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Grade: L2 Book: 2

Cool Down Activity

Dec 7th 10’ Daily Routine VL SS will practice following directions. T will use flashcards and reinforce comprehension of Flashcards
K up/down and over/under. There will be a quick competition on
N who does all correct.

Activities 4

Pre-Math Skills 21 & 22 LM SS will identify opposite words in/out and T will ask SS to get their backpacks or lunchboxes. She will
VS use it to show spatial location. use her handbag to show actions. She will take all things out
K her handbag reinforcing target word OUT. She will ask SS to
do the same. Taking one thing at a time she will say: Now, I
put my mirror IN the bag, I put my pen IN the handbag. SS
will do the same one thing at a time. Using Web Solution, T
will show pages asking SS to identify words. Finally, they will
all go OUT and go drink some water. Come back to class and
stress the word IN (side, to) the classroom.

20’ Sounds & Pre- 8 VS SS will reinforce color recognition and SS will decorate doghouse using tempera paint. They will Tempera paint
LM practice fine motor skills. finger paint it to foster practice of fine motor skills. They can Magazines
Writing K cut page out and paste on a piece of paper. Get a picture of a Glue
N dog in a magazine and paste it to accompany image. Scissors

Cool Down Activity

Dec 8th 25’ Daily Routine VL SS will practice target vocabulary and Class will play Simon Says and incorporate vocabulary AMCO posters
K review basic directions. flashcards. T will ask SS to get a flashcard following certain Vocabulary Flashcards
N directions (jump, walk, hands-up, clap) while getting the
M flashcard.
20’ Language 15 VL SS will review clothes and identify some In a suitcase, T will put all clothing brought by SS and some
N according to Seasons of the Year or more brought by her. She will use Web Solution to display
Skills K
activities. page and give vocabulary. Then, each student will take out a
piece. He/she will have to name it and say in which
season/activity it can be used. Choose a flashcard and paste
it on the board.

Activities 6 K SS will reinforce target structures: in/out. Finish previous activity by finding corresponding sticker and
N pasting it in the correct image.

Cool Down Activity

Dec 9th 15’ Daily Routine LM SS will complete daily routine. Class will complete daily routine as usual. She will introduce AMCO posters
VS SS will talk about some animals (cow, characters in riddle and have SS identify them. They can Pictures/puppets/mask
VL describe some physical characteristics and pretend to be s of animals in the
K fish, bird, rabbit and cat) to prepare for
Language Skills riddle. them. T can use Web Solution to display page or pictures riddle.
prepared beforehand. She can also use AUDIO with specific
sounds made by the animals.

20’ Language 24 VL SS will practice oral skills and SS will listen to and learn the riddle. Have a Memorize riddle
K memorization strategies. picture/puppet/masks of each animal to give SS while
Skills Ie rehearsing riddle. T will play AUDIO twice and repeat the
riddle prompting SS to repeat and memorize.

15’ Language 16 VL SS will identify Five Senses. Connect this concept with previous one having flashcards at Flashcards
K hand. Ask SS what sense they need to see, smell, touch and
Skills VS hear the animals/characters in the riddle. Show a flashcard m/watch?v=1tTKLE72f
LM and relate it with face parts to make more sense. (Nose- JI
Smell; Taste – Mouth; Hear – Ear; Touch – Hands (all of our The Five Senses -
body) and Eyes – Sight). Have corresponding flashcards and video
have SS pair these up.

Cool Down Activity

Dec 10th 10’ Daily Routine VL SS will complete daily routine. Class will finish daily routine and tell the riddle once again AMCO posters
K SS will review riddle and practice oral using the puppets/pictures for corresponding animals. Have Puppets/pictures of
N SS pretend to be these animals to extend practice. animals
M skills.

25’ Pre-Math Skills 23 VL SS will understand difference between Have toy cars for all SS. Go outside to play a “racing game” T Toy cars
VS near /far and use these to show spatial will use color chalks to draw the track. Mark starting and Chalks
LM ending points. Have SS “see” that the ending is… FAR and
that they need to get there to win. As they approach reinforce
target word NEAR. Get away and close to the END several
times repeating target words. Have SS walk NEAR the end
and FAR from beginning point too.

20’ Language 17 VS SS will identify Sight (See) as one of the Have SS use a mirror to “Look at themselves”. Ask them Login to Web Solution and
K Five Senses. what they SEE in the mirror. Stress the word SEE to identify enter the keyword
Skills N Language Skills and
SS will understand that we use our EYES action.
VL Use flashcards to relate EYES with SIGHT (See). Have SS search for:
to SEE. “Five Senses- Activity”
close their eyes and ask them if they can see. in the search
Using Web Solution display page and ask SS to describe bar
what they see (size, shape, color). Use pictures to prompt SS
to describe more reinforcing sense of SIGHT/Eyes. m/watch?v=1tTKLE72f
The Five Senses

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