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UOC 624.023.943: 620.1 DEUTSCHE NORM November 1990

Ground anchorages Q1B

..Design, construction and testing 4125

VerpreBani<er: Kurzzeltani<er und Daueranker: Bemes3ung, Austührung und Prufung Supersedes DIN 4125 Part 1,
March 1988 edition
and DIN 4125 Pan 2-
February 1976 edition

In Keeping Wlttl curren! practica in standards pub/;shed by ttlelnrernational OrganlZation lor 5tandardizatlon (ISO), a comma tlas
ceen used througtlour as (he decimal marker.

The designo constructíon and testing of ground anchorages reQuire sound knowledge and experlence In tl1ls metl1od of con-
struction. For this reason, onJy companies and enginee" shall be entrusted wlth the work who meet these reQulrements and
are capable of ensuring expert executJon. Only such persons as possess a thorough Knowladge of tl1e construction method
j shaJIbe appolnted as the responsible resident engineer, Supervlsion ot tl1e work shall be undertaken only by rig foramen. sIta
j foremen or gangers who haya already successfully constructed ground anchorages.
>" Sufflcient time shall be scheduled for the constnJction 01 ground anchorages.
~ In thls standard. the term 'Ioad' Is usad for forces actlng on a system trom outslde; thís appiies eQually to compound terms that
~; include the component 'loado.

~~ Contenta
.i ~
J.! '"'Q. P8Qe
~: 1 Fleldolappllcatlon, 1 11 AccaptancetMtI~ .., , 13
.!i 2 Concepta , 2 12 Evaluatlon 01 IUltablüty t88t8
~1 3 DeaI~MtIon 4 .nd e~ 01 reau/ta..., 14
~§ ~ Docu""'0. tatlon .13 I~ t88t8 14
~..., 58 - ~

G eral ,
o.taIU~ I--"" en ta 5.1~ Appendlx
~ A ..'
Specimen "
record form 10r the construc- 16

!.- tlon ot ground Inchor.glS in accord-

21 7 Con8tn1ct1on .."' , , 7 ancewtthsubclause7.80tDIN4125 ...17
~a 8 Dealgn 8MIyaIa ,., 8 Appendix B Specimen record torm for the Icceptance
: f a Provine test ", ,... 9 In.pectIon ot permanent anchoragl. In
~i 10 On-1it8 aultabWty t88tint 9 Iccordance wjth claUlI 11 01 DIN 4125 ..18
~ ~
~~ 1 Fleld 01 eppUcatlon
e! Thls standard deaJs with the dealgn, ~n and testlng Notl. For thoH typea or components 01 temporary anchor-
~i o, prestressable ground anchorage aysttms whlcho dlpend- age. that cannot be asseNed on the buil 01 thls
, t ~ Ing on their designo can be uled lor the tlmporary or perma- standard. prool 01 thllr sultabillty tor the particular
; .i nent ancnorage 01 StIUcturaI tJements illOI (101 anchoragel) Ippllcatlon shall be providtd In Iccordanc8 wlth the
~ or rack (rock anchoragel) and 01 rack outcropa In lOiL building reQUlatlons, e.g. by submittlng a certlflcate ot
'O In the caSI 01 tlmporary anchorage.. thi8 ltand8td cove" building Inspectorate approvaJ (agrément)1).
1 those whlch arl dlligned 10r a permiaalble anchorage 10rce Permanent anchorages always requlre veriflcatJon o,
1. of 1300 KN (lor multl-unlt anchoragel Ot' multl-bar tendona) or their suitlbiUty.
700 KN (tor sIngle unlt anchorages or monoOal tendont).
the.e values incJudlng a factor ol..Ilty u specIfted In taDIe 1,
column ~, Ilnl 1 ot thla standard. 1) Rellvant informatJon Is provlded by the InsúM tU, S8u-
See DIN 21 521 Pat11 lor rock boItI tor UN W¡mi~ and tun- technlk (1n8t1t\1t801 BuildW¡g Ttchnology)o Rtlchpietach-
nelllnQo Ind DIN ~128 tor caat-W¡-piace pIJe&. ufer 74-76, O-11m B8r1in ~.

Contlnued on pagel 2 to 25


v.,... o-. MIo.- 1&-* ~.: I_.~ DIH4125 EngL PrIce~ 13

..11 .-_OI~

~2 OlN4125

2 Concepts 1.2.3 Flxld anchor Ie"9th

2.1 Types The rlXad anchor Ieng1h (also termed 'bond transfer leng1h'),.
2.11 Ground h«8 lo. 11the length 01 the anchorage over which the tenslle load is .J
.anc anchorage is a structural
ge element formad by InJectl~ capable of being transmltted to the surroundlng ground .

groutlng material around the dlstal section of a 5teel ten don

insertad into the ground. The grout thus formad la bonded to 2.2.4 F,.. tendon '-ngth
the element or r~ck to be anchored vla the tendon and the The free tendon length, lIS. is the part of the tendon which, by
anchor head. Unllke vanouS other typea of rack bolt or cast- belng decoupled from the grout. is free to expand dunng
In-place plles. these anchorages are not deslgned to transmit stressing. The fr.e tendon leng1h as determinad by calculat-
theload Into the ground overthelrwholeteng1h but onlyln the I~ the dlsplacement can be largar or smallerthan lIS (cf, sub-
zone of grout (I.e, the flxed anchor tength). Slnce, under ser- ci8use 12.4).
vlce conditions, ground anchorages are only subJect to ten-
slle loa~ing, thelr bearlng capaCIty Is checked by tenslle testa. 2.2.5 Tendon bond l8ngttI
The tendon bond teng1h, z.. la the tengttl of tendon bonded to
2.1.2 Sol! anctlor8ge the grout and capable oftranamltting the applied tenslle loado

: 5011anchoragels a ground anchorage the flxed anchor length

(also termed 'Ioad trans1er leng1h') of whlch lies In (cohesJon- 2.2.8 Comprea-'on '-ngth
less or cohesive) sollo The compresslon
. length, IDo In the case of compression
anchorages. Is the length 01 the steel tuba vII whlch the
2.1.3 Rock anchorage applled tenslle load is transmltted to the grout

Rock anchorage is a ground anchorage the fixed anchor

length of which líes in rack. 2..2.7 Grout len9th
I The grout teng1h.loy. in the case of compresslon anchoragel, .
t 2.1.4 Temporary anch0f898 la the leng1h of grout capabl. of transmltting the applied ten-IJi¡
Temporary anchorage Is a ground anchorage that Islntended slle load Into the surrounding ground.

c~ ,1 to be used for short perlods only, whlch normally do not

exceed two years. 2.2.8 Load b'8nafer factor
f The load thedlfferencebetween/o and Iv
I 2.1.5 Pennanent anch0r8ge or IDv.

;\1', Permanent anchorage is a ground anchorage Intended for

" I permanent use. 2.3 loada

1 1 2.1.8 Compo8it. anch0r898 2.3.1 Umlt Ioad In grout

l Composlte anchorage (cf. figure 1) 18 a ground anchorage The limtt load In grout. FK,ls the load which.ln the tensile test.
Í'~i¡ where the load is transmltted dlrectly Into the grout vla the produces a creep displacement. k., 01 2 mm.
11 ! tendon (le ovar the fixed anchor leng1h).
1, : 2.3.2 Umlt l08d In t.ndon
! 2.1.7 Comprealon .nchorage The limlt load in tendon, Fs, la the load whictl Is calculated
! Compression anchorage (cf. figure 2) Is a ground anchorage from the nominal yield polnt of the 51881.Ps. from which the
¡ where the lORd is trans1erred from the ten don to the grout vi. tlndon I1 made. and thl ten don cross.sectional Brea. As.
¡ a 51eel tu be connected to the distal end of the teridon. which using the following eQuation:
I in tum il embedded in the grout. Fs -As' Ps (1) }

2.1.8 Anchorage wIth free proxlmal end 2.3.3 Pennll8ibl. Inchorage Ioad
An anchorage wlth free proxlmal end is an anchorage In which The permisslble anchorage loado tul F, Is the load that derives
the axial movement of the tendon Is maintained aver ttl from FK and Fs. taklng into account the reQuired factors of
design service l!fe. safety (see subclauses 8.3 and 84).

2.1.8 Ancnorag. wIth flxld proxlmal end 2.3.4 88f. ~ft9 Ioad
ÁfI.nchorage wtth fixed proximal end 18an anchoraga where The sa11 worktng loado fw. Is an anchorage load determined
thl proximal end of the tendon ~. embedded In secondary on thl baaia of the load CAse. IIltad In OIN 1054. taklng Into
grout. so that the tendon is no longer free to expand. account tne preltrell to be applied (cf. Recommendationl of
Commlttee Baugruben of the Deut,che Ge,ellsch.rr tu, Erd.
und Grundbau e. V. (German Society for Earthworks and Foun-
dation Engineering).
2.2. Lengtha
2.2.1 Anchor '-ngth 2.3.5 Proot Io.d
The anchor length, lA. is the distance between the anchor The proof loado Fp. is the load to whlch the anchorage. when
head and the dista! end of the anchor. tested. is subJected in given stages.

2..2.2 F,.. anchorlengttl 2.3.8 W~ft9 Io8d

The free anchor length, [lA. is the dlstance between the The worklng load. Fo, is ttle load applied to the enctlorage
anchor head end ttle proximal end of the grout. after testing. where Fo does not exceed fw (2).

