Analysis of Homographic Pronunciation of Final Grade English Literature Students of Gunadarma University

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Budi Abdurohman


English Literature, Faculty of Letters and Cultures, Gunadarma University.


Pronunciation is the activity of speaking which is speaking is a tool to communicate, to

convey what is inside mind with pronounce the speech. Speech errors are often found in
spontaneous speech, such as in everyday speech. People think that producing speech is an
easy thing; although they did not know what the pronunciation of the words is. The cause of
speech error is when someone did not know what the meaning of word or they just saw that
words for the first time. Therefore, unconsciously someone just producing speech errors, they
did not think what the produce like or what the meaning of the words, they just producing the
words. The aim of this study is to find out how the students pronounce word, especially on
word that contains homograph meaning. The method of this study is descriptive qualitative.
The data which writer used on this study is final grade students in Gunadarma university
faculty of letter and culture. Based on the result of the research word “row” is the most words
that student have errors and the most correct pronunciation is “compound”.

Keywords: Pronunciation, Speech sounds, error, phoneme, homograph

1. INTRODUCTION know how to pronounce that word, and

1.1 Background of The Study then we just say it without thinking the
correct pronunciation. In speaking, it has
Produce the speech is not easy thing two activities when we want to say
especially when produce second language. something, first activity is planning and
Language is tools for people to the second is execution. Fauziati (2008:
communicate with others, to do many 137) states that “thus, producing speech
activities in their life. For example, we seems to follow two types of processes:
want to say word “book” but we do not planning and execution”. Planning is

process when someone’s mind to plan the writer is using student faculty of letter
what he or she wants to say something, as an object of this research. the object of
while execution is process to produce the this research is final years students faculty
speech based on his or her plan. of letter, the writer used final years
students because the writer wants to find
Meanwhile, with learn more can minimize out whether they pronunciation is correct
the producing of speech errors. It can help or not, and they have learned about
someone to produce the correct English for 4 years. Therefore, an error in
pronunciation. On the other hand, the less pronunciation is things that students
consideration of planning can make speech should not do it, because they have learned
of errors. Someone often produce speech many things about English language. They
errors when they were planning and will graduate no much longer and will
execution at the same time. work in companies that is not allow error
in pronuncitaion.
Speech error is included in phonology;
phonology is the branch of linguistics On this research the writer used word that
concerned with the study of speech sound contains homograph meaning, according to
in particular language or in general Meriam-Webster homograph is one of two
language. In this study will find out about or more words spelled alike but different
speech error which is the disruption in the in meaning or derivation or pronunciation
production of the speech through a such as “the content of this book is about
conscious or unconscious in linguistics literature” and “i am content with the
deviation from the apparently intended result”. On first example word “content”
form of an utterance. Speech error happens has function as a noun which has a
when someone forgets to something to say meaning as the things that inside the
(Carroll 1987: 196). Errors often happen in things, and the second example word
speech or utterance because the speaker is “content” has function as a adjective
feeling nervous, tired, anxious, or drunk which has a meaning as happy or satisfied.
(Nooteboom 2004: 187). Based on the
definition above speech error is the speech On this research, the writer used final
disruption of speech that speaker does not years students faculty of letter because the
realize. writer wants to find out how the students
pronounce the words. This relates to what
The phenomenon of speech errors often
they have learned about English language.
happened on conversation, such as in
Therefore, the writer is using students
Gunadarma university faculty of letters
faculty of letter as an object of this
last years students, although they are in
research. the object of this research is final
last grade, but they often to make speech
years students faculty of letter, the writer
error on their pronunciation. They often
used final years students because the
made error on their speech, when the
writer wants to find out whether they
writer gave some words to them, they
pronunciation is correct or not. Because
made speech error. For example, a word
object of this research is in last grade, an
“content (verb)”, it should pronounce
error in pronunciation is things that
/kǝn’tent/ but some students pronounce
students should not do it, because they
have learned many things about English
On this research, the writer used students language. They will graduate no much
faculty of letter because the writer wants to longer and they will work in companies
find out how the students pronounce that is not allow error in pronuncitaion.
words. This relates to what they have
learned about English language. Therefore,

