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Food Chain Recovery With Humic Acid Based Products Within the


HUMAC Ltd., Košice, Slovakia

Authors: Ing. Gejza Szanyi, managing director, owner

Doc. MVDr. Ladislav Vaško, biochemist, Faculty of Medicine
UPJŠ, Košice
Dr. Rafael Pizarro-Alvis, expert on usage of humic substances

June 2016

Considering the rapid increase of population and emissions, and the decrease of arable land, a
question arises: Is it possible to provide the population with a sufficient amount of healthy, quality
food? Research results from the past decade proved humid acids to be not only intensifying factors
but as well as health risks eliminating agents that can significantly benefit the soil - plant - animal -
human system. This report aims to introduce humid acids, their effects on improving soil fertility,
increasing the amount of animal production, yet reducing unhealthy substances in food and ensuring
plant, animal and human health.
HUMAC Ltd. is since 2004 focused exclusively on production and development of natural products
from natural quality humid acids aimed at food chain recovery. Currently we’re successfully
manufacturing products for soil in a form of conditioners and fertilisers, veterinary products and
feed materials for animals, and specific products for reducing emissions in animal production.
Products for reducing environmental pollution (heavy metals and toxins) and ones for human usage
are in the last phase of development and their production shall start by the end of 2016. 

The industrial activity of men resulted in environmental contamination by various toxic substances.
Thereby an ecological disaster arose in the areas of intense mining activity and ores processing,
caused mainly by heavy metals, metalloids and other toxic elements. The principal of toxicity of
heavy metals, metalloids, dioxins and PCB could be explained by two basic effects:
1. Blocking the action of enzymes which provide all metabolic pathways in the organism.
2. Acting as strong oxidising agents, while depleting antioxidant defence of the organism.
Toxicity reduces the resistance of organisms, resulting in increased morbidity.

Such example could be the group of metals and metalloids which have an exclusive affinity to thiol
groups of protein (-SH), that they bind to (Hg, Cd, Ag, Cu, As etc.).
A large group of enzymes contain thiol groups. These include enzymes providing antioxidant
defense but also the repair of genetic material (DNA). Since glutathione, which also contains a thiol
group, has a very important role in antioxidant defense of the organism, oxidative damage of the
organism is much deeper.
High exposure of the organism to heavy metals causes a higher occurence of various diseases,
including cancer. Lead (Pb) particularly causes the occurrence of kidney cancer, lung, stomach and
breasts cancer. The consequence of Cadmium (Cd) is development of breast, lung, kidney
and prostate cancer. Increased occurence of cancer is also described in the high exposure of other
elements. E.g. lung cancer - Arsenic (As), Aluminum (Al), Nickel (Ni); skin cancer - Arsenic (As);
prostate cancer - Zinc (Zn).

The negative impact of these elements on human health in the affected area depends not only on
their amount but also on the factors affecting their food, water and air intake.
The solution for the recovery of the food chain must therefore consider all counter factors, primarily
ensuring a balanced and recovered food chain within the soil - plant - animal - human system, while
limiting additional pollution constantly produced by mankind.

The system of soil - plant

It is well known that the more toxic metals in the soil, the higher content in plants, although
individual plants are of different ability to take in various toxic elements. In theory, this problem
can be solved as follows:
a) Removal of toxic elements chemically. (Virtually impossible to elaborate on larger
infestation areas For larger infestations areas. It is impossible to elaborate billion tons of
soil likewise from financial point of view.)
b) Removal of toxic elements by hyperacumulative plants. (This method is based on the
finding that some plants have the ability to significantly accumulate toxic metals. Majority
of them significantly accumulates only one metal, for example Agrostis stolonifera - As,
Minuorta verna - Cd etc.). Collected plants are dried and further processed chemically.
This method is applicable in a case the soil highly contains only one element. At a higher
content of various toxic elements it does not deliver the expected effect for even decades
and blocks the soil out from agricultural production.
c) Storage and regulation of toxic elements within the soil in an unusable form to prevent
plants from receiving them in critical quantities. It is known that toxic metals and toxins
bound by a chelating bond are practically inaccessible to plants. That is a way to grow
plants with low content of toxic metals and toxins on predominantly contaminated soils.

Humid acids are natural substances with the strongest ability to chelate heavy metals and toxins.
They originate from a biological or chemical decomposition of organic matter, especially plants and
synthetic activity of microorganisms. As natural organic compounds they are part of humus. They
also occur in arable land, healing mud and peat.
The skill of humid acids to lower the transition of heavy metals and toxins from soil to plants, from
the feed to animals, and from food to human organisms, justifies their application within the food

Humic acid molecules, chemical formula and powder

Solution Proposition

To prevent the penetration of toxic metals, metalloids and toxins in infested areas, a complex
application of HUMAC’s humic acid based formulas throughout the food chain is the best solution
both from economic perspective as well because of their ability to eliminate or avoid negative
effects on human health. Some of our basic products for reducing extensive environmental pollution
are presented below.

