HOLDING THAT
power of management delegated to her. It is an agency that, as we APPELLEES HAD NO RIGHT TO EVICT APPELLANT MRS. LINA
said, cannot be revoked at the pleasure of the principal. Accordingly, O. SEVILLA FROM THE A. MABINI OFFICE BY TAKING THE LAW
the revocation complained of should entitle the petitioner, Lina INTO THEIR OWN HANDS.
The petitioners invoke the provisions on human relations of the Civil MABINI PREMISES.
Code in this appeal by certiorari. The facts are beyond dispute: VI. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN FINDING THAT APPELLANT
On the strength of a contract (Exhibit A for the appellant Exhibit 2 for GUARANTOR FOR RENTALS.
the appellees) entered into on Oct. 19, 1960 by and between Mrs. On the foregoing facts and in the light of the errors asigned the
Segundina Noguera, party of the first part; the Tourist World issues to be resolved are:
Service, Inc., represented by Mr. Eliseo Canilao as party of the 1. Whether the appellee Tourist World Service unilaterally disco the
second part, and hereinafter referred to as appellants, the Tourist telephone line at the branch office on Ermita;
World Service, Inc. leased the premises belonging to the party of 2. Whether or not the padlocking of the office by the Tourist World
the first part at Mabini St., Manila for the former-s use as a branch Service was actionable or not; and
office. In the said contract the party of the third part held herself

3. Whether or not the lessee to the office premises belonging to the "A" PP. 7,8 AND ANNEX "B" P. 2) DECISION AGAINST DUE
appellee Noguera was appellees TWS or TWS and the appellant. PROCESS WHICH ADHERES TO THE RULE OF LAW.
In this appeal, appealant Lina Sevilla claims that a joint bussiness II
venture was entered into by and between her and appellee TWS THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED ON A QUESTION OF LAW
with offices at the Ermita branch office and that she was not an AND GRAVELY ABUSED ITS DISCRETION IN DENYING
employee of the TWS to the end that her relationship with TWS was APPELLANT SEVILLA RELIEF BECAUSE SHE HAD "OFFERED
one of a joint business venture appellant made declarations TO WITHDRAW HER COMP PROVIDED THAT ALL CLAIMS AND
1. Appellant Mrs. Lina 0. Sevilla, a prominent figure and wife of an WITHDRAWN." (ANNEX "A" P. 8)
eminent eye, ear and nose specialist as well as a imediately III
columnist had been in the travel business prior to the establishment THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED ON A QUESTION OF LAW
of the joint business venture with appellee Tourist World Service, AND GRAVELY ABUSED ITS DISCRETION IN DENYING-IN FACT
Inc. and appellee Eliseo Canilao, her compadre, she being the NOT PASSING AND RESOLVING-APPELLANT SEVILLAS CAUSE
godmother of one of his children, with her own clientele, coming OF ACTION FOUNDED ON ARTICLES 19, 20 AND 21 OF THE
mostly from her own social circle (pp. 3-6 tsn. February 16,1965). CIVIL CODE ON RELATIONS.
2. Appellant Mrs. Sevilla was signatory to a lease agreement dated IV
19 October 1960 (Exh. 'A') covering the premises at A. Mabini St., THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED ON A QUESTION OF LAW
she expressly warranting and holding [sic] herself 'solidarily' liable AND GRAVELY ABUSED ITS DISCRETION IN DENYING APPEAL
with appellee Tourist World Service, Inc. for the prompt payment of APPELLANT SEVILLA RELIEF YET NOT RESOLVING HER CLAIM
the monthly rentals thereof to other appellee Mrs. Noguera (pp. THAT SHE WAS IN JOINT VENTURE WITH TOURIST WORLD
3. Appellant Mrs. Sevilla did not receive any salary from appellee INTEREST WHICH COULD NOT BE TERMINATED OR REVOKED
Tourist World Service, Inc., which had its own, separate office UNILATERALLY BY TOURIST WORLD SERVICE INC.6
located at the Trade & Commerce Building; nor was she an As a preliminary inquiry, the Court is asked to declare the true
employee thereof, having no participation in nor connection with nature of the relation between Lina Sevilla and Tourist World
said business at the Trade & Commerce Building (pp. 16-18 tsn Id.). Service, Inc. The respondent Court of see fit to rule on the question,
4. Appellant Mrs. Sevilla earned commissions for her own the crucial issue, in its opinion being "whether or not the padlocking
passengers, her own bookings her own business (and not for any of of the premises by the Tourist World Service, Inc. without the
the business of appellee Tourist World Service, Inc.) obtained from knowledge and consent of the appellant Lina Sevilla entitled the
the airline companies. She shared the 7% commissions given by latter to the relief of damages prayed for and whether or not the
the airline companies giving appellee Tourist World Service, Lic. 3% evidence for the said appellant supports the contention that the
thereof aid retaining 4% for herself (pp. 18 tsn. Id.) appellee Tourist World Service, Inc. unilaterally and without the
5. Appellant Mrs. Sevilla likewise shared in the expenses of consent of the appellant disconnected the telephone lines of the
maintaining the A. Mabini St. office, paying for the salary of an office Ermita branch office of the appellee Tourist World Service, Inc.7
secretary, Miss Obieta, and other sundry expenses, aside from Tourist World Service, Inc., insists, on the other hand, that Lina
desicion the office furniture and supplying some of fice furnishings SEVILLA was a mere employee, being "branch manager" of its
(pp. 15,18 tsn. April 6,1965), appellee Tourist World Service, Inc. Ermita "branch" office and that inferentially, she had no say on the
shouldering the rental and other expenses in consideration for the lease executed with the private respondent, Segundina Noguera.
3% split in the co procured by appellant Mrs. Sevilla (p. 35 tsn Feb. The petitioners contend, however, that relation between the
16,1965). between parties was one of joint venture, but concede that
6. It was the understanding between them that appellant Mrs. "whatever might have been the true relationship between Sevilla
Sevilla would be given the title of branch manager for appearance's and Tourist World Service," the Rule of Law enjoined Tourist World
sake only (p. 31 tsn. Id.), appellee Eliseo Canilao admit that it was Service and Canilao from taking the law into their own hands, 8 in
just a title for dignity (p. 36 tsn. June 18, 1965- testimony of reference to the padlocking now questioned.
appellee Eliseo Canilao pp. 38-39 tsn April 61965-testimony of The Court finds the resolution of the issue material, for if, as the
corporate secretary Gabino Canilao (pp- 2-5, Appellants' Reply private respondent, Tourist World Service, Inc., maintains, that the
Brief) relation between the parties was in the character of employer and
Upon the other hand, appellee TWS contend that the appellant was employee, the courts would have been without jurisdiction to try the
an employee of the appellee Tourist World Service, Inc. and as such case, labor disputes being the exclusive domain of the Court of
was designated manager.1 Industrial Relations, later, the Bureau Of Labor Relations, pursuant
xxx xxx xxx to statutes then in force. 9
The trial court2 held for the private respondent on the premise that In this jurisdiction, there has been no uniform test to determine the
the private respondent, Tourist World Service, Inc., being the true evidence of an employer-employee relation. In general, we have
lessee, it was within its prerogative to terminate the lease and relied on the so-called right of control test, "where the person for
padlock the premises. 3 It likewise found the petitioner, Lina Sevilla, whom the services are performed reserves a right to control not only
to be a mere employee of said Tourist World Service, Inc. and as the end to be achieved but also the means to be used in reaching
such, she was bound by the acts of her employer. 4 The respondent such end." 10 Subsequently, however, we have considered, in
Court of Appeal 5 rendered an affirmance. addition to the standard of right-of control, the existing economic
The petitioners now claim that the respondent Court, in sustaining conditions prevailing between the parties, like the inclusion of the
the lower court, erred. Specifically, they state: employee in the payrolls, in determining the existence of an
I employer-employee relationship.11
THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED ON A QUESTION OF LAW The records will show that the petitioner, Lina Sevilla, was not
AND GRAVELY ABUSED ITS DISCRETION IN HOLDING THAT subject to control by the private respondent Tourist World Service,
"THE PADLOCKING OF THE PREMISES BY TOURIST WORLD Inc., either as to the result of the enterprise or as to the means used
SERVICE INC. WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE AND CONSENT OF in connection therewith. In the first place, under the contract of
THE APPELLANT LINA SEVILLA ... WITHOUT NOTIFYING MRS. lease covering the Tourist Worlds Ermita office, she had bound
LINA O. SEVILLA OR ANY OF HER EMPLOYEES AND WITHOUT herself in solidum as and for rental payments, an arrangement that
INFORMING COUNSEL FOR THE APPELLANT (SEVILIA), WHO would be like claims of a master-servant relationship. True the
IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THE PADLOCKING INCIDENT, WAS IN respondent Court would later minimize her participation in the lease
CONFERENCE WITH THE CORPORATE SECRETARY OF as one of mere guaranty, 12 that does not make her an employee of
TOURIST WORLD SERVICE (ADMITTEDLY THE PERSON WHO Tourist World, since in any case, a true employee cannot be made
PADLOCKED THE SAID OFFICE), IN THEIR ATTEMP AMICABLY to part with his own money in pursuance of his employer's business,
SETTLE THE CONTROVERSY BETWEEN THE APPELLANT or otherwise, assume any liability thereof. In that event, the parties
(SEVILLA) AND THE TOURIST WORLD SERVICE ... (DID NOT) must be bound by some other relation, but certainly not

In the second place, and as found by the Appellate Court, '[w]hen The Court of Appeals must likewise be held to be in error with
the branch office was opened, the same was run by the herein respect to the padlocking incident. For the fact that Tourist World
appellant Lina O. Sevilla payable to Tourist World Service, Inc. by Service, Inc. was the lessee named in the lease con-tract did not
any airline for any fare brought in on the effort of Mrs. Lina Sevilla. accord it any authority to terminate that contract without notice to its
13 Under these circumstances, it cannot be said that Sevilla was actual occupant, and to padlock the premises in such fashion. As
under the control of Tourist World Service, Inc. "as to the means this Court has ruled, the petitioner, Lina Sevilla, had acquired a
used." Sevilla in pursuing the business, obviously relied on her own personal stake in the business itself, and necessarily, in the
gifts and capabilities. equipment pertaining thereto. Furthermore, Sevilla was not a
It is further admitted that Sevilla was not in the company's payroll. stranger to that contract having been explicitly named therein as a
For her efforts, she retained 4% in commissions from airline third party in charge of rental payments (solidarily with Tourist
bookings, the remaining 3% going to Tourist World. Unlike an World, Inc.). She could not be ousted from possession as summarily
employee then, who earns a fixed salary usually, she earned as one would eject an interloper.
compensation in fluctuating amounts depending on her booking The Court is satisfied that from the chronicle of events, there was
successes. indeed some malevolent design to put the petitioner, Lina Sevilla, in
The fact that Sevilla had been designated 'branch manager" does a bad light following disclosures that she had worked for a rival firm.
not make her, ergo, Tourist World's employee. As we said, To be sure, the respondent court speaks of alleged business losses
employment is determined by the right-of-control test and certain to justify the closure '21 but there is no clear showing that Tourist
economic parameters. But titles are weak indicators. World Ermita Branch had in fact sustained such reverses, let alone,
In rejecting Tourist World Service, Inc.'s arguments however, we are the fact that Sevilla had moonlit for another company. What the
not, as a consequence, accepting Lina Sevilla's own, that is, that the evidence discloses, on the other hand, is that following such an
parties had embarked on a joint venture or otherwise, a partnership. information (that Sevilla was working for another company), Tourist
And apparently, Sevilla herself did not recognize the existence of World's board of directors adopted two resolutions abolishing the
such a relation. In her letter of November 28, 1961, she expressly office of 'manager" and authorizing the corporate secretary, the
'concedes your [Tourist World Service, Inc.'s] right to stop the respondent Eliseo Canilao, to effect the takeover of its branch office
operation of your branch office 14 in effect, accepting Tourist World properties. On January 3, 1962, the private respondents ended the
Service, Inc.'s control over the manner in which the business was lease over the branch office premises, incidentally, without notice to
run. A joint venture, including a partnership, presupposes generally her.
a of standing between the joint co-venturers or partners, in which It was only on June 4, 1962, and after office hours significantly, that
each party has an equal proprietary interest in the capital or the Ermita office was padlocked, personally by the respondent
property contributed 15 and where each party exercises equal rights Canilao, on the pretext that it was necessary to Protect the interests
in the conduct of the business.16 furthermore, the parties did not of the Tourist World Service. " 22 It is strange indeed that Tourist
hold themselves out as partners, and the building itself was World Service, Inc. did not find such a need when it cancelled the
embellished with the electric sign "Tourist World Service, Inc. 17in lease five months earlier. While Tourist World Service, Inc. would
lieu of a distinct partnership name. not pretend that it sought to locate Sevilla to inform her of the
It is the Court's considered opinion, that when the petitioner, Lina closure, but surely, it was aware that after office hours, she could
Sevilla, agreed to (wo)man the private respondent, Tourist World not have been anywhere near the premises. Capping these series
Service, Inc.'s Ermita office, she must have done so pursuant to a of "offensives," it cut the office's telephone lines, paralyzing
contract of agency. It is the essence of this contract that the agent completely its business operations, and in the process, depriving
renders services "in representation or on behalf of another.18 In the Sevilla articipation therein.
case at bar, Sevilla solicited airline fares, but she did so for and on This conduct on the part of Tourist World Service, Inc. betrays a
behalf of her principal, Tourist World Service, Inc. As compensation, sinister effort to punish Sevillsa it had perceived to be disloyalty on
she received 4% of the proceeds in the concept of commissions. her part. It is offensive, in any event, to elementary norms of justice
And as we said, Sevilla herself based on her letter of November 28, and fair play.
1961, pre-assumed her principal's authority as owner of the We rule therefore, that for its unwarranted revocation of the contract
business undertaking. We are convinced, considering the of agency, the private respondent, Tourist World Service, Inc.,
circumstances and from the respondent Court's recital of facts, that should be sentenced to pay damages. Under the Civil Code, moral
the ties had contemplated a principal agent relationship, rather than damages may be awarded for "breaches of contract where the
a joint managament or a partnership.. defendant acted ... in bad faith. 23
But unlike simple grants of a power of attorney, the agency that we We likewise condemn Tourist World Service, Inc. to pay further
hereby declare to be compatible with the intent of the parties, damages for the moral injury done to Lina Sevilla from its brazen
cannot be revoked at will. The reason is that it is one coupled with conduct subsequent to the cancellation of the power of attorney
an interest, the agency having been created for mutual interest, of granted to her on the authority of Article 21 of the Civil Code, in
the agent and the principal. 19 It appears that Lina Sevilla is a bona relation to Article 2219 (10) thereof —
fide travel agent herself, and as such, she had acquired an interest ART. 21. Any person who wilfully causes loss or injury to another in
in the business entrusted to her. Moreover, she had assumed a a manner that is contrary to morals, good customs or public policy
personal obligation for the operation thereof, holding herself shall compensate the latter for the damage.24
solidarily liable for the payment of rentals. She continued the ART. 2219. Moral damages25 may be recovered in the following and
business, using her own name, after Tourist World had stopped analogous cases:
further operations. Her interest, obviously, is not to the commissions xxx xxx xxx
she earned as a result of her business transactions, but one that (10) Acts and actions refered into article 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32,
extends to the very subject matter of the power of management 34, and 35.
delegated to her. It is an agency that, as we said, cannot be revoked The respondent, Eliseo Canilao, as a joint tortfeasor is likewise
at the pleasure of the principal. Accordingly, the revocation hereby ordered to respond for the same damages in a solidary
complained of should entitle the petitioner, Lina Sevilla, to damages. capacity.
As we have stated, the respondent Court avoided this issue, Insofar, however, as the private respondent, Segundina Noguera is
confining itself to the telephone disconnection and padlocking concerned, no evidence has been shown that she had connived
incidents. Anent the disconnection issue, it is the holding of the with Tourist World Service, Inc. in the disconnection and padlocking
Court of Appeals that there is 'no evidence showing that the Tourist incidents. She cannot therefore be held liable as a cotortfeasor.
World Service, Inc. disconnected the telephone lines at the branch The Court considers the sums of P25,000.00 as and for moral
office. 20 Yet, what cannot be denied is the fact that Tourist World damages,24 P10,000.00 as exemplary damages, 25 and P5,000.00
Service, Inc. did not take pains to have them reconnected. as nominal 26 and/or temperate27 damages, to be just, fair, and
Assuming, therefore, that it had no hand in the disconnection now reasonable under the circumstances.
WHEREFORE, the Decision promulgated on January 23, 1975 as well as the Resolution issued on
complained of, it had clearly condoned it, and as owner of the July 31, 1975, by the respondent Court of Appeals is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The private
telephone lines, it must shoulder responsibility therefor. respondent, Tourist World Service, Inc., and Eliseo Canilao, are ORDERED jointly and severally to
indemnify the petitioner, Lina Sevilla, the sum of 25,00.00 as and for moral damages, the sum of
P10,000.00, as and for exemplary damages, and the sum of P5,000.00, as and for nominal and/or
temperate damages. Costs against said private respondents. SO ORDERED.

