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All glory to the Almighty God

May-2019 Monthly Edition Sparrow-9

And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
(Deuteronomy 6:8)
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their
foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of
his name.
(Revelation 13:16,17)
Part - 8
Satan fights against God through different means, which are direct and indirect in nature. The aim of this article
is to expose the indirect war, which Satan is fighting against God. For better understanding this article is
written like a conversation between Satan and his Angel.
Angel: Hello Satan! I’m back with doubt again. Last time when we met, you said that the way to Heaven is a narrow one. But,
today I can see that many are preaching that “if you take baptism and become a Christian all your problems would be solved and
you can live a blessed life with a car, bungalow, etc...). Is that true?
Satan: Hello Angel. Through the questions you are asking I’m feeling that you are reading the Bible regularly. The preachers who
are preaching that “if you become Christians you can live a blessed life with a car and bungalow” are my people. Because John the
Baptist, Jesus Christ and His disciples preached the same thing and you can check your Bible on the subject they preached.
John the Baptist - Repent (Mark 1:4)
Jesus Christ - Repent (Mark 4:17)
The Disciples of Christ - Repent (Mark 6:12)
Angel: That means the preaching about the blessing or prosperity is false?
Satan: Yes, it is false. They are the false prophets about whom Christ is warning in Matthew 24:24. During the time of prophet
Jeremiah God warned the Jewish to go to Babylon. But, the false prophets prophesied in God’s name saying that there will be
peace in the land of Judah. God warns against these false prophets that they will be killed in war and famine (Jeremiah 14:12-16).
In the same way, after knowing that the second coming of Christ is the day of destruction for sinners, the Pastors and Preachers
who are preaching a wrong concept of blessing instead of giving a warning, with the motive of attracting the crowd for their
personal benefits are the False Prophets.
Angel: Oh.. Do they preach wrong concept about blessing? That means car and bungalow are not blessing from God?
Satan: No. Car and bungalow are not the real blessing. If you read the book of Psalms, King David would have used the word
“Blessed” many times. When we go through the whole chapter, we can conclude that Kind David had used the word “Blessed” to
represent a person who is worthy to go to heaven.
Angel: That means you are saying that, reaching heaven is the real blessing?
Satan: Yes you are correct.
Angel: Then can you tell me the name of the person whom you consider as the most blessed person in the Bible?
Satan: No doubt. It is Elijah.
Angel: What? Elijah. He struggled for food and received food from the poor widow. Later he received food from Raven. He didn’t
have a wife or children. He didn’t have any wealth, and how can you tell that he is a blessed person?
Satan: The things you told are correct. But, in reality will you be able to get food for a raven? God fed Elijah through raven to prove
that he is blessed. Elijah took the last meal of the poor widow for his food. But, after that the oil and the flour didn’t decrease in the
widow’s house till the famine got over. By this we can witness that Elijah is blessed. He didn’t have wealth and all that he had was
a mantle to cover himself, which also fell down in the ground when he was ascending to heaven. But, God took him alive to heaven
and Elijah never faced the death. Which again proves that he is blessed by God.
Angel: So, you are saying that even if we don’t experience any worldly pleasure, the life in heaven is the real blessing.
Satan: Yes you are correct. Matthew 6:20 says “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven”. Elijah lived a life according to this
Bible verse. He was poor in this world. But, he stored his treasures in heaven and received the eternal life as a gift from God.
Angel: Thanks for your clear explanation. It will be good if you explain Mark 10:25 which says “It is easier for a camel to go through
the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”.
Satan: The rich people will never feel that the money they have is enough. They always keep their mind in money. This verse of
Bible says that it is hard for such people to enter heaven as they are working toward money and not towards heaven.
Angel: I understood. But, I still have another doubt. Can a person blessed by God be a rich man?
Satan: We will discuss about this topic in our next visit.
To be continued...
(Sharon Jacob)
My name is Sharon Jacob. Presently I live in Perungalathur which is a part of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. I’m the eldest child of the
family and I have 2 younger sisters. As family we were attending the CSI Church. My father taught us that we should obey God and
keep him first in all the things. We sisters happily participated in all the spiritual programs in the Church.

One Sunday as we were on the way to our Church, we met 2 sisters. They questioned us whether we are Christians. We said yes.
Then they asked us whether they can come to our home for prayer. So, we accepted their request and welcomed home.

We liked the manner of the prayer offered by them. Then they started their conversation with a question “What is Sabbath?” We
answered them from the Bible with the knowledge we had. Then they said that they will come to our home once in a week in order
to study the Bible and get the truth.

