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Finance Convention With Rev Chris

Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)



The lord is Blessing me Right now...Right now.

I can feel His presence and before Him I bow.

I may not be able to say all He has done for me

But the Lord is blessing me Right Now...Right Now.

Isn't it beautiful that we can change the state of our lives with the Word of God?

You know... one of the things that I love so much about God's Word is that it is given to me
to act upon it for myself and that I can apply it personally and Watch my life change and
have the results I want.

The word of God is a Spiritual Law.

Till this day no scientist can explain why it is that when you plant a seed in the ground, it will
first die before it grows.

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Finance Convention With Rev Chris Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)

So God gives us sowing and reaping as Spiritual examples because the life behind sowing
and reaping is spiritual. So when you sow a seed, it will grow by that same law that seed
time and harvest shall never cease: it is God that put it there. But that same seed will not
grow if you put in on your Car. If you take it and put it in the safe in a bank, it will not grow.
The seed does not grow because of it's age.

Sometimes there are those who hear the Word of God and because they did not understand
it, they treat it lightly.

You can listen to what I have to share with you, you can write down all the beautiful facts,
You can enjoy the teachings and love it so much; but until you act on it, it will not produce
results for you.

This is one of the problems so many Christians face including leaders of churches and
Pastors. When they listen to the Word of God, instead of acting on it, they just increase
knowledge. But you can have the knowledge of the Word but until you do it, it will not work;
you can not produce results with it.

In Acts 14 from verse 7 the bible tells us about Paul the Apostle and his company. While
they were in Lystra preaching the Word of God; He had a crowd of people listening to him.
Then, he saw a man who was listening but impotent in his feet, he was lame and could not
walk. Paul could have finished his meeting and left the venue but he perceived that this man
had faith to be healed and had to let the man know how to receive his miracle. As the man
listened to the Word, Faith came to him, just like faith is coming to you now, because Faith
comes by hearing but until you do it, it will not work.

This is what happens to a lot of people; they go to church on Sundays or on Wednesday

evenings and listen to the Preacher preach and after hearing everything, they don't act on
it; and because they don't act on it, the Word is stolen from their hearts by satan. The Bible
talks about the seed that fell by the way side; that they are those who received the Word of
God but because they had no understanding, the Word was stolen.

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Finance Convention With Rev Chris Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)

What is Understanding? Not the reasoning out of the Word but the doing. You haven't
understood it until you have done it. For example, if I called you and said to you,"Go to
the back, get a chair and bring it here". If you understand, you'll go and bring the chair but
if don't do what I told you to do, I will ask you,"Do you understand?", bcos I think if you
understand you'll go and do it.

So when you understand, you will act. So whatever I am sharing with you now, until you do
it, you would have only increased information and a man's life does not change because of

So the bible said those who received Faith by the wayside, because they did not act on the
Word they heard, satan came and stole the Word away from their hearts until in was only
where they wrote it down. It's not in the heart bcos the man doesn't do it.

Life will not change because you heard it. Life will change because you act. While I was
sharing with you, the spirit of God told me,"You'll give 100,000,000 Naira. It was an act of
Faith for me. I thought of that figure but quickly I changed and considered what I wanted to
receive. Then I said Lord,"it's fine; however, by my calculation you'll give me nothing less
than 18million dollars". It is not about vows because I've already paid the money.

It is all about what the Lord is saying to you and where the Lord is blessing you. What do
you do with what you're hearing. It works the same way with healing; if you don't act your
faith, you'll not be healed.

For some others, when a healing takes place in their lives, they don't go back to the church
to testify. You must go back to the church and testify and seal your healing with a seed.
That's why some people loose their healing after a short time.

I told you something yesterday about your Tithe: if you don't tithe on your Money, if you
don't tithe that which God gives to you, you're leaving it under the power of the unrighteous
mammon, the evil spirit of darkness that has control over those who are under satan; then
that child of God begins to experience the same thing as the unbeliever.

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Finance Convention With Rev Chris Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)

Isaiah 1:28

And the destruction of the transgressors and of the sinners shall be together, and they that
forsake the Lord shall be consumed.

The transgressor is the child of God who knows the Word of God and doesn't act on it while
the sinner is the child of the devil; so the bible says the two will suffer alike having the same
experience in life.

Gen. 17:10

This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee;
Every man child among you shall be circumcised.

Here God told Abraham that every man descendant of his must be circumcised. He already
gave him promises of blessings and wealth but told him that the way to distinguish his
offspring from the rest of the world was by circumcision.