G.R. No. L-49982 April 27, 1988 therafter petitioner failed to render subsequent accounting. Hence
ELIGIO ESTANISLAO, JR., petitioner, through Atty. Angeles, a demand was made on petitioner to render
vs. an accounting of the profits.
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, REMEDIOS The financial report of December 31, 1968 shows that the business
ESTANISLAO, EMILIO and LEOCADIO SANTIAGO, respondents. was able to make a profit of P 87,293.79 and that by the year
ending 1969, a profit of P 150,000.00 was realized. 3
Civil Law; Partnership; No merit in the contention that because of Thus, on August 25, 1970 private respondents filed a complaint in
the stipulation cancelling and superseding the previous joint the Court of First Instance of Rizal against petitioner praying among
affidavit, whatever partnership agreement there was in said others that the latter be ordered:
previous agreement had thereby been abrogated.—Petitioner 1. to execute a public document embodying all the provisions of the
contends that because of the said stipulation cancelling and partnership agreement entered into between plaintiffs and
superseding that previous Joint Affidavit, whatever partnership defendant as provided in Article 1771 of the New Civil Code;
agreement there was in said previous agreement had thereby been 2. to render a formal accounting of the business operation covering
abrogated. We find not merit in this argument. Said cancelling the period from May 6, 1966 up to December 21, 1968 and from
provision was necessary for the Joint Aflfidavit speaks of January 1, 1969 up to the time the order is issued and that the
P15,QOO.OO advance rentals starting May 25, 1966 while the latter same be subject to proper audit;
agreement also refers to advance rentals of the same amount 3. to pay the plaintiffs their lawful shares and participation in the net
starting May 24,1966, There is, therefore, a duplication of reference profits of the business in an amount of no less than P l50,000.00
to the Pl 5,000.00 hence the need to provide in the subsequent with interest at the rate of 1% per month from date of demand until
document that it “cancels and supersedes” the previous one. True it full payment thereof for the entire duration of the business; and
is that in the latter document, it is silent as to the statement in the 4. to pay the plaintiffs the amount of P 10,000.00 as attorney's fees
Joint Affidavit that the P15,000.00 represents the “capital and costs of the suit (pp. 13-14 Record on Appeal.)
investment” of the parties in the gasoline station business and it After trial on the merits, on October 15, 1975, Hon. Lino Anover who
speaks of petitioner as the sole dealer, but this is as it should be for was then the temporary presiding judge of Branch IV of the trial
in the latter document SHELL was a signatory and it would be court, rendered judgment dismissing the complaint and
against its policy if in the agreement it should be stated that the counterclaim and ordering private respondents to pay petitioner P
business is a partnership with private respondents and not a sole 3,000.00 attorney's fee and costs. Private respondent filed a motion
proprietorship of petitioner. for reconsideration of the decision. On December 10, 1975, Hon.
Same; Same; Same; Evidence showing that there was in fact such Ricardo Tensuan who was the newly appointed presiding judge of
partnership agreement between theparties.—Moreover other the same branch, set aside the aforesaid derision and rendered
evidence in the record shows that there was in fact such partnership another decision in favor of said respondents.
agreement between the parties. This is attested by the testimonies The dispositive part thereof reads as follows:
of private respondent Remedios Estanislao and Atty. Angeles. WHEREFORE, the Decision of this Court dated October 14, 1975 is
Petitioner submitted to private respondents periodic accounting of hereby reconsidered and a new judgment is hereby rendered in
the business. Petitioner gave a written authority to private favor of the plaintiffs and as against the defendant:
respondent Remedios Estanislao, his sister, to examine and audit (1) Ordering the defendant to execute a public instrument
the books of their “common business” (aming negosyo). embodying all the provisions of the partnership agreement entered
Reapondent Remedios assisted in the running of the business. into between plaintiffs and defendant as provided for in Article 1771,
There is no doubt that the parties hereto formed a partnership when Civil Code of the Philippines;
they bound themselves to contribute money in a common fund with (2) Ordering the defendant to render a formal accounting of the
the intention of dividing the profits among themselves. The sole business operation from April 1969 up to the time this order is
dealership by the petitioner and the issuance of all government issued, the same to be subject to examination and audit by the
permits and licenses in the name of petitioner was in compliance plaintiff,
with the afore-stated policy of SHELL and the understanding of the (3) Ordering the defendant to pay plaintiffs their lawful shares and
parties of having only one dealer of the SHELL products. participation in the net profits of the business in the amount of P
150,000.00, with interest thereon at the rate of One (1%) Per Cent
GANCAYCO, J.: per month from date of demand until full payment thereof;
By this petition for certiorari the Court is asked to determine if a (4) Ordering the defendant to pay the plaintiffs the sum of P
partnership exists between members of the same family arising 5,000.00 by way of attorney's fees of plaintiffs' counsel; as well as
from their joint ownership of certain properties. the costs of suit. (pp. 161-162. Record on Appeal).
Petitioner and private respondents are brothers and sisters who are Petitioner then interposed an appeal to the Court of Appeals
co-owners of certain lots at the corner of Annapolis and Aurora enumerating seven (7) errors allegedly committed by the trial court.
Blvd., QuezonCity which were then being leased to the Shell In due course, a decision was rendered by the Court of Appeals on
Company of the Philippines Limited (SHELL). They agreed to open November 28,1978 affirming in toto the decision of the lower court
and operate a gas station thereat to be known as Estanislao Shell with costs against petitioner. *
Service Station with an initial investment of P 15,000.00 to be taken A motion for reconsideration of said decision filed by petitioner was
from the advance rentals due to them from SHELL for the denied on January 30, 1979. Not satisfied therewith, the petitioner
occupancy of the said lots owned in common by them. A joint now comes to this court by way of this petition for certiorari alleging
affidavit was executed by them on April 11, 1966 which was that the respondent court erred:
prepared byAtty. Democrito Angeles 1 They agreed to help their 1. In interpreting the legal import of the Joint Affidavit (Exh. 'A') vis-
brother, petitioner herein, by allowing him to operate and manage a-vis the Additional Cash Pledge Agreement (Exhs. "B-2","6", and
the gasoline service station of the family. They negotiated with "L"); and
SHELL. For practical purposes and in order not to run counter to the 2. In declaring that a partnership was established by and among the
company's policy of appointing only one dealer, it was agreed that petitioner and the private respondents as regards the ownership
petitioner would apply for the dealership. Respondent Remedios and or operation of the gasoline service station business.
helped in managing the bussiness with petitioner from May 3, 1966 Petitioner relies heavily on the provisions of the Joint Affidavit of
up to February 16, 1967. April 11, 1966 (Exhibit A) and the Additional Cash Pledge
On May 26, 1966, the parties herein entered into an Additional Cash Agreement of May 20, 1966 (Exhibit 6) which are herein
Pledge Agreement with SHELL wherein it was reiterated that the P reproduced-
15,000.00 advance rental shall be deposited with SHELL to cover (a) The joint Affidavit of April 11, 1966, Exhibit A reads:
advances of fuel to petitioner as dealer with a proviso that said (1) That we are the Lessors of two parcels of land fully describe in
agreement "cancels and supersedes the Joint Affidavit dated 11 Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. 45071 and 71244 of the Register
April 1966 executed by the co-owners." 2 of Deeds of Quezon City, in favor of the LESSEE - SHELL
For sometime, the petitioner submitted financial statements COMPANY OF THE PHILIPPINES LIMITED a corporation duly
regarding the operation of the business to private respondents, but licensed to do business in the Philippines;

(2) That we have requested the said SHELL COMPANY OF THE 4. This increase in the credit shall also be subject to the same terms
PHILIPPINE LIMITED advanced rentals in the total amount of and conditions of the above-mentioned Cash Pledge Agreement
FIFTEEN THOUSAND PESOS (P l5,000.00) Philippine Currency, so dated llth May 1966. (Exhs. "B-2," "L," and "6"; emphasis supplied)
that we can use the said amount to augment our capital investment In the aforesaid Joint Affidavit of April 11, 1966 (Exhibit A), it is
in the operation of that gasoline station constructed ,by the said clearly stipulated by the parties that the P 15,000.00 advance rental
company on our two lots aforesaid by virtue of an outstanding due to them from SHELL shall augment their "capital investment" in
Lease Agreement we have entered into with the said company; the operation of the gasoline station, which advance rentals shall be
(3) That the and SHELL COMPANY OF THE PHILIPPINE LIMITED credited as rentals from May 25, 1966 up to four and one-half
out of its benevolence and desire to help us in aumenting our capital months or until 10 October 1966, more or less covering said P
investment in the operation of the said gasoline station, has agreed 15,000.00.
to give us the said amount of P 15,000.00, which amount will In the subsequent document entitled "Additional Cash Pledge
partake the nature of ADVANCED RENTALS; Agreement" above reproduced (Exhibit 6), the private respondents
(4) That we have freely and voluntarily agreed that upon receipt of and petitioners assigned to SHELL the monthly rentals due them
the said amount of FIFTEEN THOUSAND PESOS (P l6,000.00) commencing the 24th of May 1966 until such time that the monthly
from he SHELL COMPANY OF THE PHILIPPINES LIMITED, the rentals accumulated equal P 15,000.00 which private respondents
said sum as ADVANCED RENTALS to us be applied as monthly agree to be a cash deposit of petitioner in favor of SHELL to
rentals for the sai two lots under our Lease Agreement starting on increase his credit limit as dealer. As above-stated it provided
the 25th of May, 1966 until such time that the said of P 15,000.00 be therein that "This agreement, therefore, cancels and supersedes the
applicable, which time to our estimate and one-half months from Joint Affidavit dated 11 April 1966 executed by the CO-OWNERS."
May 25, 1966 or until the 10th of October, 1966 more or less; Petitioner contends that because of the said stipulation cancelling
(5) That we have likewise agreed among ourselves that the SHELL and superseding that previous Joint Affidavit, whatever partnership
COMPANY OF THE PHILIPPINES LIMITED execute an instrument agreement there was in said previous agreement had thereby been
for us to sign embodying our conformity that the said amount that it abrogated. We find no merit in this argument. Said cancelling
will generously grant us as requested be applied as ADVANCED provision was necessary for the Joint Affidavit speaks of P
RENTALS; and 15,000.00 advance rentals starting May 25, 1966 while the latter
(6) FURTHER AFFIANTS SAYETH NOT., agreement also refers to advance rentals of the same amount
(b) The Additional Cash Pledge Agreement of May 20,1966, Exhibit starting May 24, 1966. There is, therefore, a duplication of reference
6, is as follows: to the P 15,000.00 hence the need to provide in the subsequent
WHEREAS, under the lease Agreement dated 13th November, document that it "cancels and supersedes" the previous one. True it
1963 (identified as doc. Nos. 491 & 1407, Page Nos. 99 & 66, Book is that in the latter document, it is silent as to the statement in the
Nos. V & III, Series of 1963 in the Notarial Registers of Notaries Joint Affidavit that the P 15,000.00 represents the "capital
Public Rosauro Marquez, and R.D. Liwanag, respectively) executed investment" of the parties in the gasoline station business and it
in favour of SHELL by the herein CO-OWNERS and another Lease speaks of petitioner as the sole dealer, but this is as it should be for
Agreement dated 19th March 1964 . . . also executed in favour of in the latter document SHELL was a signatory and it would be
SHELL by CO-OWNERS Remedios and MARIA ESTANISLAO for against its policy if in the agreement it should be stated that the
the lease of adjoining portions of two parcels of land at Aurora Blvd./ business is a partnership with private respondents and not a sole
Annapolis, Quezon City, the CO OWNERS RECEIVE a total proprietorship of petitioner.
monthly rental of PESOS THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED Moreover other evidence in the record shows that there was in fact
EIGHTY TWO AND 29/100 (P 3,382.29), Philippine Currency; such partnership agreement between the parties. This is attested by
WHEREAS, CO-OWNER Eligio Estanislao Jr. is the Dealer of the the testimonies of private respondent Remedies Estanislao and Atty.
Shell Station constructed on the leased land, and as Dealer under Angeles. Petitioner submitted to private respondents periodic
the Cash Pledge Agreement dated llth May 1966, he deposited to accounting of the business. 4 Petitioner gave a written authority to
SHELL in cash the amount of PESOS TEN THOUSAND (P 10,000), private respondent Remedies Estanislao, his sister, to examine and
Philippine Currency, to secure his purchase on credit of Shell audit the books of their "common business' aming negosyo). 5
petroleum products; . . . Respondent Remedios assisted in the running of the business.
WHEREAS, said DEALER, in his desire, to be granted an increased There is no doubt that the parties hereto formed a partnership when
the limit up to P 25,000, has secured the conformity of his CO- they bound themselves to contribute money to a common fund with
OWNERS to waive and assign to SHELL the total monthly rentals the intention of dividing the profits among themselves.6 The sole
due to all of them to accumulate the equivalent amount of P 15,000, dealership by the petitioner and the issuance of all government
commencing 24th May 1966, this P 15,000 shall be treated as permits and licenses in the name of petitioner was in compliance
additional cash deposit to SHELL under the same terms and with the afore-stated policy of SHELL and the understanding of the
conditions of the aforementioned Cash Pledge Agreement dated llth parties of having only one dealer of the SHELL products.
May 1966. Further, the findings of facts of the respondent court are conclusive
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing in this proceeding, and its conclusion based on the said facts are in
premises,and the mutual covenants among the CO-OWNERS accordancewith the applicable law.
herein and SHELL, said parties have agreed and hereby agree as WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is AFFIRMED in toto
follows: with costs against petitioner. This decision is immediately executory
l. The CO-OWNERS dohere by waive in favor of DEALER the and no motion for extension of time to file a motion for
monthly rentals due to all CO-OWNERS, collectively, under the reconsideration shag beentertained.
above describe two Lease Agreements, one dated 13th November SO ORDERED.
1963 and the other dated 19th March 1964 to enable DEALER to
increase his existing cash deposit to SHELL, from P 10,000 to P
25,000, for such purpose, the SHELL CO-OWNERS and DEALER
hereby irrevocably assign to SHELL the monthly rental of P
3,382.29 payable to them respectively as they fall due, monthly,
commencing 24th May 1966, until such time that the monthly rentals
accumulated, shall be equal to P l5,000.
2. The above stated monthly rentals accumulated shall be treated
as additional cash deposit by DEALER to SHELL, thereby in
increasing his credit limit from P 10,000 to P 25,000. This
agreement, therefore, cancels and supersedes the Joint affidavit
dated 11 April 1966 executed by the CO-OWNERS.
3. Effective upon the signing of this agreement, SHELL agrees to
allow DEALER to purchase from SHELL petroleum products, on
credit, up to the amount of P 25,000.

G.R. No. 70926 January 31, 1989 (Exhibits H, H-1 to H-24) showed that the signatures in the two
DAN FUE LEUNG, petitioner, receipts were indeed the signatures of the petitioner.
vs. Furthermore, the private respondent received from the petitioner the
HON. INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT and LEUNG YIU, amount of P12,000.00 covered by the latter's Equitable Banking
respondents. Corporation Check No. 13389470-B from the profits of the operation
of the restaurant for the year 1974. Witness Teodulo Diaz, Chief of
Civil Law; Partnership; Prescription; The right to demand an the Savings Department of the China Banking Corporation testified
accounting exists as long as the partnership exists.—Regarding the that said check (Exhibit B) was deposited by and duly credited to
prescriptive period within which the private respondent may demand the private respondents savings account with the bank after it was
an accounting, Articles 1806, 1807 and 1809 show that the right to cleared by the drawee bank, the Equitable Banking Corporation.
demand an accounting exists as long as the partnership exists. Another witness Elvira Rana of the Equitable Banking Corporation
Prescription begins to run only upon the dissolution of the testified that the check in question was in fact and in truth drawn by
partnership when the final accounting is done. the petitioner and debited against his own account in said bank.
Same; Same; Dissolution of Partnerships; The Court may order the This fact was clearly shown and indicated in the petitioner's
dissolution of the partnership in question because its continuation statement of account after the check (Exhibit B) was duly cleared.
has become inequitable.—Considering the facts of this case, the Rana further testified that upon clearance of the check and pursuant
Court may decree a dissolution of the partnership under Article 1831 to normal banking procedure, said check was returned to the
of the Civil Code which, in part, provides: “Art. 1831. On application petitioner as the maker thereof.
by or for a partner the court shall decree a dissolution whenever: x x The petitioner denied having received from the private respondent
x x x x xxx "(3) A partner has been guilty of such conduct as tends to the amount of P4,000.00. He contested and impugned the
affect prejudicially the carrying on of the business; (4) A partner genuineness of the receipt (Exhibit D). His evidence is summarized
willfully or persistently commits a breach of the partnership as follows:
agreement, or otherwise so conducts himself in matters relating to The petitioner did not receive any contribution at the time he started
the partnership business that it is not reasonably practicable to carry the Sun Wah Panciteria. He used his savings from his salaries as
on the business in partnership with him; xxx xxx xxx (6) Other an employee at Camp Stotsenberg in Clark Field and later as waiter
circumstances render a dissolution equitable.” There shall be a at the Toho Restaurant amounting to a little more than P2,000.00 as
liquidation and winding up of partnership affairs, return of capital, capital in establishing Sun Wah Panciteria. To bolster his contention
and other incidents of dissolution because the continuation of the that he was the sole owner of the restaurant, the petitioner
partnership has become inequitable. presented various government licenses and permits showing the
Sun Wah Panciteria was and still is a single proprietorship solely
GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: owned and operated by himself alone. Fue Leung also flatly denied
The petitioner asks for the reversal of the decision of the then having issued to the private respondent the receipt (Exhibit G) and
Intermediate Appellate Court in AC-G.R. No. CV-00881 which the Equitable Banking Corporation's Check No. 13389470 B in the
affirmed the decision of the then Court of First Instance of Manila, amount of P12,000.00 (Exhibit B).
Branch II in Civil Case No. 116725 declaring private respondent As between the conflicting evidence of the parties, the trial court
Leung Yiu a partner of petitioner Dan Fue Leung in the business of gave credence to that of the plaintiffs. Hence, the court ruled in
Sun Wah Panciteria and ordering the petitioner to pay to the private favor of the private respondent. The dispositive portion of the
respondent his share in the annual profits of the said restaurant. decision reads:
This case originated from a complaint filed by respondent Leung Yiu WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiff
with the then Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch II to recover and against the defendant, ordering the latter to deliver and pay to
the sum equivalent to twenty-two percent (22%) of the annual profits the former, the sum equivalent to 22% of the annual profit derived
derived from the operation of Sun Wah Panciteria since October, from the operation of Sun Wah Panciteria from October, 1955, until
1955 from petitioner Dan Fue Leung. fully paid, and attorney's fees in the amount of P5,000.00 and cost
The Sun Wah Panciteria, a restaurant, located at Florentino Torres of suit. (p. 125, Rollo)
Street, Sta. Cruz, Manila, was established sometime in October, The private respondent filed a verified motion for reconsideration in
1955. It was registered as a single proprietorship and its licenses the nature of a motion for new trial and, as supplement to the said
and permits were issued to and in favor of petitioner Dan Fue Leung motion, he requested that the decision rendered should include the
as the sole proprietor. Respondent Leung Yiu adduced evidence net profit of the Sun Wah Panciteria which was not specified in the
during the trial of the case to show that Sun Wah Panciteria was decision, and allow private respondent to adduce evidence so that
actually a partnership and that he was one of the partners having the said decision will be comprehensively adequate and thus put an
contributed P4,000.00 to its initial establishment. end to further litigation.
The private respondents evidence is summarized as follows: The motion was granted over the objections of the petitioner. After
About the time the Sun Wah Panciteria started to become hearing the trial court rendered an amended decision, the
operational, the private respondent gave P4,000.00 as his dispositive portion of which reads:
contribution to the partnership. This is evidenced by a receipt FOR ALL THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS, the motion for
identified as Exhibit "A" wherein the petitioner acknowledged his reconsideration filed by the plaintiff, which was granted earlier by
acceptance of the P4,000.00 by affixing his signature thereto. The the Court, is hereby reiterated and the decision rendered by this
receipt was written in Chinese characters so that the trial court Court on September 30, 1980, is hereby amended. The dispositive
commissioned an interpreter in the person of Ms. Florence Yap to portion of said decision should read now as follows:
translate its contents into English. Florence Yap issued a WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered, ordering the plaintiff
certification and testified that the translation to the best of her (sic) and against the defendant, ordering the latter to pay the former
knowledge and belief was correct. The private respondent identified the sum equivalent to 22% of the net profit of P8,000.00 per day
the signature on the receipt as that of the petitioner (Exhibit A-3) from the time of judicial demand, until fully paid, plus the sum of
because it was affixed by the latter in his (private respondents') P5,000.00 as and for attorney's fees and costs of suit. (p. 150,
presence. Witnesses So Sia and Antonio Ah Heng corroborated the Rollo)
private respondents testimony to the effect that they were both The petitioner appealed the trial court's amended decision to the
present when the receipt (Exhibit "A") was signed by the petitioner. then Intermediate Appellate Court. The questioned decision was
So Sia further testified that he himself received from the petitioner a further modified by the appellate court. The dispositive portion of the
similar receipt (Exhibit D) evidencing delivery of his own investment appellate court's decision reads:
in another amount of P4,000.00 An examination was conducted by WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is modified, the
the PC Crime Laboratory on orders of the trial court granting the dispositive portion thereof reading as follows:
private respondents motion for examination of certain documentary 1. Ordering the defendant to pay the plaintiff by way of temperate
exhibits. The signatures in Exhibits "A" and 'D' when compared to damages 22% of the net profit of P2,000.00 a day from judicial
the signature of the petitioner appearing in the pay envelopes of demand to May 15, 1971;
employees of the restaurant, namely Ah Heng and Maria Wong