OIN '125 Page J

Figure 1. Temporary composite anchorage with dlagrammatlc Key to figures 1 and 2

repre.sentatlon 01 corrOlion protectlon ayltem 1 Anchor head
2 Support pllnth
3 Retaining wall
, Borehole
5 Sheath
6 Tendon
7 Grout
6 Anchor foot
9 Steei duct
10 Spacer (aIso termed 'centraJlzlI")
.11 Corroaion-protectlve sheathing
12 Seal
13 Cap
'A anchor leng1h
lo compre..ion length
la. grout length
¡fA free anchor length
lo flxed anchor length
lm free tendon length
lo. load tranater factor
l" tendon bond length

Agure 2. Temporary comprel8ion anchorage wtth diagrammatJc

..., representation 01 corrolion protection aystem

PaQ8 4 OIN 4125

2.4 C""P dlspl'ce~ b) description Ind repre..ntltlon 01 the construction

The creep displacement. k.. is I measure 01 tha rete 01 schedule and of the wo~ involved;
increase in displacement 01 the grout wlth the anchorage C) description and drawings 01 the anchorage. with detalls of J
under constant loado Thls is expressed by (cf. figure 4): the material l. dimenaiona. ando where required. proal of
k -(52 -51)llg (t2'tl) (3) lervlceabllity 01 the anchor and 01 the )oints in the
where .tendon (I.g. by lubmltting an agrément)I);

.IS th e dlff .
t I d I t d) resulta of luttablllty testing;
S2 -S, eren la ISP acemen ;
Ig (12'11) la the logartthm of the observation period (lg t2 -11). e) structurll analysil and wo~lng drawinga.
..In the case 01 permanent anchorage.. belldel the construc-
Note. k. Is I quantlty that IS a tunctlon of the type 01 anchor- tion schedule (cf. ttem b»). lnatructlona Ihan be proYided
~o~~ the method of constructlon and the anchorage covering their tran8por1. atorage and Inatallation. wtth due
.conalderatlon belng gIven to corrolion protectlOM and taklng
Into account Ine experlence madi In lultabnity testing. These
In8tnIctiona ihan be madi avaJlabl1 to the per$onnl' on SItIo
2.5 Anchorage testa If problema arlae wlth regard to the clasaiflcation 01 the
2.5.1 ProYI"9 tMt ground In which the anchorage is to be installed. as soll or as

t st.
. rl d nt la ---~- rock. an expert In 1011 mechanics shall be consulted.
proY1ng e pe orme on permane ",rages,
Intended to verify the suttabillty of a particular type 01 anchor.
age for ínstallatlon in a particular type of 1011 (cohesiYe or
cohesionlesa) or rock (cf. clau.e 9).

S Genera I requlrements
2.5.2 On-litl auftablllty tMt 5.1 Requlrementa to be met by the ground

An on-site sultabllity test la a test intended to check whether 5.1.1 Str.n9th of ground
the particulartype of anchorage Is capable oftranamlttlng the Investigations of the properties of soll and rack for the pur-
deslgn wo~ing load and proof load to the lurroundlng ground pole of Installing anchorages shall. in addition to fumishing
under the giYen local condttion. (cf. claule10). " ello serves proal of the general suitabllity of the ground to accommodate
to verify the bearing capacity of the grout and the Issoclated the relevant anchorage loads. provide inlormalion on the
displacement and to establlsh the free ten don length by cal- creep and the swelling propertíes of the ground. should the
cutation. water COMdltiona changl. wlth due consideration being given
to the IIkely stress es both In the load transler zone and the
2.5.3 Acceptance tMt 2) anchored zone.
An acceptance test is Intended to verity the bearlng capacity The resulta 01 these investigations shall be evaluated :with
of an anchorage alter installation (Cf. clause 11). regard to the servlceability of the anchorage ovar the flxed
anchor length. the free anchor length and at the anchor head.

2.5.4 1n-Mrv\c8 test

An in-service test ia intended to check the performance of the 5.1.2 JoInti"9 In and permeebllity of rock
anchored structural element or the beering capactty of the Special investigations are required to check the jointing in
anchorage alter acceptance testlng (cf. clause 13). and permeabllity of rack. such as optical borehole logging.
observation of the grout level. and water pumping tests. Rock
shall be as impermeable u Is necesaary for satisfactory
3 Designatlon grouting. The rock mayo where necessary. be stabilized by
approprlate measurea (e.g. by grouting as speclfied in
A temporary single-unit 1011 (B) anchorage (TE) rated lor a DIN 4093) If the joint width ia aQuel to 0.5 mm or more or a
permissible anchorage loado tul F -Fsl1.75. of 600 kN (Ioad water drain-off rate aiong the design flxed anchor length
case 1). shall be deslgnated: which exceeds 511(mln. bar) has bien establilhed In a weter 1
Gro d pumping test.
un The fixed anchor length shaillie In rock zonas where shiltlng
anchorage DIN 4125 -T E 600 -B of jointa is unlikely. tt .han be enauTed that In the zone de-
Name ~ I~ flned by the trae anchor length. any shlfting of jolnts normal to
DIN number -I the .halt axi.liea wlthin the scope 01 transverse movement of

th. anchorage.
Type: temporary mI
mono-bar (E)I 5.1.3 Oround egg,.88lvlty
mutti-bar (M) tendon Permanent anchorages the loadbearing steel components of
Anchorage load rating. in kN whlch are prntected agelnst corrosion solely by the grout
Type 01 ground: soll (B)lrock (F) cover. and temporary anchorages shall not be installed if the
ground contains groundwater or seepage water Irom dumpl
or depostts which involYes a high risk 01 pitting corrosíon of
steel as descrlbed In table 7 01 DIN SO 929 Part 3, September
4 Documentatlon 1985 edltion. where Wo is less than-8

The lollowing documentatlon Is reQuired:

a) record s 01 soll investigations as speclfied in OIN 4020 and
proof 01 the required geotechnlcal properties 01 the For '), see page 1
ground surroundlng th. anchorage. wlth Inlormation on 2) Acceptance testtng does not constitute inspection ss
the groundwater. its aggressivity and that of the soil both definId In DIN 1961. but is a purely technical acceptance
to concrete and steel: test.

P8Q8 8 DIN ~125
8.8.2 ConO8IOfI pf'otection of tempc; j encttOf8ves 8.1.2.- Zone of tra~ betw.-n fr.. tendon lenqth and Protectlon 01 tendon bOnd lenqth bond lenQth A
In the zona defined by the bOnd lenQth. tne tendon Inell be In \he CU8 of IinOIe unlt ancnoragel wttn I ..fe worXlng Ioad
embedded in a layer. not lasa than 20 mm tnick. of cementl- of not than eoo kN and of multl-unlt anchoragel wtth a
tlOUl grout. a mlnimum layer thlcknea of 10 mm being r.. 18fl ~ Ioad 01not lell tnen 750 kN, the tendon shaP be
Qulred In tne cala of compresaion anchoragel. Thil raqulr.. proyjded wtth en Iddltional COlTosion protectlon (e.;. COrN-
ment anall be met by ullng apacera. checkInQ tendon. fOl gated lhath to be grouted) ovar a length of 1 m at the pro xl-
compllanC' In each case (d. Explanatory notes). Al a rule. mal end of the bOnd length.!tl purpo.. being to ptevent longi.
spacers shall be provided at maxlmum Intervala of 1 m. larger tudlnal Ctackl cauaed by the tranlmisslon 01 Ioads. develop-
Intervall beln; permltted If adlQuacy of thl reauttin; grout In; 10 lar u to expon the tendon. Rock anchorages need not
layer can be verlfied. SpaC8rs shall be rigldly bonded to the be provided wttn such I protection. " It may be assumed that
tendon. thelr effectivenell not belng Impairld when the In the zone dlflned by the anchor length tne bOrehole Is natu.
tendon la drlven nome. If tendons arelntended to be Inaerted rally dry.
Into unllned bOreholes (cf.subclausl 7.1). the spaC8rslhall be
designad 10 prevent soll being Included when tne anchorage
la installed. e.u C<i..""-' ---of ~
S b d .,,"v--' penn8~.. a~

solllf the may e Ispensed
wall tnickness of thewlth In casing
entry tne case
at of
nlb points Is Proof of IUitabllity
provided of tne corrosion
for permanent ancnorag prot
I (e ctlo ~ syst~m ~.n an be
not leas than 20 mm and a mlnimum Injection pressure of agrément'). e e.g. Y su mino an