Why does the writer wants research about sentence), Semantics (study of meaning),
speech error? Because the writer wants to etc. Meanwhile, macro linguistics is wider
find out how students pronounce view; it is concerned external view of
homograph words, and also the writer language itself with related to other
wants to prevent the speech error made by sciences and how to apply it in daily life.
students. Therefore, the writer will give Which conclude in macro linguistics is
the correct words to students, with that Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics,
way students will find out where their Neuron linguistics, Biolinguistics, etc.
errors in pronunciation, and then students
can prevent errors in their pronunciation. 2.2 Phonology
Phonology is branch of linguistics that
1.2 Problem Formulation concerned to study of speech. According
Based on the background of study above, to Szczegielniak, phonology is the study of
the writer has found the problem of this how speech sounds form pattern. Hyman
research. The problem formulation is: (1975:2) said that phonology is study
1. How do students pronounce word about speech sound that includes how
that contains homograph meaning? sound is structured and has function on
2. What is the dominant word of certain language, which is how sounds are
speech error made by students? used to deliver a meaning.
Phoneme is one of units of sound that
distinguish one word from another word.
1.3 Aim of The Research For example /si:/ (sea) and /ʃi:/ (she) are
two separate words distinguished /s/, for
Based on the problem of the study above, another phoneme /ʃ/, two words that differ
the writer has found the aim of this a meaning also called minimal pairs, it has
research. The aim of this study is: a meaning that pair of words who have
1. To find out how students different phoneme.
pronounce word that contains Based on those experts above, the writer
homograph meaning. can conclude that phonology is study of
2. To find out what the dominant speech which has phoneme as a smallest
words of speech error made by units on this study, phoneme also
students. distinguish one word from another word.

2. Literature Review 2.3 Phoneme

2.1 Linguistics Phoneme is smallest unit of sound, which
Linguistics derived from Latin, “lingua” distinguishes one word from other words
which means language. Linguistic is study on a language (Alwasilah & Chaer: 2003).
about language; it is a general study Phoneme also is smallest unit in a
because there are many branch of language that has a function to convey a
linguistics. There are two major of meaning, such as “s” of sing and “r” of
linguistics, micro linguistics and macro ring. Each phoneme has one or more
linguistics. According to Nasr (1985) sounds called allophones, allophone is
micro linguistics is narrower view, it is variation of phonemes, here are the
concerned internal view of language itself examples: [𝑝𝑝ℎ ] in the front as a “pin”, [p]
(structure of language systems) without in the middle as a “spin” and [p] in the
related to other sciences and without back as a “sheep” are allophones of the
related how to apply it in daily life. Which phoneme /p/. Allophones are written by
concluded in micro linguistics is brackets.
Phonology (study of sound), Morphology
(study of word), Syntax (study of