2. Similarly, the sum equivalent to 22% of the net profit of P8,000.00 entitled to twenty-two percentum (22%) of the annual profit derived
a day from May 16, 1971 to August 30, 1975; from the operation of the said panciteria.' (p. 107, Rollo) The well-
3. And thereafter until fully paid the sum equivalent to 22% of the settled doctrine is that the '"... nature of the action filed in court is
net profit of P8,000.00 a day. determined by the facts alleged in the complaint as constituting the
Except as modified, the decision of the court a quo is affirmed in all cause of action." (De Tavera v. Philippine Tuberculosis Society, Inc.,
other respects. (p. 102, Rollo) 113 SCRA 243; Alger Electric, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 135 SCRA
Later, the appellate court, in a resolution, modified its decision and 37).
affirmed the lower court's decision. The dispositive portion of the The appellate court did not err in declaring that the main issue in the
resolution reads: instant case was whether or not the private respondent is a partner
WHEREFORE, the dispositive portion of the amended judgment of of the petitioner in the establishment of Sun Wah Panciteria.
the court a quo reading as follows: The petitioner also contends that the respondent court gravely erred
WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered in favor of the plaintiff and in giving probative value to the PC Crime Laboratory Report (Exhibit
against the defendant, ordering the latter to pay to the former the "J") on the ground that the alleged standards or specimens used by
sum equivalent to 22% of the net profit of P8,000.00 per day from the PC Crime Laboratory in arriving at the conclusion were never
the time of judicial demand, until fully paid, plus the sum of testified to by any witness nor has any witness identified the
P5,000.00 as and for attorney's fees and costs of suit. handwriting in the standards or specimens belonging to the
is hereby retained in full and affirmed in toto it being understood that petitioner. The supposed standards or specimens of handwriting
the date of judicial demand is July 13, 1978. (pp. 105-106, Rollo). were marked as Exhibits "H" "H-1" to "H-24" and admitted as
In the same resolution, the motion for reconsideration filed by evidence for the private respondent over the vigorous objection of
petitioner was denied. the petitioner's counsel.
Both the trial court and the appellate court found that the private The records show that the PC Crime Laboratory upon orders of the
respondent is a partner of the petitioner in the setting up and lower court examined the signatures in the two receipts issued
operations of the panciteria. While the dispositive portions merely separately by the petitioner to the private respondent and So Sia
ordered the payment of the respondents share, there is no question (Exhibits "A" and "D") and compared the signatures on them with
from the factual findings that the respondent invested in the the signatures of the petitioner on the various pay envelopes
business as a partner. Hence, the two courts declared that the (Exhibits "H", "H-1" to 'H-24") of Antonio Ah Heng and Maria Wong,
private petitioner is entitled to a share of the annual profits of the employees of the restaurant. After the usual examination conducted
restaurant. The petitioner, however, claims that this factual finding is on the questioned documents, the PC Crime Laboratory submitted
erroneous. Thus, the petitioner argues: "The complaint avers that its findings (Exhibit J) attesting that the signatures appearing in both
private respondent extended 'financial assistance' to herein receipts (Exhibits "A" and "D") were the signatures of the petitioner.
petitioner at the time of the establishment of the Sun Wah The records also show that when the pay envelopes (Exhibits "H",
Panciteria, in return of which private respondent allegedly will "H-1" to "H-24") were presented by the private respondent for
receive a share in the profits of the restaurant. The same complaint marking as exhibits, the petitioner did not interpose any objection.
did not claim that private respondent is a partner of the business. It Neither did the petitioner file an opposition to the motion of the
was, therefore, a serious error for the lower court and the Hon. private respondent to have these exhibits together with the two
Intermediate Appellate Court to grant a relief not called for by the receipts examined by the PC Crime Laboratory despite due notice
complaint. It was also error for the Hon. Intermediate Appellate to him. Likewise, no explanation has been offered for his silence nor
Court to interpret or construe 'financial assistance' to mean the was any hint of objection registered for that purpose.
contribution of capital by a partner to a partnership;" (p. 75, Rollo) Under these circumstances, we find no reason why Exhibit "J"
The pertinent portions of the complaint state: should be rejected or ignored. The records sufficiently establish that
xxx xxx xxx there was a partnership.
2. That on or about the latter (sic) of September, 1955, defendant The petitioner raises the issue of prescription. He argues: The Hon.
sought the financial assistance of plaintiff in operating the Respondent Intermediate Appellate Court gravely erred in not
defendant's eatery known as Sun Wah Panciteria, located in the resolving the issue of prescription in favor of petitioner. The alleged
given address of defendant; as a return for such financial receipt is dated October 1, 1955 and the complaint was filed only on
assistance. plaintiff would be entitled to twenty-two percentum July 13, 1978 or after the lapse of twenty-two (22) years, nine (9)
(22%) of the annual profit derived from the operation of the said months and twelve (12) days. From October 1, 1955 to July 13,
panciteria; 1978, no written demands were ever made by private respondent.
3. That on October 1, 1955, plaintiff delivered to the defendant the The petitioner's argument is based on Article 1144 of the Civil Code
sum of four thousand pesos (P4,000.00), Philippine Currency, of which provides:
which copy for the receipt of such amount, duly acknowledged by Art. 1144. The following actions must be brought within ten years
the defendant is attached hereto as Annex "A", and form an integral from the time the right of action accrues:
part hereof; (p. 11, Rollo) (1) Upon a written contract;
In essence, the private respondent alleged that when Sun Wah (2) Upon an obligation created by law;
Panciteria was established, he gave P4,000.00 to the petitioner with (3) Upon a judgment.
the understanding that he would be entitled to twenty-two percent in relation to Article 1155 thereof which provides:
(22%) of the annual profit derived from the operation of the said Art. 1155. The prescription of actions is interrupted when they are
panciteria. These allegations, which were proved, make the private filed before the court, when there is a written extra-judicial demand
respondent and the petitioner partners in the establishment of Sun by the creditor, and when there is any written acknowledgment of
Wah Panciteria because Article 1767 of the Civil Code provides that the debt by the debtor.'
"By the contract of partnership two or more persons bind The argument is not well-taken.
themselves to contribute money, property or industry to a common The private respondent is a partner of the petitioner in Sun Wah
fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves". Panciteria. The requisites of a partnership which are — 1) two or
Therefore, the lower courts did not err in construing the complaint more persons bind themselves to contribute money, property, or
as one wherein the private respondent asserted his rights as partner industry to a common fund; and 2) intention on the part of the
of the petitioner in the establishment of the Sun Wah Panciteria, partners to divide the profits among themselves (Article 1767, Civil
notwithstanding the use of the term financial assistance therein. We Code; Yulo v. Yang Chiao Cheng, 106 Phil. 110)-have been
agree with the appellate court's observation to the effect that "... established. As stated by the respondent, a partner shares not only
given its ordinary meaning, financial assistance is the giving out of in profits but also in the losses of the firm. If excellent relations exist
money to another without the expectation of any returns therefrom'. among the partners at the start of business and all the partners are
It connotes an ex gratia dole out in favor of someone driven into a more interested in seeing the firm grow rather than get immediate
state of destitution. But this circumstance under which the returns, a deferment of sharing in the profits is perfectly plausible. It
P4,000.00 was given to the petitioner does not obtain in this would be incorrect to state that if a partner does not assert his rights
case.' (p. 99, Rollo) The complaint explicitly stated that "as a return anytime within ten years from the start of operations, such rights are
for such financial assistance, plaintiff (private respondent) would be irretrievably lost. The private respondent's cause of action is

premised upon the failure of the petitioner to give him the agreed records. When a subpoena duces tecum was issued to the
profits in the operation of Sun Wah Panciteria. In effect the private petitioner for the production of their records of sale, his counsel
respondent was asking for an accounting of his interests in the voluntarily offered to bring them to court. He asked for sufficient time
partnership. prompting the court to cancel all hearings for January, 1981 and
It is Article 1842 of the Civil Code in conjunction with Articles 1144 reset them to the later part of the following month. The petitioner's
and 1155 which is applicable. Article 1842 states: counsel never produced any books, prompting the trial court to
The right to an account of his interest shall accrue to any partner, or state:
his legal representative as against the winding up partners or the Counsel for the defendant admitted that the sales of Sun Wah were
surviving partners or the person or partnership continuing the registered or recorded in the daily sales book. ledgers, journals and
business, at the date of dissolution, in the absence or any for this purpose, employed a bookkeeper. This inspired the Court to
agreement to the contrary. ask counsel for the defendant to bring said records and counsel for
Regarding the prescriptive period within which the private the defendant promised to bring those that were available.
respondent may demand an accounting, Articles 1806, 1807, and Seemingly, that was the reason why this case dragged for quite
1809 show that the right to demand an accounting exists as long as sometime. To bemuddle the issue, defendant instead of presenting
the partnership exists. Prescription begins to run only upon the the books where the same, etc. were recorded, presented
dissolution of the partnership when the final accounting is done. witnesses who claimed to have supplied chicken, meat, shrimps,
Finally, the petitioner assails the appellate court's monetary awards egg and other poultry products which, however, did not show the
in favor of the private respondent for being excessive and gross sales nor does it prove that the same is the best evidence.
unconscionable and above the claim of private respondent as This Court gave warning to the defendant's counsel that if he failed
embodied in his complaint and testimonial evidence presented by to produce the books, the same will be considered a waiver on the
said private respondent to support his claim in the complaint. part of the defendant to produce the said books inimitably showing
Apart from his own testimony and allegations, the private decisive records on the income of the eatery pursuant to the Rules
respondent presented the cashier of Sun Wah Panciteria, a certain of Court (Sec. 5(e) Rule 131). "Evidence willfully suppressed would
Mrs. Sarah L. Licup, to testify on the income of the restaurant. be adverse if produced." (Rollo, p. 145)
Mrs. Licup stated: The records show that the trial court went out of its way to accord
ATTY. HIPOLITO (direct examination to Mrs. Licup). due process to the petitioner.
Q Mrs. Witness, you stated that among your duties was that you The defendant was given all the chance to present all conceivable
were in charge of the custody of the cashier's box, of the money, witnesses, after the plaintiff has rested his case on February 25,
being the cashier, is that correct? 1981, however, after presenting several witnesses, counsel for
A Yes, sir. defendant promised that he will present the defendant as his last
Q So that every time there is a customer who pays, you were the witness. Notably there were several postponement asked by
one who accepted the money and you gave the change, if any, is counsel for the defendant and the last one was on October 1, 1981
that correct? when he asked that this case be postponed for 45 days because
A Yes. said defendant was then in Hongkong and he (defendant) will be
Q Now, after 11:30 (P.M.) which is the closing time as you said, what back after said period. The Court acting with great concern and
do you do with the money? understanding reset the hearing to November 17, 1981. On said
A We balance it with the manager, Mr. Dan Fue Leung. date, the counsel for the defendant who again failed to present the
ATTY. HIPOLITO: defendant asked for another postponement, this time to November
I see. 24, 1981 in order to give said defendant another judicial
Q So, in other words, after your job, you huddle or confer together? magnanimity and substantial due process. It was however a
A Yes, count it all. I total it. We sum it up. condition in the order granting the postponement to said date that if
Q Now, Mrs. Witness, in an average day, more or less, will you the defendant cannot be presented, counsel is deemed to have
please tell us, how much is the gross income of the restaurant? waived the presentation of said witness and will submit his case for
A For regular days, I received around P7,000.00 a day during my decision.
shift alone and during pay days I receive more than P10,000.00. On November 24, 1981, there being a typhoon prevailing in Manila
That is excluding the catering outside the place. said date was declared a partial non-working holiday, so much so,
Q What about the catering service, will you please tell the the hearing was reset to December 7 and 22, 1981. On December
Honorable Court how many times a week were there catering 7, 1981, on motion of defendant's counsel, the same was again
services? reset to December 22, 1981 as previously scheduled which hearing
A Sometimes three times a month; sometimes two times a month or was understood as intransferable in character. Again on December
more. 22, 1981, the defendant's counsel asked for postponement on the
xxx xxx xxx ground that the defendant was sick. the Court, after much tolerance
Q Now more or less, do you know the cost of the catering service? and judicial magnanimity, denied said motion and ordered that the
A Yes, because I am the one who receives the payment also of the case be submitted for resolution based on the evidence on record
catering. and gave the parties 30 days from December 23, 1981, within which
Q How much is that? to file their simultaneous memoranda. (Rollo, pp. 148-150)
A That ranges from two thousand to six thousand pesos, sir. The restaurant is located at No. 747 Florentino Torres, Sta. Cruz,
Q Per service? Manila in front of the Republic Supermarket. It is near the corner of
A Per service, Per catering. Claro M. Recto Street. According to the trial court, it is in the heart of
Q So in other words, Mrs. witness, for your shift alone in a single Chinatown where people who buy and sell jewelries, businessmen,
day from 3:30 P.M. to 11:30 P.M. in the evening the restaurant brokers, manager, bank employees, and people from all walks of life
grosses an income of P7,000.00 in a regular day? converge and patronize Sun Wah.
A Yes. There is more than substantial evidence to support the factual
Q And ten thousand pesos during pay day.? findings of the trial court and the appellate court. If the respondent
A Yes. court awarded damages only from judicial demand in 1978 and not
(TSN, pp. 53 to 59, inclusive, November 15,1978) from the opening of the restaurant in 1955, it is because of the
xxx xxx xxx petitioner's contentions that all profits were being plowed back into
COURT: the expansion of the business. There is no basis in the records to
Any cross? sustain the petitioners contention that the damages awarded are
ATTY. UY (counsel for defendant): excessive. Even if the Court is minded to modify the factual findings
No cross-examination, Your Honor. (T.S.N. p. 65, November 15, of both the trial court and the appellate court, it cannot refer to any
1978). (Rollo, pp. 127-128) portion of the records for such modification. There is no basis in the
The statements of the cashier were not rebutted. Not only did the records for this Court to change or set aside the factual findings of
petitioner's counsel waive the cross-examination on the matter of the trial court and the appellate court. The petitioner was given
income but he failed to comply with his promise to produce pertinent every opportunity to refute or rebut the respondent's submissions

but, after promising to do so, it deliberately failed to present its
books and other evidence.
The resolution of the Intermediate Appellate Court ordering the
payment of the petitioner's obligation shows that the same
continues until fully paid. The question now arises as to whether or
not the payment of a share of profits shall continue into the future
with no fixed ending date.
Considering the facts of this case, the Court may decree a
dissolution of the partnership under Article 1831 of the Civil Code
which, in part, provides:
Art. 1831. On application by or for a partner the court shall decree a
dissolution whenever:
xxx xxx xxx
(3) A partner has been guilty of such conduct as tends to affect
prejudicially the carrying on of the business;
(4) A partner willfully or persistently commits a breach of the
partnership agreement, or otherwise so conducts himself in matters
relating to the partnership business that it is not reasonably
practicable to carry on the business in partnership with him;
xxx xxx xxx
(6) Other circumstances render a dissolution equitable.
There shall be a liquidation and winding up of partnership affairs,
return of capital, and other incidents of dissolution because the
continuation of the partnership has become inequitable.
WHEREFORE, the petition for review is hereby DISMISSED for lack
of merit. The decision of the respondent court is AFFIRMED with a
MODIFICATION that as indicated above, the partnership of the
parties is ordered dissolved.