IS used. or heat-snrinkable plastic tubino and any coat. Thls proof snell. amono other thinos .
ino snall be removed from the tendon In the zone defined by a) provtde Information on wnether the componentl of the
the anchor lengtn without tnis C8usino damaoe to tne tendon. COrTOSlonprotectlon system arl compatible;
In the case of rock ancnorages. the orout ~ver In tne zona b) state that th.1 system provtdes a degree 01 corTosion pro-
deflned by the bOnd length may be reducid to 10 mm pro- tectlon eQurvalent to that 01 proven systems; r
vided that no water is present in this zone tnrouohout the ser- C) state that tne corroaion-protectlve aoent will aOversely .
vlce 11ft of the anchorage and provided that riOld lpa~rs are affect the propertles of the ten don neither durino Its appH-
used. catlon nor subsaquentty under aervice ~ndltions;
d) l18te that the protectlon of the tendon extenó. over the Free tendon length fui! 'enqth 01 the Iheathing. and the lindan la tlghtly
~efreetendonlengtnshallbeprotectedlnone01thefollow- leaJed (cl.ltem 12 In figure 1);
l!1g wlyI. e) state that In the enchored zona the corroslon protectlon
a) The tendon shall be enclosed by a plastlC Iheath wtth a does not affect the freedom 01 the tendon to expand.
wall thlcknesa 01 not leas than 2 mm. made of PVC-U al In Cementltloul orout shall be deemed adeQuate corTosion pro-
DIN 7748 Part 1. PE as in DIN 16776 Part 1 or PP u In tection If In close contact wtth the tendon and If enclosed in a
DIN 16 774 Part 1.The Iheath snall be desloned to prevent lheath that. under Iervlce ~ndttlonl, relists corrosion and
tne ingress of water Into the annuiar spac. between doel not permlt the penetration 01 water Normelly. tne mini-
sheattl and tendon. The sheatn shall be flrmty bondad to mum grout cover snall be 5 mm; anchorage design and type
the 1endon. 01 sheath may reQuire a thicker cover
Where a pluo is used as the leal. It shall be bOth rasistant The corrosion protection of the tendon and tne anchorage
to water and be watertignt If It In ttaelf does not offer pro- components shall be lactory-applied.
tectlon sgainst corTosion. dlrect contact between pluO Where a cOmJoated sheath is usad. the orout cover in the
and tendon shall be prevented (e.g. by aPPlying a coatino anchorage zona shall be 10 mm minimum. the sama thickness
to the tendon). being rlQuired In the case 01 compresslon anchoragel.
b) The tendon Ihall be provided wtth a DIN 30 672 heat- Where the ~rTosion protectlon is applied in the lorm of a
shrinkable tubing th~ ínner surface of which shall have an coatlng. the speClfications 01 DIN 55928 Parts ~ to e shall be ;' .
antl-corTosrve coatlno. lactory-applled wlthout belno observad. If orout. seallno compounds, etc. are usad lor cor- ...
exposed to a fleme. The tubino Ihall haya a final thickness rolion protectlon, loose particles need not be removed Irom
of 1 mm minimum. Tublno wlthout pre-applied inner the tendon prior to tne corroalon protection treatment.
coatlng may be used provided that Its final wall thickness If the anchorsoe or part of It ís protected aoainst corrosion
exceeds 1.5 mm Each bar or strand shall be protected after Installation (e.o. corrosion protection of anchor head
separately. after oroutino). thtl worX Ihall be lupervised to enlura that
c) The ten don shall be enclosed by an extruded plastlc proper wOrXmansnip is maintained The date when this work
Iheath. wltn a wall thlckness of at leal1 1.5 mm, whlch la il scheduled to begin shall be noti1ied to the responslble
lactory-applied. each bar or strand belng protected sepa- building inspectorate In oood time.
rately. 11plastic compounds are usad lor corrosion protection. spac-
d) Makln; a corroaion allowance of at least 1 mm to the ers Ihall be litted to ensure an adeQuate thickness of the
reQuired diameter. this belng deemed an adeQuate ~mpound enclosing the tendon. Where the corrosion pro-
means of corroSlon protectlon onty I1the yleld point 01 the tection Is applied In the form 01 a coatino. a material shall be
stee! does not exceed 500 Nlmm2 and the cross-sec- Introduced into the Ipace between the tendon and sheath lO
tiona! afea 01 salid bars is not leas than eoo mm2 or the as to fi.ll It completety and permanently unless It has been
wall thlckness of hollow bars. not leas tnan 6 mm verlfied that the seals fltted between tendon and sheatn ara
capable of maintalning their functlon alter stressing of the
8.8.2..3 Anchor head anchorage Where grouting material is used for corros Ion
If the tendon ayer Its fra. 'ength il protected by a plastic protectlon purposes. the sheath shall be deemed adequete
sheath as described In subclause Items a) to c). the mech.anlcal protection if made 01 a material that does not
transltion %one
sealed so as to between it and
prevent tne the 01
ingress IUPPOrt
water pllnth
Into theshall be
spece permlt penetratlon of water. ...-

between sneath and tendon For '). see page 1


j:j . ~ii¡ I -Ú,C

DIN 4125 i'aoe7

7 Construction post-grouting. mlnlmum InJection pressure) are to be taken to

.ensure thal the finls/led ~rout IS properlY lormed over the
-7.1 Borehole dnlllng specllied length (j.e. wlthout alr or water belng enlrapPed).
Entry polnt. onentatlon. :engt/l a"d diameter 01 boreno!es. For groutlng upward Inclined bore/loles. packers snall nor-
together Nltn any C3evlatlons from commo"ly used toler- mally be useC3In w/llcn In)ectlon and ve"t piDes are fltted.
ances. snall oe sP8Cllied lor each par1icular case. Anglea of
Inclinatlon 01 tne anchorage to tne venlcal 01 Oetween ...100
and -100 3hould Oe avalded where pOSSlble. Otherwise. prool
snall be provldeC3 that tne a"cnorage can be fully grouted. 7.4 Poat-groutJng
The method ot construction shall be selected to SUlt the ter- Once the ~rout has"g may be carned
rain a"d the str\Jctural co"ditjons of any building on neigh- out which i"volvea the orl~lnal ~rout belng burst. II water is
baunng sites. used lor this purpose. care shall be taken to ensure that In the
Drill cuttings shall conti"uousJy be removed from Ihe bore- case ot coheslve soil. only small quantlties of water enter Ihe
hall (e.~. by tlusning with air or water). Downward incll"ed surroundlng ~rou"d. The post-grouling 8QUlpment (e.g. inJec-
boreholes shall be extended beyond the deSlgn bond length tion lances Wlth valves. tubes .manchette) shaJI be con-
by the length required for a borehole lump if luch il neces- nected lo the lindan before thil is installed.
The mlnimum diameter of boreholes shall be 5 mm largar
than the design diameter ot the grout takjn~ into account the 7.5 Malntenance 01 free anchor length
grout cover deaJt wllh In subclause 6.6.
Details of conslr\Jction 01 ground anchorages shall be speci- The ~rout shall nol bear on Ihe structure lo be anchored.
fied in the light of the results of geotechnical investigations It is to be ensured that the anchorage load in the zone definid
and ot the informaban obtained Irom Ihe barehole. by the flxed anchor length can be Iransmltted into !he ground.
In the case 01 composite anchorages. luy (cf. figure 1) is not
\.. less than 0.5 m and not greater than 0,25Irs. For compression
anchorages.luv (cf. figure 2) shall nol exceed a value equal lO
7.2 Installat1on 01 tendon 0.25 (lIS -IOv).
The lendon shall be installed free from defectl and so as nol The de$ign free anchor length Ihall be achieved by flushing
to undergo mechanicai dama~e IIkely lo reduce its bearing out excea grout unlea it can be demonstrated by ana!ysis
capacity or to affect the performance 01 Ihe corroaion protec- that the above requirementS can be sati$fied as a result ot the
tlon system. grout level droppin~ when !he casing is wjthdrawn or i1 a
Except where the ground is structurally ltable and th. bofe. packer il uaed. For flushing. a nushin~ hose. tirmly attached to
hall it$elf is sufficiently stral~ht (I.e. drilled usin~ a rigid drill). the anchorage. or a lateraJly pertorated lance. andoas "ushln~
the lindan shall be installed UalnQ a caainQ. media. non-hardenlng substanCIa auch al water or benlonlte
If the anchor head and the meana of corrosion ptotectlon lulpension, Ihall be used. When nushin~ out 8xcesa grout.
uaed are not fitted imm.dlately upon inltaJlation of the ten- flulhln~ nuld shaJl nM up between casing and lurroundlng
don water shaU be prev.nted from ent.r'.n~ the shutl1. ground; other'Wlae, th. bor.hol.lhall be nulhed aga¡n alter
.withdrawal of th. casan~.
Majntenance of a speciflc flxed anchor lenglh is not requlred
il the ground condltlonl preclude load transmil-
o 7.3 Groutlng Ilon in the zone deflned by the fr8e anchor length and direct
7.3.1 Compo8ition 01 gIOUtI~ material contact between grOlJt and the anchored str\Jctur8 along the
.design flxed anchor length. In Ihis context Ihe strength and
Cemenl complyíng with CIN 1164 Part 1 and mixlnQ water al delormatlon behaviour of the ground in the zone defInId by
speclfled In DIN ',2,27 Part 5 shaJI be used to prepare th3. the des!gn flxed anchor length and the free anchor lengtt1. u
grout; lor any ad?ltlVel employed, a vaJld test certlflcate ) well al the compresaive stresa that can be transmltted vIa the
shall have be en lSIued. Wher. prNtrIuinQ 11... iI uMd. h d d t -".1 1 be tak e n inta account
DIN 4227 Part 5 shall b. obaerved. ar ene grOlJ ao-

