Practical Research 1

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A Rearch proposal

Presented to the

Faculty of La Castellan National High School-Senior High School Lacastellan Negros


In Partial fulfillment

Of requirements for the Subject


Presented by:

Jeric L. oi

Roldan N.Bautista

Nestor C.Vallespin

Romel John D.Patricio

Raslei M.Pechon

Angelo Mailen

Karen Grace I.Eseller

Jun Mark V.Magno

Christoper John O.Diocson

Marcelino T.Santiago

Jayson N.Marfil

Arady C.Arsaga




Statement of the problemSignificance of study

Scope and limitation


Review of Related Literature



Research design

Sampling techniques


Data Gathering Techniques


Interview Data Analysis and discussion









Technology is an intregral and important part of our life.Like most of us use technology such as
computers and the internet to complete school work,projects,and to conduct research technology helps
to speed up the learning process for students,because it creaates a more efficient learning environment
in many ways.In general,when technology attemps to solve problems of matters energy,space or time,it
is succesful.When it attemps to solve human problems of the mind,communication,ability, fails or
back fires dangerous.Technology is important in todays world because it serve as variety of functions in
many of the most important aspects of modern society,likeb education,communication,business and
scientific progress.(

Our study is about “importance of technology in academic performance of SHS”.Where in it

focus in the importance of technology to the academic performance of senior high school.It focuses the
benefits that they get in using technology and the help of technology to their academic performance.In
order for us to know the importance of technology we need to encourage them to get access on

Statement of the problem

The main objective of the study is to know “The importance of technology in the Academic Performance
of SHS”.

Specifically,this seek to answer the following questions:

 What are the importance of technology to the acadmic performance of SHS students?
 What are the benefits that they get in using technology in relation to their academic
 How can technology helps them in their academic performance?

Significance of the study:

We conducted this study on how to deal aboit the importance of technology in order to know
the proper use of technology.This study wil be most beneficial to the following.

Students: To give them information on how they can use it for their study by researching through the
help of technology.

Teachers: To give them more benefits such as monitoring their students and have an update im each of
us through the easiest way in using technology to encourage them to go to schooñ everyday.

Scope and Limitations:

Our research study was entitled”the importance of technology in academic perfrmance of

SHS”.It was conducted from ,in sitio Villacña La Castellana national High
Schooñ-Senior High.We interviewed 3 studentsbof grade 11 from HUMMS,ABM and SMAW.We used
qualitative type of research which means we gathered data/information th that can affects personal
character of our



Background Information About Technology:

Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools,processing actions and the

extracting of materials that can used to simplify our daily lives.We used technology to extend our
abilities,making people the most crucial part of any technology system.(Karehka Ramey,December

Importance Of Technology

According to Catherine Casper (September 18,2018), technology is very important to

developes a positive attitude towards learnings,I increase skills of students,increases work skills

for the workforce.A few ways to used technology in classroom to create a web page to display students
assignment,writings,art work ,and video conferencing with classroom around the world.Educational
technology is a way for teacher to deliver content to students , different direct and face to face in doing
so teachers will use mechanism of informational technology to deliver educational materials.

Advantages Of Technology

Technology affect the work habit to makes researching and finding information easier

the internet makes knowledge available to students and expose them to a much wider variety of
subjects.It allows teachers to offer more graded assignments which students can do at their
earliest convenience to earn credits.Technology allows students to monitor their grades and be
aware of which assignment are due and when these assignments must be turned in.Application
such as freedom can be utilized to forcefully disconnected yourself from the internet while
doing schoolworks .(Walid Lemagani,November 20,2012).

Benefits Of Technology To Students

According to Pano Savvidis, are TOP 6 BENEFITS of using technology in the classroom.

First is to IMPROVES ENGAGEMENT, it provides different opportunities to make learning more

fun and enjoyable in terms of teaching some things in new ways. For instance, technology can

more active participation in the learning process which can be hard to achieve through a traditional
environment.Second is to ENCOURAGE INDIVIDUAL LEARNING.It provide great opportunities for making
learning more effective for everyone with different concepts or skips a head if they need
to.Third,IMPROVES KNOWLEDGE RETENTION to students who are engaged and interested in things they
are studying are expected to have a better knowledge retention.Fourth,INCOURAGES
COLLABORATION,students can practice collaboration skills by getting involved in different online
activities.For instance ,working on different projects by collaborating with others on forms or by sharing
documents on their virtual learning environment.Fifth,STUDENTS CAN LEARN USEFULL LIFE SKILLS
THROUGH TECHNOLOGY,students can gain the skills they will need to be successful in the future.It helps
to develop many practical skills,including creating presentation,learning to differentiate reliable from
unreliable source on the internet,maintaining proper online etiquette and writing emails.Lastly,it
BENEFITS FOR TEACHERS,teachers can use different apps or trusted online resources to enhance the
traditional ways of teaching and to freep students more engaged.Having virtual learning environment in
schools enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing between teachers.