• HUMAC Agro
for crop production
a) Application of product on arable land:
- decreases the intake of toxic elements by plants while preventing their
secretion into groundwater;
- increasing biomass production as well as nutrients and vitamins content in
b) Fertilization of infertile soils and tailings: humic acids have a significant role in
establishing the right soil structure, proliferation of necessary soil microorganisms, and
ensuring better root system development. They are also useable for remediating, e.g.
forest plantation.
c) Application in irrigation management: humid acids allow the usage of both
industrially contaminated (mining, metallurgy) and natural water.

The application of HUMAC Agro, humid acid based preparation, in crop production results in
higher production of plant mass and yield that are necessary for ensuring animal and human
nutrition with a lower content of toxic substances.

Experiments with HUMAC Agro

for livestock production
a) Addition of product in to the feed:
- reduces the content of toxic substances in products of animal origin;
- reduces morbidity and mortality (very significantly among pups);
- achieves increased production of animal products: meat, milk, eggs (farm
animals are healthier);
- increases the profitability of farming.

• HUMAC Nativ
for population nourishment (upcoming product)
We are planning to apply natural humic acids as a nutritional supplement in form of
pills, capsules and syrups.

Recent research has confirmed the many beneficial effects of humic acids on the
organism and largely explained the molecular nature of these effects.
- Intake of humic acids can not only reduce resorption of heavy metals and other
toxic substances but also has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.
Therefore, supplementation of humic acids appears to be an eligible resource,
especially in areas with vulnerable environment.
- They prevent resorption of various toxins (e.g. mycotoxins), xenobiotics
(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and also protect from the effects of
- The anti-inflammatory effect is explained by inhibiting the production of
cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10),
- Antioxidant effect is based on the inactivation of free radicals,
- Studies have shown the antiviral effect in various viral infections such as HIV
and HPV, Herpes simplex virus 1,
- Humic acids can be used in prevention and treatment of cancer, as well as to
alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

• HUMAC Enviro
for the environment
In order to solve environmental ballast by application of humid acids, we’re developing
HUMAC Enviro, which is responsible for adjusting the pH levels in soil essential for
the growth of microorganisms in soil, and for absorption of toxic metals and other
toxins from the soil and thereby their reduced intake by plants.
HUMAC Enviro shall be produced from Dudarit, that was used for resolving the well
known red mud disaster in Hungary:

Report from October 4, 2010

The MAL Rt. /Hungarian aluminium producer/ mud weir in Ajka broke. Approximately 600 -
700 000 m3 of red mud were released, damaging communes Kolontár, Devecser and
Somolóvásárhely. The highly alkaline mud - waste from the aluminium production covered cca
40 km2 of land, causing priceless economical and ecological damages, injuries and deaths of

Specialists on damage disposal arrived to the place of the crash on October 6, to primarily
resolve neutralisation of such an extensive area covered with red mud with a pH value of
Many offers arrived for solving the situation, mainly from abroad. One of the specialists
involved is also Dr. Csicsor János, a chemical engineer from Hungary carrying out a simple
experiment of red mud neutralisation by the use of brown coal material containing humid acids
(Dudarit with 50% content of humid acids) from the nearby DUDAR mine. The experiment
takes a surprising course - a negligible amount of 5 grams of Dudarit neutralises 1 kg of red
mud from pH values of 13-14 to pH 7,6 within 24 hours. Moreover the presence of humid
acids binds the toxic metals present because of the red mud.

Subsequently on October 10 of the same year an experiment was prepared with seeds at
damaged areas treated with Dudarit. As visible on the pictures taken on October 22, 2010, the
cereals (rye, flax, etc.) sown in damaged land have already germinated.

Based on the evidence, on November 10, 2010, the competent authorities decided to use
Dudarit for liquidation of the consequences of the crash in the damaged area, which were
disposed by spilling 800 tons of Dudarit.

Dudarit is used by HUMAC Ltd. for production of its products:

- HUMAC Agro natural conditioner and activator of soil fertility
- HUMAC Natur veterinary product
- HUMAC Natur AFM feed material for animal feed
- HUMAC Enviro soil excipient for pH adjustment and absorption of soil toxicity
- HUMAC Welfare emissions absorber in livestock production
- HUMAC Nativ pharmaceutical supplement (recent research on material activation with 85 -
90% humid acid contents)

04-10-2010 06-10-2010

10-10-2010 22-10-2010
Red Mud Crash Documentation

• HUMAC Welfare
for reducing emissions in livestock production
A product developed to reduce emissions of methane and ammonia from animal
breeding farms, with secondary effects of improving animal stabling conditions, and
tertiary effects on production of quality organic fertilisers from livestock production.
This product is able to eliminate emissions up to 40 - 60%. It’s a substantial shift in
lowering emissions from mass breeding farms in livestock production - our contribution
to Earth.

The comprehensive solution needs to consider other options, such as:

- cultivating cultural plants (varieties), which accumulate less toxic metals in the given area,
- reducing the consumption of animal organs in human nutrition, especially the liver and
kidney where accumulation of heavy metals occurs
- increased foodstuff control to all known toxins regardless of the high costs of laboratory


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