2.4 Homograph descriptive qualitative is a method to
Homograph is word with same spelling but analyze, to describe and to summarize the
different on meaning, homograph derived various conditions, situations and various
from Greek word homo which means data collected in the form of result or
“same” and graph which means observations, interview or studied problem
“spelling”. Homograph is two words with that occur in the field. This research used
same spelling, but different pronunciation descriptive because in this research the
(Parera, 2004:81). In addition, Delahunty writer did not use the numbers but using
and Garvey (2010) stated that Homograph words to solve the problem of research.
is a single spelling has two or more quite This research used last years students in
unrelated meaning. Meanwhile, Algeo Gunadarma university faculty of letter as
(2010) stated that words that are written an object of this research. On this research
alike are called homographs. the writer focused on words which
Based on those experts above, the writer contains homograph only.
concluded that homograph is the word that
has same written but different in meaning 3.2 Source of The Data
and pronunciation. However, the words are
written same; the difference is about the The source of this data used speech on
structure of sentence. The example is final years students in Gunadarma
“bass” /beis/ as adjective and “bass” /bæs/ university faculty of letter, to find out how
as noun. Those are the example of students pronounce words that contains
homograph; the different is about the homograph meaning. On this research the
structure of the sentence and class of the writer used final years students faculty of
words. letter as an object of this research, because
This research is using homograph as a this research is about pronunciation in
data, homograph is words with identical English language, therefore the writer
words but different with meaning. For wants to find out how the students
example word “bass”, “he has a bass pronounce, especially final years students
voice” and “sea bass is delicious”, on faculty of letter as an object of this
those examples the word “bass” has research. They have learned about english
different meaning. “he has a bass voice” language, that is why the writer choose
word “bass” pronounce /beis/on this final years students faculty of letter as an
sentence is adjective and has meaning as a object of this research. On this research the
lowest tone in part music, and “sea bass is writer is using convenience sample to
delicious” word “bass” pronounce /bæs / collect the data of this research,
on this sentence is noun and has meaning convenience sample is sample which taken
as freshwater fish that is used for food. from a group of people easy to contact or
Some words have two meanings to reach.
depending on the structure of sentence, the
words which have more than one meaning 3.3 Data Collection
can cause ambiguity or make someone In this research, the writer uses some steps
have error on their pronunciation and there to collect the data. As the following by:
is miss communication. Search words that contain homograph
meaning. (2)Write the homograph words
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY on piece of paper. (3)Meet the students to
be a respondent. (4)Give piece of paper to
3.1 Research Design students. (5)Students will read piece of
paper.(6)The writer records the
On this research, the writer used pronunciation.
descriptive qualitative method to analyze
data. According to Wirartha (2006:155)

3.4 Data Analysis Procedure The river wind its way between
In order to get the answer from the two meadows
problem formulation on this research, Verb
there are some techniques to analyze the 6. He has a bass voice
data by doing: Adjective
(1) The writer hears the result of Sea bass is delicious
recording. (2) The writer writes phonetic Noun
transcription. (3) Classify the transcript of 7. He lives in a commune
the data. (4) Analyze the transcript of the Noun
data. The activity of praying is to
commune with god
8. I will lead the way
4.1 Object of The Research Verb
Lead is a heavy soft grey metal
This chapter presents the result of the
research dealing with the data that had
9. He is a convert
been collected during the research. The
data were taken from the final years
They convert a field into school
students in Gunadarma university faculty
of letter. All the phonemes according to
IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet).
10. The factory only produce a car
The writer is using piece of paper as an
instrument of this research.
The factory sells only fresh local
The writer gives piece of paper to students
and then they will pronounce it, the writer produce
writes phonetic transcription and analyzes
11. I will refuse your permission
the data, here is the result of this research:
1. The content of this book is about
His house is full of refuse things
12. They treaty was declared invalid
I am content with the result
because it has not been ratified
2. I have signed a contract with my
She had been delicate child and her
parents had treated her as an
Warming up has a function to invalid
contract your muscle
13. We sat in a row at the back of the
3. Camel mostly live in desert
A row has broken out over
They desert their friends in desert
14. English is my favorite subject
4. He left the room in tear
The Roman Empire subject most
I tear a letter
of Europe to its rule
5. The wind is coming from the south
15. They are on intimate terms