The water/c8ment ratio lhaII Ue betw..n 0.35 and 0.7. thil

value being kept u low as pouibie In the cue 01 rack and
cohesive soil. 7.8 WoIkm8n8hlp
7.8.1 Gener8I
7.3.2 MIxIn; Ground anchoragea shaU be cooor\Jcted by the same lech-
Th. groutlng material shall be machine-mlx8d, care being n¡Que and to the sama liza u the trtaJ anchoragel that hay.
taken to prevent lumpa formln~ and aegre;ation occurrlng undergone sultability teltlnQ (cf. ciaule 10).
between mlxJng and groutlng.
7.8.2 Uu-.o- ~
7.3.3 lnj8CUon The b8ra or ltrand8 of multl-bar tandons Ihalt, In the zone
Injection pteSlUte end grouting t8ChniQue ltId be MIect8d deftned by the bond ~ be 8p8Ced 10 U to enaure that aII
to Nt ttIe ground and gI'OUndwat8l' conáItIona encountereQ. tendon uNta .,e compi.taly aurrounded by groutlng material.
!he grout may be ilj8Ct8d under hydro8tatlc pr88n iI rock. The unitllhaA be tled to prevent beinQ unravelled du~
and In 10Mttlat pennIta dr1I~ wIth ttIe borehole unaned. ttIe lnatallatlon.
material here belng Injected trom !he dIataI end of ttIe 1nChOf-
a~.. PO8t.glOutlnQ may be neC8U8tY. aná ttIe t8ndon fttt8d 7.8.3 FIIIne of ~-..'-.a
elther befar. or alter groutInQ. It the grout la to be Injectad It damage due to subsidence iI to be 8Xpected u a result of
under .hydroltatJc prnaur. and It cannot be NIed out ttlat ttIe the borehoie coIIap8ing In th. zone deftned by !he fr.. anchor
material WIUenler the surroundinQ ground, ptecautiona (..g. len9th. the bor.hoIe lt\aW be Med with a bentoNte-cem.nt
.euspen8ion, for example. wtthout thi8. however. givInQ ri88 lo
, 3) Telt certlflcat.. are issued by the Insl/tut tU, Sautechnlk. e redlstributlon of force. In that zon8.
P8ge e DIN .125

7 .8.. ~hyóro8\Mtic ~ of ar;~ kI ttI8 ~K.~ of 8.3 P.."~ 8nchor.~ .- Ioed

If groundwater i8 encounterad In dnlll ..'v. meuuru "'- n ,.~ The perr,,:saible

Irom anchorage loado tul F. ahall be calculated ..
taken to prevent Boíl or groutlng material beIng nulhed out. ., J

7.5.5 Spaci"9
The centre-lo-centre of ~ Ipaclng 01 groutl lnau be 1 m mlnlmum wl F S ~'7K (4 )

for saleupwOrking
loada to 1300loads up to 700 kN and
kN. intermediate valuel1.5 m lor 8811
being worklng
determinad lor th e gr o ut. or Ir om

by interpolation. Where necessary. the arrangement of the F

anchoragel Shall be fan-Ihaped and ltaggered. or anchor- wl F S -!. (5)
egel shall be testad by groupa.ln acC0rdanc8 wIth 8Ubclause '75

10.8. lor the tandon, whiChlver value is Iower. The 88fety factors
The flxed type8
of 1011
wtth of
a dlfferent
en anchOl'age
8ha8 not
axtend 8haJ1 be t~en Irom tabla 1, taking into account subclause 8.'..

7.5.5 Records TabIe 1. l8f8tY fact0f8 '7X8nd PIS.

AlI detall, of anchorage construction ltIan be recordad (lee

appendlx A lor specimen record form), thil includlng Informa- 1 2 3 .5

tío n on the drtlling technique usad. borehole ortentatlon,

depth and díameter. L Grout .171<. T en d on: PIS
Records shall also be kept of the strata boundartel encoun- oad case
tered durtng drtlllng. grout compolltlon, quanttty of grout u In Earth
material used. injection presaure. del/gn flxed anchor len;th. DIN 1 os. pressure Earth pressure

and any lpecial leaturel of anchorage construction. ActiYe At rest Active At rest

¡ 7.7 Streaslng t 1,50 1.33 1,75 1.33 C:

after hardening
the groutlng of operatlon.
the grout material, generellyahanone
the ancnorage be week
lub- 2 1.33 1.25 1.50 1.25

¡ected to lultabllity test!ng and acceptanca testlng and ten-

sionad to Its worklng loado 3 1.25 1.20 .1.33 1.20

8 Des';n ana !ya!. 8.4 Saf.ty f8cton

8.1 Sef. workin; Ioad Safety lactor! 17K and '15 shall be taken lrom tabte 1 as a tunc-
The safe worklng load of ground anchorege.. fw. la to be tlon of the load cale (cf. lubclause 8.2). For permanent
derivad Irom the analysil of the ancnored Itructura. struc- anchoragel. the lactor! retatlng to the active earth pressure
tural component or rock outcrop. The loada normaIly to be are atways to be used. whereas lor temporary anchorages.
taKen into account are: the safety factor may be seleC1ed as a tunction of the loadlng
a) loeds due to active earth preslure' condltions (cl subclause 8.1). due consideration also being
..glVen to the lollowlng.
b) gations;
loada establlsl1ed on the baila of rock mecl1anlcs Investl- a) Where an increased earth presaure il to be assumed, the
c .safety factor is to be obtained by interpolating between
) loeds due to water pressure. the values for the active pressure and thoselor the pres-
d) loads due to stresS8$ In the tendon; aura at resto
e) loads acting on the anchor head; b) Wher. loads Irom active earth pre.sure in addltlon to
f) the sum 01 different components of thele loads. thosl due to earth prellure at rest or an increased eartl'l 1
In the case of excavations in Boil. the calculation of r ' may be preasure arepresent, the salety lactors may be obtained
based wholly or partly on the earth presaure at rest or on tl'le by ,nterpolatlon on tl1e basis of the ratio of these loads to
assumption 01 an increased earth pressure. as specifiad in tl1e tOtal loado

DIN 4085. Further relevant information la provlded in the

recommendations of Commlttee Baugruben of the Del/tsche 8.5 Furth.r 8n81y".
Gesellschalt fUr erd' und Grundbau e ...a)
V 11temporary anchorages are designed for earth pressure
at relt, then prool .hall be provided lhat, aSBumlng a
8.2 Load ca... redistrlbutlon olthe active earth pressure, the permissible
Tl1e analysis shall allow for the load cas.llIsted In subclause ancnorage load as determlned in eccordance wlth sub-
2.2. of DIN 1054. November 1976 edltion, thil being supple- clause 8.3 is not exceedéd if tne safety factors for active
mented by tl'le lollowing conslderatlons. eartl1 pressure glven In table 1 are used
a) Load case 1 relates to the structure In Itl aloCompleted b) Where Imposed loada (Including wind loads) ere recur-
stateand.inthecaseofexcavations,totheltateoncom- rent.the Ioading 01 the tendon shall not change by en
pletion amount equal to more than 0.2 Fv,'. with the permisslble
b) In the case of excavations. sIl prellminary stages of con- ampl.itude of stress In the tendon not being exceeded
struction up to the state on completion and all subse- Veriflcatlon II reQUlred here only where pulsating loads
Quent stages until completion of refllllng work lall under are not compensat.d lor by prestresSlng
load case 2. c) For lultabílity and acceptance testlng. tendons may be
c) In the cala of rock anchorages, load caae 3 may include loaded up to 0.9 Fs
all construction stageB provided that the anchorage loed d) Tl'le sal8 worklng load and the proolload shall be verified
is checKed regularly uSlng a representative sample. for the structural component to be ancnored When

DIN 4125 Page9

deslgnlng the sale 'Norl<lng load lor temporary structures. ground InvestJgatlons wnere tnese or tne ancnorage posltion
.tne permlSSlble stresses specllied In suOclause 9.4 01 suggest tnat unlavouraOle results WIII be oDtalned
DIN 4124 August 1981edltion. may Deused. CaJculatlOn ot In tne case 01 temporary ancnorages. Su¡taDllity testlno may
the orool load for Doth temporary and permanent struc' be dispensed wltM II a simIlar test has alreldy Deen carrled out
tlJres snal) be based on tMe same suDclause lor testlno at a slte wnere tMe ~round conditions are comperaOle. Per-
anO overstresslng. formance 01 sucll test IS. however, not OlspensaOle It the
For relnlorced concrete permanent structures. proot sllall metMod 01 constructlon employed dlffers slgnlflcantly and
be provlded 01 the limltatlon 01 crack wloth under proot unlavouraDly from that 01ancnoraoes sublected to sultablllty
load wnen oetermlnlng the reQUlred cross sectlon 01 reln- testlng elsewhere or It hlgner limlt 10aOsIn tne grout. FK. are to
forcement for this load case. be analyzed.
el Structural measures shall be taken to ensure that fallure Suítabílity testing ot permanent anchorages sllall be super'
ot anchorages does not result In lallure 01 the structure or vlsed by an expel1 bOdy.
structural component secured by the anchorage system.
It thls reQUlres venftcation by stability analysls. such verif!.
cation may be made utillzing the ultimate beanng capac' 10.2 Procedure
ity ot both structure and ground (e.g. utilizino the archino
tt t t th d d Id .t t th t ndOn) In a tenslle test. the dlspJacement 01 the proxlmal end 01 the
e ec o e groun an Yle poln o e e. anchoraoe in the directlon 01 loadlno shall be measurea trom

f) To provide proot 01 adeQuate lenoth and íncllnatJon ot a fixed pOlnt.

