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Land Survey Overview

GNSS Solutions
(C) 2012 Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved. Spectra Precision is a Division of Trimble Navigation Limited.
20/08/2019 05:05:56

Project Name : Project56

Spatial Reference System : WGS 84
Time Zone : (UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
Linear Units : Meters

Coordinate System Summary

Coordinate system
Name : WGS 84
Type : Geographic
Unit name : Radians
Radians per unit : 1
Vertical datum : Ellipsoid
Vertical unit : Meters
Meters per unit : 1

Name : WGS 84
Ellipsoid Name : WGS 84
Semi-major Axis : 6378137.000 m
Inverse Flattening : 298.257223563
DX to WGS84 : 0.0000 m
DY to WGS84 : 0.0000 m
DY to WGS84 : 0.0000 m
RX to WGS84 : -0.000000 "
RY to WGS84 : -0.000000 "
RZ to WGS84 : -0.000000 "
ppm to WGS84 : 0.000000000000

Control Points : 1
Reference Points : 0
Logged Points : 1
Target Points : 0
Intermediate Points : 0

Control Points
Name Components Error Status Control Error
cbtm Long 103° 55' 50.07683"E 0.000 FIXED
Lat 1° 04' 15.78097"N 0.000 FIXED
Ellips height 15.668 0.000 FIXED
Description cbtm

Logged Points
Name Components Error Status
BM1 SEM Long 104° 13' 32.14321"E 0.163 Processed (static)
Lat 0° 48' 42.15083"N 0.144 Processed (static)
Ellips height 17.938 0.126 Processed (static)
Name Start Time Sampling Epochs Size (Kb) Type
03402222.19o 19/08/10 15:11:25 1 8420 6154 L1 GPS/GLONASS/WAAS
cbtm2220.19d 19/08/10 07:00:00 30 2880 3057L1/L2 GPS/GLONASS/WAAS

Site Start Time Time span Type File
BM1 SEM 10 August 2019 15:11:25.00 02:20:19.00 Static 03402222.19o
cbtm 10 August 2019 07:00:00.00 23:59:30.00 Static cbtm2220.19d

Reference Reference File Rover Rover File Mode Num
cbtm cbtm2220.19d BM1 SEM 03402222.19o Static 1

Processed vectors
Vector 95% Vector 95%
Vector Identifier Length Error Components Error SV PDOP QA Solution
cbtm - BM1 SEM 43595.987 0.358 X -31965.769 0.146 18 1.2 No Float
19/08/10 15:11:25.00 Y -7528.182 0.145
+02:20:19.00 Z -28672.743 0.145
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