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January 3,




1. What is correct about palliative care
A. Provision of medical aspect in care
B. Hospital is the best place for palliative care
C. cure for longterm is not possible

2. Means of controlling pain, except

a. by the clock
b. by the ladder
c. by the mouth
d. by injection
e. by all means

3. Which drug should be used to patient with moderate pain?

A. Codein
B. Morphine
C. Fentanol
D. Methadone
E. Acetaminophen

For 4-8
a. Descriptive epidemiology/studies
b. Analytical epidemiology/ studies
c. Experimental epidemiology/studies
d. Primary prevention
e. Secondary prevention
f. Tertiary prevention
g. Risk reduction
h. Risk avoidance

4. Two groups receiving treatment. One group receive the treatment and the other as comparable (C)
5. Identification of individual at high risk in order to help them modify the risk (G)
6.The early detection of disease / precursor of disease (E)
7. Prevalens rate, date time and place (A)
8. The management of established disease in order to minimize disability (F)

No 9-12
b. Hepatitis A/B
c. Measles
d. Hib
e. Pneumococcal
f. Thiamin
g. B6
January 3,

h. Statin

9.Imunisasi yang direkomendasikan buat adolescent. (B)

10. Immunization yg optional buat adolescent.
11. Vaksinasi yang dikontraindikasikan untuk pasien hamil. (C)
12. Drug for chemoproplaxis for patient taking anti-TB drug (G)

A. Fecal Ocult Blood
B. Mammography
C. Papsmear
D. Speech examination
E. Bone densitometry
F. CEA markers
G. Vision examination

13. This activity is recommended for pre school age child every 6 month (D)
14. The women over 70 y.o shold conduct this screening every 2-3 years in woman not taking estrogen. (C)
15. Conducted yearly to find risk for colon cancer (A)
16. Women >70 years old needs screening for 1-2 years until 75 years old (B)

17. A 84 y.o woman had terminal stage breast cancer with bone metastasis to the left shoulder. She was returned
to her family doctor for next management. What should family doctor do?
a. Continue chemotherapy
b. Give pain killer
c. Refer to other health care
d. No treatment need to be give

18. The patient must be managed in the context of the family – his/her needs, must be balanced against family’s
needs. This care is...
a. Psychological care
b. Pain relieve and symptom control
c. Psychosocial care

19. FP must be able to cope with dying patients’ emotions and reactions. Fisrt stage of dying
a. Acceptance
b. Bargaining
c. Anger
d. Denial
e. depression

A. leadership role
B. informational role
C. decisional role
D. personal effectiveness
January 3,

E. intrapreneurship
F. entrepreneurship
G. organizing

20. as a family physician, Dr.Alexandra should interact with district health office to ask a permission to set up a
clinic (A) liaison

21. After graduating from faculty of medicine,edward plans to set up a clinic.he is ready to take risks and start
smthng new in order to apply his own knowledge and skills (F)

22. Family physician should be a resource allocator and negotiator as well (C)

23. Enterpreneurship within an exciting bussiness structure and also bridge the gap between science and market
place (E)

24. The ability to exert a positive influence on the task of management (D)

Tipe referral :
A. Interval referral
B. Collateral referral
C. Cross referral
D. Split referral

25. Konsultasi ke dokter ttg nasal congestion, punya 2 kucing di rumah. 2 minggu kemudian datang lg utk kontrol
dan mengabarkan bhw minggu depan akan pindah ke sumatra

26. 40 y.o, G5P3A1 hamil 37 minggu. Vaginal bleeding, riwayat vaginal bleeding pd kehamilan sebelumnya. kamu
berencana utk merujuk pasien ke rumah sakit utk persalinan A

27. positif hiv --> refer to internist.

28. A 35 y.o female presents to your clinic with complain of weight loss, fatigue & insomnia of 4 mths duration. She
reports that she has been feeling gradually more tired & staying up late because she couldn't sleep. She feels tired
most of the weeks & states she feels increasingly worthless. Her mental status exam is significant for major
depression. You refer her to psychiatrist for further exam & management

29. Pasien hipertensi +DM dirujuk ke internist dan nutrisionist B

30. In referring the patient to surgery, if a patient develop a respiratory infection after a surgery, the surgeon can
ask family physician to manage the respiratory problem. A

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