anchorages. a structural analysls shall be made tor th. Starting from a pre-load. F;. not exceeding 0.2 fw. the load
system as a whole. comprlslno the anchorage, the sur- shall be íncreased. In stages. to 0.5 fw. 0.75 fw. t.O Fw and
roundlng soll or rock ando where approprlate. the struc- 1 25 fw ntil a prool load F eQual to .fw ~ 09 .F is
turas or structural components secured by the anchoraoe r~ached. ~ aach ot these'lo=d levels is ;:ached lor'the Jrst
system. whlch IS not the subJect of thls standard. time. the load is to be kept constant lor the mínimum observa'
O) For permanent anchorages. it is to be speclfled aJready at tlon penad oiven in tabla 2. followed by gradualreduction to
~ the deslon stage. whet~er and whlch anchorages are to F;. to check the anchorage lor any plastic or elastlc dlsplace.
undergo In-servlce testlng. ment Following this. the load ahall be increased. in staoes. to
the next highest load level (cl. fIgure 3)
It. at the time ot testJng. the safe working loadofw. is unknown.
9 Provtng test or if it is uncertaJn whether the IImit loadoFK. can be reached,
To provide proof of its serviceability. each anchorage system load stages smaller than given in table 2 should be used.
18to be subjected to a proving test which. in particular. la to Wlth the proot load kept constant, the dlsplacement at glVen
cover the followlng: times (e.g. 1. 2. 5. 10. 15, 30 minutes) and lor observation
) d c natructlon and corroslon protectlon ot th. periods longer than flve minuteS, dilplacemenUtJme curves
a eSl~n. o shaJl be plotted on a'¡~ graph both tor temporary

anc orage; anchoragea (ct. fIgure 4) and permanent anchoragea (ct.

b) ease ot handling of the anchorage durlng tranapor1. Itor' figure 5). For th. straight por1ion ot th. curvas (I.e. the con.
age and InstaJlatJon; tJnuous thlck lIMes). the creep dlsplacement, ~ $hall be
c) any need to provld. the anchor head wIth a corro8Ion pro- .ltablilhed and plotted as a functlon of the load stage. al
tectlon on site; shown In ngure 8-
d) tensile tests on th.. bula ot th. speciflcatJonl 01 cIau88 The mlnlmum obaervatlon perioda given In table 2 shaJl be
10; extended It
e) appearance 01 corrolion protectlon arter tenalle te8tlng; e) the Incr In dlaplacement,.1.I. In coheslonless aoíl and
f) sile and conditlon 01 grout (Includlng check for crack lor' In rocX exc-.dl 0,5 mm betw..n the 5th and 15th minute
matJon) arter tensil. testing. ando In coheliv. 1011..xceeds 0.8 mm between th. 5th
Type and scope of th. provlng telt are a functJon 01 the and 30th mlnut.. or
anchorage construction and th. IUrroundlng 10" and ahaJI b) th. slope of th. tlme-dlsplacement curve in fIgure 4 or 5
...take account of any exp.ri8nc. mad. with thia type 01 Incr In dlrect proportlon to th. I~afithm of time. Ot
anchorage system. c} k. exceedl 1 mm tor cohesioniess soll and rack.
The test Is to be perlormed on anchoragea 01 oriQlnaJsize. So" In th. case of a} Ind b), the observatJon penad shaJl be
anchorages shaJIund.rgo testing u IpeCifled under Iteml d) extended untII ~ can be determined.
to f) above in the lOiI havtng the sam. propertJea u that on In case c}. th. obaervatJon penods sp.cifled tar cohesive lOa
the proposed lit.. wh.,... rack anchorag.amay be inltaJled are to be maJntained.
In a concrete b~ wIth properti88 equlvaJent to tho88 of ~ Followlng obaervatlon 01 dilplacement, the Ioad ahall be
particular rack. The ancnorag. 8t\aII be expoMd Itter t.naa. r.I.u8d In ltagel from Pp to F¡, alter which the t.ndon shaII
t8lting to facllitat. itI inIpectJon. Proving tuU on anchorage be 1tr8ll8d untll F iI reached takIng Into account any slip at
components may be conducted on modela. ~ 01 the anchor head. o
the anchorag.. tenlile t.1ting and .XPOIure 01~ anchorage
&hall belUpervIsed by a speciallIt boóy whlch ti aiIo to 8v8iu- Note. Al th. hylter.ais alwaY' ~urs. the resulting anchor'
ate th8 ruuitl of th. ground Inv.ltigatJonl to be made. When ag. Ioad iI th.n sllghtly below Fo.
exposed. the anchorag. ahaII be Inlpected both by ~ spe-
cialilt body and an accredlted .xpert In the fleid 01 corroaion
protectlon. 10.3 Cycilc Ioading of perm8nent anchoraga
FoIIowIng the sultabiUty telt In accordance with IUbctaUM
10.2, permanent anchorag.. 8haII be loaded to a Iev.1 ot
10 On-slte luitabllity t88ting 1.0 fw and th.n unloaded to 0.5 fw. thil cycle being repeated
20 tlm.S, without Intermlllion betwHn th. cyciu The dll-
10.1 Scope placem.nt at 1.0 Fw and 0.5 fw ShalI be m.uured at leut at
---At lealt thre. anchoragel per ,ite ahall be subjected to IUIt- the end of each ftfth cycl.. FlnaiIy, theload $hall be reduced fa
I ability"ttlting, the anchorag.1 being Ml8cted on the bula ot F¡ and Fo appiI8d.

'- \
- "-
P.oe 10 DIN .125

Proof loado F, -

-, F, o.SF'~ O.7SF'~ FO 1.oF'~ 1.2SF'~ '71'F~ 11




Floure 3. Load/diaplacement CUrvel obtalned In a lultabllity test of a temporary anchoraoe

10.4 Requl;v.I"'~ anchorage under proof Ioad. that ~ IS lpecifled In figures 5

10.4.1 CrMp dI8PI8c., ~ and e doel not exceed 2 m.
If for both temporary anchoragel and permanent anchoragel
For temporary anchoraoel It lhall be yerlfled. wtth the IUbj8C1ed to lultabnity teltJng the proof Ioad iI reached and
anchoraoe under proot loado that the condltiona under Iteml a) and b) Ira met, the requlred
a) the increaae In displacement. As. In coh8lionle81 1011and aaf8ty margln wtth relpect lo Fx Ihall be deemed prov8n (1n
In rock doel not exceed 0.5 mm betw8en the 51h and 15th Ihe diagram Ihown In flgure 4. condltion a) la met by anchor-
mlnute and,ln coheslveaoll doel not exceed 0.8 mm be- age No.1 and condttlon b) by anchorag8 No. 2). If. for one
tween the 51h and 30th mlnute (both valuel glvlng an anchorage. F~ la reached at alower loed level. the permisslble
approximate creep displac8ment of 1 mm or le8l); anchorage ioad for all anchorages coyered by the sultabllity
.test Ihall be lpeclfled In accordance wlth equatlon (4) on the
b) ~ as spectfied In figure 4 doel not exceed 2 mm. buJa of the Iowest value obtained from testing. Otherwlse,

For permanent anchoraoes. It ahall be yerffled. wtth the further tests Ihall be performed.

Table 2. LO8d It8gea and mlnlmum ob88fY8tIon pertod8 for 8U1tabnIty and accepta~ t88tinO .
1 8

Minlmum observatlon perlod, In minutes

Sultabllity test Acceptance test

Proof loed, Temp. anchorage Perm. anchorage Temp. anchorage Perm. anchoraoe

fp Cohelion- Cohealon- Coh8&lon- Coheslon.

(Ioed stages) le81 Coheltve 1e81 Coheltve le81 Cohe.ive le.. Coheslve
1011, soll 1011. 1011 1011. 1011 8011. 8011
rock rack rock rack

F¡ S 0.2 Fw 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0.5 Fw 1 1 15 30 --I --

0.75 Fw 1 1 15 30 1 1 I 1 1

1.0 Fw 1 1 ea 120 1 1 1 1

1.25 Fw 1 1 ea 1ao 5 15 I 1 1

'7K'Fw 15 30 120 1440 --I 5 15 ,

"- QIN 4125 Page' 1

..1 2 5 10 15 ZO 30 SO 100 l1W' 500

mm I I I I I

I ~I
~ N
U ~

1 2 I

I ~
Ig t, Ig'f¡
Agure 4, Tlme-dlaplacementcurve. for determlnlng k, -(~ -s,)/lg (tzlt,) at load Fp(example. establlshed In suitabillty tests
for two temporary anchorao" Wtcohelive 8OiI)

Tlme,1 -
; O' S 10 ] SO 100 SOO 1000 "*' SOOO
; nvn ¡ -*. ~,~
! , ~~- .~ '"
:;:] _.-~ ---7 == -~5

!.i Jo 2 "'nIB
~~ .rf'ftM
~- .r
.~-. -.l
". -'"
L.1.:~" ~

-'-.(~ c.

¡ O S ~
¡ I ""~ f
!¡ t 6 ~~ ' ~
¡ 1 f1 19~ ~ [5

i IQ'12
¡ 8 I
((¡t Figure 5. Tlme-dllpiacement CUIV88 for determining k, -(11 -s,)/tg (~ttJ (exampiel¡i!ir
8ItabII8I\ed In a 8UitabIIIty t88t for .pennanent anenorage lt1cohe1iv8 lOiI)

¡ (
Page 12 DIN 4125

< .

i~ ,


O OSFw o.75Fw 1.0Fw USFw 1.SFw
PrQ9f I~d; F, -

Figure 8. Creep dlsplacament/proof load dlagram for luitablllty

testlng u íllustrated in figure 5 (cf. ,ubclause 10.4)

10.4.2 Fr-. t8nd0n '-nvth end frlctIon 108-.. and dlsplacement uslng dial gauges wfth 0,01 mm scale inter-
The free tendon length u determined by calculatlon, ca/llS. vals.
during preltrelling. ahaJl be dertved from the Ioad-dlsplace-
ment curvel. ullng. for example. the method described In 10.8 Qroups of anchoragea
aubclaule 12.4. Proof 8haI ~ provided that thla length doe, If the centre-to-eentre apaclng of groutlllleas than 1 m lor
not signlflcantiy dlffer frorn the deaign free tendon length,/fS, ~ng loada up to 700 kN. or leas than 1.5 m for working
and that frlction 10118. are Iow. Thll requlrement Ihan be loada up to 1300 kN (interpolatlon being pemlitted) a number
dee~ed to be I8tisfled If the elastlc displacement lIel wfthln of adjacent anchoregel (nonTIally three) 'hall be 'Ioaded at
IImitlng curvel a and b (cf. aubclause 12.2). the aame time, and monltored.

