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At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
1. Identify the safety signs and symbols and hazards to be avoided in welding.
2. Value the importance of safety signs and symbols and the use of PPE in welding
3. Remember and apply the safety tips and precautions and safety signs and symbols in
awareness of hazards in welding.


Title : Energy Transformation
Reference :Science Learner Module 9
Materials : LCD Projector



A. Classroom Routine
Opening Prayer
Checking of attendance

B. Review/ Recall

Let us have a recall about the previous topic:

“ Heat Ma’am”.
What was our lesson yesterday?

Ok very good I’m glad that you’ve still remember our

previous lesson. So now
let’s proceed

C. Motivation

What have observe in picture?(The teacher will show

pictures to the students)

-A light/sparks
-“smokes, Ma’am”
Any other observations?
Excellent! How about this one? What do the sign mean?

-“no smoking Ma’am!”

Okay. Very good! So let’s discuss about the welding hazards

in the Workplace: Safety Tips & Precautions and Welding
Safety Signs
-“To avoid accidents and
awareness in tackling welding
Why is it important to know the hazards in welding? Ma’am”.

Good answer!
Therefore, it’s important that you are aware of the risks and
hazards welding poses, and understand what precautions you
can take to protect yourself.
-“Electric shocks ma’am”
Any idea, what are the dangers that we should avoid in
welding workplace?

Yes it is. During the arc welding process, live electrical

circuits are used to create a pool of molten metal. Therefore,
when welding, you are at risk of experiencing an electric
shock. Electric shock is the most serious hazard posed by
welding and can result in serious injuries and fatalities, either
through a direct shock or from a fall from height after a
shock. You are also at risk of experiencing a secondary
electric shock should you touch part of the welding or
electrode circuit at the same time as touching the metal you
are welding.

You are particularly at risk if you work in electrically

hazardous conditions. These include welding:
 In damp conditions.
 While wearing wet clothing.
 On metal flooring or structures.
 In cramped conditions where you are required to lie,
kneel or crouch. -“Noise hazards Ma’am”

Anyone can give me another danger in welding?

Very good. When carrying out welding activities, you are

likely to be exposed to loud, prolonged noises. A loud noise
is considered to be above 85 dB(A), (60 decibel (dB) is the
normal conversation) and welding activities such as flame
cutting and air arc gouging can produce noise levels of over
100 dB(A). This can be very damaging to the ears and can
result in hearing impairment.

Regular or immediate exposure to loud noises can cause

permanent noise-induced hearing loss.

Noise-induced hearing loss can have the following side


 Ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus.

 Occasional dizziness, known as vertigo.
 Increased heart rate. -“Exposure to UV and IR
 Increased blood pressure. Radiation”
Please give me other hazards in welding.

Okay, very well. By looking at the intense bloom of UV

light produced when welding, without appropriate PPE or
welding curtains, can result in a painful and sometimes long-
lasting condition called arc-eye. Many factors can affect the
severity of a flash burn injury, such as distance, duration and
the angle of penetration. Long-term exposure to arc flashes
could also potentially result in cataracts and lead to a loss of

Other forms of eye damage include:

 Foreign bodies entering the eye, including grit,

sparks and dust.
 Particulate fumes and gases, which could lead to

- Exposure to Fumes and Gases
Other examples?

Excellent answer! In undertaking welding activities will expose

you to invisible gaseous fumes, including ozone, nitrogen
oxides, chromium and nickel oxides, and carbon monoxide
which can easily penetrate into your lungs. Depending on the
gas or fume, the concentration and duration of your
exposure, the resultant damage can be severe.

Illnesses caused by welding fumes and gases include:

 Pneumonia. Regular exposure to welding fumes and

gases can result in a lung infection which could then
develop into pneumonia. While antibiotics can
usually stop the infection, severe pneumonia can
result in hospitalisation, serious illness and fatalities.
 Occupational asthma. Chromium oxides and
nickel oxides produced by stainless steel and high
nickel alloy welding can both cause asthma.
 Cancer. All welding fumes are internationally
considered ‘carcinogenic’.
 Metal fume fever. Welding or hot work on
galvanised metal and high steel weld fume
exposure can often result in ‘flu-like’ symptoms,
which are usually worse at the start of the working
week. You might have heard that drinking milk
before welding will help you avoid developing metal
fume fever, but this is a myth.
 Throat and lung irritation, including throat dryness,
tickling of the throat, coughing and tight chests. “Ma’am Burns”

And lastly, can anyone give me the hazards in welding?

Thank you for best answer. Yes, it is. The combination of high-
temperature welding arcs, UV rays and molten metal means
you are susceptible to severe burns when welding. These
burns can affect the skin or eyes and can be very serious.
They can also happen very quickly.

Burns usually occur when welders think they can skip

taking precautions for a few quick welds. This is bad
practice. If you follow our outlined precautions, you should
be able to prevent burns.
So what are we going to do to prevent the hazards in “Use the proper PPE Ma’am”.

Very good! Of course we should.

Ensuring high levels of safety is vital when undertaking any

welding activity. Ignoring your PPE and safe working
practices can have serious repercussions and might even lead
to fatalities. Therefore, you should follow the safety
precautions below to protect yourself at work.

