Conclusion, Implication and Sugestion

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A. Conclusion
Based on the formulation of the analysis of the problem, objective
of the research, the calculation of the hypothesis testing and the analysis
result, it can be concluded that the students’ reading comprehension is
taught by Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) is better than using
conventional method. It means that there is a significant effect of using
Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) toward students’ reading
comprehension at the 10th grade at SMAN 14 Kota Tangerang. It can be
seen the result of learning by looked pre-test and post-test, the
experimental class by using Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) is
38.44, with minimum 10 and maximum 57. While in control class by
using conventional learning is 28.64 with a minimum 7 and maximum 47.
Deviation standard experimental class is 12.477 and deviation standard
control class is 1031 from 36 students. Based on the data, It can be seen
with the calculation of hypothesis test used Mann-Whitney U test,
therefore the value in the control class is smaller than t-table. It could be
states that Ho is rejected with value is 0.065< 0.05. While the value in the
experiment class is higher than t-table, it could be states that Ha is accepted
with value 0.109> 0.05. Which means that the data is normally distributed
for experimental class.

B. Implication
The result of study shows that there is significant effect of used
Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) toward students’ reading
comprehension. This given information that PALS technique, it can be
informed as follows the conclusion of this study shows that there is a
significant effect of using Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) toward
students’ reading comprehension.

During the writer do the research, there are different situation

between experimental class and control class. When she taught in the
experiment class, the students are active and interest studies the lesson. In
another word, they motivate themselves in understanding English lesson
especially in reading comprehension. In the control class, the students are
passive because there is not something to support them in learning
English. From this research, it can see that there is difference situation
when the writer taught using Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS)
technique and not.

C. Suggestion
1. Based on the result and process of the research, the writer would like
to give some suggestions as below;
A. The English Teacher
The teachers need to be a good model in practicing English
language so the students will follow what the teachers have done,
especially in practicing reading. It is prove that Peer Assisted Learning
Strategy (PALS) technique is the effective ways in developing reading
comprehension, the teacher need to create an attractive learning
process by using various technique and media, not monotone to
improve students reading comprehension.
B. The Students
The students need to realize that learning is two processes,
not only teacher-centered. It means that they play a significant role
in achieving their success in study. So, they need to actively
involve in that process. Based on the research, the writer found that
there are several students who are still weak in reading
comprehension. Therefore, they need to have more practice in
order to improve their reading comprehension. The technique of
Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) help the students in
learning their reading comprehension. Students be more

enthusiastic and interest in learning and practicing their English

reading comprehension.
2. For the Future Researcher
The technique of Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) can be
used in teaching others subject matter. So technique PALS can be used
an English teacher in every school in order to give rise to interest in
reading and make students’ activeness in learning the most important
in reading comprehension.

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