10.5 M8..urlng equlpment 10.7 Test repOft

In the tenllle test, loadl shall be measured uslng load The results of auitabillty testlng shall be recorded In a teS1
cells (wfth a limlt of error of 1 % of the maxlmum acate value) reporto

Table 3. ObMI'VatIon pertod. and penni88/b1e dl8pi8cement or crMP dlapl.c.m8nt at proof Joad for 8uitabntty end
acceptaftC8 teattng

1 2 3 .5 6 7 8 9

Sultablllty test Acceptenca test

Temp. anchorege Perm. anchorege Temp. anchorege Perm. anchorage

Cohellon- Coheslon- Cohellon- Cohesion-

lesa Coheslve less Coheaive less Cohesive leas Cohesive
sollo 1011 lol~ soll 1011. 1011 soll. soil
rack rack rack rack

Proof load '7K .Fw '7K .Fw 1.25 Fw '7K .Fw

Short observation
perlods. In min
1 t, 5 5 --2 5 2 5
t2 15 30 --5 15 5 15
t.S -s2 -s,. In mm S 0.5 ~ 0.8 --~ 0.2 S 0.25 ~ 0.2 ~ 0,25

Long observatlon .
periods. in min
2 1,.)
12 > 15 > 30 ~ 120 ~ 1~ > 5 > 15 > 5 > 15
k,. in mm ~ 2.0 ~ 2.0 ~ 1.0 ~ 2.0

*) 1, Is to be read from the linear section of the time-displacement curve


OlN4125 Page13

.F 0,5F.. OJ5",w 1.25F..



Q ...

"" Fioure 7. Loadodisplacement diaoram (example established in an acceptance test for a temporary
'"' anchoraoe)

11 Acceptance testing For permanent anchoragM, fo~ IS shown in appendix B

11.1 Procedur8 'hall be used for evaluation. OeviatJons from test procedure
and IvlluatJon u s~fled here are permitted subject to
Each anchoraoe shall be subjected to acceptance testing. agreement betw..n contractor and the expert body havino
StartJng fram I pre-~oad, F¡, the ioad ahaJl be Increued, in supervlsed the sultability tell NormaJly. supervision 01 an
stages (as speclfled In table 2) until .proot loado Fp. equal to acceptance test i. not reQulred.
1,25 Fw for tlmporary anchorage. (c1. ftgurl 7) Ind equal ta
'7K' Fw far permanent anchorlO", wjUl. maxJmum of O.i Fa.
~ reached. The anchorlge shall then be unioaded. At 11.3 ACC8ptance ~.rIa
stloe. the dlsplacement 01 the praximaJ Ind an.n be me... The acceptance telt Ihall be deemed to have bIen pas.sed If,
ured u I functlon of the loado uaino the 8Quipment specifled w/th the anchorloe under prool loado the elastic dlsplace-
in 5ubclause 11.4. ment lIes w/thln the IImits deflned by IInes I and bu shown in
Wlth the proof load kept constant, the dlsplacement shall be ftgure 8 and jf (cf. tecle 2)
measured over a perJod of at least flve mlnutu for coheslon- -1) for the relevant proof load, the increase In dlsplacement.
less soll and rack. and 15 minutet (e.g. Ifter 1. 2. 5,10 and 15 ó.s,In cohe8ionleu soil and rack for a perJod between twa
minutas) for cohesJve soiL The mlnlmum observation perIod and flve mlnutu does not exceed 0.2 mm or, for coheslve
shall be extended If loil. the dlaplacement for I perJod between 5 and 15 mIn-
a) for cohesionle" soil and rack. the dilplacement for I pe- utu does not exceed 0.25 mm (both values glving an
riod between two and flve mlnutu exC8eds 0.2 mm or approximate cr..p dlspiacement 01 0,5 mm or lesa), or
b) for cohesive sol! and rack. the dlaplacement for I perIod b) for protonged obaervatlon pertods (cf. table 3), the creep
between 5 and 15 minutel exCMdl 0.25 mm (both valuu d~placement does not excaed 1 mm for temporary
olving I creep dlapiacement 01 more !han 0,5 mm). anchorage. and 2 mm far permanent anchorages.
The observltJon shaU be contlnued untill clear-cut value of ~ 1Ithe anchoraoe faiIs the test. the actlon to be taken shall be
as described in subclause 10.2 can be determined. aoreed wIth the responsible building Inspectorate (e.o.
The pracedure descrtbed lor cohe81Y8 soil shaJl be followed extended Icceptance talting, reductlon of warldng loado
lor heterogeneous lOiI and rock. placlng 01 Idd/tlonal anchoraoe.).
FollowinO thia test. the anchoragelhal be ItrISled untll Fo 18 Addltlonal pro~s may have to be mide and testl per-
reached, taking Into ICCOunt the IUp It the anchor he.d. The larmed If the reaiduaJ dlsp~cement and creep dlspjlcement
dlfference, due to the hyitereaia, between Fo and the actual are greate, than In the suitaDillty test
anchorloe load may nonnally be dlaregarded. Fo need
not necessarily be appiled Immedlately 1ft., Icceptance 11.4 M...urin; equipment
te.tlng. Dlspiacamenta during ten8i1e t8ItIng shall be meuured Uling
dlaJ gluoel wIth 0.01 mm lCaI8 w,terva18. Lo.d8 may be
11.2 R8C0rd8 appüed by meana ot hydraullc jackl for whlch Information ~
lvallable on the lo8d carTled by them u I functlon 01 the
The r..utU of Icceptance testing shaJl be recorded In tab'- hydrlul~ preuur8 for IO8dlng Ind unloadlng. The ICcuracy 01
formo The recordl 8haJIglve. for the relevant proaf loado the the InltnJment lhaI be IUch that the Indlcatlon around the
permislible limita 01 8iastlc dlspiacement (reprasented by proof load dOt. not d/tter by more !han 5 ~ from the maxi-
llna. I and b, u Ihown In ftgure 8). the cnange. WIdlaplaC8- mum value u obtained from the IoadIdiaplacement dlagram.
, ment for In ooservetlon perlod betw.-n two and nve minute. The hydraullc preuure lhaII be meuured uaing I caIIbrated
, and betw..n 5 and 1Sminute.. r8epectlvely, and the residual preuure gauge compiylng wIth clul 1.0 u lP8Cined ~
.dlsplac~t when unIoadlng to F¡. DIN 51 220.
page 14 DIN 4125

11.1 Extended period of ~ !he complex line ~ plua ~ al\owllor restrllnt on Ihe
If, for any reason. lemporary anchoragea remaln W\*8rvic8 lor anchorlgesystem due lo fríclion Ioases dunng preSire,s-
more Ihan two years, lhe re'pon,lble building inapeC1orat. Ing. J
'hall be nottfied. Any Ictlon requlred lo mlnlmlz. rlaka ahafl be c) tt la recommended lhal Ihe SeJ/forc. curve being com-
declded for each particular case, In expert being conautted pared lo 11Mc which represents Ihe elaSiic deformalion
where requlred. The lollowlng actlon ehall be taken at leut at of a lendon having the design fr.. lendon length.
adequate Intervals:
a) visual examlnalion of anchorage wnere aCcellible;
b) check wnelher the anchorages are still under stress. 12.3 exp,...lon of resulta
Geodellc checkl shall be made at regular Intervala lo estab- The relU/tI of lanslle tastlng shall be plorted as Ioad/dlsplace-
IIsh any dilplacement of lhe anchored stNcture 80 Ihat con. ment curvea (1:1.figure 8 a», the dlsplacement measured at
cluslons can be drawn aa to thelr stablllty. the anchor head being broken down inlo its elaSilc and plastic
(retldual) components. u follows.
Flgur. 8 a) ahows. for a gtven proof loado the total dlsplac..
12 Evalu8t1on of aultablllty testa 8nd mem. s. wttich. wtten the anchorage ia unloeded to Fi. is
expreaalon 01 resulta reduced by the elaSiic component of displacement. S.I. to Sbl
(ptastic component). 80th components shafl be plottad sepa-
12.1 General ratety for Fi as a functlon 01 the proo1 loado as shown In figure
Evaluatlon 01 Ihe results ehall be made u epeclfied in sub- b). Aa an example, Ihe displacement for a load equal lo
ctauses 12.2 lo 12.4. 1.25 Fw. Sc is entered In figure 8 b) (poinl C). Aa a result of
unloadlng. the elastlc and plaSilc componenls. SC,eland
12.2 Umltlng Unes ara obtained. which shall be enlered In Ihe diagram 10r a !oad
.equal to 1.25 Fw.
Unes a and b (1:1.figure 8) shall be establlahed u 101l0wa.
a) Une a is representad by equatlons (8) and (7): 1
( l,,) 12.4 Determlnatlon of free tendon length «
S.I --:- Fp -Fi lIS + -(6) The design fr~ tandon lengt~. ~ll!S. is lo be dartved from Iha
E As 2 straight aectlon 01 Ihe elastlc dlsplacement curve using Ihe
10r compoatte anchoragea, and equallon (9):

l 6se!
s.. -1.1 .-!-J.llS
F -F' (7) ca lIS -~. E. As (9)
E'As p
for compresaion anchorages. where
~.. AEp-1 iI the lIope of the ItraJght section
of the se! curve;
b) For Fp ~ 0.75 '1K' Fw + Fj.llne b Is representad byequa- F. la the ela&tlc modulua 01 ateel-
tion (8) As la the cro88'sectional area 01 the lendons.