G.R. No. L-25532 February 28, 1969 Respondent Suter protested the assessment, and requested its
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, petitioner, cancellation and withdrawal, as not in accordance with law, but his
vs. request was denied. Unable to secure a reconsideration, he
WILLIAM J. SUTER and THE COURT OF TAX APPEALS, appealed to the Court of Tax Appeals, which court, after trial,
respondents. rendered a decision, on 11 November 1965, reversing that of the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Partnership; Where respondent company in the case at bar is The present case is a petition for review, filed by the Commissioner
considered a particular partnership and not universal.—The of Internal Revenue, of the tax court's aforesaid decision. It raises
respondent company was not a universal partnership, but a these issues:
particular one. As appears f rom Articles 1674 and 1675 of the (a) Whether or not the corporate personality of the William J. Suter
Spanish Civil Code of 1889 (law in force when firm organized in "Morcoin" Co., Ltd. should be disregarded for income tax purposes,
1947), a universal partnership requires either that the object of the considering that respondent William J. Suter and his wife, Julia
association be all the present property of the partners, as Spirig Suter actually formed a single taxable unit; and
contributed by them to the common fund, or else “all that the (b) Whether or not the partnership was dissolved after the marriage
partners may acquire by their industry or work during the existence of the partners, respondent William J. Suter and Julia Spirig Suter
of the partnership.” Respondent company was not such a universal and the subsequent sale to them by the remaining partner, Gustav
partnership, since the contributions of the partners were fixed sums Carlson, of his participation of P2,000.00 in the partnership for a
of money and neither one of them was an industrial partner. It nominal amount of P1.00.
follows that respondent company was not a partnership that The theory of the petitioner, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, is
spouses were forbidden to enter by Article 1677 of the Civil Code of that the marriage of Suter and Spirig and their subsequent
1889. Nor could the subsequent marriage of the partners operate to acquisition of the interests of remaining partner Carlson in the
dissolve it, such marriage not being one of the causes provided for partnership dissolved the limited partnership, and if they did not, the
that purpose either by the Spanish Civil Code or the Code of fiction of juridical personality of the partnership should be
Commerce. disregarded for income tax purposes because the spouses have
Same; Where marriage of partners does not make the company a exclusive ownership and control of the business; consequently the
single proprietorship.—The capital contributions of respondents- income tax return of respondent Suter for the years in question
partners were separately owned and contributed by them before should have included his and his wife's individual incomes and that
their marriage; and after they were joined in wedlock, such of the limited partnership, in accordance with Section 45 (d) of the
contributions remained their respective separate property under the National Internal Revenue Code, which provides as follows:
Spanish Civil Code. (d) Husband and wife. — In the case of married persons, whether
Same; Partnership has distinct and separate personality from that of citizens, residents or non-residents, only one consolidated return for
its partners; Section 24 of Internal Revenue Code is exception to the taxable year shall be filed by either spouse to cover the income
the rule.—The basic tenet of ,the Spanish and Philippine law is that of both spouses; ....
the partnership has a juridical personality of its own, distinct and In refutation of the foregoing, respondent Suter maintains, as the
separate from that of its partners, the bypassing of the existence of Court of Tax Appeals held, that his marriage with limited partner
the limited partnership as a taxpayer can only be done by ignoring Spirig and their acquisition of Carlson's interests in the partnership
or disregarding clear statutory mandates and basic principles of our in 1948 is not a ground for dissolution of the partnership, either in
law. The limited partnership’s separate individuality makes it the Code of Commerce or in the New Civil Code, and that since its
impossible to equate its income with that of the component juridical personality had not been affected and since, as a limited
members. True, section 24 of the Internal Revenue Code merges partnership, as contra distinguished from a duly registered general
registered general copartnerships with the personality of the partnership, it is taxable on its income similarly with corporations,
individual partners for income tax purposes. But this rule is Suter was not bound to include in his individual return the income of
exceptional in its disregard of a cardinal tenet of our partnership the limited partnership.
laws, and can not be extended by mere implication to limited We find the Commissioner's appeal unmeritorious.
partnerships. The thesis that the limited partnership, William J. Suter "Morcoin"
Co., Ltd., has been dissolved by operation of law because of the
REYES, J.B.L., J.: marriage of the only general partner, William J. Suter to the
A limited partnership, named "William J. Suter 'Morcoin' Co., Ltd.," originally limited partner, Julia Spirig one year after the partnership
was formed on 30 September 1947 by herein respondent William J. was organized is rested by the appellant upon the opinion of now
Suter as the general partner, and Julia Spirig and Gustav Carlson, Senator Tolentino in Commentaries and Jurisprudence on
as the limited partners. The partners contributed, respectively, Commercial Laws of the Philippines, Vol. 1, 4th Ed., page 58, that
P20,000.00, P18,000.00 and P2,000.00 to the partnership. On 1 reads as follows:
October 1947, the limited partnership was registered with the A husband and a wife may not enter into a contract of general
Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm engaged, among copartnership, because under the Civil Code, which applies in the
other activities, in the importation, marketing, distribution and absence of express provision in the Code of Commerce, persons
operation of automatic phonographs, radios, television sets and prohibited from making donations to each other are prohibited from
amusement machines, their parts and accessories. It had an office entering into universal partnerships. (2 Echaverri 196) It follows that
and held itself out as a limited partnership, handling and carrying the marriage of partners necessarily brings about the dissolution of
merchandise, using invoices, bills and letterheads bearing its trade- a pre-existing partnership. (1 Guy de Montella 58)
name, maintaining its own books of accounts and bank accounts, The petitioner-appellant has evidently failed to observe the fact that
and had a quota allocation with the Central Bank. William J. Suter "Morcoin" Co., Ltd. was not a universal partnership,
In 1948, however, general partner Suter and limited partner Spirig but a particular one. As appears from Articles 1674 and 1675 of the
got married and, thereafter, on 18 December 1948, limited partner Spanish Civil Code, of 1889 (which was the law in force when the
Carlson sold his share in the partnership to Suter and his wife. The subject firm was organized in 1947), a universal partnership
sale was duly recorded with the Securities and Exchange requires either that the object of the association be all the present
Commission on 20 December 1948. property of the partners, as contributed by them to the common
The limited partnership had been filing its income tax returns as a fund, or else "all that the partners may acquire by their industry or
corporation, without objection by the herein petitioner, work during the existence of the partnership". William J. Suter
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, until in 1959 when the latter, in "Morcoin" Co., Ltd. was not such a universal partnership, since the
an assessment, consolidated the income of the firm and the contributions of the partners were fixed sums of money, P20,000.00
individual incomes of the partners-spouses Suter and Spirig by William Suter and P18,000.00 by Julia Spirig and neither one of
resulting in a determination of a deficiency income tax against them was an industrial partner. It follows that William J. Suter
respondent Suter in the amount of P2,678.06 for 1954 and "Morcoin" Co., Ltd. was not a partnership that spouses were
P4,567.00 for 1955. forbidden to enter by Article 1677 of the Civil Code of 1889.

The former Chief Justice of the Spanish Supreme Court, D. Jose results in equal treatment, tax wise, of a general copartnership
Casan, in his Derecho Civil, 7th Edition, 1952, Volume 4, page 546, (compañia colectiva) and a limited partnership, when the code
footnote 1, says with regard to the prohibition contained in the plainly differentiates the two. Thus, the code taxes the latter on its
aforesaid Article 1677: income, but not the former, because it is in the case of compañias
Los conyuges, segun esto, no pueden celebrar entre si el contrato colectivas that the members, and not the firm, are taxable in their
de sociedad universal, pero o podran constituir sociedad particular? individual capacities for any dividend or share of the profit derived
Aunque el punto ha sido muy debatido, nos inclinamos a la tesis from the duly registered general partnership (Section 26, N.I.R.C.;
permisiva de los contratos de sociedad particular entre esposos, ya Arañas, Anno. & Juris. on the N.I.R.C., As Amended, Vol. 1, pp.
que ningun precepto de nuestro Codigo los prohibe, y hay que estar 88-89).lawphi1.nêt
a la norma general segun la que toda persona es capaz para But it is argued that the income of the limited partnership is actually
contratar mientras no sea declarado incapaz por la ley. La or constructively the income of the spouses and forms part of the
jurisprudencia de la Direccion de los Registros fue favorable a esta conjugal partnership of gains. This is not wholly correct. As pointed
misma tesis en su resolution de 3 de febrero de 1936, mas parece out in Agapito vs. Molo 50 Phil. 779, and People's Bank vs. Register
cambiar de rumbo en la de 9 de marzo de 1943. of Deeds of Manila, 60 Phil. 167, the fruits of the wife's parapherna
Nor could the subsequent marriage of the partners operate to become conjugal only when no longer needed to defray the
dissolve it, such marriage not being one of the causes provided for expenses for the administration and preservation of the paraphernal
that purpose either by the Spanish Civil Code or the Code of capital of the wife. Then again, the appellant's argument
Commerce. erroneously confines itself to the question of the legal personality of
The appellant's view, that by the marriage of both partners the the limited partnership, which is not essential to the income
company became a single proprietorship, is equally erroneous. The taxability of the partnership since the law taxes the income of even
capital contributions of partners William J. Suter and Julia Spirig joint accounts that have no personality of their own. 1 Appellant is,
were separately owned and contributed by them before their likewise, mistaken in that it assumes that the conjugal partnership of
marriage; and after they were joined in wedlock, such contributions gains is a taxable unit, which it is not. What is taxable is the "income
remained their respective separate property under the Spanish Civil of both spouses" (Section 45 [d] in their individual capacities.
Code (Article 1396): Though the amount of income (income of the conjugal partnership
The following shall be the exclusive property of each spouse: vis-a-vis the joint income of husband and wife) may be the same for
(a) That which is brought to the marriage as his or her own; .... a given taxable year, their consequences would be different, as their
Thus, the individual interest of each consort in William J. Suter contributions in the business partnership are not the same.
"Morcoin" Co., Ltd. did not become common property of both after The difference in tax rates between the income of the limited
their marriage in 1948. partnership being consolidated with, and when split from the income
It being a basic tenet of the Spanish and Philippine law that the of the spouses, is not a justification for requiring consolidation; the
partnership has a juridical personality of its own, distinct and revenue code, as it presently stands, does not authorize it, and
separate from that of its partners (unlike American and English law even bars it by requiring the limited partnership to pay tax on its own
that does not recognize such separate juridical personality), the income.
bypassing of the existence of the limited partnership as a taxpayer FOR THE FOREGOING REASONS, the decision under review is
can only be done by ignoring or disregarding clear statutory hereby affirmed. No costs.
mandates and basic principles of our law. The limited partnership's
separate individuality makes it impossible to equate its income with
that of the component members. True, section 24 of the Internal
Revenue Code merges registered general co-partnerships
(compañias colectivas) with the personality of the individual partners
for income tax purposes. But this rule is exceptional in its disregard
of a cardinal tenet of our partnership laws, and can not be extended
by mere implication to limited partnerships.
The rulings cited by the petitioner (Collector of Internal Revenue vs.
University of the Visayas, L-13554, Resolution of 30 October 1964,
and Koppel [Phil.], Inc. vs. Yatco, 77 Phil. 504) as authority for
disregarding the fiction of legal personality of the corporations
involved therein are not applicable to the present case. In the cited
cases, the corporations were already subject to tax when the fiction
of their corporate personality was pierced; in the present case, to do
so would exempt the limited partnership from income taxation but
would throw the tax burden upon the partners-spouses in their
individual capacities. The corporations, in the cases cited, merely
served as business conduits or alter egos of the stockholders, a
factor that justified a disregard of their corporate personalities for tax
purposes. This is not true in the present case. Here, the limited
partnership is not a mere business conduit of the partner-spouses; it
was organized for legitimate business purposes; it conducted its
own dealings with its customers prior to appellee's marriage, and
had been filing its own income tax returns as such independent
entity. The change in its membership, brought about by the marriage
of the partners and their subsequent acquisition of all interest
therein, is no ground for withdrawing the partnership from the
coverage of Section 24 of the tax code, requiring it to pay income
tax. As far as the records show, the partners did not enter into
matrimony and thereafter buy the interests of the remaining partner
with the premeditated scheme or design to use the partnership as a
business conduit to dodge the tax laws. Regularity, not otherwise, is
As the limited partnership under consideration is taxable on its
income, to require that income to be included in the individual tax
return of respondent Suter is to overstretch the letter and intent of
the law. In fact, it would even conflict with what it specifically
provides in its Section 24: for the appellant Commissioner's stand

G.R. Nos. L-11483-11484 February 14, 1958 xxx xxx xxx.
In the matter of the Testate Estate of the deceased Edward E. 7. I give, devise and bequeath unto MARIA LUCY CHRISTENSEN,
Christensen, ADOLFO CRUZ AZNAR, petitioner. now married toEduardo Garcia, about eighteen years of age and
MARIA LUCY CHRISTENSEN DANEY and ADOLFO CRUZ who, notwithstanding the factthat she was baptized Christensen, is
AZNAR, petitioners-appellants, not in any way related to me, nor hasshe been at any time adopted
vs. to me, and who, from all information I have now resides in Egipt,
CAMPOREDONDO, oppositors-appellees. SIXHUNDRED PESOS (P3,600) Philippine Currency, the same to
BERNARDA CAMPOREDONDO, plaintiff-appellee, be deposited in trustfor said Maria Lucy Christensen with the Davao
vs. Branch of the PhilippineNational Bank, and paid to her at the rate of
ADOLFO CRUZ AZNAR, as Executor of the Deceased EDWARD One Hundred Pesos (P100), Philippine Currency per month until the
E. CHRISTENSEN, defendant-appellant. the principal thereof as well as any interest which may have accrued
thereon, is exhausted.
ACQUIRED DURING THE COHABITATION; CASE AT the sum of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000), Philippine Currency.
BAR.—Before Republic Act No. 386 (Civil Code of the xxx xxx xxx.
Philippines) went into operation on August 30, 1950, this 12. I hereby give, devise and bequeath, unto my well-beloved
Court had already declared that where a man and a daughter, the said MARIA Lucy CHRISTENSEN DANEY (Mrs.
woman, not suffering from any impediment to contract Bernard Daney), now residing as aforesaid at No. 665 Rodger
marriage, live together as husband and wife, an informal Young Village Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., all the income from
civil partnership exists, and each of them has an equal the rest, remainder, and residue of my property and estate, real,
interest in the properties acquired during said union and is personal and/or mixed, of whatsoever kind or character,
entitled to participate therein if said properties were the andwheresover situated; of which I may be possessed at any death
product of their JOINT effort (Marata vs. Dionio G. R. No, and which mayhave come to me from any source whatsoever,
24419, December 31, 1925; Lesaca vs. Felix Vda. de during her lifetime,Provided, honvever, that should the said MARIA
Lesaca, 91 Phil., 135; Flores vs. Rehabilitation Finance LUCY CHRISTENSEN DANEY at any time prior to her decease
Corporation, 94 Phil., 451, 50 Off. Gaz. 1029). In the case having living issue, then, and in that event, the life interest herein
at bar, aside from the observation of the trial court that given shall terminate, and if so terminated, then I give, devise, and
appellee was an illiterate woman, there appears no bequeath to my said daughter, the said MARIA LUCY
evidence to prove appellee's contribution or participation in CHRISTENSEN DANEY, the rest remainder and residue of my
the acquisition of the properties involved; therefore, property, with the same force and effectas if I had originally so
following the aforecited ruling of this Court, appellee's given, devised and bequeathedit to her; and provided, further, that
claim f or ½ of the properties cannot be granted. Even should be said Maria Lucy ChristensenDaney die without living
assuming for the sake of argument that this case falls issue then, and in that event, I give, devise and bequeath all the
under the provisions of Article 144 of the Civil Code which rest, remainder and residue of my property, one-half (1/2) to my
recognizes the parties as co-owners of the properties well-beloved sister, Mrs. CARRIE LOIUSE C. BORTON, now
acquired during the union, the law would be applicable only residing at No. 2124 Twentieth Street, Bakersfield, California, U.S.A.
as far as properties acquired after the Act are concerned and one-half (1/2) to the children of my deceased brother, JOSEPH
and to no other, for such law cannot be given retroactive C. CRISTENSEN, . . .
effect to govern those already possessed before August 13. I hereby nominate and appoint Mr Adolfo Cruz Aznar, of Davao
30, 1950. City, Philippines, my executor, and the executor of this, my last will
and testament.
From the records of the above-entitled cases, it appears that as of Oppositions to the probate of this will were separately filed by Maria
1913,Edward E. Christensen, an American citizen, was already Helen Christensen Garcia and Bernarda Camporendondo, the first
residing in Davao and on the following year became the manager of contending that thewill lacked the formalities required by law; that
Mindanao Estates located in the municipality of Padada of the same granting that he had, thedispositions made therein were illegal
province. At a certain time, which the lower court placed at 1917, a because although she and Lucy Christensen were both children had
group of laborers recruited from Argao, Cebu, arrived to work in the by the deceased with Bernarda Camporendondo, yet she was given
said plantation. Among the group was a young girl,Bernarda only a meager sum of P3,600 out of an estate valued at $485,000
Camporendondo, who became an assistant to the cook. Thereafter, while Lucy would get the rest of the properties;and that the
thegirl and Edward E. Christensen, who was also unmarried staring petitioner Adolfo Cruz Aznar was not qualified to be appointed as
living together as husband and wife and although the records failed administrator of the estate because he had an interest adverse to
to establishthe exact date when such relationship commenced, the thatof the estate. It was therefore prayed by his oppositor that the
lower court found the same to have been continous for over 30 application for probate be denied and the will disallowed; that the
years until the death of Christensen occurecd on April 30, 1953. Out proceeding be declared intestate and that another disinterested
of said relations, 2 children, Lucy and Helen Christensen, were person be appointed as administrator.
allegedly born. Bernarda Camporedondo, on the other hand, claimed ownership
G. R. NO. L-11484. over one-halfof the entire estate in virtue of her relationship with the
Upon the demise of the American, who had left a considerable deceased, it being alleged that she and the testator having lived
amount of properties his will naming Adolfo Cruz Aznar as executor together as husband andwife continuously for a period of over 30
was duly presented for probate in court and became the subject of years, the properties acquired during such cohabitation should be
Special Proceedings No. 622 of the Court of First Instance of governed by the rules on co-ownership. This opposition was
Davao. Said will contains, among others, the following provisions: dismissed by the probate court on the ground that shehad no right
xxx xxx xxx. to intervene in said proceeding, for as such common-law wife she
3. I declare . . . that I have but one (1) child, named MARIA LUCY had no successional right that might be affected by the probate of
CHRISTENSEN (now Mrs. Bernard Daney), who was born in the thewill, and likewise, she could not be allowed to establish her title
Philippines about twenty-eight years ago, and who is now residing and co-ownership over the properties therein for such questions
at No. 665 Rodger Young Village, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. must be ventilated in a court of general jurisdiction. In view of this
4. I further declare that I have no living ascendants, andno ruling of the Court and in order to attain the purpose sought by her
descendantsexcept my above named daughter, MARIA LUCY overruled opposition Bernarda Camporedondo had to institute, as
CHRISTENSEN DANEY. she did institute Civil Case No. 1076 of the Court of First Instance of
Davao (G.R. No. L-11483) which we will consider and discuss

