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Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below.
Health and safety in construction is not a matter to be taken lightly. In fact, health and safety
needs to be front of mind in every aspect of construction at all times. The construction industry is
prone to many hazards and accident potential. Construction materials, tools, machinery and
handling techniques all come with their own dangers. The main types of accidents which cause
death or serious injury on construction sites include falls, incidents with site vehicles, collapsing
materials and contact with overhead power lines.
Most accidents can be avoided by implementing stringent health and safety protocols and
ensuring those protocols are constantly maintained. Health and Safety methods will ensure the
construction site has good designs, good planning and uses tried and tested safety techniques.
There is simply no excuse for slacking or cutting corners when it comes to health and safety in
construction. Poorly implemented health and safety techniques, design and management can
result in accidents, illness and even death.
1. How important is health and safety in the construction industry?
Health and safety in construction is not a matter to be taken lightly.
2. According to the text, what are some kinds of accidents causing death or serious injury on
construction sites?
According to the text, falls, incidents with site vehicles, collapsing materials and contact with
overhead power lines are some kinds of accidents causing death or serious injury on
construction sites.
3. How can accidents on construction sites be prevented?
Accidents can on construction sites be prevented by implementing stringent health and safety
protocols and ensuring those protocols are constantly maintained
4. In accordance with Health & Safety methods, what techniques should the construction site
In accordance with Health & Safety methods, techniques the construction site should use tried
and tested safety.
5. In relation to safety in construction work, what thing is definitely unacceptable?
In relation to safety in construction work, Poorly implemented health and safety techniques,
design and management are definitely unacceptable
Read the passage and answer the following questions(2.5pts.)
There are basically two types of driveway. You can have a firm surface, like stones or
concrete or asphalt, and you can have a loose surface of aggregate, like gravel or crushed
stones. Each type needs layers of different materials underneath the surface layer, and the
materials you use for these layers have different properties. So, for example, if you want
paving stones, you need a bedding layer underneath, which is normally coarse sand or
grit. If the sand is too fine, the bedding layer will be too soft. Under that you may have a
base layer, and underneath that you may have another layer, called a sub-base. This sub-
base needs to be strong enough to take the weight of vehicles, like family cars. If this
sub-base is too weak, the driveway will subside, or sink. These two layers will be
aggregates of different sizes. The larger aggregates are at the bottom. The sub-base sits
on the sub-grade, in other words on the existing ground. On the outside you have edgings.
The edgings are often stone or concrete. Some edgings, like in children's playgrounds,
can be elastic. On driveways, the edgings need to be strong enough to hold the paving
together. And they need to be tough. Brittle edgings are not good - they break or chip
1/ What types of materials do we need for a loose surface of driveway?
we need gravel or crushed stones for a loose surface of driveway.
2/ Do the materials used for different layers have the same or different properties?
the materials used for different layers have the different properties.
3/ What will happen if the sand is too fine?
If the sand is too fine, the bedding layer will be too soft.
4/ Why does the sub-base need to be strong enough?
the sub-base needs to be strong enough to take the weight of vehicles.
5/ Where does the sub-base sit?
The sub-base sits on the sub-grade or on the existing ground.
1/ How many types of driveways are there? What are they?
There are basically two types of driveway. They are a firm surface and loose surface.
2/ Do we need the same layers of materials for both?
No, we don’t.
3/ How are the materials we use for these layers?
You can have a firm surface, like stones or concrete or asphalt, and you can have a loose
surface of aggregate, like gravel or crushed stones.
4/ What happens if the sub-base is too weak?
if the sub-base is too weak, the driveway will subside, or sink.
5/ Why do the edgings on driveways need to be strong?
the edgings on driveways needs to be strong to hold the paving together


Fill in each of the blanks with ONE suitable word or phrase.
1.A ______ glare _____________a device that includes a mirror, which turns so as to keep
reflecting sunlight toward a specific point.
2. A piece of paprer that a buyer is given that shows which goods have been delivered is a
3. ____________________ is a detailed statement describing materials, dimensions and quantity
of an item.
4. A(n) _________________ is a large building for storing large qualities of goods.
5. A situation in which an area of land becomes covered with water, for example because of heavy
rain is called __________________.
6. A(n) _____________ is a substance added in small amounts to something else to improve,
strenghthen or otherwise alter it.
7. A(n) _______________ is a pole for marking positions in surveying.
8. A(n) _____________is a plastic object in the shape of a cone that is put on the road to show
where repairs are being done.
9. ________ is a material made of several tin layers of wood that are stuck together to form a
strong board.
10. ______________ is a black sticky substance that becomes hard when it dries, used for making
the surface of a building.
Match the words and phrases in A with their definitions in B
1.recruitment A. a device that includes a mirror, which turns so as to keep
process reflecting sunlight toward a specific point.
B. a group of companies or organizations who are working
2. a master together to do something. 3
electrician C. someone who is very skilled at connecting or repairing
electrical wires or equipment. 2
3. a consortium D. a continuous metal band that goes over the wheels of a
vehicle allowing it to move over uneven ground.
4. a track E. a series of actions that are done in order to find new people to
work in a company. 1
5. a heliotas
F. a project in which a single contractor has responsibility for
6. indirect cost the complete job. 7
G. an amount by which the actual cost exceeds the target or
7. a turnkey project estimated cost. 9
H. money that a business must spend,not directly on its products
8. a stoppage or services,but on other things such as buildings or wages. 6
I. a situation in which workers stop working for a short time. 8
9. cost overrun J. a formal statement of the price you would charge for doing a
job or providing goods or services. 10
10. tender K. the techniques and tools used in the planning, control and
management of a project. 5
L. a computer network used for exchanging or seeing
information within a company.