Always Wear Appropriate PPE( Personal Protective

Equipment )

Give me one example that is including in a PPE. “Helmets with side shields

Good answer! The PPE you receive will include:

Welding helmets with side-shields. Welding helmets

protect you from UV radiation, particles, debris, hot slag and
chemical burns. It’s important that you wear the right lens
shade for the work you are carrying out. Follow the
manufacturer’s guidelines and gradually adjust the lens filter
until you have good visibility that does not irritate your eyes.
You should also use a fire-resistant hood under your helmet
to protect the back of your head.

PPE also includes respirators. What do respirators protects -“Respirators. Respirators

us in welding? protect you from fumes and
oxides that the welding process
creates. Your respirator must be
suitable for the work you are
carrying out”.

Thank you for your answer.

Next, PPE includes Fire resistant clothing. What does it do? -“ Fire resistant clothing protects
you from heat, fire and radiation
created in the welding process
and shields you from burns. It
should have no cuffs, and
pockets must be covered by flaps
or taped closed. You should not
use synthetic clothing. Instead,
opt for leather and flame-
resistant treated cotton”.

-“Ear protection protects you

Thank you. How about the Ear protection? from noise hazards. It’s
important you wear ear
protection that is appropriate for
the noise created in your
workplace, and use fire resistant
ear muffs if there is a risk of
sparks or splatter entering the

-“Insulated, flame resistant

Very good! How about the boots and the gloves? How it will gloves and rubber-soled, steel
protect us? toe-capped safety shoes shield
you from electric shocks, heat,
fire, burns and falling objects”.
Thank you so much.

To receive full protection from your PPE, you

must not:

 Roll up sleeves or trousers. Rolling up your clothes

will leave you susceptible to molten metal or sparks
getting caught in the folds, which could potentially
lead to severe burns. You should also never tuck your
trousers into your work boots.

And also not to? (call a student) -“Remove your helmet while
welding. You must always wear
your helmet when welding and
when in the vicinity of another
welder. While the intensity of the
radiation produced decreases the
further you are from a welding
arc, those less than 10 metres
away are still susceptible to arc-
eye. Therefore, it’s important
that you remain behind welding
curtains or wear the correct PPE,
even if you aren’t the worker
carrying out the welding
Well done. Thank you.
Now let’s talk about Signs and Symbols. Why do you think signs and -“ Ma’am, signs are designed to
symbols are important? regulate and control safety related
behaviour, to warn of hazards and
to provide emergency information
including fire protection
Very good. Take note, that these are the different signs and symbols in

Mandatory Signs.
These signs specify an
that must be carried out.
Symbols (or “pictograms”) are depicted in
white on a blue circular background. Sign wording, if
necessary, is in black lettering on a white background.

Prohibition Signs These signs that

specify behaviour or actions which
are not permitted. The annulus and
slash is depicted in red over the action symbol in
black. Sign wording, if necessary, is in black lettering on a white
“Warning Sign. This sign warns of
What type of signage is this? hazards or a hazardous condition
that is not likely to be life-
threatening. The hazard symbol is
black on a yellow background and a
triangle is depicted around the
hazard symbol. Sign wording, if
necessary, is in black lettering on a
yellow background”.

Well done. How about this sign? “Danger Sign. This sign provides
warning when a hazard or a
hazardous condition is likely to be
life threatening. The word “Danger”
is featured inside a red oval inside a
black rectangle.

Thank you. Next is, this sign.

“Emergency Information Sign. This
sign indicates the location of, or
directions to emergency related
What kind of signage is it? facilities (exits, first aid, safety
equipment, etc). Feature a white
symbol and/or text on a green

Very good. Anyone can tell me what type of signage is this one? “Fire Signs advise the location of
fire alarms and firefighting
equipment. They contain a white
symbol and/or text on a red

Well done. The last one will be this one. What kind of signage is this?
They communicate information of a
general nature and often refer to
Housekeeping, Company Practices
and Logistics”.

Excellent! Please give yourself a big round of applause.

D. Activity DO’S DON’TS

Directions: Group yourselves into 3 groups. In your cartolina, give Group 1: Do not roll
at least 1 do’s and don’ts in welding workplace. wear up sleeves
Group 2
Use ear Do not
protection wear wet
Group 3
Use ear Do not
protector remove
Answers may vary

E. Generalization
How can we prevent all the welding hazards in the workplace? - “We can prevent all the
welding hazards by using
proper and appropriate
PPE from electric shocks,
blindness, deafness, lung
disease and burns.
IV. Evaluation
Direction: get ¼ sheet of paper and choose the correct letter of your best answer.
1. What is the most serious hazard posed by welding and can result in serious injuries and
a. Burns b. electric shock c. noise hazard
2. With what kind of signs and symbol it belongs?
a. Prohibition signs b. general information
c. warning signs

3. Analogy : UV and IR Radiation : arc-eye , fumes and gases : ___________

a. Pneumonia b. burns c. deafness
4. These signs warn of hazards or a hazardous condition that is not likely to be life-threatening.
a. Mandatory signs b. prohibition signs c. warning sign
5. Is it necessary to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in doing welding?
a. Yes, because it will help to protect myself from danger in welding.
b. No, because I am expert in welding and have knowledge in avoiding welding
c. Maybe.

V. Assignments
For your assignment:
 Search the different tools and equipments used in welding.
 Give their uses.

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