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11 Crucial Features That Your 
ManyChat Bot Must Have  

Written By: Evolve Media

Use this ManyChat Must-Haves Cheat Sheet​ to make sure your bot
follows best practices, so you can get the most out of your ManyChat bot
and engage with your audience through Messenger!
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1. Facebook Ads JSON Growth Tool
This growth tool allows you to directly connect a ManyChat growth tool and message sequence to a Facebook
ad. An initial greeting message is sent via Messenger immediately after a Facebook Ad is clicked on. As soon
as the user engages with the bot by either clicking a button or typing a reply, then they are considered a
subscriber to the Messenger bot. This ManyChat feature works only for upgraded PRO accounts and works
amazingly well when driving your audience directly to Messenger from your Facebook ad, so we recommend
you upgrade your ManyChat in order to use it!

Example JSON Growth Tool Message​:

“Hi there! 👋Are you ready to take the short quiz so you can find out what kind of yoga mat is best for
you? 🙏”

“Yes, I’m ready!”

2. B​uttons & Quick Reply Buttons

Response tools that allows you to establish one, two, or three reply options in advance for the user to choose
from, these Button options help guide the user and give you control over their journey - while keeping them
engaged in the conversation and committed to building a relationship with you and your brand.

The difference between a Button and a Quick Reply is that a button will stay visible even after clicked, but a
quick reply will disappear after being clicked. Also, the Quick Reply placement is slightly lower near the typing
window and is perceived as more of a “canned response” by the user.

Example Question​:
“How often do you practice yoga?”

Example Buttons​:
“Once a week”
“3 times a week”
“3+ times a week”

3. Short Videos
A video that plays inside the Messenger platform or app and can be used to jump start or wrap up a
conversation. These are great relationship builders and can be used to grab attention, explain, elaborate or
drive home a specific point you’re trying to make that users can watch right inside the Messenger app. The
notification they receive on their phone would read that they were just sent a video and seeing that can
increase open rates in a major way.

They must be under 30 seconds and smaller than 23.8mb

4. Audio Recordings
Another great relationship builder is an audio message. When this is received, the notification will read that
they just received an audio recording and can get massive open rates due to the fact that many people rarely
receive audio messages.

Must be smaller than 23.8mb

11 Crucial Features That Your ManyChat Bot Must Have
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5. GIFs
Animated images that bring humor to the conversation, GIFs keep the user engaged in the conversation and
help you hold their attention, so you can build trust and be more relatable. These also help you drive a point
home, add variety to the boring lines of text, and help you show your brand’s personality easier. We highly
recommend using GIFs very often as a way to keep things light and entertaining.

Example GIFs & Resources​:


6. Emojis
Image icons that convey an emotion, emojis make for a more fun and casual conversation with your audience.
Use these even more often than the GIFs usage. Try to remember that you’re trying to build a relationship with
these people and you want them to know, like, and trust you. Also, keep in mind that many people use FB
Messenger as a way to communicate with their friends and family, so you don’t want to be too stiff. Instead,
you want to speak to them like they are a friend or family member.

Example Emojis​:

7. User Input & Custom Fields

Tools that can be used dynamically in many different automated messages, these features allow subscribers to
provide free form answers and information which can then be assigned to field naming conventions for
organized data collection across multiple messages, growth tools, flows and sequences.

Basically, instead of filling out a form on a landing page, you can ask them questions one-by-one and each
answer will be saved like they were filling out a landing page form. It’s a lot easier to get someone to answer
more questions when they’re presented one at a time, instead of all at once. Using apps like Zapier is a MUST
when asking users questions because once the answer is collected in ManyChat, then it needs to be sent to
either a Google Sheet, to you in an email, to your contact management database, or somewhere that it can be
saved and referred back to.

Example User Input Question​:

“What is the main reason you practice yoga?”

Custom Field​:
“Reason for practicing yoga”

8. Tags
A feature that allows subscribers to be segmented based on their performed actions. They are tagged
automatically or manually. This feature also allows you transfer users’ information to 3rd party platforms. Once
a user is tagged, many different actions can be automated and applied using Zapier’s numerous integration
capabilities with hundreds of apps and softwares that you already use for your business.

Example Tags​:
Email Address, Phone Number, Completed Quiz, Completed Purchase, Is Interested In Products

11 Crucial Features That Your ManyChat Bot Must Have

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9. Integrations using Zapier

With, any data that you collect and track in ManyChat can be sent, or “zapped”, to another platform
that you choose.