They intimate that they will retire Analyze word content (noun)
Verb Word content (noun) has phonetic
16. Patience is one of the most /’kɒntent/, it consist of phoneme /k/ is
important attribute for teacher voiceless velar plosive consonant,
Noun phoneme /ɒ/ is low back vowel, phoneme
They attribute their success to /n/ is voiced alveolar nasal consonant,
hard work and a little luck phoneme /t/ is voiceless alveolar plosive
Verb consonant, phoneme /e/ is mid front
17. Salt is a compound of sodium and vowel, phoneme /n/ is voiced alveolar
chlorine nasal consonant and phoneme /t/ is
Noun voiceless alveolar plosive consonant.
They compound the problem Based on the data above shows that
become worse subjects 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 have
Verb pronounced /’kɒntent/ which means
18. The sport has a strict of conduct subjects have pronounce the correct
Noun pronunciation. On the other hand, subjects
They conduct gathering in office 4, 7, 9 have pronounced the incorrect
Verb pronunciation, subject 4 has pronounced
19. A project of research /kǝntent/ which means there is phoneme
Noun mistake, subject has pronounced /ǝ/ at the
They project a research first syllable, phoneme /ǝ/ is mid central
Verb vowel, subject should pronounce phoneme
20. Sow the seeds immediately /ɒ/ in order to have correct pronunciation.
Verb Meanwhile, subject 7 and 9 have
Sow is in the cage pronounced /kantǝnt/ which means there
Noun are phoneme mistakes, at the first syllable
subject have pronounced phoneme /a/,
4.2 Data Analysis phoneme /a/ is low central vowel, subject
should pronounce phoneme /ɒ/ to have the
The content of this book is about literature correct pronunciation, and second syllable
Noun subject has pronounce phoneme /ǝ/,
I am content with the result phoneme /ǝ/ is mid central vowel, subject
Adjective should pronounce phoneme /e/ to have the
*words with bold and underline are homograph and part of speech
correct pronunciation.

Data 1
Subject Content Analyze word content (adjective)
Noun Value Adjective Value Word content (adjective) has
/’kɒntent/ /kǝn’tent/ phonetic /kǝn’tent/, it consist of phoneme
1 /’kɒntent/ T /kɒntent/ F /k/ is voiceless velar plosive consonant,
2 /’kɒntent/ T /kɒntent/ F phoneme /ǝ/ is mid central vowel,
3 /’kɒntent/ T /kɒntent/ F phoneme /n/ is voiced alveolar nasal
4 /kǝntent/ F /kɒntent/ F consonant, phoneme /t/ is voiceless
5 /’kɒntent/ T /kɒntent/ F alveolar plosive consonant, phoneme /e/ is
6 /’kɒntent/ T /kɒntent/ F mid front vowel, phoneme /n/ is voiced
7 /kantǝnt/ F /kǝn’tent/ T alveolar nasal consonant and phoneme /t/
8 /’kɒntent/ T /kɒntent/ F is voiceless alveolar plosive consonant.
9 /kantǝnt/ F /kantǝnt/ F Based on data above subjects 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
10 /’kɒntent/ T /kɒntent/ F 6, 8, 9, 10 have incorrect pronunciation,
*T (True) / F (False) subjects 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 have

pronounced /kɒntent/ which means there is especially faculty of letter can learn more
phoneme mistake of this subjects, at the and understand the correct pronunciation.
first syllable subjects have pronounced The writer expects with this research, the
phoneme /ɒ/, phoneme /ɒ/ is low back next grade faculty of letter learn more to
vowel, subjects should pronounce prevent miss pronunciation, the lack of
phoneme /ǝ/ in order to have the correct learning can make error on pronunciation.
pronunciation. Meanwhile, subject 9 has And also writer expects this research has a
pronounced /kantǝnt/ which means there is function for everyone and useful as a
phoneme mistakes, subject has pronounced research reference in the future, majority
phoneme /a/, phoneme /a/ is low central students did not realize whether they make
vowel at the first syllable and subject error on their speech. With this research,
pronounced phoneme /ǝ/, it should be the lecturer should give more exercises or
pronouncing with phoneme /e/. Only practices to students, for students should
subject 7 has pronounced the correct aware this error with more learns
pronunciation. pronunciation, in order to prevent their
communication from miss communication.
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the result of the research, the REFERENCES
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