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1) In alphabet series, some alphabets are missing which are given in that order as one of the alternatives
below it. Choose the correct alternative.
G4T, J10R, M20P, P43N, S90L
A. G4T
B. J10R
C. M20P
D. P43N

2) Find the next number in the sequence: 30, 45, 90, 225, 675
A. 1890
B. 1745
C. 1845
D. 2362.5

3) Introducing a man to her husband, a woman said, “His brother’s father is the only son of my
grandfather.” How is the woman related to this man?
A. Mother
B. Aunt
C. Sister
D. Daughter
E. Grandmother
Directions (4 to 8) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
I. P, Q, R, S, T and U are six students procuring their Master’s degree in six different subjects-
English, History, Philosophy, Physics, Statistics and Mathematics.
II. Two of them stay in hostel; two stay as paying guest (PG) and the remaining two stay at their
III. R does not stay as PG and studies Philosophy.
IV. The students studying Statistics and History do not stay as PG.
V. T studies Mathematics and S studies Physics.
VI. U and S stay in hostel. T stays as PG and Q stays at home.

4) Who studies English?

A. R
B. S
C. T
D. U
E. None of these
5) Which of the following combinations of subjects and place of stay is not
A. English- Hostel
B. Mathematics- PG
C. Philosophy- Home
D. Physics- Hostel
E. None of these

6) Which of the following pairs of students stay one each at hostel and at home?
D. Data inadequate
E. None of these

7) Which subject does Q study?

A. History
B. Statistics
C. History or Statistics
D. Data inadequate
E. None of these

8) Which of the following pairs of students stay at home?

E. None of these

9) Aerie : Eagle

A. capital : government
B. bridge : architect
C. unit : apartment
D. house : person
10) Statements: All tubes are handles. All cups are handles.
1. All cups are tubes.
2. Some handles are not cups.
A) Only conclusion I follows
B) Only conclusion II follows
C) Either I or II follows
D) Neither I nor II follows
E) Both I and II follow
11) In the series 5, 10, 20, 40,…. what will be the 10th term?
A. 1280
B. 2560
C. 1820
D. 2650
12) If ‘-‘ stands for ‘x’, ’x’ stands for ‘+’, ‘+’stands for ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ stands for ‘-‘,then what is the value of
9÷18x15+3-6x12 ?
A. 24
B. 30
C. 33
D. 42
E. 58
13) Statement:
A shopkeeper was reported to be selling adulterated mustard oil.
Course of Action:
I.He should be fined and his shop sealed.
II.He should be asked to leave the town and open a shop elsewhere.
A. Only I follows.
B. Only II follows.
C. Either I or II follows.
D. Neither I nor II follows.
E. Both I and II follows.
14) From her school Meenu walks 20 metres towards north. She, then turns left and walks 40 metres. She
again turns left and walks 20 metres. Further she moves 20 metres after turning to the right. How far is she
from her original position?
A. 20m
B. 30m
C. 50m
D. 60m
15) If DELHI is coded as 73541 and CALCUTTA as 82589662, how can CALICUT be coded?
A. 5279431
B. 5978213
C. 8251896
D. 8543691
16) Event (A): India has been categorized as one of the flawed democracies in the world.
Event (B): India is the largest democratic country in the world.
A. if ‘A’ is the effect and ‘B’ is its immediate and principal cause.
B. if ‘A’ is the immediate and principal cause and ‘B’ is its effect.
C. if ‘A’ is an effect but ‘B’ is not its immediate and principal cause.
D. if ‘B’ is an effect but ‘A’ is not its immediate and principal cause.
E. None of these
17) A software engineer has the capability of thinking 100 lines of code in five minutes and can type 100
lines of code in 10 minutes. He takes a break for five minutes after every ten minutes. How many lines of
codes will he complete typing after an hour?
A. 250
B. 220
C. 150
D. 200
18) If a light flashes every 6 seconds, how many times will it flash in ¾ of an hour?
A. 450
B. 451
C. 350
D. 425

19) A has how many daughters?

I. B is husband of C and father-in-law of A who has three Children.
II. D’s father E is husband of A. F and G are sisters of D.
III. E has three children out of which only one is a boy.