Since we were strong in our faith we didn’t accept the truth at first. But, the truth didn’t allow us to live at peace. We sisters started
to pray along with our mother for this matter. Later we 4 of us accepted the truth of the Seventh-Day Adventists and started
attending the Church. But, our father didn’t take any decision on this. By attending the Church we learned more and more about
the truth of the Bible. We thank God for guiding us into the truth of the Bible.

Later I along with one of my younger sister went for our college studies to Spicer College in Pune, Maharashtra through the support
of our Church. There also we could sense the wonderful guidance of our almighty God. It was our God who helped us to complete
our studies successfully.

Then when I came to work in Chennai I didn’t get leave on Sabbath (Saturday). Even after knowing the glory of the Sabbath I
decided to compromise on Sabbath considering our family’s financial situation. That was a Saturday, I got ready to go for work and
waited for the bus. At that time I heard a soft voice in my mind which questioned me “Today is the Sabbath. Is it right to go for
work?” I couldn’t reject the voice of the Holy Spirit. I felt ashamed on my decision to work on Sabbath. I straightly went to the
Church and thanked God for preventing me from doing sin. From that day onwards I decided to keep the Sabbath holy and never
went back on my decision.

Later I got a job with leave on Sabbath (Saturday). Even though the salary was very less, I joined the work with the thinking that
God will take care of everything. The same way God helped me out. God did a wonder in my life which is unbelievable. Yes, my
salary was increased 4 times in a short period of time.

My father didn’t accept the truth till the end. He passed away in the year 2014. By the end of his life with us, I learned that the
grace period given to us may end at any time and we have to be careful about that. After which God gave me a lovable husband
who accepted the Sabbath truth. He is the only person to accept the Sabbath truth in his family. My desire is that everyone in his
family should accept the Sabbath truth and experience the love of God.

The major thing which I learned through my life is that “we have to obey the truth as soon as we receive it”. Let us take that we
know the Sabbath truth but, we don’t like to obey it and if our grace period finishes today, what will be our state. It is the time for us
to think and act… From today let us start to keep the Sabbath wholeheartedly. May God bless you all. Amen.

Keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. Six days thou shalt labour, and do
all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy
son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor
thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou.
(Deuteronomy 5:12-14)

If you have gone through a Sabbath miracle in your life, please share it with us so that it can be an inspiration for others.
The common name of the chemical sodium bi-carbonate is known as baking soda. It is also called as cooking soda.

Where is baking soda used?

Baking soda is used in hotels to make South Indian dishes like idly, dosa and appam, to get the sour taste. They also
use it for make snacks like bajji and bonda to make it softer. In bakeries it is widely used to soften the bread, cakes and

Where should the baking soda be used?

We can use the baking soda to clean the gas stove and oily vessels. This makes our work easier because the chemical
in it will be able to remove the oily stuffs and other hard dirt without giving much physical force. It can also be used to
clean our dirty legs with ease.

What will be the outcome of using the baking soda (which is good in removing the dirt) in food?

Adding baking soda into our food causes stomach pain, diarrhea, vomit, indigestion and low appetite. Many South
Indian hotels provides unlimited meals. Where rice is served without any limit. Many Businessmen running hotel
business use this baking soda for the unlimited rice served over there. This is a trick used to make money. They charge
for unlimited meals but the person who is having the rice with baking soda will not be able to eat more.Because, the
baking soda reduces the appetite and make the person feel stomach full.

How can we avoid using baking soda?

We can follow the natural way to make the idly, dosa and appam. The batter get the sour taste naturally by grinding it in
the night and using it in the morning. In case if we require the batter quicker, then we can keep the batter in a warm
place. For making the snacks items softer, we can mix the batter and keep it for half an hour to one hour, so that you
can get the softness naturally without adding any chemicals.

In hotels they don’t give enough time for the natural way of getting the batter sour and getting soft bajji and bonda. So
almost each and every hotels uses the baking soda. If you don’t believe, just try this. Choose your favourite hotel and
start having 3 meals a day in the same place for minimum 3 days. Then you will have the chemical effect in your body
which will cause any of these disorders like stomach pain, diarrhea, vomit, indigestion and low appetite. Which is mainly
due to the baking soda which is added in food.

In order to live a healthy life, go for natural food and avoid using chemical like baking soda just for the matter of taste.