In the meantime, Adolfo Cruz Aznar was appointed special carrying an affair with another man,Zosimo Silva, a former laborer in
adminsitrator of the estate after filing a bond for P5,000 pending the her Paligue plantation. Silva executed an affidavit and even took the
appointment of a regular one, and letters of special administrition witness stand to testify to this effect. Appellants also strived to show
were correspondingly issued to him on May 21, 1953. that the defendant's solicitations for Helen's welfare and the help
The records further show that subsequent to her original opposition. extended to her merely sprang out generosity and hammered on the
Helen Christensen Garcia filed a supplemental opposition and fact that on several occasions, the deceased disclaimed any
motion to declare her an acknowledged natural child of Edward E. relationship with her (Exh. O-Daney, Exh. Q-Daney, Exh. Z-Daney,
Christensen, alleging that shewas conceived during the time when Exh. 8-Helen).
her mother Bernarda Camporendondo was living with the deceased Going over the evidence adduced during the trial, it appears
as his common-law wife; that she had been in continous possession indubitable that on or about the period when Helen was born,
of the status of a natural child of the deceased; thatahe had in her Bernarda Camporendondo had established residence at her
favor evidence and/or proof that Edward Christensen was her plantation at Paligue, Davao, and that although Edward Christensen
father; and that she and Lucy had the same civil status as children stayed in Davao City to manage his merchandising business, he
of the decedent and Bernarda Camporedondo. This motion was spent the weekends with the former and their child Lucy in the
opposed jointly by the executor and Maria Lucy Christensen Daney Christensenplantation. Even granting that Zosimo Silva at his stage
asserting that before, during and after the conception and birth of fitted himself intothe picture, it cannot be denied that Helen's mother
Helen Christensen Garcia, her mother was generally known to be and the deceased weregenerally and publicly known to be living
carrying relations with 3 different men; that during the lifetime of the together as husband and wife. Thismust have been the reason why
decedent and even years before his death, Edward Christensen Christensen from Helen's birth in 1934 providedfor her
verbally as well as in writing disavowed relationship with said maintenance; shouldered the expenses for her education to the
oppositor; that oppositor appropriated and used the surname extentthat she was even enrolled as an intern in an exclusive
Christensen illegally and without permission from the deceased. college for girls inManila; tolerated or allowed her carrying the
Thus they prayed the Court that the will be allowed; that Maria surname "Christensen", and ineffect gaver her the attention and
Helen Christensen Garcia be declared not in any way related to the care that a father would only do to this offspring. We should take
deceased; and that the motion of said oppositor be denied. note that nothing appears on record to show thatChristensen ever
After due hearing, the lower court in a decision dated February 28, entertained any doubt or disputed Helen's paternity. Hisrepudations
1953, found that oppositor Maria Helen Cristensen had been in of her relationship with him came about only after he andBernarda
continous possession of the status of a natural child of the Comperodondo parted ways in March, 1950, and apparently after
deceased Edward Christensen notwithstanding the fact that she Helentook sides with her mother. Furthermore, it seems that despite
was disowned by him in his will, for such action must have been that decedent's desire that she continue her studies, Helen ignored
brought about by the latter's disaproval of said oppositor's marriage the same andgot married to a man for Christensen held no high
to a man he did not like. But taking into considerationthat such esteem. We may state at hisjuncture that while it is true that herein
possession of the status of a natural child did not itself constitute appellants introduced witnesses todisprove oppositor'r claim, the
acknowledgment but may only be availed of to compel lower Court that had the opportunity to observe the conduct of the
acknowledgment, the lower Court directed Maria Lucy Christensen witnesses while testifying and could better gaugetheir credibility and
Daney toacknowledge the oppositor as a natural child of Edward E. impartiality in the case, arrived at the conclusion that Maria Helen
Christensen. Thewill was, however, allowed the letters testamentary Christensen had established that she had been in
consequently issued toAdolfo Cruz Aznar, the executor named continouspossessions of the status of a natural child of the
therein. From the portion of the decision requiring Lucy Christensen deceased. Considering the preponderant evidence on record, We
to acknowledge Helen as a natural child of the testator, the former see no reason to reverse said ruling.The testator' lastacts cannot be
and the executor interposed an appeal to the Court of Appeals (CA- made the criterion in determining whether oppositor was his child or
G. R. No. 13421-R), but the appellate tribunal elevatedthe same to not, for human frailty and parental arrogance maydraw a person to
Us on the ground that the case involves an estate the value of adopt unnatural or harsh measures against an erring child orone
which far exceeds P50,000.00 and thus falls within the exclusive who displeases just so the weight of his authority could be felt. In
appellate jurisdiction of this Court pursuant to Section 17 (5), theconsideration of a claim that one is a natural child, the attitude or
Republic Act No. 296. directacts of the person against whom such action is directed or that
The principal issue in this litigation is whether the lower court erred of his family before the controversy arose or during his lifetime if he
in finding that the oppositor Maria Helen Christensen Garcia had predeceases the claimant, and not a single opportunity or an
been in continous possession of the status of a natural child of the isolated occasions but as a whole, must be taken into account. The
deceased EdwardE. Christensen and in directing Maria Lucy possession of such status is one of the cases that gives rise to the
Christensen Daney, recognizeddaughter and instituted heirs of the right, in favor of the child, of coumpulsaryrecognition. (Art. 283, Civil
decedent, to acknowledge the former assuch natural child. Code).
Maria Lucy Christensen was born on April 25, 1922, and Maria The lower Court, however, after making its finding directed Maria
Helen Christensen on July 2, 1934, of the same mother, Bernarda Lucy Christensen Daney, an heir of the decedent, to recognize
Camporedondo, during the period when the latter was publicly oppositor as a natural child of the deceased. This seems improper.
known to have been living as common-law wife of Edward E. The Civil Code for 2 kinds of acknowledgement of a natural child:
Chrisiensen. From the facts of the case there can be no question as voluntary and compulsory. In the first instance, which may be
to Lucy's parentage, but controversy arose when Edward effected in the record of birth, a will, a statement before a court of
Christensen, in making his last will and testament, disavowed such record or in an authentic writing (Art. 278,Civil Code), court
paternity to Helen and gave her only a legacy of P3,600. ln the intervention is very nil and not altogether wanting, whereas in the
course of the proceeding for the probate of the will (Exh, A), Helen second, judicial pronouncement is essential, and while it is true that
introduced documentary and testimonial evidence to support her the effect of a voluntary and a compulsory acknowledgment onthe
claim that she, Lucy,was a natural child of the deceased and, right of the child so recognized is the same, to maintain the view of
therefore, entitled to the hereditaryshare corresponding to such thelower Court would eliminate the distinction between voluntary
descendant. Several witness testified in herfavor, including the acts and those brought about by judicial dicta. And if We consider
mother Bernarda Camporendondo, her former teachers andother that in the case, where, the presumed parent dies ahead of the child
residents of the community, tending to prove that she was known in and action for compulsory recogniton is brought against the heirs of
the locality as a child of the testator and was introduced by the latter the deceased, as in the instant case, the situation would take
to the circle of his friends and acquaintances as his daughter. absurd turn, for the heirs would be compelled to recognize such
Family portraits, greeting cards and letters were likewise presented child as a natural child of the deceased without a properprovision of
to bolster herassertion that she had always been treated by the the law, for as it now stands, the Civil Code only requires a
deceased and by Lucy herself as a member of the family. declaration by the court of the child's status as a natural child of the
Lucy Christensen and Adolfo Cruz Aznar, as executor, tried to parent who, if living, would be compelled to recognize his offspring
repudiate herclaim by introducing evidence to prove that on or about as such.Therefore, We hold that in cases of compulsory recognition,
the period when shewas conceived and born, her mother was as in the case at bar, it would be sufficient that a competent court,

after taking into account all the evidence on record, would declare found by the trial court, with the modification that the cohabitation
that under any of the circumstances specified by Article 283 of the should appear as continuous from the early 20's until March, 1950,
Civil Code, a child has acquired the status of a natural child of the the question left for our determination is whether Bernarda
presumptive parent and as such is entitled to all rights granted it by Camporedondo, byreason of such relationship, may be considered
law, for such declaration is by itself already a judicial recognition of as a co-owner of the properties acquired by the deceased during
the paternity of the parent concerned which is her against whom the said period and thus entitledto one-half thereof after the latter's
action is directed, are bound to respect. death.
G.R. No. L-11483 Presumably taking judicial notice of the existence in our society of a
Coming now to Civil Case No. 1076 of the Court of First Instance of certain kind of relationship brought about by couples living together
Davao, Bernarda Camporendondo claimed in her complaint 1/2 of as husbands and wives without the benefit of marriage, acquiring
the properties of thedeceased as co-owner thereof in virtue of her and bringingproperties unto said union, and probably realizing that
relations with the deceased. She alleged as basis for action that she while same may not beacceptable from the moral point of view they
and the deceased Edward E. Christensen had lived and cohabitated are as much entitled to theprotection of the laws as any other
as husband and wife, continously and openly for a period for more property owners, the lawmakersincorporated Article 144 in Republic
than 30 years; that within said period, plaintiff and the deceased Act No. 386 (Civil Code of the Philippines) to govern their property
acquired real and personal properties through their common effort relations. Said article read as follows:
and industry; and that in virtue of such relationship, she was a co- ART. 114. When a man and a woman live together as husband and
owner of said properties. As the executor refused to account forand wife, but they are not married, or their marriage is void from the
deliver the share allegedly belonging to her despite her repeated beginning, the property acquired by either or both of them through
demands, she prayed the court that said executor be ordered to their work or industry or their wages and salaries shall be governed
submit an inventory and render an accounting of the entire estate of by the rules of co-ownership.
the deceased;to divide the same into 2 equal parts and declare that It must be noted that such form of co-ownership requires that the
one of them lawfully belonged to plaintiff; and for such other reliefs man and the woman thus living together must not in any way be
as may be deemed just and equitable in the premises. In his incapacitated to contract marriage and that the properties realized
answer, the executor denied the avermentsof the complaint, during their cohabitation be acquired through the work, industry,
contending that the decedent was the sole owner of the properties employment or occupation of both or either of them. And the same
left by him as they were acquired through his own efforts; thing may be said of whose marriages are by provision of law
thatplaintiff had never been a co-owner of any property acquired or declared void ab intio. While it is true that these requisites are fully
possessed by the late Edward christensen during his lifetime; that met and satisfied in the case at bar, We must remember that the
the personal relationship between plaintiff and the deceased was deceased and herein appellee were already estranged as of March,
purely clandestinebecause the former habitually lived in her 1950. There being no provision of law governing the cessation of
plantation at Paligue, Davao, from the time she acquired the same such informal civil partnership, if ever existed, same may be
in 1928; that she also maintained relations with 2 other men; and considered terminated upon their separation or desistance to
that the claim of plaintiff would violate the provisions of Article 2253 continue said relations.The Spanish Civil Code which was then
of the Civil Code as the vested rights of the compulsory heirs of the enforce contains to counterpart of Article 144 and as the records in
deceased would be impaired. Defendant thus prayed for the the instant case failed to show show thata subsequent reconciliation
dismissal of the complaint and as counterclaim demanded the sum ever took place and considering that Republic ActNo. 386 which
ofP70.000.00 representing actual, moral and exemplary damages. recognizeed such form of co-ownership went into operation onlyon
Due hearing was conducted thereon and after the parties ad August 30, 1950, evidently, this later enactment cannot be invoked
submitted theirrespective memoranda, the lower Court on August as basis for appellee's claim.
25, 1954, rendered judgmentfinding that the deceased Edward In determining the question poised by this action We may look upon
Christensen and Bernarda Camporendondo,not otherwise suffering the jurisprudence then obtaining on the matter. As early as 1925,
from any impediment to contract marriage, lived together as this Court already declared that where a man and a woman, not
husband and wife without marital ties continously for over 30years suffering from any impediment to contract marriage, live together as
until the former's death in 1953; that out of such relations 2 husband and wife, an informal civil partnership exists and made the
childrenwere born; and that the properties in controversy were pronouncement that each of them has an intereat in the properties
acquired by either orboth of them through their work or industry. acquired during said union and is entitled to participate therein if
Relying on Section 144 of theCivil Code which said court said properties were the product oftheir JOINT efforts (Marata vs.
considered to have created another mode ofacquiring ownership, Dionio G.R. No. 24449, Dec. 31, 1925). In another case, this Court
plaintiff was held to be entitled to one-half of saidproperties as co- similarly held that although there is no technical marital partnership
owner thereof in view of her relationship with the deceasedand between person living maritally without being lawfully married,
ordered the executor to account for and deliver the same by her. nevertheless there is between them an informalcivil partnership, and
Fromthis decision, defendant Aznar, as Executor of the will, the parties would be entitled to an equal interest where the property
perfected an appealto the Court of Appeals, but as the property is acquired through their JOINT efforts (Lesaca vs. FelixVda. de
involved in the litigation exceeds P50,000.00 said tribunal elevated Lesaca, 91 Phil., 135).
the case to Us for consideration. Appellee, claiming that the properties in controversy were the
It is not controverted that at the time of his death, Edward product of their joint industry apparently in her desire to tread on the
Christensen was the owner of certain properties, including shares of doctrine laiddown in the aforementioned cases, would lead Us to
stock in the plantation bearing his name and a general believe that her help wassolicited or she took a hand in the
merchandising store in Davao City. It is also undeniable that the management of and/or acquisition of thesame. But such assertion
deceased and appellee, both capacitated to enter into the married appears incredible if We consider that she wasobserved by the trial
state, maintained relations as husband and wife, continuously and Court as an illiterate woman who cannot even remembersimple
publicly for a considerable number of years which the lower Court things as the date when she arrived at the Mindanao Estate, when
declared to be until the death of Christensen in 1953. While as a shecommenced relationship with the deceased, not even her
general rule appellate courts do not usually disturb the lower court's approximate age orthat of her children. And considering that aside
findings of fact, unless said finding is not supported by or totally from her own declaration, which We find to be highly improbable,
devoid of or inconsistent with the evidence on record, such finding there appears no evidence to proveher alleged contribution or
must ofnecessity be modified to confrom with the evidence if the participation in the acquisition of the properties involved therein, and
reviewing tribunalwere to arrive at the proper and just solution of the that in view of the holding of this Courtthat for a claim to one-half of
controversy. In theinstant case, the court a quo overlooked or failed such property to be allowed it must be provedthat the same was
to consider the testimonies of both Lucy and Helen Christensen to acquired through their joint efforts and labor (Flores
the effect that the deceased and their mother Bernarda vs.Rehabilitation Finance Corporation, * 50 Off. Gaz. 1029), We
Camporendondo had some sort of quarrel or misunderstanding and have no recoursebut reverse the holding of the lower Court and
parted ways as of March, 1950, a fact which appelleewas not able deny the claim of BernardaCampredondo. We may further state that
to overcome. Taking into account the circumstances of this caseas even granting, for the sake ofargument, that this case falls under the

provisions of Article 144 of theCivil Code, same would be applicable
only as far as properties acquiredafter the effectivity of Republic Act
386 are concerned and to no other, forsuch law cannot be given
retroactive effect to govern those already possessedbefore August
30, 1950. It may be argued, however, that being a newly created
right, the provisions of Section 144 should be made to retroact if
only toenforce such right. Article 2252 of the same Code is explicit
in thisrespect when it states:
SEC. 2252. Changes made and new provisions and rules laid down
by this Code which may prejudice or impair vested or acquired
rights in accordance with the old legislation, shall have ro retroactive
xxx xxx xxx.
As it cannot be denied that the rights and legitimes of the
compulsory heirsof the deceased Edward Christensen would be
impaired or diminished if the claim of herein appellee would
succeed, the answer to such argument wouldbe simply obvious.
With regard to appellant Aznar's contention that the lower Court
erred in admitting the testimony of appellee Bernarda
Camporedondo dealing with facts that transpired before the death of
Edward Christensen on the ground that it is prohibited by Section
26-(c), Rule 123 of the Rules of Court. We deem it unnecessary to
delve on the same because even admitting that the court a quo
committed the error assigned, yet it will not affect anymore the
outcome of the case in view of the conclusion We have already
arrived at on the main issue.
On the strength of the foregoing considerations, We affirm the
decision of the lower Court in case G.R. No. L-11484, with the
modification that MariaLucy Christensen Daney need not be
compelled to acknowledge her sister Maria Helen Christensen
Garcia as a natural child of her father Edward E. Christensen, the
declaration of the Court in this respect being sufficient to enable her
to all the rights inherent to such status.
The decision appealed from in case G.R. No. L-11483 is hereby
reversed and another one rendered, dismissing plaintiff's complaint.
Costs are taxed against appellants in G.R. No. L-11484 and against
appellee Bernarda Camporedondo in G.R. No. L-11483. It is so