A. Only statement I is required

B. Only statement II is required
C. Both I and III required
D. Both II and III required
E. Question cannot be answered even with all the statements together.
20) Some trucks are car is a possibility
Some jeeps are bus
Some jeeps are trucks
All cars are truck is a possibility
I. Some cars are bus. Some buses are truck. Some trucks are jeep
II. All cars are bus. Some buses are not truck. Some trucks are jeep
III. No cars are bus. All buses are truck. No trucks are jeep.
IV. All cars are bus. Some buses are truck. All trucks are jeep.
V. All cars are bus. No buses are truck. All trucks are jeep.
A. Only (I)
B. Only (II)
C. Only (III)
D. Only (IV)
E. Only (V)
(21-25) The bar graph given below shows the percentage distribution of the total production of a car
manufacturing company into various models over two years.

21) What was the difference in the number of Q type cars produced in 2000 and that produced in 2001?
A. 35,500
B. 27,000
C. 22,500
D. 17,500
22) Total number of cars of models P, Q and T manufactured in 2000 is?
A. 2,45,000
B. 2,27,500
C. 2,10,000
D. 1,92,500
23) If the percentage production of P type cars in 2001 was the same as that in 2000, then the number of P
type cars produced in 2001 would have been?
A. 1,40,000
B. 1,32,000
C. 1,17,000
D. 1,05,000
24) If 85% of the S type cars produced in each year were sold by the company, how many S type cars remain
A. 7650
B. 9350
C. 11,850
D. 12,250
25) For which model the percentage rise/fall in production from 2000 to 2001 was minimum?
A. Q
B. R
C. S
D. T


A. 5
B. 4
C. 1
D. 3
(27-30) Read the below passage carefully and answer the questions:
At a small company, parking spaces are reserved for the top executives: CEO, president, vice president,
secretary, and treasurer with the spaces lined up in that order. The parking lot guard can tell at a glance if the
cars are parked correctly by looking at the color of the cars. The cars are yellow, green, purple, red, and blue,
and the executives names are Alice, Bert, Cheryl, David, and Enid.
* The car in the first space is red.
* A blue car is parked between the red car and the green car.
* The car in the last space is purple.
* The secretary drives a yellow car.
* Alice's car is parked next to David's.
* Enid drives a green car.
* Bert's car is parked between Cheryl's and Enid's.
* David's car is parked in the last space.

27) Who is the secretary?

A. Enid
B. David
C. Cheryl
D. Bert
E. Alice
28) Who is the CEO?
A. Alice
B. Bert
C. Cheryl
D. David
E. Enid
29) What color is the vice president's car?
A. green
B. yellow
C. blue
D. purple
E. red


A. L
B. G
C. M
D. A
1) B
2) D
3) C
4) E
5) A
6) B
7) C
8) B
9) D
10) D
11) B
12) C
13) A
14) D
15) C
16) E
17) A
18) B
19) D
20) D
21) A
22) C
23) B
24) C
25) B
26) B
27) E
28) C
29) A
30) A
1. The first letter of each term is moved three steps forward and the last letter is moved two steps
backward to obtain the corresponding letters of the next term.
The numbers follow the sequence x 2 + 1, x 2 + 2, x 2 + 3, x 2 + 4.
So, 10 is wrong and must be replaced by (4 x 2 + 1) i.e. 9.

2. The logic is
30 *1.5 = 45
45* 2= 90
90*2.5 = 225
225*3 = 675
675 * 3.5 = 2362.5

3. Only son of her grandfather – her father; man’s brother’s father- man’s father. So, man’s father is her
father ie, She is the man’s sister.
4. P studies English.
5. Clearly the incorrect combination is English- Hostel
6. S stays in hostel and R stays at home.
7. Q studies History or Statistics.
8. Q and R stay at home.
9. An aerie is where an eagle lives; a house is where a person lives.
10. Both the premises are A type propositions. So, in either, the middle term 'handles' forming the
predicate is not distributed. Since the middle term is not distributed even once in the premises, no
definite conclusion follows.
11. This is an G.P series in which a= 5; r= 2
10th term= ar(n-1) = 5*2 (10-1) = 5*2 9 = 2560
12. The given expression 9÷18x15+3-6x12. By converting the symbols according to the given definitions,
we get 9-18+15÷3x6+12 solving this by BODMAS rule,we get the value as 33.
13. If the shopkeeper is allowed to continue without being punished, the shopkeeper would create
problem elsewhere. So, course I follows.