Example Integrations​:
- Email collected in ManyChat, then sent to ConvertKit for Email Marketing.
- Answers from user input questions can be sent to Hubspot or other CRM software for collecting
- Names of users that clicked a specific button can be tagged, then sent over to a Google Sheet,
so you can see who you need to follow up with via FB Messenger.
- A phone number collected in ManyChat can be sent to a software like to follow
up with via text message marketing.
- Setup an email notification system for when you get a new lead submission in ManyChat, then
you receive an email showing you that user’s name, number, and email for you to reach out to
them for follow up.
10. Delays
Timing feature that allows multiple messages to be sent consecutively while breaking up large paragraphs of
text with the option to show typing or not to show typing for up to 60 seconds. This feature can let the user
know you’re sending them another message and gives them time to read your responses, so you can keep
them engaged without overwhelming them with a lot of text all at once. Also, it adds a more human-like touch
to your messaging sequences.

Example Delay​:
“Did you know that yoga not only plays an important role in achieving relaxation and physical fitness,
but it also helps control diseases such as Depression, Anxiety, Migraines, Diabetes, and High Blood

“Yoga has also been said to ease digestion, alleviate allergy symptoms, improve memory, and delay
aging through detoxification. And the benefits go on!”

11. Sequences
Sequences allow you to send consecutive messages based on a schedule where the user only has to give
permission once to receive a series of timed messages. Basically, if you wanted to send a message to a user
each day, or every 3 days, sharing pieces of content with them in order to build familiarity and trust, then that’s
how you accomplish this. Sequences are great for following up with users over long periods of time, so you can
avoid being forgotten about.

Example Sequences​:
“Hey there! We love to share yoga tips with our fellow yogis. Click the button below if you would like to
receive these tips every day for the next 3 days!”
“Get Tips” (Clicking this button opts them into the multi-day message series)

“Great, here’s yoga tip of the day #1: Try drinking flavored water during yoga class. If it tastes better,
you’ll drink more. You can add berries, cucumber, lemon, tea, or coconut water.”

11 Crucial Features That Your ManyChat Bot Must Have

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(After 1 day)
“Hi there! I hope you’re having a great day!

Here’s yoga tip of the day #2: Get rid of all distractions.

Of course that includes your phone and any other devices. But it’s important to make sure you wear
comfortable clothes that don’t require adjusting and re-adjusting during your practice, and avoid using a
mat that is known for rolling up on the corners or edges. These are just small examples of things that
can get in the way of a productive yoga session.”

(After 1 day)
“Hello again! I have your yoga tip of the day for you!

Yoga tip of the day #3: Accept your body’s uniqueness and do what you can.

The key to becoming more flexible or more knowledgeable about yoga is by practicing yoga regularly.
It’s important that you recognize how you feel during your practice and remember that tightness in your
body is normal. The more you do yoga, the better you will feel about yourself and your yoga skills.”


12. Smart Delays (Slightly Different Than Sequences)

Smart Delays are very similar to sequences in the way they allow you to send multi-day messages to your
users. You can either have the user opt-in to a smart delay by clicking a button or automatically push them into
the delay by setting up a next step after they receive a message. The only difference between a Smart Delay
and a Sequence is in the way that you set it up and build it out.

A Sequence can be built out in the same way that you’d build one out in an email marketing software, so if
you’re used to building out email sequences in MailChimp, then learning ManyChat’s sequence builder will be
very easy.

A Smart Delay is built out more on a message by message basis and can be added at the bottom of every
message as a follow up reminder message.

Example Smart Delay​:

“Hey there! We have a new video tutorial explaining how to use a Yoga Wheel.
Click below to watch the video!”
“Watch Video”
“I’m busy now”

Smart Delay Reply Message:

User clicks “I’m busy now”
Respond with “No problem, I can remind you!” and include button options for “30 Minutes” and
“Tomorrow” with Smart Delays on each button.

11 Crucial Features That Your ManyChat Bot Must Have

Shop ManyChat Templates at ​EvolveMedia.Agency/Templates

Smart Delay Follow Up Message:

“Hi there! Here’s the Yoga Wheel tutorial video for you to watch. Let us know if you could benefit from
the Yoga Wheel!”
“Watch Video”

13. Buy Now Card

Using the Card feature allows you to change your button to a Buy Button, fill out the fields accordingly for your
Item Name, Item Price, and upload an image. You can also gather the user’s email, phone number and
shipping address at the point of purchase. Purchases can be made completely within ManyChat once your
ManyChat account has been upgraded to a PRO account and your existing Stripe account is connected (See
Settings > Payments tab).

Example Buy Now Card​:

11 Crucial Features That Your ManyChat Bot Must Have

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