Research design:

We used phenomenology as our research design,because it studies how people find their
experience meaningfull our primary goal is to know “how their experience in technology and what
technology can help to their lives.”?.As this a qualitative analysis of narrative data method to analyzed its
data it quite different from more traditional or quantitative methods of research.

Sampling techniques

The samping techniques that we used in our study is non-probability is purposive or
judgemental sampling,because of limited numbers of imdividuals and we know according to our
observation that they have a knowledge to answer the questions that we prepared so that their answers
are fit to the data that wanted to gathered.


We interviewed three(3) Grade 11 students from La Castellana National High School-SHS.:(1)

Mary jane Elardo from Brgy.Masulog La Castellana,(2) Maureen Laudi from HAD Brgy.Robles,(3) Don
aquino from Patyo Daan.

Data gathering techniques:

We the researchers used unstructured interview because we wanted our respondents to answer
the questions freely and there are no suggested answer and to make their answer suite to our

question.They are also free to share their knowledge about technology and its effects to the academic
performance of students.


Interview Data,Analysis and Discussion

Importance of technology:

According to(Don Aquino)”para sakn ng technology is parts sang tawo nga ginagamit para ang
atun nga work is to be is importance sa education for example sa research maka gather ya sang
mga facts kag ideas para magamit ta in relation sa research and also sa mga assignment ginagamit tani
para madali ta ng makakwa sang answer”.

Base on the information that we gathered from our respondent( Maureen Laudit ),”Technology
is important to students to interact,communicate and it serve as secondhand in our is a machine
where our work become easy and it make us comfortable.

In addition( Mary jane Elardo )” Technology is important to student because its give them more
learning and knowledge and its help them to easily access in the internet the things that they want to
know.Technology is one who make our life comfortable it is important to education because it enhance
the learning and the relationship between the techers and students.

According to our respondents “people now a days living with a technology”.Technology is a

important things to the people especially to the students to make their studies easy and to help to give
more learnings.It is also the best way to communicate to our friends or relatives.Technology enhance the
learings and the relationship between the teachers and students

Purpose of technology:

According to( Maureen Laudit )”she said the technology have a easy acces on everything that
sorround us”.

Other than( Mary jane Elardo )She”think the purpose why we have technology is to make our life

As well us( Don Aquino ) For him,”para bala nga maka update ta sa mga gakatabo subong kag diba
ang first nga meduim nga ginagamit ta is syempre ang social media apps with that ginagamit ta siya ya
para ano bala ang mga gakalatabo sa guwa or sa sulod ngs wla ta nabal an.”

Our respondents said that”Technology have a purpose to us to make our work easier”Technology
can help us to make our work faster and to help us to get information about the things that we want to
know.Its also can help to our study for doing our assignment and for advance study.

Benefits of technology:

Along with that( Don Aquino )” Ang technology para sakun kay diba,now a days people the
technology kita yah ginagamit ta ni ya nga para maka balo sa mga facts kag maka gather sa mga
information with that nga ginagamit ang information nga in a good way,in manner magamit sa research.”

Together with( Maureen Laudit )”The technology is where mellinial focusing”

Also( Mary jane Elardo )”she learned that the technology is useful to all students”

They said “Melenials focusing on technology and it also beneficial to students and other
people”base on the information that we gathered in each respondents we know that technology is very
useful to our life even students or people at work enjoying of what we are doing.



Our research was entitled” The importance of technology to the academic performance of
SHS”We interogated the three grade 11 students from different strand.Our research aims to know the
importance of technology to the academic performance,and also the benefits that they get in using
technology is very important to the people especially to the students.

We know now a days many people using technology because they want their work to be
easy.Technology is very important for every person because of technology we know what happening in
our sorrounding.It is also help us to communicate our friends and relatives that far from us.We also found
out that technology is very important for people to help them to their works and they also used to find
things that we need to know.Its also important to people to engage in modern tools.Somtimes technology
can harm us if we improper used it.But way should follow the proper use of technology.Because if we use
it in proper way we can get many benefits in technology especially to the students.



After a thorough analysis of data,the following recommendations are hereby made:

 He or She must know the importance of technology because students of today’s generation
are more interested when it comes to the use of technology.
 He or She must know the advantage and disadvantage of using technology to avoid regret in
the end.
 As a student,he or she must know the importance of technology in their school projects and
 He or She must use technology properly and use it in a good purpose.

For someone who is willing to use technology in a proper way,he or she must follow
our recommendations above.As a researcher,we witnessed that in today’s society without
technology,we can't live in easy way.Because the responses of our respondents these
recommendations were made because we want the young educators as well as the upcoming
researchers to have a background or idea about our research.








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