j O8 Fp -F¡
,'ir Stt l IS (8)
, E.As
I and 13 In-servlce testa
j for Ip S 0.75 l/K' Fw + f;. by the compiex Ilne ~ plua ~. Where óeformationa 01/1n the anchorage/structure/ground
¡ Ihe coordinatea 01 polnta R and S beIng obtalfl8d from lyItem are to be expectad whlch may give rlse to changea In
¡ tabla 4. the anchorageload IIketyto adversety affect the performance
i Table 4. COOfdlnatee of poInt8 R end I (d. fIg\n 8) of the anchorage or ItNcture. In-servtce tests are to be pero '1
¡ lormed. Scope and frequ8ncy 01 testlng and the number of ...
! Polm Ordlnat8 Stt ~ Fp anchorages to be tested Ihall be aelected wtth due considero
! atlon belng gtv8n to geot8chnlcal aapecta. to the ~ 01
I R O 0.15 '7K..Fw + F¡ atructure to be anchored and the resulta of auttablltty and
acceptance tuttng.
lIS The testa Ih8H be conducted by obaervlng/monttorlng the
S 0.6 '7X.Fw .~ 0,75 'IX .Fw + f; structure or by mealurlng the anchorage loado
Any flndlngs and meuurement resulta shall be recorded.

,;\I . '
Page 18 OtN .125

14 1n8P6'--'tIoii
Internal control of anchoragea and anchorag. componentl lhall be perfonn.d u detalled In table 5. ,

Table 5. o.t8I8 of ~ control

Ob¡ect of tll1 Scope of tel1lcheck 1t8mto be checked/requ¡'ement(l) Frequency

Prlstressed l1eel Consignment (11881 grade and Marl(jng; proof o, quality control; Every consignment
dlameter) agajn8t c.rtfflcat. ot no dama;e, no .XC888iY8atainlng
Transpon vehlclu StH! supphd dry; no eoillng. Ev.ry conlignment

Storage facIlItIes Stored under dry condltionl; no IOmng, Aa requlred.

no contact wIttI potentlally corrostv.

Reln10rclngstHI Check of conaignment for Iteel Ma~lng al In DIN .ss Pan 1 or lub- Every conlignment
bars grade and dlameter mlaaion of an Igrément

Structural 5tH\ Conlignment (st..1 ;red. and Aa lpeclfled In DIN 17100. Every constgnment

Anchor heada, Proof 011eMceabllity (d. lubclauses Every consignment -1

couplera 6.3 and 8.5)

Grouting material Constltuentl Identlflcatlon of constltuentl (cf. sub- Every consignment

clau18 7.3)

Stresslng and mess- Stresslng and m.aaurlng equipo As apeclfied In lubCIaUS810.5 o~11.4. Once ayear
urlng IqUlpment ment

Stresslng Loada and dlspiacementl Aa apeclfled In claules 10or 11 Every anchorage

Groutlng Recordl Aa apec/fied In lut)clause 7.8.8. Every anchorage

Corroalon protection Proof of aervlceablltty (cf. lubclause Every consignment

Jystem 8.8.3)

OIN 4125 PaQe 17

Appendix A
.Speclm.n record form for the conatructlon of ground an4:hor.~..ln accordance wlth aubclau88 1.6 ot DIN 41~
.' The note In the marQInon page 1 prohlbiting reproductlon 01a/1Ypan 01l"e standard does not apply to the following specímen


Deaignatlon ot lit. and structural element: Sheet No.

Location and number of anchorages !

Number, anO diameter of tendon bars or strands, in mm I
Anchor length. m
Fixed anchor length, lo. in m
IncJlnation of anchorage, in Q

Drílling method and type of drill

Aushing medium
'! Drilling macnine
! Cased: Entry casing: ~.. ~i .." in mm
3 Nib: 0;. in mm
"' Q
Drill bit: 0. -" in mm
Uncased: Dril! bit: 0. -), in mm
.Type ano material
I Spacing, in m
In Outer dlameter (unconstrained). In m
a Pipes: T~e and material '
~ [ Number; dlameter, In mm
~"3 VaNes: Type
In Number, locatJon
I Cate
J Cased to a depth ot, in m
C: .§ Uncased to a depth ot, In m
I -
! i Strata boundaries (from entry leve'), In m
o Any tlndings In anchorage lone.) (e,g. -
,~ striking ot water. 1015of flulhing medlum,
" ~ drilling speed and presaure, coiour ot
o material flUlhed out, appearance ot over-
sil. material)
Borehole teata (pumping te8t. acanning)
Cate ot groutlng (Gr) and secondary Gr SOr SOr Or SGr SGr
grouting (SGr) (1st) (2nd) (11t) (2nd)
a TyP8ot cement
~ Additivea (type and pet'centage)
C; W.ter/ce~ ratlo. 1
Quantity ot cement used, In kg L
Grouting preaure, In bar L
~ Mettlod ot llmitlng grout Iength
t i o.pth to proxImaI end ot grout. w,m ":
c!-o Auahing prlaaur8, w, bar

.RIg foreman Name ot contrKtor
~ .) Only relevant tor rocx ") ~.: out~ d~eter; '1: w,8idedlameter.


Page 18 DIN 4125 ,

SpKimen record fom for the ecceptance Inap.ction of pennanent anchoragea In eccordance wtth d8use 11 of ~
DIN 4125 ~

The note In the margln on page 1 prohlbltlng reproductlon o, any par1ot the ltandard does not appIy to tM following lpecimen

o.algnatlon of alte end stNcturel element: Sheet No.

Jack typa: No.:

Preaaurl oauge No.: Load call type: No.:

Locatlon and number o, anchoragea

Tendon: number. and dlameter of barI, In mm

atH' tenslle atrength. In N/mm2
cross.sectlonaJ area, As. In mm2

Anchor length, lA' In m

Tendon extension'), Ü. In m

Tendon bond length. 1...In m

Free tendon length2). lIS -z. + a -1... In m

Compresalon length. lo. In m .,

Factor of aafety. '7K-for proof load

Load/hydr8ulic pressure/dlaplacement kN bar mm kN bar mm

Preloading F¡
0.50 Fw

~ 0,75 Fw
~ Sara working load 1.00Fw

Proof load3) F, -1.25 Fw

Dlsplacement, $.
atter 1 min '1

atter 2 mln .S2

atter 3 mln S3 1
~ atter 5 min Ss

-Ss -S2
[ $s -S2 S 0.20 mm fY8iiñOl.) I 1 I I I I

i atter 10 mln $10

§ atter 15 min S15
-S15 -Ss
~ $15-Ss S 0.25 mm fY8SiñO1.) .I 1 l' I 1 I
~ atter .., mln s
~ atter '" mln s.

after .., mln $

CrHP dlsplacement, ~.')

~ S 1.0/2.0 mm ry;;;ñOl I I I 1'-1

Sea page 19 for footno1e8.

. o
DIN 4125 PaQe 19

Locatlon and number 01 ancnoraQes

Load/hydrauJic pressure/displacement kN b8r I mm kN b8/ ¡ mm

o ! Preloading Fj ~ -I Sbl-
~ ¡ Worklng load Fa -..' Fw
...1 I Prestresslng force (wltn allowance for slip)') I

-1 Sbl ~. mm lor Fj 8) fY"8iiñOl I~ r-;-¡

"O ~
..e Se!-smu -Sbl 7)

3-[ Limiting line a/b for Se! 8)

.. $dbe~eenaandb ~ ~ ~

Cate 01 inspection:

Jack operator:

, 1) Extension due to stressing and me&Suring equlpment.