G.R. No. 21639 September 25, 1924 to disclose characteristics of a resulting trust. But the complaint as
ALBERT F. KIEL, plaintiff-appellee, framed asks for a straight money judgment against an estate. In no
vs. part of the complaint did plaintiff allege any interest in land, claim
ESTATE OF P. S. SABERT, defendant-appellant. any interest in land, or pretend to establish a resulting trust in land.
That the plaintiff did not care to press such an action is
PARTNERSHIP; PROOF OF PARTNERSHIP; DECLARATIONS demonstrated by the relation of the fact of alienage with the rule,
AND ADMISSIONS.—The declarations of one partner, not that a trust will not be created when, for the purpose of evading the
made in the presence of his copartner, are not competent law prohibiting one from taking or holding real property, he takes a
to prove the existence of a partnership between them as conveyance thereof in the name of a third person. (26 R. C. L.,
against such other partner. The existence of a partnership 1214-1222; Leggett vs. Dubois [1835], 5 Paige, N. Y., 114; 28 Am.
cannot be established by general reputation, rumor, or Dec., 413.)
hearsay. The parties are wrong in assuming that the trial judge found that this
was an action to establish a resulting trust in land. In reality, all that
MALCOLM, J.: the trial judge did was to ground one point of his decision on an
This action relates to the legal right of Albert F. Kiel to secure from authority coming from the Supreme Court of California, which
the estate of P. S. Sabert the sum of P20,000, on a claim first discussed the subject of resulting trusts.
presented to the commissioners and disallowed, then on appeal to Error 4, relating to the admission of testimony of the plaintiff herein.
the Court of First Instance allowed, and ultimately the subject-matter — Well taken.
of the appeal taken to this court. The Code of Civil Procedure in section 383, No. 7, names as
A skeletonized statement of the case and the facts based on the incompetent witnesses, parties to an action or proceeding against
complaint, the findings of the trial judge, and the record, may be an executor or administrator of a deceased person upon a claim or
made in the following manner: demand against the estate of such deceased person, who "cannot
In 1907, Albert F. Kiel along with William Milfeil commenced to work testify as to any matter of fact occuring before the death of such
on certain public lands situated in the municipality of Parang, deceased person." But the trial judge, misled somewhat by the
Province of Cotabato, known as Parang Plantation Company. Kiel decision of the Supreme Court of California in the city of Myers vs.
subsequently took over the interest of Milfeil. In 1910, Kiel and P. S. Reinstein ([1885], 67 Cal., 89), permitted this testimony to go in,
Sabert entered into an agreement to develop the Parang Plantation whereas if the decision had been read more carefully, it would have
Company. Sabert was to furnish the capital to run the plantation and been noted that "the action was not on a claim or demand against
Kiel was to manage it. They were to share and share alike in the the estate of Reinstein." Here this is exactly the situation which
property. It seems that this partnership was formed so that the land confronts us.
could be acquired in the name of Sabert, Kiel being a German The case of Maxilom vs. Tabotabo ([1907], 9 Phil., 390), is squarely
citizen and not deemed eligible to acquire public lands in the on all fours with the case at bar. It was there held that "A party to an
Philippines. action against an executor or administrator of a deceased person,
By virtue of the agreement, from 1910 to 1917, Kiel worked upon upon a claim against the estate of the latter, is absolutely prohibited
and developed the plantation. During the World War, he was by law from giving testimony concerning such claim or demand as
deported from the Philippines. to anything that occurred before the death of the person against
On August 16, 1919, five persons, including P. S. Sabert, organized whose estate the action is prosecuted."
the Nituan Plantation Company, with a subscribed capital of Error 5, relating to the testimony of five witnesses with reference to
P40,000. On April 10, 1922, P. S. Sabert transferred all of his rights alleged statements and declarations of the deceased P. S. Sabert.
in two parcels of land situated in the municipality of Parang, — Not well taken.
Province of Cotabato, embraced within his homestead application By section 282 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the declaration, act,
No. 21045 and his purchase application No. 1048, in consideration or omission of a deceased person having sufficient knowledge of
of the sum of P1, to the Nituan Plantation Company. the subject, against his pecuniary interest, is admissible as
In this same period, Kiel appears to have tried to secure a evidence to that extent against his successor in interest. By section
settlement from Sabert. At least in a letter dated June 6, 1918, 298, No. 4, of the same Code, evidence may be given up a trial of
Sabert wrote Kiel that he had offered "to sell all property that I have the following facts: ". . . the act or declaration of a deceased person,
for P40,000 or take in a partner who is willing to develop the done or made against his interest in respect to his real
plantation, to take up the K. & S. debt no matter which way I will property." (See Leonardo vs. Santiago [1907], 7 Phil., 401.) The
straiten out with you." But Sabert's death came before any amicable testimony of these witnesses with reference to the acts or
arrangement could be reached and before an action by Kiel against declarations of Sabert was, therefore, properly received for
Sabert could be decided. So these proceedings against the estate whatever they might be worth.
of Sabert. Error 6, relating to the existence of a copartnership between Kiel
In this court, the defendant-appellant assigns the following errors: and Sabert. — Not well taken.
The lower court erred — No partnership agreement in writing was entered into by Kiel and
(1) In finding this was an action to establish a resulting trust in land. Sabert. The question consequently is whether or not the alleged
(2) In finding a resulting trust in land could have been established in verbal copartnership formed by Kiel and Sabert has been proved, if
public lands in favor of plaintiff herein who was an alien subject at we eliminate the testimony of Kiel and only consider the relevant
the same time said alleged resulting trust was created. testimony of other witnesses. In performing this task, we are not
(3) In finding a resulting trust in land had been established by the unaware of the rule of partnership that the declarations of one
evidence in the case. partner, not made in the presence of his copartner, are not
(4) In admitting the testimony of the plaintiff herein. competent to prove the existence of a partnership between them as
(5) In admitting the testimony of William Milfeil, John C. against such other partner, and that the existence of a partnership
Beyersdorfer, Frank R. Lasage, Oscar C. Butler and Stephen Jurika cannot be established by general reputation, rumor, or hearsay.
with reference to alleged statements and declarations of the (Mechem on Partnership, sec. 65; 20 R. C. L., sec. 53; Owensboro
deceased P. S. Sabert. Wagon Company vs. Bliss [1901], 132 Ala., 253.)
(6) In finding any copartnership existed between plaintiff and the The testimony of the plaintiff's witnesses, together with the
deceased Sabert. documentary evidence, leaves the firm impression with us that Kiel
(7) In rendering judgment for the plaintiff herein. and Sabert did enter into a partnership, and that they were to share
Errors 1, 2, and 3, relating to resulting trusts. — These three errors equally. Applying the tests as to the existence of partnership, we feel
discussing the same subject may be resolved together. In effect, as that competent evidence exists establishing the partnership. Even
will soon appear, we reach the conclusion that both parties were in more primary than any of the rules of partnership above announced,
error in devoting so much time to the elaboration of these questions, is the injunction to seek out the intention of the parties, as gathered
and that a ruling on the same is not needed. from the facts and as ascertained from their language and conduct,
It is conceivable, that the facts in this case could have been so and then to give this intention effect. (Giles vs. Vette [1924], 263 U.
presented to the court by means of allegations in the complaint, as S., 553.)

Error 7, relating to the judgment rendered for the plaintiff. — Well
taken in part.
The judgment handed down, it will be remembered, permitted the
plaintiff to recover from the estate the full amount claimed,
presumably on the assumption that Sabert having sold by property
to the Nituan Plantation Company for P40,000, Kiel should have
one-half of the same, or P20,000. There is, however, extant in the
record absolutely no evidence as to the precise amount received by
Sabert from the sale of this particular land. If it is true that Sabert
sold all his land to the Nituan Plantation Company for P40,000,
although this fact was not proven, what part of the P40,000 would
correspond to the property which belonged to Kiel and Sabert under
their partnership agreement? It impresses us further that Kiel under
the facts had no standing in court to ask for any part of the land and
in fact he does not do so; his only legal right is to ask for what is in
effect an accounting with reference to its improvements and income
as of 1917 when Sabert became the trustee of the estate on behalf
of Kiel.
As we have already intimated, we do not think that Kiel is entitled to
any share in the land itself, but we are of the opinion that he has
clearly shown his right to one-half of the value of the improvements
and personal property on the land as to the date upon which he left
the plantation. Such improvements and personal property include
buildings, coconut palms, and other plantings, cattle and other
animals, implements, fences, and other constructions, as well as
outstanding collectible credits, if any, belonging to the partnership.
The value of these improvements and of the personal property
cannot be ascertained from the record and the case must therefore
be remanded for further proceedings.
In resume, we disregard errors 1, 2, and 3, we find well taken,
errors 4 and 7, and we find not well taken, errors 5 and 6.
The judgment appealed from is set aside and the record is returned
to the lower court where the plaintiff, if he so desires, may proceed
further to prove his claim against the estate of P. S. Sabert. Without
costs. So ordered.

G.R. No. 75875 December 15, 1989 items in the agenda, the stockholders then proceeded to the
W O L R G A N G A U R B A C H , J O H N G R I F F I N , D AV I D P. election of the members of the board of directors. The ASI group
WHITTINGHAM and CHARLES CHAMSAY, petitioners, nominated three persons namely; Wolfgang Aurbach, John Griffin
vs. and David P. Whittingham. The Philippine investors nominated six,
SANITARY WARES MANUFACTURING CORPORATOIN, namely; Ernesto Lagdameo, Sr., Raul A. Boncan, Ernesto R.
ERNESTO V. LAGDAMEO, ERNESTO R. LAGDAMEO, JR., Lagdameo, Jr., George F. Lee, and Baldwin Young. Mr. Eduardo R,
ENRIQUE R. LAGDAMEO, GEORGE F. LEE, RAUL A. BONCAN, Ceniza then nominated Mr. Luciano E. Salazar, who in turn
BALDWIN YOUNG and AVELINO V. CRUZ, respondents. nominated Mr. Charles Chamsay. The chairman, Baldwin Young
ruled the last two nominations out of order on the basis of section 5
GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: (a) of the Agreement, the consistent practice of the parties during
These consolidated petitions seek the review of the amended the past annual stockholders' meetings to nominate only nine
decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP Nos. 05604 and persons as nominees for the nine-member board of directors, and
05617 which set aside the earlier decision dated June 5, 1986, of the legal advice of Saniwares' legal counsel. The following events
the then Intermediate Appellate Court and directed that in all then, transpired:
subsequent elections for directors of Sanitary Wares Manufacturing ... There were protests against the action of the Chairman and
Corporation (Saniwares), American Standard Inc. (ASI) cannot heated arguments ensued. An appeal was made by the ASI
nominate more than three (3) directors; that the Filipino representative to the body of stockholders present that a vote be
stockholders shall not interfere in ASI's choice of its three (3) taken on the ruling of the Chairman. The Chairman, Baldwin Young,
nominees; that, on the other hand, the Filipino stockholders can declared the appeal out of order and no vote on the ruling was
nominate only six (6) candidates and in the event they cannot agree taken. The Chairman then instructed the Corporate Secretary to
on the six (6) nominees, they shall vote only among themselves to cast all the votes present and represented by proxy equally for the 6
determine who the six (6) nominees will be, with cumulative voting nominees of the Philippine Investors and the 3 nominees of ASI,
to be allowed but without interference from ASI. thus effectively excluding the 2 additional persons nominated,
The antecedent facts can be summarized as follows: namely, Luciano E. Salazar and Charles Chamsay. The ASI
In 1961, Saniwares, a domestic corporation was incorporated for representative, Mr. Jaqua protested the decision of the Chairman
the primary purpose of manufacturing and marketing sanitary and announced that all votes accruing to ASI shares, a total of
wares. One of the incorporators, Mr. Baldwin Young went abroad to 1,329,695 (p. 27, Rollo, AC-G.R. SP No. 05617) were being
look for foreign partners, European or American who could help in cumulatively voted for the three ASI nominees and Charles
its expansion plans. On August 15, 1962, ASI, a foreign corporation Chamsay, and instructed the Secretary to so vote. Luciano E.
domiciled in Delaware, United States entered into an Agreement Salazar and other proxy holders announced that all the votes owned
with Saniwares and some Filipino investors whereby ASI and the by and or represented by them 467,197 shares (p. 27, Rollo, AC-
Filipino investors agreed to participate in the ownership of an G.R. SP No. 05617) were being voted cumulatively in favor of
enterprise which would engage primarily in the business of Luciano E. Salazar. The Chairman, Baldwin Young, nevertheless
manufacturing in the Philippines and selling here and abroad instructed the Secretary to cast all votes equally in favor of the three
vitreous china and sanitary wares. The parties agreed that the ASI nominees, namely, Wolfgang Aurbach, John Griffin and David
business operations in the Philippines shall be carried on by an Whittingham and the six originally nominated by Rogelio Vinluan,
incorporated enterprise and that the name of the corporation shall namely, Ernesto Lagdameo, Sr., Raul Boncan, Ernesto Lagdameo,
initially be "Sanitary Wares Manufacturing Corporation." Jr., Enrique Lagdameo, George F. Lee, and Baldwin Young. The
The Agreement has the following provisions relevant to the issues in Secretary then certified for the election of the following Wolfgang
these cases on the nomination and election of the directors of the Aurbach, John Griffin, David Whittingham Ernesto Lagdameo, Sr.,
corporation: Ernesto Lagdameo, Jr., Enrique Lagdameo, George F. Lee, Raul A.
3. Articles of Incorporation Boncan, Baldwin Young. The representative of ASI then moved to
(a) The Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation shall be recess the meeting which was duly seconded. There was also a
substantially in the form annexed hereto as Exhibit A and, insofar as motion to adjourn (p. 28, Rollo, AC-G.R. SP No. 05617). This motion
permitted under Philippine law, shall specifically provide for to adjourn was accepted by the Chairman, Baldwin Young, who
(1) Cumulative voting for directors: announced that the motion was carried and declared the meeting
xxx xxx xxx adjourned. Protests against the adjournment were registered and
5. Management having been ignored, Mr. Jaqua the ASI representative, stated that
(a) The management of the Corporation shall be vested in a Board the meeting was not adjourned but only recessed and that the
of Directors, which shall consist of nine individuals. As long as meeting would be reconvened in the next room. The Chairman then
American-Standard shall own at least 30% of the outstanding stock threatened to have the stockholders who did not agree to the
of the Corporation, three of the nine directors shall be designated by decision of the Chairman on the casting of votes bodily thrown out.
American-Standard, and the other six shall be designated by the The ASI Group, Luciano E. Salazar and other stockholders,
other stockholders of the Corporation. (pp. 51 & 53, Rollo of 75875) allegedly representing 53 or 54% of the shares of Saniwares,
At the request of ASI, the agreement contained provisions designed decided to continue the meeting at the elevator lobby of the
to protect it as a minority group, including the grant of veto powers American Standard Building. The continued meeting was presided
over a number of corporate acts and the right to designate certain by Luciano E. Salazar, while Andres Gatmaitan acted as Secretary.
officers, such as a member of the Executive Committee whose vote On the basis of the cumulative votes cast earlier in the meeting, the
was required for important corporate transactions. ASI Group nominated its four nominees; Wolfgang Aurbach, John
Later, the 30% capital stock of ASI was increased to 40%. The Griffin, David Whittingham and Charles Chamsay. Luciano E.
corporation was also registered with the Board of Investments for Salazar voted for himself, thus the said five directors were certified
availment of incentives with the condition that at least 60% of the as elected directors by the Acting Secretary, Andres Gatmaitan, with
capital stock of the corporation shall be owned by Philippine the explanation that there was a tie among the other six (6)
nationals. nominees for the four (4) remaining positions of directors and that
The joint enterprise thus entered into by the Filipino investors and the body decided not to break the tie. (pp. 37-39, Rollo of 75975-76)
the American corporation prospered. Unfortunately, with the These incidents triggered off the filing of separate petitions by the
business successes, there came a deterioration of the initially parties with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The
harmonious relations between the two groups. According to the first petition filed was for preliminary injunction by Saniwares,
Filipino group, a basic disagreement was due to their desire to Emesto V. Lagdameo, Baldwin Young, Raul A. Bonean Ernesto R.
expand the export operations of the company to which ASI objected Lagdameo, Jr., Enrique Lagdameo and George F. Lee against
as it apparently had other subsidiaries of joint joint venture groups in Luciano Salazar and Charles Chamsay. The case was denominated
the countries where Philippine exports were contemplated. On as SEC Case No. 2417. The second petition was for quo warranto
March 8, 1983, the annual stockholders' meeting was held. The and application for receivership by Wolfgang Aurbach, John Griffin,
meeting was presided by Baldwin Young. The minutes were taken David Whittingham, Luciano E. Salazar and Charles Chamsay
by the Secretary, Avelino Cruz. After disposing of the preliminary against the group of Young and Lagdameo (petitioners in SEC Case