“The first wealth is health.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Satan had failed in his fiercest temptations against Jesus; After which he had a discussion with his angels and decided
to be more cunning against him, during the period of His ministry. He started his war again with Jesus, through the
people who didn’t accept him as the Son of God. The Jews didn’t understand the prophecies about Jesus Christ which
is written in the Old Testament and were expecting Christ as a worldly King who would deliver them from the Romans.
This is a trick of Satan to blindfold the Jews from understanding the prophecies in a right manner.
When Christ was doing his ministry in this world, Satan and his angels were busy working against Him. He filled the
mind of the people with unbelief and hatred. Whenever Christ brought out the bitter truth into light, Satan stirred up the
Jews to kill Him.
Once when they tried to stone Jesus to death, the Angels of heaven surrounded and protected Him. Later when they
tried to push Jesus from the top of a hill, the Angels of heaven covered Jesus and made Him to go on his way. Satan
trusted that the Plan of Salvation will fail and used all his might to work with people and make them hate Jesus.
Christ continued his wonderful ministry by Surpassing the power of Satan over the suffering. He restored the sick to
health, gave sight to the blind, made the lame to walk, made the lepers clean, made the dumb to to talk, made the deaf
to hear, brought the dead ones to life and preached the good news to the poor and needy. He relieved people from
bondage of Satan. His life was filled with love and sympathy.
Since the Jews were blindfolded by the work of Satan, the Chief Priests and the Pharisees ordered their servants to
bring Jesus to them. When the servants heard the teaching of Jesus, they were surprised. As they felt the love of Christ
they were unable do anything against Him. They went back empty-handed to the Chief Priests and Pharisees saying
"Never man spake like this man."
The Chief Priests accused them of being deceived by Jesus Christ. What a sad thing? The educated people like the
Chief Priests and the Pharisees couldn’t feel that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. But, the servants who didn’t have the
knowledge about the Bible felt that, Christ is not an ordinary man.
Satan couldn’t stop the Plan of Salvation with his cunning moves. So, Satan and his angels worked with the Jews who
are the people of his own nation and made them to be against Christ. Satan made the Jews to oppose Him thinking that
Christ will lose His patience and put an end to the Plan of Salvation.
While Satan was laying his plans to put an end to the Plan of Salvation, Jesus was carefully opening to His disciples the
sufferings through which He must pass that He would be crucified and that He would rise again the third day. But their
understanding seemed dull, and they could not comprehend what He told them.
What was the next target of Satan? Could Satan destabilize the Plan of Salvation? Did the Disciples of Christ
understood Him? We shall get the answers for the above questions, in our next edition. (To be continued…)
For further studies: Luke 4:29; John 7:45-48; 8:59

(Courtesy: - The Great Controversy between Christ and His Angels and Satan and His Angels)
And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive
his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out
without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the
holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they
have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
(Revelation 14:9-12)
What is the take away from the Third Angel’s Message?
The one who worship’s the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, shall drink of the
wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented
with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb (Jesus Christ).
What is meant by mark of the beast?
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his
number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Revelation 13:18)

VICARIUS FILII DEI is the phrase engraved in the Crown of Pope, who is the head of the Roman Catholic Church. The
false doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church are called to be wine. If we calculate those letter in accordance with the
Roman Alphabets, the output we get is 666 (Please refer the calculation in the above picture). So, the number of the
beast referred in (Revelation 13:18) is none other than Pope. By this we can conclude that Pope is called to be the
Beast which is referred in the Third Angel’s Message. Then what will be the mark of the beast? Mark means Seal. If a
country has to pass a new rule, the papers showing the new rule should have a seal. So, the major change which is
made by Pope as per History is “the change of Sabbath from Saturday (Seventh day) to Sunday (First day). By this we
can conclude that Bible is referring the Sunday worship as the mark of the beast.
Who are called the worshipers of the beast and receives the mark of beast in his forehead, or in his hand?
If the mark of the beast is Sunday worship; Then the person who is disrespecting the true Sabbath (Saturday) in his
mind, worships on Sunday and gets the benefits of it in his hand will be the one who receives the mark of the beast in
his forehead and hand. For example if a person is warned by his manager to work on Sabbath (Saturday) and if he fails
then he have to lose his job. If this person is concerned about his job and decides to go for work on Sabbath (Saturday)
he receives the mark of the beast at that point of time. Later, when he gets the benefit (Salary) in his hand for
disrespecting (working on) the Sabbath (Saturday) he receives the mark of the beast in his hand.
How can we avoid the torture with fire and brimstone or the mark of the beast?
The escape from this situation can happen only if we receive the Seal of God (Revelation 9:4).
What is the Seal of God?
If Sunday worship is mark of the beast then, the Seal of God is the Holy Sabbath (Saturday) (Ezekiel 20:12).

