Rubén Dario Rojas Niño UNAD-2017 WRITING ACTIVITY - 901003A - 382

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• To start this text, we can speak a little of each of the authors who are subject to a literary
dispute. First, we found William Shakespeare: English playwright, poet and actor, he is
considered the most important writer in the history of humanity, many writers have
achieved to pass the national barriers, but nobody has achieved to obtain the reputation
and the recognition of Shakespeare. on the other side we have Miguel de Cervantes:
Spanish soldier, novelist, poet and playwright, is considered the maximum figure of the
Spanish literature, his master piece don Quixote de la Mancha has become the book with
the most translated copies, since the bible.
• After the introduction, we can express the main idea of the text. The text talks about the
existence of a rivalry between the marketing of the work of each writer, you can not
underestimate the work of each, both were successful authors in their respective
masterpieces, but it is clear in the text that Don Quixote of the Mancha is very complex
work to understand it, maybe, for this reason it has not been commercialized in movies or
musicals, as if the works of Shakespeare have done it at present. According to some
opinions while Shakespeare is admired in the United Kingdom, Miguel de Cervantes is
ignored among Spanish-speaking readers, which causes greater recognition to William
• I think that the works of William Shakespeare are more recognized than the works of
Cervantes may be because the works of Cervantes are a little more complicated to
understand and a certain number of people find it difficult to continue with the complete
reading of these books, while the works of Shakespeare have spread clearly and
understandably, in addition to the films that have led him to break the boundaries of
languages and nationalities.

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