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CSE-403N Computer Graphics and Animation

Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time

4 0 0 75 25 100 03 Hrs.
Purpose Introduces Computer Graphics that help in designing different kinds of static and
movable objects.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 Explore the background and standard line and circle drawing algorithms.
CO2 Exposure of various transformation approaches and its comparative analysis.
CO3 Explore Clipping with different techniques.
CO4 Explore hidden lines and surface techniques.

CO5 Apply design principles to create different curves

CO6 Illustrate Projection with different techniques

Computer Graphics applications, Display Devices, Point & Positioning Devices, Plotting Techniques for
point and Line, Line drawing algorithms: DDA, Bresenhams’s Circle drawing algorithms, Filled area
algorithms: Scan line, Polygon filling algorithms, Boundary filled algorithms.

Window to view port transformation, Window to view port mapping, Two Dimensional transformation:
translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and Shear, Homogeneous Coordinate system.
3-D transformation: Rotation, Shear, translation, Numerical Problems of transformation viewing pipeline.

Clipping: Point & Line clipping algorithm, 4-bit code algorithm, Cohen-Sutherland Line clipping
algorithms, Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithms. Polygon clipping: Sutherland-Hodgeman Polygon
clipping algorithm. Curve clipping, Text clipping.
Projection: Parallel, Perspective, Vanishing Points.

Representation of 3-D Curves and Surfaces: interpolation and approximation alpines, parametric conditions,
Geometric continuity conditions, Beizer curves and surfaces: properties of beizer curves, beizer surfaces.
Hidden Surfaces removal: Hidden surface elimination, depth buffer algorithm, scan line coherence and area
coherence algorithm, priority algorithm

Text Books
1. Donald Hearn & M.Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.
2. William M. Newmann & Robert F. Sproull, Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Tata
McGraw-Hill Second Edition, New Delhi, India.
3. Zhigang Xiang & Roy A Plastock , Computer Graphics, Second Edition, Schaum’s Outline, Tata
McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
Reference Book
1. Foley, van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, 3rd edition in C.
Lecture Day Topic
1st what is computer graphics, type, applications
2nd line drawing , Line and point plotting system
3rd What is CRT ,working of CRT
4th working Color CRT
5th Raster scan techniques
6th Working of Raster scan system
7th Random scan techniques
8th Working of Random scan system
9th Refresh and storage display
10th frame buffer, display controller, how ICG works
11th Plasma panel, LCD, LED
12th very high resolution devices,
13th high speed drawing devices
14th display Processor, character generator
15th colour display techniques, look up table
16th display techniques, analog false colours
17th screen and user coordinate, graphical data structure-incremental list
18th homogenous coordinate, display code generation,
19th graphical data structure
20th line drawing algorithm
21st line drawing algorithm
22nd Nuerical on DDa and Bresenham’s Algorithm
23rd circle drawing algorithm
24th circle drawing algorithm
25th view algorithm
26th view algorithm
27th 2D transformation(Translation,scaling)
28th 2D transformation(Rotation ,Numerical problem)
29th Homogenous coordinates and matrix formation
8 Shearing,Reflection
31st Numerical on Shearing and Reflection
32nd pointing and positioning devices
33rd input devices
34th input devices
9 35th output devices
36th Interactive graphical technique
37th Elastic or Rubber band lines,
38th linking zooming
39th linking zooming
40th panning, clipping
41st panning, clipping
42nd clipping, windowing,
43rd clipping, windowing,
44th scissoring
45th Mouse Programming
46th Mouse Programming
47th wire frame, perspective display
48th perspective depth
49th perspective depth
50th projective transformations
51st projective transformations
52nd hidden line and surface elimination
53rd hidden line and surface elimination
54th transparent solids
55th Shading
56th Shading
57th 3D transformation
58th 3D transformation
59th Interactive Graphical Technique GUI
60th Interactive Graphical Technique GUI
1. Explain Plasma panel display
2. Case Study: Comparing how people remember printed and computer-displayed colors.
3. Case Study of shadow mask
4. Explain Digital frame buffer.
5. Explain Character generators
6. Explain Bresenhams line drawing algorithm.

1. Explain in detail hard copy color printers.
2. Explain DDA algorithm.
3. Explain circle drawing algorithm
4. Define and elaborate Display code generation.
5. Case study on 2-Dimensional Transformations.

1. Explain Graphical data structure.
2. Case study on zooming, panning, clipping and scissoring.
3. Explain window to viewport mapping.
4. Define and explain polygon clipping
5. Give details about light pen.
1. Discuss about elastic or rubber band lines.
2. Case study on 3-D graphics.
3. Explain hidden line and surface elimination.
4. Give a broad overview about shading.
5. Differentiate parallel projection and perspective projection.

1. The graphics can be

a. Drawing

b. Photograph, movies

c. Simulation

d. All of these

Answer: (d). All of these

2. Computer graphics was first used by

a. William fetter in 1960

b. James fetter in 1969

c. James gosling in 1991

d. John Taylor in 1980

Answer: (a). William fetter in 1960

3. Personal computer become powerful during the late

a. 1960

b. 1970

c. 1980

d. 1950

Answer: (b). 1970

4. Which environment has been one of the most accepted tool for computer
graphics in business and graphics design studios

a. Graphics

b. Macintosh

c. Quake

d. Multimedia

Answer: (b). Macintosh

5. Graphics is one of the_________ major key element in design of multimedia


a. Five

b. Three

c. Four

d. Eight

Answer: (a). Five

6. Three dimensional graphics become popular in games designing , multimedia

and animation during the late

a. 1960

b. 1970

c. 1980

d. 1990

Answer: (d). 1990

7. Types of computer graphics are

a. Vector and raster

b. Scalar and raster

c. Vector and scalar

d. None of these

Answer: (a). Vector and raster

8. Vector graphics is composed of

a. Pixels

b. Paths

c. Palette

d. None of these

Answer: (b). Paths

9. Raster graphics are composed of

a. Pixels

b. Paths

c. Palette

d. None of these

Answer: (a). Pixels

10. Raster images are more commonly called

a. Pix map
b. bitmap

c. both a & b

d. none of these

Answer: (b). bitmap

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