15. The alphabets are coded as follows:

7 3 5 4 1 8 2 9 6
So, in CALICUT, C is coded as 8, A as 2, L as 5, U as 9 and T as 6. Thus, the code for CALICUT is

16. Being the largest democratic country in the world is not the reason for being categorized as flawed
17. First, 5 five minutes he thinks, next five minutess he write code then takes a break. So for the first 15
mins he writes 50 lines of code. Next 5 minutes he write, then 5 min. think & 5 minutes rest. Next 10
minutes write, then 5 minutes rest. Next 5 minutes think, 5 minutes write and 5 minutes he takes rest.
25 minutes he write. In 10 min he writes 100 lines. So in 25 min. 250 lines.
18. There are 60 minutes in an hour. In ¾ of an hour there are (60 * ¾) minutes = 45 minutes. In ¾ of an
hour there are (60 * 45) seconds = 2700 seconds. Light flashed for every 6 seconds. In 2700 seconds
2700/6 = 450 times. The count start after the first flash, the light will flashes 451 times in ¾ of an
hour. So option b.
19. Both II and III required
Explanation :

21) Total number of Q type cars produced in 2001 =(60 - 40)% of 4,40,000 = 88,000.
Total number of Q type cars produced in 2000 =(45 - 30)% of 3,50,000 = 52,500.
Therefore Required difference = (88000 - 52500) = 35,500.
22) Analysis of the graph:
We shall first determine the number of cars of each model produced by the Company during the two years:
In 2000 : Total number of cars produced = 3,50,000.
P = (30 - 0)% of 3,50,000 = 30% of 3,50,000 = 1,05,000.
Q = (45 - 30)% of 3,50,000 = 15% of 3,50,000 = 52,000.
R = (65 - 45)% of 3,50,000 = 20% of 3,50,000 = 70,000.
S = (75 - 65)% of 3,50,000 = 10% of 3,50,000 = 35,000.
T = (90 - 75)% of 3,50,000 = 15% of 3,50,000 = 52,000.
U = (100 - 90)% of 3,50,000 = 10% of 3,50,000 = 35,000.
In 2001 : Total number of cars produced = 4,40,000.
P = (40 - 0)% of 4,40,000 = 40% of 4,40,000 = 1,76,000.
Q = (60 - 40)% of 4,40,000 = 20% of 4,40,000 = 88,000.
R = (75 - 60)% of 4,40,000 = 15% of 4,40,000 = 66,000.
S = (85 - 75)% of 4,40,000 = 10% of 4,40,000 = 44,000.
T = (95 - 85)% of 4,40,000 = 10% of 4,40,000 = 44,000.
U = (100 - 95)% of 4,40,000 = 5% of 4,40,000 = 22,000.
Total number of cars of models P, Q and T manufacture in 200
= (105000 + 52500 + 52500)
= 2,10,000.
23) If the percentage production of P type cars in 2001
= Percentage production of P type cars in 2000
= 30%. then, number of P type cars produced in 2001
= 30% of 4,40,000
= 1,32,000.
24) Number of S type cars which remained unsold in 2000 = 15% of 35,000
and number of S type cars which remained unsold in 2001 = 15% of 44,000.
Therefore Total number of S type cars which remained unsold
= 15% of (35,000 + 44,000)
= 15% of 79,000
= 11,850.


26) In each triangle, the central number equals the sum of the three outer numbers divided by two.
27) Cheryl cannot be the secretary, since she's the CEO, nor can Enid, because she drives a green car, and the
secretary drives a yellow car. David's, the purple car, is in the last space. Alice is the secretary, because her car
is parked next to David's, which is where the secretary's car is parked.
28) The CEO drives a red car and parks in the first space. Enid drives a green car; Bert's car is not in the first
space; David's is not in the first space, but the last. Alice's car is parked next to David's, so Cheryl is the CEO.
29) The vice president's car cannot be red, because that is the CEO's car, which is in the first space. Nor can it
be purple, because that is the treasurer's car, which is in the last space, or yellow, because that is the
secretary's. The president's car must be blue, because it is parked between a red car (in the first space) and a
green car, which must be the vice president's.
30) Writing each letter as its numerical value and working in rows, add the top 2 digit number to the bottom 2
digit number to give the 3 digit result in the centre.

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