1.A consortium A. someone who works for an employer for a fixed period of
time in order to learn a particular skill or job. 5
2. glare B. a group of companies or organisations who are working
together to do something. 1
3. safe
C.extra money paid, especially as a reward for good work or a
fast completion. 8
4. A job-site-memo
D. formal statement of the price you would charge for doing a
job or providing goods or services. 10
5. An apprentice
E. a bright unpleasant light which hurts your eyes. 2

6. A plan view F. a short official note to all workers on a job site, e.g. building.
7. A documentation G. a view from above of the relationships between rooms,
controller spaces and other physical features at one level of a structure.
H. a person or department which keeps track of all
8. bonus documentation. 7
J. the money that is available to an organisation or person, or a
9. budget plan of how it will be spent. 9
K. the range of things that a project deals with.
L. the first meeting with the project team and the client of the
project. 6
M. a strong metal box or cupboard with special locks where you
keep money and valuable things. 3


Rewrite the sentences as directed, keeping their original meanings unchanged
1. Ancient Chinese laboring people created The Great Wall of China (Change the
sentence into passive.)
-> The great wall of China was created by ancient Chinese laboring people.
2. You use this machine for moving large amounts of earth. (Use to infinitive)
-> This machine is used to move large amounts of earth.
3. Now, we do not handle the invoices by hands anymore because we all do it on
computers. (Use “used to”)
->We used to handle the invoices by hands.
4. The truck is very powerful. We bought it with high price. (Use “which”)
-> The truck which We bought with high price is very powerful
5. We can’t work on the group because there is heavy snow. (Use “because of”)
-> We can’t work on the group because of heavy snow.
A. Translate these sentences into Vietnamese.
1.The documentary room is the heart of a company. Everything comes into or goes out in
òng tư liệu là phòng quan trọng của công ty. Tất cả mọi thứ điều bắt đầu và phát triển từ
2. A turnkey contract means that one person, or company, is responsible for all the work
of construction.
Loại hợp đồng chìa khóa trao tay nghĩa là bên công ty phụ trách toàn bộ phần xây dựng.
3. A lift is used to transport people to high parts of a construction site.
Thang máy (thang nâng) được sữ dụng để duy chuyển người lên phần phía trên ở công
B. Translate these sentences into English.
1.Máy điều hòa không khí không hoạt động, nó cần được sửa chữa ngay.
If air-conditioners don’t work, they need to be fixed right away.
2. Tôi đã có 20 năm làm việc với những dự án lớn như là bệnh viện, trường học hay là
nhà máy.
I have 20 years experiences in working with the important projects such as hospital, schools,
Rewrite the following sentences as directed, keeping their original meanings unchanged.
1. There is no oil in the tank. We need to check the fuel hose for leaks. (Use V-ing)
-> Checking the fuel hose for leaks, There is no oil in the tank.
2. Ancient Chinese laboring people created The Great Wall of China. (Change the sentence into
-> The great wall of China was created by ancient Chinese laboring people.
3. Everything in the site is running well because the engineers are experienced. (Use because of)
-> Everything in the site is running well because of the experienced engineers.
4. A new concrete pump is a very powerful machine. We bought it with high price. (Use
realative pronoun.)
-> A new concrete pump which we bought with high price is a very powerful machine.
5. They use the tubes, made of glass and steel to transfer sunlight down into the station. (Use for)
-> the tubes, made of glass and steel, are used for transferring sunlight down into the station.

IV. TRANSLATION (2.5 points)

A. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
1. There are only five people in a Legal department, two lawyers and three assistants. We handle all the
contracts and claims.
Chỉ còn 5 người làm việc tại văn phòng lập pháp, 2 luật sư và 3 trợ thư ký. Chúng tôi phải xử lý tất cả các
hợp đồng và khiếu nại.
2. Invoices are sent from the seller to the buyer and list the products or services supplied, the
amount to be paid and the payment terms.
Các hóa đơn được bán gởi cho người mua trong đó gồm có danh sách tên hàng, các dịch vụ được cung
cấp, giá trị thanh toán và các phương thức thanh toán.
3. It is important that roads have enough elasticity to return to their original shape after loading.
Điều quan trọng là các con đường phải đảm bảo có đủ độ đàn hồi để phục hồi lại hình dạng ban đầu sau
khi chịu tải.
B. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Giàn giáo có thể được dựng bằng cách sử dụng nhiều vật liêu khác nhau ví dụ như những ống
kim loại hay tre.

Scaffolding can be erected using a variety of materials such as metal pipes or bamboo.

2. Máy bơm bê tông được dùng để vận chuyển bê tông tới những nơi cao ở công trường
Concrete pump is used to transport concrete to high places at the construction site

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