No. 2417) and Avelino F. Cruz. The case was docketed as SEC and construction of contracts. (Terminal Shares, Inc. v. Chicago, B.
Case No. 2718. Both sets of parties except for Avelino Cruz claimed and Q.R. Co. (DC MO) 65 F Supp 678; Universal Sales Corp. v.
to be the legitimate directors of the corporation. California Press Mfg. Co. 20 Cal. 2nd 751, 128 P 2nd 668)
The two petitions were consolidated and tried jointly by a hearing The ASI Group and petitioner Salazar (G.R. Nos. 75975-76)
officer who rendered a decision upholding the election of the contend that the actual intention of the parties should be viewed
Lagdameo Group and dismissing the quo warranto petition of strictly on the "Agreement" dated August 15,1962 wherein it is
Salazar and Chamsay. The ASI Group and Salazar appealed the clearly stated that the parties' intention was to form a corporation
decision to the SEC en banc which affirmed the hearing officer's and not a joint venture.
decision. They specifically mention number 16 under Miscellaneous
The SEC decision led to the filing of two separate appeals with the Provisions which states:
Intermediate Appellate Court by Wolfgang Aurbach, John Griffin, xxx xxx xxx
David Whittingham and Charles Chamsay (docketed as AC-G.R. SP c) nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute any of
No. 05604) and by Luciano E. Salazar (docketed as AC-G.R. SP the parties hereto partners or joint venturers in respect of any
No. 05617). The petitions were consolidated and the appellate court transaction hereunder. (At P. 66, Rollo-GR No. 75875)
in its decision ordered the remand of the case to the Securities and They object to the admission of other evidence which tends to show
Exchange Commission with the directive that a new stockholders' that the parties' agreement was to establish a joint venture
meeting of Saniwares be ordered convoked as soon as possible, presented by the Lagdameo and Young Group on the ground that it
under the supervision of the Commission. contravenes the parol evidence rule under section 7, Rule 130 of
Upon a motion for reconsideration filed by the appellees Lagdameo the Revised Rules of Court. According to them, the Lagdameo and
Group) the appellate court (Court of Appeals) rendered the Young Group never pleaded in their pleading that the "Agreement"
questioned amended decision. Petitioners Wolfgang Aurbach, John failed to express the true intent of the parties.
Griffin, David P. Whittingham and Charles Chamsay in G.R. No. The parol evidence Rule under Rule 130 provides:
75875 assign the following errors: Evidence of written agreements-When the terms of an agreement
I. THE COURT OF APPEALS, IN EFFECT, UPHELD THE have been reduced to writing, it is to be considered as containing all
ALLEGED ELECTION OF PRIVATE RESPONDENTS AS such terms, and therefore, there can be, between the parties and
MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SANIWARES their successors in interest, no evidence of the terms of the
WHEN IN FACT THERE WAS NO ELECTION AT ALL. agreement other than the contents of the writing, except in the
FROM EXERCISING THEIR FULL VOTING RIGHTS (a) Where a mistake or imperfection of the writing, or its failure to
REPRESENTED BY THE NUMBER OF SHARES IN SANIWARES, express the true intent and agreement of the parties or the validity
THUS DEPRIVING PETITIONERS AND THE CORPORATION of the agreement is put in issue by the pleadings.
THEY REPRESENT OF THEIR PROPERTY RIGHTS WITHOUT (b) When there is an intrinsic ambiguity in the writing.
DUE PROCESS OF LAW. Contrary to ASI Group's stand, the Lagdameo and Young Group
III. THE COURT OF APPEALS IMPOSES CONDITIONS AND pleaded in their Reply and Answer to Counterclaim in SEC Case
READS PROVISIONS INTO THE AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES No. 2417 that the Agreement failed to express the true intent of the
LEGALLY DO. (p. 17, Rollo-75875) xxx xxx xxx
Petitioner Luciano E. Salazar in G.R. Nos. 75975-76 assails the 4. While certain provisions of the Agreement would make it appear
amended decision on the following grounds: that the parties thereto disclaim being partners or joint venturers
11.1. ThatAmendedDecisionwouldsanctiontheCA'sdisregard of such disclaimer is directed at third parties and is not inconsistent
binding contractual agreements entered into by stockholders and with, and does not preclude, the existence of two distinct groups of
the replacement of the conditions of such agreements with terms stockholders in Saniwares one of which (the Philippine Investors)
never contemplated by the stockholders but merely dictated by the shall constitute the majority, and the other ASI shall constitute the
CA . minority stockholder. In any event, the evident intention of the
11.2. The Amended decision would likewise sanction the deprivation Philippine Investors and ASI in entering into the Agreement is to
of the property rights of stockholders without due process of law in enter into ajoint venture enterprise, and if some words in the
order that a favored group of stockholders may be illegally Agreement appear to be contrary to the evident intention of the
benefitted and guaranteed a continuing monopoly of the control of a parties, the latter shall prevail over the former (Art. 1370, New Civil
corporation. (pp. 14-15, Rollo-75975-76) Code). The various stipulations of a contract shall be interpreted
On the other hand, the petitioners in G.R. No. 75951 contend that: together attributing to the doubtful ones that sense which may result
I from all of them taken jointly (Art. 1374, New Civil Code). Moreover,
THE AMENDED DECISION OF THE RESPONDENT COURT, in order to judge the intention of the contracting parties, their
WHILE RECOGNIZING THAT THE STOCKHOLDERS OF contemporaneous and subsequent acts shall be principally
SANIWARES ARE DIVIDED INTO TWO BLOCKS, FAILS TO considered. (Art. 1371, New Civil Code). (Part I, Original Records,
AND THE LAW. It has been ruled:
II In an action at law, where there is evidence tending to prove that the
THE AMENDED DECISION DOES NOT CATEGORICALLY RULE parties joined their efforts in furtherance of an enterprise for their
THAT PRIVATE PETITIONERS HEREIN WERE THE DULY joint profit, the question whether they intended by their agreement to
ELECTED DIRECTORS DURING THE 8 MARCH 1983 ANNUAL create a joint adventure, or to assume some other relation is a
STOCKHOLDERS MEETING OF SANTWARES. (P. 24, question of fact for the jury. (Binder v. Kessler v 200 App. Div.
Rollo-75951) 40,192 N Y S 653; Pyroa v. Brownfield (Tex. Civ. A.) 238 SW 725;
The issues raised in the petitions are interrelated, hence, they are Hoge v. George, 27 Wyo, 423, 200 P 96 33 C.J. p. 871)
discussed jointly. In the instant cases, our examination of important provisions of the
The main issue hinges on who were the duly elected directors of Agreement as well as the testimonial evidence presented by the
Saniwares for the year 1983 during its annual stockholders' meeting Lagdameo and Young Group shows that the parties agreed to
held on March 8, 1983. To answer this question the following factors establish a joint venture and not a corporation. The history of the
should be determined: (1) the nature of the business established by organization of Saniwares and the unusual arrangements which
the parties whether it was a joint venture or a corporation and (2) govern its policy making body are all consistent with a joint venture
whether or not the ASI Group may vote their additional 10% equity and not with an ordinary corporation. As stated by the SEC:
during elections of Saniwares' board of directors. According to the unrebutted testimony of Mr. Baldwin Young, he
The rule is that whether the parties to a particular contract have negotiated the Agreement with ASI in behalf of the Philippine
thereby established among themselves a joint venture or some nationals. He testified that ASI agreed to accept the role of minority
other relation depends upon their actual intention which is vis-a-vis the Philippine National group of investors, on the condition
determined in accordance with the rules governing the interpretation

that the Agreement should contain provisions to protect ASI as the 2. An agreement between two or more stockholders, if in writing and
minority. signed by the parties thereto, may provide that in exercising any
An examination of the Agreement shows that certain provisions voting rights, the shares held by them shall be voted as therein
were included to protect the interests of ASI as the minority. For provided, or as they may agree, or as determined in accordance
example, the vote of 7 out of 9 directors is required in certain with a procedure agreed upon by them.
enumerated corporate acts [Sec. 3 (b) (ii) (a) of the Agreement]. ASI Appellants contend that the above provision is included in the
is contractually entitled to designate a member of the Executive Corporation Code's chapter on close corporations and Saniwares
Committee and the vote of this member is required for certain cannot be a close corporation because it has 95 stockholders.
transactions [Sec. 3 (b) (i)]. Firstly, although Saniwares had 95 stockholders at the time of the
The Agreement also requires a 75% super-majority vote for the disputed stockholders meeting, these 95 stockholders are not
amendment of the articles and by-laws of Saniwares [Sec. 3 (a) (iv) separate from each other but are divisible into groups representing
and (b) (iii)]. ASI is also given the right to designate the president a single Identifiable interest. For example, ASI, its nominees and
and plant manager [Sec. 5 (6)]. The Agreement further provides that lawyers count for 13 of the 95 stockholders. The YoungYutivo family
the sales policy of Saniwares shall be that which is normally count for another 13 stockholders, the Chamsay family for 8
followed by ASI [Sec. 13 (a)] and that Saniwares should not export stockholders, the Santos family for 9 stockholders, the Dy family for
"Standard" products otherwise than through ASI's Export Marketing 7 stockholders, etc. If the members of one family and/or business or
Services [Sec. 13 (6)]. Under the Agreement, ASI agreed to provide interest group are considered as one (which, it is respectfully
technology and know-how to Saniwares and the latter paid royalties submitted, they should be for purposes of determining how closely
for the same. (At p. 2). held Saniwares is there were as of 8 March 1983, practically only 17
xxx xxx xxx stockholders of Saniwares. (Please refer to discussion in pp. 5 to 6
It is pertinent to note that the provisions of the Agreement requiring of appellees' Rejoinder Memorandum dated 11 December 1984 and
a 7 out of 9 votes of the board of directors for certain actions, in Annex "A" thereof).
effect gave ASI (which designates 3 directors under the Agreement) Secondly, even assuming that Saniwares is technically not a close
an effective veto power. Furthermore, the grant to ASI of the right to corporation because it has more than 20 stockholders, the
designate certain officers of the corporation; the super-majority undeniable fact is that it is a close-held corporation. Surely,
voting requirements for amendments of the articles and by-laws; appellants cannot honestly claim that Saniwares is a public issue or
and most significantly to the issues of tms case, the provision that a widely held corporation.
ASI shall designate 3 out of the 9 directors and the other In the United States, many courts have taken a realistic approach to
stockholders shall designate the other 6, clearly indicate that there joint venture corporations and have not rigidly applied principles of
are two distinct groups in Saniwares, namely ASI, which owns 40% corporation law designed primarily for public issue corporations.
of the capital stock and the Philippine National stockholders who These courts have indicated that express arrangements between
own the balance of 60%, and that 2) ASI is given certain protections corporate joint ventures should be construed with less emphasis on
as the minority stockholder. the ordinary rules of law usually applied to corporate entities and
Premises considered, we believe that under the Agreement there with more consideration given to the nature of the agreement
are two groups of stockholders who established a corporation with between the joint venturers (Please see Wabash Ry v. American
provisions for a special contractual relationship between the parties, Refrigerator Transit Co., 7 F 2d 335; Chicago, M & St. P. Ry v. Des
i.e., ASI and the other stockholders. (pp. 4-5) Moines Union Ry; 254 Ass'n. 247 US. 490'; Seaboard Airline Ry v.
Section 5 (a) of the agreement uses the word "designated" and not Atlantic Coast Line Ry; 240 N.C. 495,.82 S.E. 2d 771; Deboy v.
"nominated" or "elected" in the selection of the nine directors on a Harris, 207 Md., 212,113 A 2d 903; Hathway v. Porter Royalty Pool,
six to three ratio. Each group is assured of a fixed number of Inc., 296 Mich. 90, 90, 295 N.W. 571; Beardsley v. Beardsley, 138
directors in the board. U.S. 262; "The Legal Status of Joint Venture Corporations", 11 Vand
Moreover, ASI in its communications referred to the enterprise as Law Rev. p. 680,1958). These American cases dealt with legal
joint venture. Baldwin Young also testified that Section 16(c) of the questions as to the extent to which the requirements arising from
Agreement that "Nothing herein contained shall be construed to the corporate form of joint venture corporations should control, and
constitute any of the parties hereto partners or joint venturers in the courts ruled that substantial justice lay with those litigants who
respect of any transaction hereunder" was merely to obviate the relied on the joint venture agreement rather than the litigants who
possibility of the enterprise being treated as partnership for tax relied on the orthodox principles of corporation law.
purposes and liabilities to third parties. As correctly held by the SEC Hearing Officer:
Quite often, Filipino entrepreneurs in their desire to develop the It is said that participants in a joint venture, in organizing the joint
industrial and manufacturing capacities of a local firm are venture deviate from the traditional pattern of corporation
constrained to seek the technology and marketing assistance of management. A noted authority has pointed out that just as in close
huge multinational corporations of the developed world. corporations, shareholders' agreements in joint venture corporations
Arrangements are formalized where a foreign group becomes a often contain provisions which do one or more of the following: (1)
minority owner of a firm in exchange for its manufacturing expertise, require greater than majority vote for shareholder and director
use of its brand names, and other such assistance. However, there action; (2) give certain shareholders or groups of shareholders
is always a danger from such arrangements. The foreign group may, power to select a specified number of directors; (3) give to the
from the start, intend to establish its own sole or monopolistic shareholders control over the selection and retention of employees;
operations and merely uses the joint venture arrangement to gain a and (4) set up a procedure for the settlement of disputes by
foothold or test the Philippine waters, so to speak. Or the arbitration (See I O' Neal, Close Corporations, 1971 ed., Section
covetousness may come later. As the Philippine firm enlarges its 1.06a, pp. 15-16) (Decision of SEC Hearing Officer, P. 16)
operations and becomes profitable, the foreign group undermines Thirdly paragraph 2 of Sec. 100 of the Corporation Code does not
the local majority ownership and actively tries to completely or necessarily imply that agreements regarding the exercise of voting
predominantly take over the entire company. This undermining of rights are allowed only in close corporations. As Campos and
joint ventures is not consistent with fair dealing to say the least. To Lopez-Campos explain:
the extent that such subversive actions can be lawfully prevented, Paragraph 2 refers to pooling and voting agreements in particular.
the courts should extend protection especially in industries where Does this provision necessarily imply that these agreements can be
constitutional and legal requirements reserve controlling ownership valid only in close corporations as defined by the Code? Suppose
to Filipino citizens. that a corporation has twenty five stockholders, and therefore
The Lagdameo Group stated in their appellees' brief in the Court of cannot qualify as a close corporation under section 96, can some of
Appeal them enter into an agreement to vote as a unit in the election of
In fact, the Philippine Corporation Code itself recognizes the right of directors? It is submitted that there is no reason for denying
stockholders to enter into agreements regarding the exercise of stockholders of corporations other than close ones the right to enter
their voting rights. into not voting or pooling agreements to protect their interests, as
Sec. 100. Agreements by stockholders.- long as they do not intend to commit any wrong, or fraud on the
xxx xxx xxx other stockholders not parties to the agreement. Of course, voting

or pooling agreements are perhaps more useful and more often The ASI Group and petitioner Salazar, now reiterate their theory that
resorted to in close corporations. But they may also be found the ASI Group has the right to vote their additional equity pursuant
necessary even in widely held corporations. Moreover, since the to Section 24 of the Corporation Code which gives the stockholders
Code limits the legal meaning of close corporations to those which of a corporation the right to cumulate their votes in electing
comply with the requisites laid down by section 96, it is entirely directors. Petitioner Salazar adds that this right if granted to the ASI
possible that a corporation which is in fact a close corporation will Group would not necessarily mean a violation of the Anti-Dummy
not come within the definition. In such case, its stockholders should Act (Commonwealth Act 108, as amended). He cites section 2-a
not be precluded from entering into contracts like voting agreements thereof which provides:
if these are otherwise valid. (Campos & Lopez-Campos, op cit, p. And provided finally that the election of aliens as members of the
405) board of directors or governing body of corporations or associations
In short, even assuming that sec. 5(a) of the Agreement relating to engaging in partially nationalized activities shall be allowed in
the designation or nomination of directors restricts the right of the proportion to their allowable participation or share in the capital of
Agreement's signatories to vote for directors, such contractual such entities. (amendments introduced by Presidential Decree 715,
provision, as correctly held by the SEC, is valid and binding upon section 1, promulgated May 28, 1975)
the signatories thereto, which include appellants. (Rollo No. 75951, The ASI Group's argument is correct within the context of Section
pp. 90-94) 24 of the Corporation Code. The point of query, however, is whether
In regard to the question as to whether or not the ASI group may or not that provision is applicable to a joint venture with clearly
vote their additional equity during elections of Saniwares' board of defined agreements:
directors, the Court of Appeals correctly stated: The legal concept of ajoint venture is of common law origin. It has
As in other joint venture companies, the extent of ASI's participation no precise legal definition but it has been generally understood to
in the management of the corporation is spelled out in the mean an organization formed for some temporary purpose. (Gates
Agreement. Section 5(a) hereof says that three of the nine directors v. Megargel, 266 Fed. 811 [1920]) It is in fact hardly distinguishable
shall be designated by ASI and the remaining six by the other from the partnership, since their elements are similar community of
stockholders, i.e., the Filipino stockholders. This allocation of board interest in the business, sharing of profits and losses, and a mutual
seats is obviously in consonance with the minority position of ASI. right of control. Blackner v. Mc Dermott, 176 F. 2d. 498, [1949];
Having entered into a well-defined contractual relationship, it is Carboneau v. Peterson, 95 P. 2d., 1043 [1939]; Buckley v.
imperative that the parties should honor and adhere to their Chadwick, 45 Cal. 2d. 183, 288 P. 2d. 12 289 P. 2d. 242 [1955]).
respective rights and obligations thereunder. Appellants seem to The main distinction cited by most opinions in common law
contend that any allocation of board seats, even in joint venture jurisdictions is that the partnership contemplates a general business
corporations, are null and void to the extent that such may interfere with some degree of continuity, while the joint venture is formed for
with the stockholder's rights to cumulative voting as provided in the execution of a single transaction, and is thus of a temporary
Section 24 of the Corporation Code. This Court should not be nature. (Tufts v. Mann 116 Cal. App. 170, 2 P. 2d. 500 [1931];
prepared to hold that any agreement which curtails in any way Harmon v. Martin, 395 111. 595, 71 NE 2d. 74 [1947]; Gates v.
cumulative voting should be struck down, even if such agreement Megargel 266 Fed. 811 [1920]). This observation is not entirely
has been freely entered into by experienced businessmen and do accurate in this jurisdiction, since under the Civil Code, a
not prejudice those who are not parties thereto. It may well be that it partnership may be particular or universal, and a particular
would be more cogent to hold, as the Securities and Exchange partnership may have for its object a specific undertaking. (Art.
Commission has held in the decision appealed from, that cumulative 1783, Civil Code). It would seem therefore that under Philippine law,
voting rights may be voluntarily waived by stockholders who enter a joint venture is a form of partnership and should thus be governed
into special relationships with each other to pursue and implement by the law of partnerships. The Supreme Court has however
specific purposes, as in joint venture relationships between foreign recognized a distinction between these two business forms, and has
and local stockholders, so long as such agreements do not held that although a corporation cannot enter into a partnership
adversely affect third parties. contract, it may however engage in a joint venture with others. (At p.
In any event, it is believed that we are not here called upon to make 12, Tuazon v. Bolanos, 95 Phil. 906 [1954]) (Campos and Lopez-
a general rule on this question. Rather, all that needs to be done is Campos Comments, Notes and Selected Cases, Corporation Code
to give life and effect to the particular contractual rights and 1981)
obligations which the parties have assumed for themselves. Moreover, the usual rules as regards the construction and
On the one hand, the clearly established minority position of ASI operations of contracts generally apply to a contract of joint venture.
and the contractual allocation of board seats Cannot be (O' Hara v. Harman 14 App. Dev. (167) 43 NYS 556).
disregarded. On the other hand, the rights of the stockholders to Bearing these principles in mind, the correct view would be that the
cumulative voting should also be protected. resolution of the question of whether or not the ASI Group may vote
In our decision sought to be reconsidered, we opted to uphold the their additional equity lies in the agreement of the parties.
second over the first. Upon further reflection, we feel that the proper Necessarily, the appellate court was correct in upholding the
and just solution to give due consideration to both factors suggests agreement of the parties as regards the allocation of director seats
itself quite clearly. This Court should recognize and uphold the under Section 5 (a) of the "Agreement," and the right of each group
division of the stockholders into two groups, and at the same time of stockholders to cumulative voting in the process of determining
uphold the right of the stockholders within each group to cumulative who the group's nominees would be under Section 3 (a) (1) of the
voting in the process of determining who the group's nominees "Agreement." As pointed out by SEC, Section 5 (a) of the
would be. In practical terms, as suggested by appellant Luciano E. Agreement relates to the manner of nominating the members of the
Salazar himself, this means that if the Filipino stockholders cannot board of directors while Section 3 (a) (1) relates to the manner of
agree who their six nominees will be, a vote would have to be taken voting for these nominees.
among the Filipino stockholders only. During this voting, each This is the proper interpretation of the Agreement of the parties as
Filipino stockholder can cumulate his votes. ASI, however, should regards the election of members of the board of directors.
not be allowed to interfere in the voting within the Filipino group. To allow the ASI Group to vote their additional equity to help elect
Otherwise, ASI would be able to designate more than the three even a Filipino director who would be beholden to them would
directors it is allowed to designate under the Agreement, and may obliterate their minority status as agreed upon by the parties. As
even be able to get a majority of the board seats, a result which is aptly stated by the appellate court:
clearly contrary to the contractual intent of the parties. ... ASI, however, should not be allowed to interfere in the voting
Such a ruling will give effect to both the allocation of the board seats within the Filipino group. Otherwise, ASI would be able to designate
and the stockholder's right to cumulative voting. Moreover, this more than the three directors it is allowed to designate under the
ruling will also give due consideration to the issue raised by the Agreement, and may even be able to get a majority of the board
appellees on possible violation or circumvention of the Anti-Dummy seats, a result which is clearly contrary to the contractual intent of
Law (Com. Act No. 108, as amended) and the nationalization the parties.
requirements of the Constitution and the laws if ASI is allowed to Such a ruling will give effect to both the allocation of the board seats
nominate more than three directors. (Rollo-75875, pp. 38-39) and the stockholder's right to cumulative voting. Moreover, this