Summary of the Third Angel’s Message

This is the final warning from God to the people of the earth which says that “the people who are not observing the
God-given Sabbath (Saturday) holy, will receive the mark of the beast in his forehead and hand”. Such people shall
drink of the wine of the wrath of God and will be punished in the hell with fire and brimstone.
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God.
(Revelation 3:12)

In this section we are going to witness the powerful ministry of our Pioneers who stood as Pillars for Christ.
Among the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ the one who is less spoken in the Bible is Andrew. He is the brother of
Simon Peter who is also a disciple of Jesus Christ. He is one among the follower of John the Baptist, who later become
the disciple of Jesus Christ.

He was a fisherman by profession and when Christ called him; He left the fishing nets and followed Him.

Once when the huge crowd came to listen to His words, Christ told his disciples to feed the crowd. At that time, Andrew
told that there is a little boy who has 5 loaves of bread and 2 little fishes. By this Andrew took part in the miracle where
Christ fed 5000 men approximately.

If we research through the Bible, we can find the name of Andrew only 10 times. The last information we can find about
Andrew in the Bible is that, the Disciples of Jesus Christ gathered in the upper house and he was one among them.

What did Andrew do after the last meeting of the disciples of Christ?

Obeying the words of Christ which says “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you”
in Matthew 28:19,20 Andrew went to different parts of the world carrying the good news and brought many to Christ. As
Christ did he too performed miracles in the name of Christ.

Finally, at Patras, a city in Achaia, he converted besides many others, Maximillia, the wife of Aegaeas, the Roman
governor, to the Christian faith. This so enraged the governor against Andrew, that he threatened him with the death on
the cross. But Andrew said to the governor, "Had I feared the death of the cross, I should not have preached the
majesty and glory of the cross of Christ”.

The enemies of the truth having apprehended and sentenced to death the apostle Andrew, he went joyfully to the place
where he was to be crucified, and, having come near the cross, he said,"O beloved cross! I have greatly longed for
thee. I rejoice to see thee erected here. I come to thee with a peaceful conscience and with cheerfulness,
desiring that I, who am a disciple of Him who hung on the cross, may also be crucified. The nearer I come to the
cross, the nearer I come to God; and the farther I am from the cross, the farther I remain from God."
They used an “X” shaped cross and tied Andrew which was unusual. Andrew hung three days on the cross; he was riot
silent, however; but as long as he could move his tongue, he instructed the people who stood by the cross, in the way of
the truth, saying, among other things, "I thank my Lord Jesus Christ, that He, having used me for a time as an
ambassador, now permits me to have this body, that I, through a good confession, may obtain everlasting grace and
mercy. Remain steadfast in the word and doctrine which you have received, instructing one another, that you may dwell
with God in eternity, and receive the fruit of His promises." After completing his work Andrew rested in Christ with the
hope of eternal life.

Andrew the Apostle gained victory over Satan and stood as “Pillar for Christ” by continuing his job of preaching the good
news with courage, without any worries as he was nearing his end of life.

It is sure that as per the promise of Christ in Matthew 19:28 “That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when
the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
Israel” Apostle Andrew will be a part of this blessed hope.

What is the current state of our spiritual life? Have you shared the love of Christ to others? We have got this truth of life
with the sacrifice of many lives. If the truth of life should be useful in our lives, then we are in debt of sharing it to others.
Our Lord Jesus Christ performed a big miracle of feeding over 5000 men with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 little fishes
which were shared by the little boy. With this, we should learn that even a small thing in the ministry can bring a huge
change in society. So, even if your share to the ministry is very small, do not worry and just do it.

In case if the date of your death is finalized, will you be happy like Andrew to accept it? If you can share the love of
Christ, like Andrew with courage, you can accept your death happily like Andrew. Let our good Lord be gracious and
give us the privilege like Andrew to us. Amen.

From the Editor

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

All glory to the Almighty God! Firstly, I thank God for making it possible to release the ninth edition of “The Sparrow”. I
thank each and every loving people who are continually supporting in our ministry for God. “The Sparrow” is the
translated version of the Tamil Christian magazine “Chittukkuruvi”. Currently, we are releasing “The Sparrow” only in
digital mode. Hence please share it as much as possible. The only motto of this magazine is to guide people into the
everlasting kingdom. We welcome your Prayer requests, suggestions and feedback.
Your brother in Christ,
Allen Anbarasan Yesudass

Glimpses of Chittukkuruvi 12

Chittukkuruvi May - 2019 Edition with 12 pages in Tamil 4. Question and Answer

Inside 5. Editorial

1. Satan’s Conspiracy 6. Business stratagem

2. Pillars for Christ 7. The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

3. Miraculous Sabbath 8. Do the Prophecy of the Old Testament times

are fulfilled during the New Testament times?

Please contact us for Prayer requests and suggestions through the below means of communications

God is Judge Ministries

8904072759 /godisjudgeministries

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