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16 – 17 JULY 2019


1. Opening Remarks

The Chairperson of the ASEAN Cocoa Club will deliver the opening remarks

2. Election of Chairman and Vice–Chairman

The Meeting will elect the Chairman and Vice–Chairman for the 22nd ASEAN Cocoa Club

3. Adoption of Agenda

The Meeting will adopt the Agenda of the Meeting

4. Business Arrangements

The Meeting will be held in plenary. The ACC Secretariat will brief the Meeting on the
programmes and activities of the 22nd ASEAN Cocoa Club Meeting

5. Country Presentation on the Latest Development of the Cocoa Industry in Malaysia

Malaysia may wish to present the latest development of the cocoa industry in the country

6. Matters Arising from the PREPSOM–40th AMAF, 8-9 October 2018; PREPSOM–18th
AMAF Plus Three, 10 October 2018; 40th AMAF, 11 October 2018 and 18th AMAF Plus
Three, 12 October 2018, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

The ASEAN Secretariat will report on the matters arising from these Meetings in relation
to the ASEAN Cocoa Club

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7. Matters Arising From the 25th Meeting of the Joint Committee on ASEAN
Cooperation and Joint Approaches in Agriculture and Forest Products Promotion
Scheme (ASEAN JC AFPPS), 10 – 12 July 2018, Lombok, Indonesia

The ASEAN Secretariat will report on the matters arising from this Meeting in relation to
the ASEAN Cocoa Club

Strategic Thrust 1: Joint Product Promotion in International Markets

8. Joint Efforts to Overcome Discriminatory Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers and Unfair
Trade Practices Imposed By an Importing Countries

8.1 Enhance Intra– and Extra–ASEAN Trade and Long–Term Competitiveness of

ASEAN’s Food, Agriculture and Forestry Products and Commodities

8.1.1 Tariffs and Non-Tariff Barriers on Cocoa Beans and Cocoa Products

i. ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA)

Indonesia will report on the status of the implementation of the ASEAN

Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) among the ASEAN member countries

ii. ASEAN Free Trade Area (FTA) between ASEAN and other countries

Indonesia will report on the status of the implementation of the ASEAN Free
Trade Areas between ASEAN and other countries

iii. Most Favoured Nation (MFN) Tariffs

The ASEAN Member States (AMS) may wish to inform their current tariff
rates (if any) with regards to the importation of cocoa beans and cocoa

iv. Non–Tariff Barriers (NTBs)

The ASEAN Member States (AMS) may wish to inform any Non–Tariff
Barriers (NTBs) (if any) with regards to the importation of cocoa beans and
cocoa products in intra–ASEAN trade as well as other matters pertaining to
the market access with other countries

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9. Joint Promotion of the Products Through Participation in Promotional Activities

9.1 Promote Awareness Programmes and Campaign

AMS may wish to update the programme and campaign on the followings:-

9.1.1 ASEAN Cocoa and Chocolate Appreciation Day

9.1.2 Other Promotion Programmes

Strategic Thrust 2: Joint ASEAN Position at International Fora

10. Consultation and Cooperation to Formulate a Joint ASEAN Position at International

Fora on Issues Relating to the Products

10.1 Public-Private Partnership

The Chairman of the CAA may wish to update on the latest development of
the programmes and activities carried out by the CAA

10.1.1 Research and Development (R&D)

10.1.2 Project Development

i. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

ii. Sustainability Project

10.2 Technical Working Group on Good Agriculture Practices (TWGGAP)

The Philippines will report on the progress of the programmes and activities
undertaken by the Technical Working Group on Good Agriculture Practices

10.3 Technical Working Group on Food Safety (TWGFS)

Malaysia will report on the progress of the programmes and activities undertaken
by the Technical Working Group on Food Safety (TWGFS)

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Strategic Thrust 3: Enhancement of Intra-ASEAN Trade

11. Consultation and Exchange of Experiences and Information on Trade and Investment
Policies and Strategies

11.1 Enhancement of Private Sector Involvement

11.1.1 Cocoa Association of Asia (CAA)

The Chairman of the CAA may wish to update on the latest development of
the programmes and activities implemented by the CAA and the status of
the cocoa industry in Asia as well as to highlight any related issues

11.1.2 Cocoa Manufacturers’ Group (CMG)

Malaysia will update the latest development of the programmes and

activities implemented by the CMG and the status of the cocoa industry in
Malaysia as well as to highlight any related issues

11.1.3 Indonesian Cocoa Board (ICB)

Indonesia will update the latest development of the programmes and

activities implemented by the ICB and the status of the cocoa industry in
Indonesia as well as to highlight any related issues

11.1.4 Cocoa Foundation of the Philippines (CocoaPhil)

Philippines will update on the latest development of the programmes and

activities implemented by the CocoaPhil and the status of the cocoa
industry in the Philippines as well as to highlight any related issues

11.1.5 Viet Nam Cocoa Committee (VCC)

Viet Nam will update on the latest development of the programmes and
activities implemented by the VCC and the status of the cocoa
industry in Viet Nam as well as to highlight any related issues

11.2 Strengthening Business Linkages and Networking

AMS will share information and update on the related activities

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Strategic Thrust 4: Enhancement of Competitiveness of the Products

12. Strengthening Cooperation in Human Resources Development

12.1 Efficient and Effective Extension Services

AMS will share information and update on the related activities

12.1.1 Training on Sustainable Cocoa Farming

12.1.2 Strengthening Cooperatives and Farmers Organization

13. Enhancing Complementarity of the Products

13.1 Promote Knowledge Exchange and Information Sharing

AMS will share information and update on the related activities

13.1.1 Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

13.1.2 Project Management

i. Smallholders Development Programme

ii. Extension and Transfer of Technology

14. Intensifying Cooperation in Technology Development and Transfer

14.1 Research and Development (R&D) Project

14.1.1 Trials on Selected Cocoa Progeny in Selected ASEAN Region

Indonesia and Malaysia will report on the progress of the trials on cocoa
selected progeny in selected ASEAN region

14.1.2 Project on Pest and Diseases (P&D) Management

Malaysia will report on the progress of the Project on Pest and Diseases
(P&D) Management.

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14.1.3 Progress Report on Training and Exchange of Technical-Expertise and
Research Material

Malaysia will report on the progress Report on Training and Exchange of

Technical-Expertise and Research Material

15. Other Matters

15.1 National Focal Point

AMS may wish to update any changes made to their National Focal Point for the

15.2 Report on the Update of the Strategic Plan of Action (SPA)

The Meeting will update the progress on the SPA

16. Date and Venue of the Next Meeting

The Meeting will determine the date and venue of the 23rd ASEAN Cocoa Club Meeting

17. Adoption of the Report

The Meeting may consider and adopt the report of the 22nd ASEAN Cocoa Club Meeting

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