ruling will also give due consideration to the issue raised by the
appellees on possible violation or circumvention of the Anti-Dummy
Law (Com. Act No. 108, as amended) and the nationalization
requirements of the Constitution and the laws if ASI is allowed to
nominate more than three directors. (At p. 39, Rollo, 75875)
Equally important as the consideration of the contractual intent of
the parties is the consideration as regards the possible domination
by the foreign investors of the enterprise in violation of the
nationalization requirements enshrined in the Constitution and
circumvention of the Anti-Dummy Act. In this regard, petitioner
Salazar's position is that the Anti-Dummy Act allows the ASI group
to elect board directors in proportion to their share in the capital of
the entity. It is to be noted, however, that the same law also limits
the election of aliens as members of the board of directors in
proportion to their allowance participation of said entity. In the
instant case, the foreign Group ASI was limited to designate three
directors. This is the allowable participation of the ASI Group.
Hence, in future dealings, this limitation of six to three board seats
should always be maintained as long as the joint venture agreement
exists considering that in limiting 3 board seats in the 9-man board
of directors there are provisions already agreed upon and embodied
in the parties' Agreement to protect the interests arising from the
minority status of the foreign investors.
With these findings, we the decisions of the SEC Hearing Officer
and SEC which were impliedly affirmed by the appellate court
declaring Messrs. Wolfgang Aurbach, John Griffin, David P
Whittingham, Emesto V. Lagdameo, Baldwin young, Raul A.
Boncan, Emesto V. Lagdameo, Jr., Enrique Lagdameo, and George
F. Lee as the duly elected directors of Saniwares at the March
8,1983 annual stockholders' meeting.
On the other hand, the Lagdameo and Young Group (petitioners in
G.R. No. 75951) object to a cumulative voting during the election of
the board of directors of the enterprise as ruled by the appellate
court and submits that the six (6) directors allotted the Filipino
stockholders should be selected by consensus pursuant to section 5
(a) of the Agreement which uses the word "designate" meaning
"nominate, delegate or appoint."
They also stress the possibility that the ASI Group might take
control of the enterprise if the Filipino stockholders are allowed to
select their nominees separately and not as a common slot
determined by the majority of their group.
Section 5 (a) of the Agreement which uses the word designates in
the allocation of board directors should not be interpreted in
isolation. This should be construed in relation to section 3 (a) (1) of
the Agreement. As we stated earlier, section 3(a) (1) relates to the
manner of voting for these nominees which is cumulative voting
while section 5(a) relates to the manner of nominating the members
of the board of directors. The petitioners in G.R. No. 75951 agreed
to this procedure, hence, they cannot now impugn its legality.
The insinuation that the ASI Group may be able to control the
enterprise under the cumulative voting procedure cannot, however,
be ignored. The validity of the cumulative voting procedure is
dependent on the directors thus elected being genuine members of
the Filipino group, not voters whose interest is to increase the ASI
share in the management of Saniwares. The joint venture character
of the enterprise must always be taken into account, so long as the
company exists under its original agreement. Cumulative voting
may not be used as a device to enable ASI to achieve stealthily or
indirectly what they cannot accomplish openly. There are substantial
safeguards in the Agreement which are intended to preserve the
majority status of the Filipino investors as well as to maintain the
minority status of the foreign investors group as earlier discussed.
They should be maintained.
WHEREFORE, the petitions in G.R. Nos. 75975-76 and G.R. No.
75875 are DISMISSED and the petition in G.R. No. 75951 is partly
GRANTED. The amended decision of the Court of Appeals is
MODIFIED in that Messrs. Wolfgang Aurbach John Griffin, David
Whittingham Emesto V. Lagdameo, Baldwin Young, Raul A. Boncan,
Ernesto R. Lagdameo, Jr., Enrique Lagdameo, and George F. Lee
are declared as the duly elected directors of Saniwares at the March
8,1983 annual stockholders' meeting. In all other respects, the
questioned decision is AFFIRMED. Costs against the petitioners in
G.R. Nos. 75975-76 and G.R. No. 75875.

G.R. No. L-4935 May 28, 1954 Vl. The trial court erred in not finding that the defendant is the true
J. M. TUASON & CO., INC., represented by it Managing and lawful owner of the land.
PARTNER, GREGORIA ARANETA, INC., plaintiff-appellee, VII. The trial court erred in finding that the defendant is liable to pay
vs. the plaintiff the amount of P132.62 monthly from January, 1940, until
QUIRINO BOLAÑOS, defendant-appellant. he vacates the premises.
VIII. The trial court erred in not ordering the plaintiff to reconvey the
land in litigation to the defendant.
PARTIES; REAL PARTY IN INTEREST; ATTORNEY MAY BRING As to the first assigned error, there is nothing to the contention that
ACTION IN PLAINTIFF'S NAME.—Section 2, Rule 2. of the present action is not brought by the real party in interest, that is,
the Rules of Court requires that an action be brought in the by J. M. Tuason and Co., Inc. What the Rules of Court require is
name of, but not necessarily by, the real property interest. that an action be brought in the name of, but not necessarily by, the
In fact the practice is for an attorney-at-law to bring the real party in interest. (Section 2, Rule 2.) In fact the practice is for an
action, that is, to file the complaint, in the name of the attorney-at-law to bring the action, that is to file the complaint, in the
plaintiff. name of the plaintiff. That practice appears to have been followed in
this case, since the complaint is signed by the law firm of Araneta
and Araneta, "counsel for plaintiff" and commences with the
ID.; CORPORATION AS PARTY MAY BE REPRESENTED BY statement "comes now plaintiff, through its undersigned counsel." It
ANOTHER PERSON, NATURAL OR JUDICIAL.—There is is true that the complaint also states that the plaintiff is "represented
nothing against one corporation being represented by herein by its Managing Partner Gregorio Araneta, Inc.", another
another person, natural or juridical, in a suit in court, for the corporation, but there is nothing against one corporation being
true rule is that "although a corporation has no power to represented by another person, natural or juridical, in a suit in court.
enter into a partnership, it may nevertheless enter into a The contention that Gregorio Araneta, Inc. can not act as managing
joint venture with another where the nature of that venture partner for plaintiff on the theory that it is illegal for two corporations
is in line with the business authorized by its to enter into a partnership is without merit, for the true rule is that
charter." (Wyoming-Indiana Oil Gas Co. vs. Weston, 80 A. "though a corporation has no power to enter into a partnership, it
L. R., 1043, citing 2, Fletcher Cyc. E. 1082.) may nevertheless enter into a joint venture with another where the
nature of that venture is in line with the business authorized by its
REYES, J.: charter." (Wyoming-Indiana Oil Gas Co. vs. Weston, 80 A. L. R.,
This is an action originally brought in the Court of First Instance of 1043, citing 2 Fletcher Cyc. of Corp., 1082.) There is nothing in the
Rizal, Quezon City Branch, to recover possesion of registered land record to indicate that the venture in which plaintiff is represented by
situated in barrio Tatalon, Quezon City. Gregorio Araneta, Inc. as "its managing partner" is not in line with
Plaintiff's complaint was amended three times with respect to the the corporate business of either of them.
extent and description of the land sought to be recovered. The Errors II, III, and IV, referring to the admission of the third amended
original complaint described the land as a portion of a lot registered complaint, may be answered by mere reference to section 4 of Rule
in plaintiff's name under Transfer Certificate of Title No. 37686 of the 17, Rules of Court, which sanctions such amendment. It reads:
land record of Rizal Province and as containing an area of 13 Sec. 4. Amendment to conform to evidence. — When issues not
hectares more or less. But the complaint was amended by reducing raised by the pleadings are tried by express or implied consent of
the area of 6 hectares, more or less, after the defendant had the parties, they shall be treated in all respects, as if they had been
indicated the plaintiff's surveyors the portion of land claimed and raised in the pleadings. Such amendment of the pleadings as may
occupied by him. The second amendment became necessary and be necessary to cause them to conform to the evidence and to raise
was allowed following the testimony of plaintiff's surveyors that a these issues may be made upon motion of any party at my time,
portion of the area was embraced in another certificate of title, even of the trial of these issues. If evidence is objected to at the trial
which was plaintiff's Transfer Certificate of Title No. 37677. And still on the ground that it is not within the issues made by the pleadings,
later, in the course of trial, after defendant's surveyor and witness, the court may allow the pleadings to be amended and shall be so
Quirino Feria, had testified that the area occupied and claimed by freely when the presentation of the merits of the action will be
defendant was about 13 hectares, as shown in his Exhibit 1, plaintiff subserved thereby and the objecting party fails to satisfy the court
again, with the leave of court, amended its complaint to make its that the admission of such evidence would prejudice him in
allegations conform to the evidence. maintaining his action or defense upon the merits. The court may
Defendant, in his answer, sets up prescription and title in himself grant a continuance to enable the objecting party to meet such
thru "open, continuous, exclusive and public and notorious evidence.
possession (of land in dispute) under claim of ownership, adverse to Under this provision amendment is not even necessary for the
the entire world by defendant and his predecessor in interest" from purpose of rendering judgment on issues proved though not
"time in-memorial". The answer further alleges that registration of alleged. Thus, commenting on the provision, Chief Justice Moran
the land in dispute was obtained by plaintiff or its predecessors in says in this Rules of Court:
interest thru "fraud or error and without knowledge (of) or interest Under this section, American courts have, under the New Federal
either personal or thru publication to defendant and/or predecessors Rules of Civil Procedure, ruled that where the facts shown entitled
in interest." The answer therefore prays that the complaint be plaintiff to relief other than that asked for, no amendment to the
dismissed with costs and plaintiff required to reconvey the land to complaint is necessary, especially where defendant has himself
defendant or pay its value. raised the point on which recovery is based, and that the appellate
After trial, the lower court rendered judgment for plaintiff, declaring court treat the pleadings as amended to conform to the evidence,
defendant to be without any right to the land in question and although the pleadings were not actually amended. (I Moran, Rules
ordering him to restore possession thereof to plaintiff and to pay the of Court, 1952 ed., 389-390.)
latter a monthly rent of P132.62 from January, 1940, until he Our conclusion therefore is that specification of error II, III, and IV
vacates the land, and also to pay the costs. are without merit..
Appealing directly to this court because of the value of the property Let us now pass on the errors V and VI. Admitting, though his
involved, defendant makes the following assignment or errors: attorney, at the early stage of the trial, that the land in dispute "is
I. The trial court erred in not dismissing the case on the ground that that described or represented in Exhibit A and in Exhibit B enclosed
the case was not brought by the real property in interest. in red pencil with the name Quirino Bolaños," defendant later
II. The trial court erred in admitting the third amended complaint. changed his lawyer and also his theory and tried to prove that the
III. The trial court erred in denying defendant's motion to strike. land in dispute was not covered by plaintiff's certificate of title. The
IV. The trial court erred in including in its decision land not involved evidence, however, is against defendant, for it clearly establishes
in the litigation. that plaintiff is the registered owner of lot No. 4-B-3-C, situate in
V. The trial court erred in holding that the land in dispute is covered barrio Tatalon, Quezon City, with an area of 5,297,429.3 square
by transfer certificates of Title Nos. 37686 and 37677. meters, more or less, covered by transfer certificate of title No.
37686 of the land records of Rizal province, and of lot No. 4-B-4,

situated in the same barrio, having an area of 74,789 square
meters, more or less, covered by transfer certificate of title No.
37677 of the land records of the same province, both lots having
been originally registered on July 8, 1914 under original certificate
of title No. 735. The identity of the lots was established by the
testimony of Antonio Manahan and Magno Faustino, witnesses for
plaintiff, and the identity of the portion thereof claimed by defendant
was established by the testimony of his own witness, Quirico Feria.
The combined testimony of these three witnesses clearly shows that
the portion claimed by defendant is made up of a part of lot 4-B-3-C
and major on portion of lot 4-B-4, and is well within the area covered
by the two transfer certificates of title already mentioned. This fact
also appears admitted in defendant's answer to the third amended
As the land in dispute is covered by plaintiff's Torrens certificate of
title and was registered in 1914, the decree of registration can no
longer be impugned on the ground of fraud, error or lack of notice to
defendant, as more than one year has already elapsed from the
issuance and entry of the decree. Neither court the decree be
collaterally attacked by any person claiming title to, or interest in,
the land prior to the registration proceedings. (Soroñgon vs.
Makalintal,1 45 Off. Gaz., 3819.) Nor could title to that land in
derogation of that of plaintiff, the registered owner, be acquired by
prescription or adverse possession. (Section 46, Act No. 496.)
Adverse, notorious and continuous possession under claim of
ownership for the period fixed by law is ineffective against a Torrens
title. (Valiente vs. Judge of CFI of Tarlac,2 etc., 45 Off. Gaz., Supp.
9, p. 43.) And it is likewise settled that the right to secure
possession under a decree of registration does not prescribed.
(Francisco vs. Cruz, 43 Off. Gaz., 5105, 5109-5110.) A recent
decision of this Court on this point is that rendered in the case of
Jose Alcantara et al., vs. Mariano et al., 92 Phil., 796. This disposes
of the alleged errors V and VI.
As to error VII, it is claimed that `there was no evidence to sustain
the finding that defendant should be sentenced to pay plaintiff
P132.62 monthly from January, 1940, until he vacates the
premises.' But it appears from the record that that reasonable
compensation for the use and occupation of the premises, as
stipulated at the hearing was P10 a month for each hectare and that
the area occupied by defendant was 13.2619 hectares. The total
rent to be paid for the area occupied should therefore be P132.62 a
month. It is appears from the testimony of J. A. Araneta and witness
Emigdio Tanjuatco that as early as 1939 an action of ejectment had
already been filed against defendant. And it cannot be supposed
that defendant has been paying rents, for he has been asserting all
along that the premises in question 'have always been since time
immemorial in open, continuous, exclusive and public and notorious
possession and under claim of ownership adverse to the entire
world by defendant and his predecessors in interest.' This
assignment of error is thus clearly without merit.
Error No. VIII is but a consequence of the other errors alleged and
needs for further consideration.
During the pendency of this case in this Court appellant, thru other
counsel, has filed a motion to dismiss alleging that there is pending
before the Court of First Instance of Rizal another action between
the same parties and for the same cause and seeking to sustain
that allegation with a copy of the complaint filed in said action. But
an examination of that complaint reveals that appellant's allegation
is not correct, for the pretended identity of parties and cause of
action in the two suits does not appear. That other case is one for
recovery of ownership, while the present one is for recovery of
possession. And while appellant claims that he is also involved in
that order action because it is a class suit, the complaint does not
show that such is really the case. On the contrary, it appears that
the action seeks relief for each individual plaintiff and not relief for
and on behalf of others. The motion for dismissal is clearly without
Wherefore, the judgment appealed from is affirmed, with costs
against the plaintiff.
Paras, C.J., Pablo, Bengzon, Montemayor, Jugo, Bautista Angelo,
Labrador, and Concepcion, JJ., concur.


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