2) In the tensile test, lIS is greater by In amuunt IGual to Q than alter stre88ing of Inchorage.
3) For Fp -l/K. Fw, l/K shall be taken u 1.25 lor temporary anchor_gel and u 1.50 tor ~mllnent Inchorages or as 1.33 (and
1.25 respectlvely) for load case 2 or 3 (cf. lable 1).
4) 11the -$2 S 0.2 mm far cohe,ionleu 1011and 111-.sI S 0.25 mm for coheatvelOlIlI not met. the obsertatJon ,hall
be continued untll a cfear-cut value 01 ~ can be determlned. For temporarj anchorag... ~ shaJInot exc8ed 1,0 mm and lar
permanent ancnorages, not exceed 2.0 mIno
51 The slip 10 be conaidered shall be taken trorn the agr'ment.
8) Sbjcan be detemlined on the bula ot the resuitl ot IUltability testlng.
7) S.1 iI lo be calculated trom the maximum dlaplacement under proot Ioad mlnu, Sbj after unloadlng to ~.
8) The limita ot elutlc dlsplacement 8/e deftned by IImitln; Unes I and b for the proof Ioad, derlved from the free tendon length
In accordance with lubclaUH 12.2-


~ ¡

P8Q8 20 DIN 4125 ,

Standerds and other documenta ref8n'8d to

I DIN 4S8 Par11 RelnfOfcing l1eel: gradel. ~lel and martWIg ..
DIN 1045 StructuraJ ule of concrete; dellgn and conl1ructlon
DIN 1054 Perml&8ibl8 Ioedlng of aubloll
DIN 1164 Par1 1 Partiendo Portland blastfumaca. blutfumace llag and tra.. cament; conceptl. constituents. requiraments
and IUPPIy
DIN 1961 Tendertng and performance stipulatlonlln contractl for constructlon WOrKl (VOS). Par1 S: General condl-
tlonl of contract relatlng to the execvtlon of conatructlon worKa
DIN 4020 Geotechnlcallnvest\gatlOnl for civil englneerW\g purpoee8 Malysll of water. soR and gases aggre..iYe to concrete
DIN 4085 Principlea for the calculatlOn of earth preU\Jr8
DIN 4093 Ground traatment by grouting; plannlng. groutlng procedUr8 and telting
DIN 4124 ExcaV8tlonl and trenchel; I10pes. worKlng spaca. Ind lUPPOrt
DIN 4128 Cast-ln-place concrete and compollte pnes; design. CONtruCtIon and permlulble Ioadlng
DIN 4227 Part1 Prestressed concrete; partlally and fully prel1ressed ordlnary concrete componentl
DIN 4227 Part 5 Prestressed concrete; grouting of tendOn ductl
DIN 7748 P&rt 1 P1astlc moulding matertals; unplastlclzed polyvinyi chlortde (?VO-U) mouldlng matertall; claS$lflC8t1on and

DIN 16774 Par11 P1astlcs mouldlng materlala; poiypropylene (pp) mouldlng matertala; clallmcatlon and designation
DIN 16776 Part1 P1astJcmouldlng materlala; polyethyiene (PE) mouldlng materlala: clalalflcatlon and designatlon
DIN 17100 Hot-rolled non-alloyed steel productl for gener81 structuraJ appllcatlonl ... ,
DIN 21 521 Part1 Rock anchoragea for mlnlng and tunnelllng; concapt& .

DIN 30 672 CorToaion protection tapeS and heat Ihrtnkabla lieevlng for burled pipework
DIN 50 900 Part 2 CorToalon of metala; electrochemlcal concepta
DIN 50 929 P&rt 3 Susceptlbllity to corrolion 01 metaJllc plpe~ and building components In contact wlth sol1 and water

DIN 51 220 Matertala testing-machlnea; general

DIN 55 928 Part 4 Corrosion protectlon 01 steel structurel by organlc and metalnc coatlnga; pr8pamion and testlng of surfaces
DIN 55 928 Part 5 Corrosion protectlon of stael structur.. by organlc and metalllc coatlngs; coatlng materlall and protectlve

DIN 55 928 Part 6 Corrollon protectlon of steelltructurel by organlc and metalllc coatlnga; workmaNhlp and Inlpectlon of

corroalon protecttve wort

Recommendations of Commlttee Saugruben of the Deutsche Gese//scha" tU, Erd- und Grundb8u e. V.. obtalnable frorn Verlag

Wllhelm Emst & Sohn, Sertln.

DIN 4125 Part 1: 0672, 03.88; DIN 4125 Par12: 02.76- ,

DIN 4125 Par11. March 1988 edltion. and DIN 4125 Par1 2, February 1976 edltlon. have been combinad to form one standard, end

the tltle amanded accordingly.

Re claUH 1 RelUbcl8u" 5.1.3
Thls standard deals only wlth anchorages designed for a per- Ground or groundwater that Is highly aggressive (as defined
misslble anchorage load of 1300 kN Slnce, when Ihis standard in DIN 4030) Involves the risk of the bearing capaclty being
was prepared. adeQuate and reltable data were available only advers.1y affected by the time-dependent reductlon In skin
lor anchorages rated for these loada. triction. Under these condltions, ancnorages may be Instailed
It was nol deemed necessary to restrlct the use 01 anchor- If proof 15provtded in the fOrrT1of an expertlse that the level 01
ages to ground 01 adeQuete bearing capaclty (as in the case ground or water ag9ressivity does no~ alter tne bearing capa'
of cast-ln-place pileS) because. owlng to tne fact tnat all clty Ilgnlficantty durtng the servlce lite 01 the ancnorage
anchorages are lubjected lo acceptance telting. due allow- In the C88e 01 rack anchorages, there are generally only local
ance canp8rrT1lsslble
ing the be madI forworKtng
ground condlttons by speclfy-
accordin91y reductions
via crackl inIn tne
Ikin rack.
frictlon due to mountain water penetrating -

Page22 D'N.'25

1 2 t-

i- 1Ca8ing
a) Multl-bar tendon 2 Tendon
3 SpeC8r
1 2 1. .Olp

b) Monobar tendon

Agure 9. Examples 01 rlgld .pecera for temporary anchorages


a) Multi'bar tendon

b) Monobar tendon
Figure 10 Examples 01 'prlngy plaatlc or .,..1 .pecera lor temporary anchorages I

. .--o,.' --'. 0'.

OIN 4125 Page23


a) Monobar tandon

b) Multl-bar tendon


c) Multi-bar tendon

1 Tendon 1 Tendon
2 Sheath 0°, 2 Sheath
3 Seailng compound 3 Sea!
4 Grout 4 Protectlve tube
5 SeallnQplug 5 Cap
8 Sealing dlscs

r -.Figure 11. Examples 01 dlstal seala 01 "'eaths ~ure 12. Exampie 01 a cOfrolion protectlon ayatem
for temporary anchorag.. at !he anchor head 01 a t8mporary anchora;.

~ 24 CIN4125 .

Re ~-~~-~ 7~ ~ ~~-~ U
For upward Orlented rack anchorages of a strength at least ~ reé;¡ction In Fs may become neceuary tf the way in which »
eQual to that 01 the grout, packers need not be usedo the tendon la attached at the anchor head causes a reduction
in ttle force at whlctl ttle tendon stans to yieldo
Re aubdluse 1.4
PoI1-grouting generally results in a higtler bearing capaCIty Re 8Ubd8UM 8.5
owt ng to the stron ger bond between grout and ground thus
b) Measurements made on anchored waI1I sttuated beslde
prOduce do trafflC routes have demon8trated that tne actual fluctuatlons
Re IUbclaUM 1.5 ~raSlIn a preatre8l8d anchorage/ground aystem are very
If the anchor head is exposed to water under pressure and ttle o
flxed anchor lengttl cannot be echieved by flulhlng out or by e) In ~ CU88 due conalder8t1on anan be glven to the
the grout level dropplng. ttIe borehole can be ftlled ea the cal- amltation of defo~tion (eog. when anchor1ng bulldlngs or
ing II wittldrawn (eogoby meanl of bentonlte luapenalon) tak. IecUrtng gas pipewOl1().
In; care to prevent a bond wlttl ttle tendon (e.g. by introducing
an e¡altlc or compresslble agent Into the zone of transltlon Re lIecI8U8e 12
between free and flxed anchor length)o Th8 ~thOd of evaluatlon permita. wlttl adeQuate Iccuracy
A similar method may be used tf unstable boretlolel may glve for practlcal purposel. asseument 01 a ground Inctlorage In
risa to damage of bulldingl sltuated above. due to settlement relpect of beering capaCIty, free tendon lengttl, permanent
displlcement and losses due to friction during prestresslngo
Re aubdause 1.e.2 Umltlng Ilnes alnd b (cf. fIgure 8) constltute the lImIta be-

Spreadera haya generally proved sultable meanl to ensure an tw..n whlch ttle ellstlc dlsplacement la to lie to ensure thet
adeQuate spacJng 01 the tendon barso'" centrally located tube ttle calculated fr.. tendon length doel not differ signlficantly
of adeQuate diameter for lecondary groutlng may assume from the deslgn free tendon length and friction lolsel remaln
the tunction of Ipreaders. Multi-unlt ten dona tend to unravel wlthln acceptable lImIta.
at ttle dista! end: thls can be prevented by tylng the bara wlth
ate el atrap, for example.
Re ~~-~ 12.4
Re eubcl8use 7_e.e NormaJIy, the caiculated fr.. tendon i8ngth can be deter-
The borlhole recordl may also be uaed to check the ground mi'8d wIttI adequat8 aocuracy from equatlon (9)0 Where
condltions In ttle zone deflned by the flxed enchor length. It la Iargt frIdIon lo8Ie8 or frictIon lO"" varying wlth Increastng
recommended. when drilling in rock. that records be kept 01 anchorage lO8d are Hkeiy, the free tendon length should. more
the drllling steges. drllling pressure, flushlng media and ttle accurate+y. be determlned from the alope of ttle curve plotted
type 01 drill cuttings. for ttI8 laIt ioading cycte (as Itlown In figure B a»)o

1 rendon
2 Sheath
3 Seal
4 Protectlve tu be
5 Coupler

Figure 13 Corrosion protectlon of coupler of a temporary anchorage

.~-~ 0_' ---

DIN 4125 Pagl25


Sectlon A -A
(enlarged. shown
without grout)

1 Tlndon
2 Sheath
4 Corrugated sheath
5 Spreader
6 Grout
7 Spacer

Figure1.. Zone o, transition between fr.. tendon Iength and tendon bond lengtn o, .temporary anchorage

IntemationaJ Patent CIasaIflcatlon

E 02 D 21/00
E 01 F 7/04 -

G 01 N




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