Remember when David came into the battle find as a small lad and heard Goliath speaking
against God's people, he said,"who is this uncircumcised philistine to speak against the
army of the Lord?". This is because circumcision was the sign of their covenant with God,
it was the sign of their connection with Jehovah. And God said any man among them who
would not be circumcised must be cast off from amongst them.

Tithing in the circumcision of your blessings. When God blessed them in anything, they paid
their tithe to circumcise that blessing unto God. When you pay your tithe, you establish your
connection with God for your finances. But when you don't pay your tithe, you're leaving your
finances under the control of the unrighteous mammon.

ISA. 44:24-26

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Finance Convention With Rev Chris Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)

Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord
that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the
earth by myself; That frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad; that
turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish; That confirmeth the word
of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers; that saith to Jerusalem,
Thou shalt be inhabited; and to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be built, and I will raise up the
decayed places thereof:

He confirms the word of His servants and performs their counsel, meaning He brings their
Word to pass. But for those who do not know Him, He frustrates their words making their
knowledge foolishness.

Now the principle of circumcision was not based on the physical act of cutting the flesh but
mainly a Spiritual act to connect people to God and distinguish them from the rest of the

Rom. 2:28-29

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in
the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the
spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Col. 2:11

In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the
body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ:

So you must make up your mind to keep making progress. Don't let that evil spirit of the devil
have any connection with your finances.

That thing which you spend your tithe on will till grow old; the Car will move from being latest
to being old. Even the house of clothes.

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Finance Convention With Rev Chris Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)

Don't let your life stop somewhere. Keep dreaming. Raise your Faith. It is the daring step
you take today that will determine the next few years of your life.

Increase in age but don't grow old.

Exodus 4:24-26

And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the Lord met him, and sought to kill him. Then
Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and
said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. So he let him go: then she said, A bloody
husband thou art, because of the circumcision.

God wanted to kill Moses just shortly after He spoke to Moses and gave he some very
beautiful promises; because of the circumcision of his son. Moses grew up in Egypt thus
forgot about the circumcision of his son and Zipporah had to quickly circumcise the boy and
saved Moses' life.

If got wanted to kill Moses, that is to tell you how serious this thing is.

Prov. 15:32-33

He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth
understanding. The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is

It didn't say,".... despiseth the church or the Pastor", no he despiseth his own soul.

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Finance Convention With Rev Chris Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)

Mature Christians know that tithes and offerings have nothing to do with the church or Pastor
but it is between you and God. But you have to bring it to church because that is the House
of God and He said you should bring the tithe there: He didn't say take it to your mum's
house. He didnt give you the right over your tithe.

John 12:24

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth
alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

Until your seed dies, it can't yield a harvest for you. When it dies, you no longer have a
control over it. Not when you give it, you start running after it and checking what it is being
used for.

All giving is good before God and they all have different blessing. He tells you to take care
of your family, to give to the poor, the give to the Work of the Gospel, to give to the one who
teaches you the Word of God etc. But they all have different results. It's like sowing orange
seeds, mango seeds or apple etc, they will all have their own blessings.

So God wants you to have mastery over Money. There is nothing as painful as having a
Dream and not having the Finances to make it happen.

Do you follow instructions?

Act on God's Word. There are many blessings for this year and there are even some for the
years ahead, so do things today to secure those blessings. It is with what you have now that
you can secure that which is in the future.



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Finance Convention With Rev Chris Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)

Prov. 23:23

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

What will you give for the Word that is coming to you. Will this Word become a revelation to
you? Don't let the Word go without giving something to make it yours. What will you give to
make this Word yours?

Psalm 118:7-8

The Lord taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them
that hate me. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.

Before Promotion, before Honour, is Humility (Prov. 15:33).

Great men and women are usually very humble and that is the secret of their greatness.

God honors the humble but He resists the proud.

Every child of God must be humble. Your language must be humble.

Humility is not stupidity. You don't loose anything by being humble, you gain. You gain by
being humble.

Before a harvest there is seed sowing. You can not harvest unless you sow.

For instance, God spoke great Words of blessing to Abraham and yet told him to offer as
a burnt offering the same Child of Promise. Abraham didn't have a problem with it, instead

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Finance Convention With Rev Chris Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)

when Isaac asked him about the lamb for the sacrifice, he said,"God will provide the lamb
for the sacrifice". Abraham knew that even if he killed the boy, God was able to bring the boy
back to life.

