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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE VI

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
A. Identify the family resources;
B. Appreciate the importance of family resources in day-to-day life; and
C. Dramatize day-to-day activities that need resources.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Management of family resources
B. Reference: K to 12 Curriculum Guide, Home Science pp. 155-158
C. Materials: Laptop, TV, Speaker, Charts, Chalk, Meta Cards, Pictures
D. Values: Critical Thinking, Participation, Valuing Family resources

III. Procedure
A. Motivation
Show to the pupils a word card with jumbled letters and instruct them to
arrange the letters to reveal the words which they will be learning.

Ask the pupils the following questions:

1. Are these important?
2. Why do you think they are important in a family?

B. Lesson Proper
Ask the pupils the following questions:
What do we need when we
a. walk?
b. answering assignments?
c. dancing?
d. buying a food?
Elicit from the class- what, then, are these things? What is the meaning of
Group the class into five and ask them to list down resources as much as
they can in two minutes. Discuss the types of resources and let the pupils
categorize the resources they have listed into the following:
a. human
b. material
c. non-material

C. Application
Divide the class into five groups. Each group will be given a meta card
containing a situation for them to dramatize. After the group presentation,
ask them what are the resources used in the situation they acted out.

Group I- Doing household chores

Group II- Selling the products in your store
Group III- Cleaning your classroom
Group IV- Giving a birthday party for your friend
Group V- Practicing your dance for the contest

3 2 1
CONTENT The role play is The role play is The role play is
on-topic and the on-topic, but the completely off-
group can group can only topic, and the
enumerate and enumerate and group can't
explain atleast explain two/one enumerate and
three resources resource/s used explain the
used in the in the situation resources used
situation given. given. in the situation
CREATIVITY The start up to the The start was No creativity at
end of the creative but not all.
presentation was up to the end.
very creative.
UNITY All the members Most of the Only few
of the group members of the participate in the
participate in the group participate presentation
presentation. in the

D. Appreciation
Ask the pupils why is it important to have family resources.

E. Generalization
Ask the pupils the following questions:
1. What are the types of family resources?
2. Give example from each of the family resources.

IV. Evaluation
Identify whether the family resources listed below are human, material or non-
material resources.
savings in the bank brand new car Municipal Library call center agent
making assignments carrying heavy things one year vacation hopeful
child badminton player IT technician



V. Assignment
Make a one-day time and work schedule. Write it in your notebook.

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