God must put you to the test and prove you before the next level. If you must get to the next
level, you must be put to the test.

What life do you want to live?

Don't struggle with what God wants you to give; it about the next level.

When you trust God enough, you will be thinking about the Harvest not the seed you're

You ought to find yourself giving BIG for the Gospel.

Strive to be the best giver in your Cell, PCF, Church and then the entire Ministry.

Sow Money seeds and you won't need to ask,"Where will I get money to give".

Luke 6:38

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together,
and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete
withal it shall be measured to you again.

He did not say,"....shall you business or job give to you", No! He said,"....shall men give unto
you". In other words, He will plant men in different places and situations who will make it

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Finance Convention With Rev Chris Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)

happen. He didn't say if you have a job or business......He didn't say it will not work after
you've retired. There are men placed by God everywhere with money for you and the Angel
of His Presence knows where they are; He will connect them with you. But first you have to
GIVE. Give and it will be give unto you.

Take a stand for the Lord.

As we say we are going to do something for the Lord, be the first to stand out for it.

By giving, God gives you Greater capacity to give more.

Sow money seeds continuously so that money will keep coming to you from every side.

There's no reason for any child of God to be poor. But if you choose to be poor, you have
yourself to blame. When you're poor, you can't help yourself talk less of helping others. But
God wants you to be a blessing to everyone around you. Let the Glory of God be manifested
through you.

Sow money seeds. Everyday, every week, from time to time, go to church and sow a money
seed to secure your prosperous future.

Even as a teenager here, learn the message of Faith now and start sowing into your future
now. The Bible says don't put your trust in man, and that includes your parents. So start now
to to secure a prosperous future for yourself.

The things we are sharing with you now will give you the answers you need for a glorious
future. So sow your seeds. As God blesses you, pay your tithe and sow your seeds. But
always take out your tithe, because that belongs to God; then you sow your seeds.

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Finance Convention With Rev Chris Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)

You must learn how to act on God's Word continually. Paul taught the lame man how to
receive, so also you as God's child must learn how to take advantage of God's Word that
you hear.

As you hear God's Word now about you finances, what will you give to God?

1 King 17:13-15

And she said, As the Lord thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a
barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and
dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die. And Elijah said unto her, Fear not;
go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me,
and after make for thee and for thy son. For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, The barrel of
meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the Lord sendeth rain
upon the earth. And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and
her house, did eat many days.

The Man of God was not being heartless or selfish, but he was considering and giving
importance to the Anointing. He knew what the Anointing was capable of doing for that

We can not afford not to give, else we can stop the flow of the Anointing in our lives. Don't
attract troubles into your life by yourself.

If you don't give when God tells you to give, you may be fighting alone without God's help.
But when you sow your seed, it doesn't matter what troubles or challenges you face, you're
more than a conqueror. You'll be victorious over everything and every foe.

A minister of God is Anointed for people so he too must listen to that same Spirit of God and
then act out his own faith.

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Finance Convention With Rev Chris Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)

How much will you pay for what God can do in your life that man can not do. He knew what
the Anointing was capable of doing for that Woman. This is a special season in your life, a
special moment that when you act your faith, for years to come, you will be testifying.

There are businesses He can put under your control. He said I will give you this land.

This is a Season for blessings. God wants to move you to the next level but the question is
"Do you qualify?". You must be proven to be ready for the next level that God has prepared
and planed for you.

Sometimes when God gives you the opportunity to give, it is not about the money but there
is something in the future which God wants to prevent for you. Maybe it is a connection He
just wants you to establish. The day will come when you arrive at that moment that the Spirit
of God had prepared you for. When God connected the widow with the Prophet, He was
looking into the future when the widow's son will die and God knew that the Prophet will
raise him back to life.

2 Samuel. 24:24

And the king said unto Araunah, Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: neither will
I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing. So David
bought the threshingfloor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.

David said he wouldn't give to God something which cost him nothing. Do you give to God
something that is of no value to you. If that offering doesn't mean much to you, it wouldn't
mean much to God.

But when you give God something which costs you a lot then you're setting yourself up for
blessings and promotions. Then few years afterwards you will see your former colleagues
and people who you knew but now they are at a level far lower than yours. It is because of
the opportunities which God gave you which you took advantage of.

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Finance Convention With Rev Chris Oyakhilome Day 5 (Jan 19th)

What door is God going to open for you, what opportunity will the Lord bring to you because
of the seed you are about to sow.

Bring out that Seed and Speak in other tongues.

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